Display element in layout view base on existence of other element - bixby

Come after going through the solution for How to check whether a text value content exists in a Bixby layout view.
My issues is on audio element, i will check for the existence of audioItem.duration before display their title one-by-one on a list. I had make sure on the debug console that some audio is with duration while some didn't. So i try on the result view with macro
image-url ("#{value(audioItem.albumArtUrl)}")
title-area {
value ("#{value(audioItem.title)}")
It display empty but without that if it will display all of it without filter. How should i improve on the code?

The code you provided does not look wrong. In this case, the support team may need to view your code in its entirety in order to help you with this behavior.
I would recommend reaching out to the support team via the "Contact Support" option under the Help dropdown menu of Bixby Developer Studio.


Acumatica Mobile Modify the Location fields to be able to scan a barcode

We are currently using the Acumatica Mobile to process Bin Transfers. We are also looking at the Scandit app to be able to scan the from and to bin location labels in the warehouse. So far with testing We can scan the locations, but only in the search window. We would like to be able to scan/enter the locations on the main screen without going to the search window. It seems the selector forces you to go to the search window. Is there a way around this in Acumatica Mobile.
This is a fairly old question with a relatively new solution. I am using 2020R1 where we now can leverage the built-in scanning capability in the Mobile App.
Your field must be defined in the ASPX as a textedit. Then simply add the field to the mobile app screen (if not already there) and decorate it with special = BarCodeScan as shown in the example below.
add screen ZZ301000 {
add container "ScanContainer" {
add field "MyBarcode"
special = BarCodeScan
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add recordAction "Save" {
behavior = Save
add recordAction "Cancel" {
behavior = Cancel
add recordAction "Insert" {
behavior = Create
The result will be similar to the image below:
By clicking on the barcode icon, the built-in barcode reader will open to utilize the camera to scan the barcode.
You can try to set ForceType to "String" for the Location field to replace selector with a text edit. This will allow to type values directly on the form, but you will loose all selector functionality, like searching for records. Another option is to set the PickerType property to Searchable. For more information about the Field tag attributes, please refer to Acumatica Product Documentation

OrchardCMS: How to access Content Menu Item boolean field in cshtml view

In orchard, I've added a boolean field called "IsDone" to the built in Content Menu Item content part via that Admin interface. I've then picked an item in Navigation and set the option to "yes" for the corresponding field i added.
In my custom theme, I've copied over MenuItem.cshtml.
How would I get the value of my custom "IsDone" field here?
I've tried something like
dynamic item = Model.ContentItem;
var myValue = item.MenuItem.IsDone.Value;
but I'm pretty sure my syntax is incorrect (because i get null binding errors at runtime).
thanks in advance!
First i suggest you use the shape alternate MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml instead of MenuItem.cshtml to target the content menu item directly.
Secondly, the field is attached to the ContentPart of the menu item. The following code retrieves the boolean field from this content part:
#using Orchard.ContentManagement;
#using System.Linq;
Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem lContentItem = Model.Content.ContentItem;
var lBooleanField = lContentItem
.Where(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == "ContentMenuItem") // *1
.SelectMany(p => p.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == "IsDone"))
.FirstOrDefault() as Orchard.Fields.Fields.BooleanField;
if (lBooleanField != null)
bool? v = lBooleanField.Value;
if (v.HasValue)
if (v.Value)
#("not done")
#("not done")
Sadly you cannot simply write lContentItem.As<Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart>() here as the first part in the part list is derived from this type, thus you would receive the wrong part.
While #ViRuSTriNiTy's answer is probably correct, it doesn't take advantage of the power of the dynamic objects that Orchard provides.
This is working for me but is a much shorter version:
bool? IsDone = Model.Content.ContentMenuItem.IsDone.Value;
var IsItDoneThough = (IsDone.HasValue ? IsDone.Value : false);
<p>Is it done? #IsItDoneThough</p>
You can see that in the first line I pull in the IsDone field using the dynamic nature of the Model.
For some reason (I'm sure there is a good one somewhere) the BooleanField uses a bool? as its backing value. This means that if you create the new menu item and just leave the checkbox blank it will be null when you query it. After you have saved it as checked it will be true and then if you go back and uncheck it then it will have the value false.
The second line that I've provided IsItDoneThough checks if it has a value yet. If it does then it uses that, otherwise it assumes it to be false.
Shape Alternate
#ViRuSTriNiTy's other advice, to change it to use the MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml instead of MenuItem.cshtml is also important.
The field doesn't exist on other menu items so it will crash if you try to access it. Just rename the .cshtml file to fix this.
Dynamic Model
Just to wrap this up with a little bit of insight as to how I got there (I'm still learning this as well) the way I figured it out is as follows:
.Content is a way of casting the current content item to dynamic, so you can use the dynamic advantages with the rest of line;
When you add the field in the admin panel it looks like it should be right there on the ContentItem, however it actually creates an invisible ContentPart to contain them and calls it whatever the ContentItem's type is.
So if you had added this field to a Page content type you would have used Model.Content.Page.IsDone.Value. If you had made a new content type called banana it would be Model.Content.Banana.IsDone.Value, etc.
Once you are inside the "invisible" part which holds the fields you can finally get at IsDone. This won't give you the actual value yet though. Each Field has its own properties which you can look up in the source code. the IsDone is actually a BooleanField and it exposes its data via the Value property.
Try doing a solution-wide search for : ContentField to see the classes for each of the fields you have available.
Hopefully this will have explained things clearly but I have actually written about using fields in a blog post and as part of my getting started with modules course over on the official docs (its way down in part 3 if you're curious).
Using built-in features instead of IsDone
This seems like a strange approach to do it this way. If you have a Content Item like a Page then you can just use the "Show on a menu" setting on the page.
Go to admin > content > open the page > down near the bottom you will find "Show on a menu":
This will automatically put it into your navigation and then you can move it around to where you want:
After it "IsDone" you can just go back and untick the "Show on a menu" option.
Setting up the alternative .cshtml
To clarify your comments about how to use the alternative, you need to
Copy the file you have at Orchard.Core/Shapes/Views/MenuItem.cshtml over to your theme's view folder so its /Views/MenuItem.cshtml
Rename the copy in your theme to MenuItem-ContentMenuItem.cshtml
Delete probably everything in it and paste in my sample at the start of this post. You don't want most of the original MenuItem.cshtml code in there as it is doing some special tricks to change itself into a different shape which isn't what you want.
Reset your original Orchard.Core/Shapes/Views/MenuItem.cshtml back to the factory default, grab it from the official Orchard repository
Understanding the view names
From your comments you asked about creating more specific views (known as alternates). You can use something call the Shape Tracer to view these. The name of them follows a certain pattern which makes them more and more specific.
You can learn about the alternates on the official docs site:
Accessing and Rendering Shapes
To figure out what shape is being used and what alternates are available you can use the shape tracing module which is documented here:
Getting Started with Shape Tracing

xpages dojo validation textbox required

I have dojo validation textbox in my xpage with required property computed (compute dynamically) as below
var syn = getComponent("SynCboxGrp").getValue();
if (syn == "Yes")
{return true;
return false;
Here the component SynCboxGrp is radio button. The text box is required based on the radio button value. But its not working properly. Changing radio button value doesnt change the required behaviour.
Appreciate any help
Thanks stwissel, Per Henrik Lausten and Eric.
I only have this ssjs in required property
<xe:djValidationTextBox id="UBOCAgent" value="#{dsRacDoc.UBOCAgent}" disableClientSideValidation="true">
<xe:this.required><![CDATA[#{javascript:var syn = getComponent("SynCboxGrp").getValue();
if (syn == "Yes")
return true;
return false;
I also tried this partial refresh code on my radio button onclick event XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:UBOCAgent}");
This still doesnt change the behaviour. It works based on the initial radio button value. On the negative side since its a get request it updates the field content from the server. I also tried Eric's suggestion disable client validation but that didnt help.
Eric, I am also trying to go with CSJS wherever possible but in this case the required property only has the SSJS option. So not sure how to try CSJS. Should i try creating my own dojo field instead of using one from entension lib? If so i am not sure how to compute required property for that. If you can help me with some sample code that would be great help.
Thanks for your time.
You're doing a partialRefreshGet, which is updating the Dojo Validation Text Box. But you never post back the updated value from the radio, so the server-side value for the radio button is still the initial value. Consequently, required is still false.
Check the markup when required is true on the Dojo Validation Text Box, but the validation triggers client-side, so there should be an attribute in the markup that you can manipulate via CSJS, if that is your preferred route.
Do you have particular latency issues that you need to work around? Picking up on this and the other question you have about doing a lookup to a database on click of a button, you're hitting a few problems. I don't know how experienced you are in XPages development, but it's not an approach I would recommend without a good understanding of client-side output and server-side component trees. The initial page load of your XPage will also be slower and the size of the HTML passed to the browser will be larger, because of the amount of CSJS passed to the browser.
I would recommend using the in-built partial refresh except for situations where browser to server network is a significant issue, and only then falling back to coding your own partial refresh posting a subset of data. In my experience, it's easier and quicker to develop, easier to debug and more flexible.
For this particular scenario, regardless of whether you code the partial refresh yourself or use inbuilt functionality, one point I'm not certain of is this. That once you set validation on the Dojo Validation Text Box, that validation runs client-side and may impact any attempt to un-set the required property by posting to the server. I haven't tested, so can't be certain.
One of two things:
as previously mentioned, to trigger your SSJS value change, ensure a partial (at least) refresh of the element containing your above code; can be done with a container element. Also, check to see if your field's disableClientSideValidation parameter is set (All Properties view).
convert your SSJS code (which merely returns a binary assessment of a Yes or otherwise, I'm assuming No, value) to CSJS
Of late, after the primary development of my current project, I have started favoring the CSJS approach, for the sake of decreasing server-side call backs; most especially in situations where display/rendering of a component is all I'm trying to achieve. If you go this route, remember that dojo.byId("#{id:myControlsServerNameHere}").value (for a text field, see below for scraping a radio button value) combined with setting the display or visible CSS properties can be very handy. As the docs describe, if you want it to exist on the page but not show (for formatting purposes, also, can preserve default value), go the visibility route, otherwise display property.
The CSJS scrape of radio values that I'm currently using is as follows:
var result=null;
for(i=0; i<document.forms[0].elements.length;i++){
if(document.forms[0].elements[i].checked == true){
//then handle your result, either with an if, or switch statement
Hope this helps. If there's more you're having trouble with, post back with more code to give the bigger picture.

Watir : How do we capture the subitems displayed by doing mouseover on a particular item

I am trying to work with mouseover on a particular Item in my application by using the following command
ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing mouseover on a item, two subitems are displayed.
Is there any way to capture the sub items which are part of the Item by doing mouseover with which we can report that our test is pass or fail.
Please suggest.
Additional Information :
If we take example,On the StackOver flow page, If i do mouseover on my name, i get a window where i see activity, privileges, Logout and other stuff. This is really what i was looking for. Is there a way to capture the items displayed on the window on doing mouseover.
I also tried to capture the subitems with the following :
text=ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing this "text" value is displayed as 'nil'.
My general tactic for such things is a combination of using IRB and the IE Developer tool, or Firebug.
using IRB, type out (or cut and paste) the watir statement to fire the onmouseover command to the proper element on the page.
Then have the developer tool rescan the DOM (there's a little refresh icon you can click) The use the tool to point to an element to point to one of the items in the stuff exposed by the onmouseover. Using the info from that, you can then figure out how to address those elements to get the text from the proper div, etc.
If I do that here to the info that opens up when I float the mouse over my name I can find out that it is a table of class "profile-recent-summary" Furthermore I can then look at the way the table is made up and see for example that the 'today' reputation value is in the second cell on that row.. The row also has the text 'reputation' in it.. so
browser.table(:class, 'profile-recent-summary').row(:text, /reputation/).cell(:index, 2).flash
Should flash the cell I want (index might be 1 if using firewatir or webdriver) I can then replace the .flash with something else like .text if I want to get the text from that cell (which is actually inside a link that sits in the cell)..
without seeing your code, I would 'inspect' the element that you are trying to verify and when_present (text) assert that its true

How to add found item to a QListView using Qt?

I am trying to implement search option for my file browser application.
I can get the item after taking an input from the user. Now, I want to add this item to my listview. Also after the search is over, the item should be clickable to open them.
Here, is the piece of code... Any suggestions will be appreciated.
void Browser::search()
QDirIterator it(path,QDir::AllDirs|QDir::Files|QDir::NoSymLinks|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot,QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
qDebug()<<"it.fileinfo = "<<it.fileInfo().fileName();
Instead of List View you can use List Widget and simply fill the list using method addItem or addItems. If your list is small/simple it doesn't in my opinion make sense to use Model-View paradigm.
Look at QListWidget in documentation
You should read more about model/view concept. You add data to your model not to a view. You'll find in this article sections "Editable items" and "Resizable models", which address your issue.
