Watir : How do we capture the subitems displayed by doing mouseover on a particular item - watir

I am trying to work with mouseover on a particular Item in my application by using the following command
ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing mouseover on a item, two subitems are displayed.
Is there any way to capture the sub items which are part of the Item by doing mouseover with which we can report that our test is pass or fail.
Please suggest.
Additional Information :
If we take example,On the StackOver flow page, If i do mouseover on my name, i get a window where i see activity, privileges, Logout and other stuff. This is really what i was looking for. Is there a way to capture the items displayed on the window on doing mouseover.
I also tried to capture the subitems with the following :
text=ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing this "text" value is displayed as 'nil'.

My general tactic for such things is a combination of using IRB and the IE Developer tool, or Firebug.
using IRB, type out (or cut and paste) the watir statement to fire the onmouseover command to the proper element on the page.
Then have the developer tool rescan the DOM (there's a little refresh icon you can click) The use the tool to point to an element to point to one of the items in the stuff exposed by the onmouseover. Using the info from that, you can then figure out how to address those elements to get the text from the proper div, etc.
If I do that here to the info that opens up when I float the mouse over my name I can find out that it is a table of class "profile-recent-summary" Furthermore I can then look at the way the table is made up and see for example that the 'today' reputation value is in the second cell on that row.. The row also has the text 'reputation' in it.. so
browser.table(:class, 'profile-recent-summary').row(:text, /reputation/).cell(:index, 2).flash
Should flash the cell I want (index might be 1 if using firewatir or webdriver) I can then replace the .flash with something else like .text if I want to get the text from that cell (which is actually inside a link that sits in the cell)..

without seeing your code, I would 'inspect' the element that you are trying to verify and when_present (text) assert that its true


JointJS - how to change the content of a joint.elementTools.Button when clicked

I used the example code to create an info button (https://resources.jointjs.com/tutorial/element-tools). But I would like it to change when clicked. (I actually modified the example to show a "+" instead of a blue info circle, by using text and textContent instead of a path in the markup definition. But I would be happy to learn how to make the original example change when clicked, too.)
So when you click it I want it to show some info and change to a "-". And then if you click the "-", change back to a "+". I don't see how to change the textContent of the elementTools.Button programmatically or in an event. It was easy enough to change the label of the associated Rectangle. Inside the event I just did this.model.attr("label/text", "whatever"). But how to do it to the element tool Button?
There is an example that's pretty good, using a custom element containing subelements not tools (halfway through https://resources.jointjs.com/tutorial/events). Does it mean I can't use an element tool, that element tools can't change on an event?
The behaviour of the Button tool can be adjusted in the callback function in options.action.
joint.elementTools.InfoButton = joint.elementTools.Button.extend({
name: 'info-button',
options: {
action: function(evt, elementView, buttonView) {
// your action
Although, in your case I would probably go with the example using custom events you linked in your question. It is probably more flexible to work with an element rather than a tool in this instance.

Element not recognized

Working on Coded UI testing and for scripts developed using Record Capture and playback feature (ctrl +I).
The problem is when the page has sub-menus (e.g. I need to hover over menu link then click sub-menu). When I record and capture element using Ctrl+I and executed a script it recognizes, but when I ran the script for the second time the element gets changed and it's not recognized.
I have tried simple x path utility posted here but coudn't able to use this feature. What would be the problem for always element id's getting changed. How to resolve it ?
Are you sure it isn't a nested object?
See http://executeautomation.com/blog/how-to-identify-all-the-child-elements-within-a-page-in-coded-ui-test-cuit/
You could also try EnsureClickable()
There could few reasons behind not recognizing an element:
List item Element is not visible when you are trying to click on it.
If Type of Parent Element is e.g. winclient then it’s difficult in coded UI to identify its child elements.
There could various solutions, you can try:
First Click on Menu Item and then click on Sub Menu Item, if you are directly clicking on sub menu item in your recorded script, this will make sub menu element visible.
Also you can check the visibility from Coded UI Test Builder-> Add Assertion button then going to UI Control Map, then select the element in tree and click on Refresh. It will show if element is visible or not.
If Ids are changing, then you can various other properties like Name, ClassName, InnerText, ControlType, TagInstance, ControlName etc. whichever is supported by Element.

Unable to check the checkbox in GEB

I am trying to check my check box in Geb.
I have tried following codes, but no luck
$('input', type:'checkbox', id: 'chkTermsConditions', tabindex: '-1').value('true')
Following is the HTML
After mouse go over the check box additional text updated (marked in the screen shot)
You are attempting to check the box which has the attribute with value='true'
From the Geb manual:
The value of input, select and textarea elements can be retrieved and set with the value method. Calling value() with no arguments will return the String value of the first element in the Navigator. Calling value(value) will set the current value of all elements in the Navigator. The argument can be of any type and will be coerced to a String if necessary. The exceptions are that when setting a checkbox value the method expects a boolean (or, an existing checkbox value) and when setting a multiple select the method expects an array or Collection of values.
Try this:
If you are using non standard HTML generated by some other platform. You may have to resort to clicking the element or using javascript.
The element that produces the desired click result could be one of the surrounding elements. If the widget is javascript controlled you may have to call a function that is embedded into the page for that widget. If its a javascript widget I cannot help you unless you can point me to a page which uses the same platform.
or any of the other surrounding elements.
I managed to check the check box with $(".CheckBoxStyle").click()
Only issue is still Submit button doesn't get enable. Following is the html code for before and after checking the check box in real situation.
I tried the to click on the submit button with following code. It doesn't give any error. But still doesn't move to next page as expected.May be because of Submit button disable issue.
Edited :
It was turned out above was application related issue. We have to click on the address after selecting via address validation service. Then only Submit button get enable.

How can we use ONLY client side script for "hide/whens"?

I am working on a large, worldwide application, which includes access from areas of low bandwidth. As such, I want to use a minimum of SSJS or partial refreshes for all the complex hide/when calculations. Here is what I have so far for a simple "hide/when":
A Yes/No radio button, with CSJS to show a panel ("Yes") or hide the
panel ("No").
The panel has a formTable inside it, and the values are shown or hidden, as per #1.
In the XPage's onClientLoad, the following code is run:
// "getRadioValue" is a simple script to return the value of a radio button
var v_value = getRadioValue("#{id:radioButton}");
v_div = '#{javascript:getClientId("radioButtonPanel")}';
// show or hide div simply use dojo to change the display of the panel
if (v_value == 'Yes') {
} else {
For a new document, the onClientLoad script will hide the "radioButtonPanel" successfully. Changing the radio button to "Yes" will show the radioButtonPanel, just as clicking "No" will hide it. It works great! :-)
Once the document is saved and reopened in read mode, though, the onClientLoad CSJS event should read the saved value in the document, and decide to show the panel or not. When the document is opened in edit mode, the onClientLoad fires, reads the radioButton value and successfully shows or hides the panel.
This is what I've tried so far, to get it to work in read mode:
In CSJS, using "#{javascript:currentDocument.getItemValueString('radioButton'}" to get the value,
Doing some calculations in the "rendered" or "visible" properties, but that's SSJS and, if hidden, prevents any of the "show/hideDiv" CSJS visibility style changes.
Adding an old fashioned "div" to compute the style (which is what I used to do before XPages), but since I can't do pass-thru html any more, I can't seem to get a CSJS calculation for the style. Ideally, I can do something like this:
<div id="radioButtonPanel" style="<ComputedValue>">
Where the ComputedValue would read the back end value of the document, and decide to add nothing or "display:none".
Note that I don't want to use viewScopes, since this long form would need many of them for all the other hide/when's.
Is there any way to make this 100% CSJS? I feel like I'm very close, but I wonder if there's something I'm just missing in this whole process.
First, rather than computing style, I'd recommend computing the CSS class instead -- just define a class called hidden that applies the display:none; rule. Then toggling visibility becomes as simple as a call to dojo.addClass or dojo.removeClass.
Second, I see that you're using the #{id:component} syntax to get the client ID of the radio button but using SSJS to get the client ID of the panel. Use the id: syntax for both; this is still just a server-side optimization, but if there are many instances of these calculations, it adds up. Similarly, replace #{javascript:currentDocument.getItemValueString('radioButton'} with #{currentDocument.radioButton}. Both will return the same value, but the latter will be faster.
Finally, any attribute of a pass-thru tag (any component with no namespace, like xp: or xc:) can still be computed, but you'll need to populate the expression by hand, since the editor doesn't know which attributes for valid for these tags, and therefore doesn't provide a graphical expression editor. So if the ideal way to evaluate the initial display is by wrapping the content in a div, the result might look something like this:
<div class="#{javascript:return (currentDocument.getValue('radioButton') == 'Yes' ? 'visible' : 'hidden');}">

How to click a strange link looks like button in watir

I want to use the Watir to click a link that looks like a button attached the image.
I use the following method,but doesn't works:
is working fine but click is not working in IE and FF
Link looks like this:
And HMTL like this:
Note: I am able to click on the element using selenium IDE with clickAt method
Try this (not tested):
browser.link(:class => "x-tab-strip-menu").click
If you can flash the link, but click does not do what you want, see this: How to find out which JavaScript events fired?
FYI what you have are links that are using standard background images controlled via CSS magic that keys on the class of the link to know what background to set. That's where the image comes from, and why you don't see it as part of the link in the HTML.
In that control, each tab is a list item element (li) in an unordered list (ul), and each list item has an ID, so that's the easiest way to tell it which tab you are trying to click inside.
Try identifying things starting with the LI that is the tab container, as within that container there is only one instance of each link of a given class. Of the 4 links, only one is without any kind of easy identifier, and if you need to click that one you'd need to use :index, but for the other 3 links using :class ought to work. This should result in code that is less brittle and subject to being broken if the order of tabs changes, or the page is refactored.
#browser.li(:id,"NetworkAnalysisTabPanel__ext-comp-1038").link(:class, "x-tab-strip-menu").click
If the number at the end of the ID is subject to change, you can try a regular expression to match the part you can predict and is unique from the others
#browser.li(:id,/NetworkAnalysisTabPanel__ext-comp-/).link(:class, "x-tab-strip-menu").click
If you can reliably identify the object and use .flash but .click does not seem to do anything, you may have to use .fire_event('onclick') instead or .click.
#browser.li(:id,/NetworkAnalysisTabPanel__ext-comp-/).link(:class, "x-tab-strip-menu").fire_event('onclick')
If that does not work, then you need to start experimenting with likely events that the control might be looking for (which will not necessarily show up in the HTML btw.. it may be in javascript or CSS etc)
This is where having an live example of the control that we can interact with is critical. doing some googling on the class names I was able to find one here and that let me play with it a little, and what I discovered is that it is looking for onmousedown. so, on that site, this works
browser.li(:id, 'TabPanel1__ctl07').link(:class, 'x-tab-strip-menu').fire_event('onmousedown')
Now since those ID's may not be the best identifier, a bit more digging (using .text on the li that holds the tab parts) found me some text, which in a menu like that ought to be unique.. SO, we can change this to make things a bit more robust and clearer as to what tab I'm clicking on (this will also be less subject to breaking if the tabs change around.
browser.li(:text, 'Menu 1').link(:class, 'x-tab-strip-menu').fire_event('onmousedown')
Lastly, since the click is causing client side code to execute, you may need a brief pause (a one or two second sleep) to wait for that portion of the page to re-render etc.
