I am using localstorage to store some basic data in my flutter web app. Everything works fine but my problem is that the data is not available when I restart the browser.
// setting the data
html.window.localStorage["user-key"] = "Hello There";
//Reading it
String val = html.window.localStorage["user-key"];
I want to know if this is the intended behavior or intended behavior for testing in flutter web or an error on my side.
According to the documentation it is supposed to stay across different sessions including closing and re-opening the browser. Check here.
I suspect you might be overwriting the key. So the idea would be check if the storage already has the key and then populate it as suggested in the documentation.
Also in flutter web debug mode you are opening a new profile of chrome instance if I am right, which doesn't have access to other instance storage. Correct me if I am wrong.
You can test this by accessing the URL in your usual browser instance instead of the one opened by flutter and closing it and reopening it again.
There are several other posts in SO which talk about this behavior of local storage and possible causes.
I have tried everything. I configured Windows Server 2019 according to Microsoft documentation and I successfully deployed a .NET 5 web application to the IIS.
I can get to the login page. I can even get to the forgot password page and they show themselves fine. However when I try to do any action (send the forgot password link or login to the page) I get a "Bad Request" from the server. I haven't found a way to explain why.
I have tried several, and I mean several things found Googling around but nothing helps. This include disabling https within the .NET Core application, trying to get a detailed error page using the app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); instruction inside Startup, etc etc but nothing works. I always receive this page trying to execute any action:
If someone could help or point me into the right direction, I will really, REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you
PD: In case it has anything to do with the problem, the error, at least the two that I can reproduce (because I can't even log in), happens, I think (maybe don't) when redirecting to another page in Microsoft Identity.
EDIT: code was asked by one of you. Thank you.
As you see, there's nothing specific in the forgot password screen for my application. This is scaffold code from Microsoft Identity. I even edited it and just let one line of code inside it, which is the default return code anyway as follow:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
return RedirectToPage("./ForgotPasswordConfirmation");
As you can see, there's nothing special with that code. Here's the html that calls it, again, is a scaffold of Microsoft Identity with little to no changes (by little, I mean, maybe some CSS and a new value of view data):
But then again, forgot password page actually shows and seems well in the front end, but immediately I try to enter my email and click enter in this page, (also, just a scaffold of Microsoft Identity):
Nothing happens. I receive the bad request. There's NO magic nor custom code here. Something silly is going on.
EDIT II: YES, locally it works perfectly. The strange behavior happens only when deployed to IIS.
EDIT III: I coded and enabled logging in my .NET Core APP and wrote that to a file, and I think I finally got, at least the error (not the reason yet):
But why?? Cookies are enabled in the server browser without avail, same issue. Someone has a better idea than disabling anti forgery rules to login and forgot password pages?
Thank you
For some reason, when I deployed the first version of my app into IIS, I thought it was a good idea to just browse it from the IIS link. Of course, in a new mounted Windows Server 2019, IE is still the default browser. I connected directly to the IP of my web app via VPN, but used Chrome this time. Guess what? All problems disappeared. Yes, it's a bad idea to try to use a modern framework like .NET Core Identity with IE.
I was viewing this website which has an awesome customized search options panel. I was wondering how can we remember the state of checkboxes and textfields when the query returns the results and HTML page renders. Take this page for example, it saves the user's selected options when the page refreshes. I want to implement this feature in Node, Mongo and Express.
There are two ways you could do this. If you want to persist the options long term, when the user selects something, you'd send a POST or PUT request to the server and have the server save the settings in Mongo. The second option (which I think is a better choice here) is to just use local storage on the client. See this documentation for how to use local storage.
With local storage, everything is client-side, so you don't have to worry about the latency and complication of dealing with the server. The user will have their options saved on that computer until they go into their browser settings and delete it.
Edit: I think what you're looking for is session storage. This is similar to local storage but it gets reset when the browser window closes or the session expires.
I am developping web applications using the Xpages framework from the IBM Lotus Notes technology.
My users don't use the embedded Notes Client browser, but use a regular modern browser (Firefox, Chrome) to browse Notes applications.
Everything is ok when the user has an internet connexion, he can access the application on the online server through his favorite browser.
However some of my applications need to be used Offline, in local. When a user works in local, he opens the IBM Notes Client, go to his workspace and click to open an application locally. Then, the Notes Client runs a http server on a random port and open the application with the embedded Notes Client browser.
What I want to achieve is to be able to open the application on a regular browser (Firefox, Chrome), by just using the default system browser and not the embedded Notes Client browser.
Here is what I tried without success :
With window.location.href I get the port where the local http server runs and the path to the page that is opened in the embedded Notes Client browser. I get this kind of result :
So I just keep the interesting part :
Now I need to pass the session id has a parameter of this http request so the browser will have the right to access the application. I get the session ID with the following :
From this I get an ID and I build my complete http request :
But when I try this into a regular browser, instead of getting the page I get an error 500. If I look at the log of the server, I see the following error message :
Exception Thrown
javax.servlet.ServletException: The request is not coming from a trusted Rich Client part
But I am sure my ID is correct. I tried to investigate this on the internet but no success for now, I would be happy if someone has an idea about what do I miss? Or maybe another way to open a local application in the default system browser?
Thank you!
In short, you can't. This is disabled by security restrictions.
But maybe you should think again about a XPiNC application: With 9.0.1, the underlying XULRunner component was upgraded and supports now HTML5 and a lot of the "newer" features.
It matches Firefox 10.0.6, here are the HTML5 test results:
The only reasonable action you have at you disposal is to install Domino designer on the clients. Then you get the nhttp task that serves to a standard browser (you might get away analysing what nhttp needs and only install that part).
The caveat there: the local nhttp does not support authentication. So you need to hack around it (e.g. copy data back and forth between the local NSF and the properly secured one).
Alternative you could try the approach I took with vert.x (should work with any Java container, but then you won't have any XPages, just raw Domino data.
Danielle pushed that forward with the Crossworlds Project - which might be what you need.
Stephan says it as it is: the way you are considering is just going to cause you huge headaches.
If offline capacity is a must, have you thought about creating a pure Notes-Client application? That would certainly be far easier.
I'm in twith rouble the trial version of Azure.
I don t get any trouble by creating the demo website.
However it seems to be impossible to create any Demo database.
I get the message 'adminPassword' cannot be empty
Impossible to create the database server too.
I specified the server name, user Id, password connexion string.
Is it due to the fact that tal version are not allowed to create an SQL serverinstance?
I hope you didn't quit yet. I started with Azure today. I was having the same problem as you. I was viewing the dashboard in Chrome. For some reason Chrome was not sending the password in the request. I switched to Internet Explorer, and what do you know, it worked.
I have found no joy in getting any of the sample programs for Chrome to connect to my Chromecasts.
The Chromecasts have been registered and I am able to browse to their IP address port 9222 successfully.
Both the Chrome browser and Beta extension are up to date.
I have tried the CastHelloVideo-Chrome, CastMedia-Chrome and Cast-Tictactoe-Chrome and all fail to connect. The developer console shows a pair of errors:
GET chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js net::ERR_FAILED
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('file://') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').
When testing our own code we get an error when calling requestSession but the message returned by Chrome.cast.Error is useless since the function and variable names have been obscured.
I also have a difficult time testing the examples for Chrome. I decided to use Chrome to test because debugging JavaScript is so much quicker than going directly to Android. I spent hours trying to figure out why I keep getting the error message GET chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js net::ERR_FAILED and Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('file://') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null') if I run it from my PC but not when I run it from an example website at http://www.videws.com/eureka/helloVideos/ provided by one of the Cast developers at Google. I keep reading/trying different combinations from his readme note in the example until it dawned on me what he meant by "Put all files on your own server" instead of "computer".
I created a public weblink on my Google Drive, make the folder public and copied all the files there. When go to Google drive on the web, preview the example (index.html), the example runs beautifully. I tried tic-tac-toe. It also runs.
So the answer is you need to run it off a website -- not from a local file in your computer (ctrl-O in Chrome)
I hope this will help you going with Cast.
I was finally able to get connected, but from Android. Many steps will be the same though.
I tested this: https://github.com/googlecast/CastHelloText-android It let's you speak into the phone, and what you say appears on the TV/Chromecast. I didn't install the formal sender app, but I was able to load the TicTac Toe from the receiver as well. So i have seen them both on my CC.
I couldn't connect until I properly setup the RECEIVER APPLICATION. You didn't mention it.
What I did from where I think you are at.. I just double checked my receiver app settings.
File copy the receiver.hml file provided in the sample sender app. Place it in a public dropbox folder. copy that public link to my clipboard.
Go back to where you registered your Chromecast device(s). https://cast.google.com/publish -Add An Application. I called mine : ReceiverSimple
Edit the app you just created, and for the URL field: paste in that public link. For you, set the platform to Chrome. It did not seem to matter whether or not i included the package name, so try leaving it blank.
Save It. Now COPY to clipboard the ApplicationID for the receiver you just created.
Open the provided sender app source code, and find where it's using APP_ID (hopefully R.Strings or equivalent in chrome ) Paste that App ID in. That will tell your client to use your receiver app, (and therefore, load that receiver.html file into the chrome cast screen).
also try a chrome cast reboot as another means of sanity checking.
I think you're close.