How to include dom-manipulating scripts into SSR Next.js App - node.js

I am experiencing following error:
Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "But I want to be altered by the client" Client: "Test"
in div (at pages/index.tsx:17)
in div (at pages/index.tsx:6)
in HomePage (at _app.tsx:5)
in MyApp
in Container (created by AppContainer)
in AppContainer
... with the following setup:
A NextJS App Component:
function HomePage() {
return (
<div id="test-div">I am rendered on the server.</div>
<script src="http://localhost:8080/bundle.js"></script>
export default HomePage;
(Note: The URL http://localhost:8080/bundle.js assumes webpack-dev-server is running and serving that resource)
The included "example" script:
const element = document.getElementById('test-div') as any;
element.innerHTML = 'But I want to be altered by the client';
In a simple setup I would just have a static html file, declaring a div element and including the "example" script.
But I would like to use NextJS, because I want to render dynamic (SSR) content into the page (eg. Text contents from a cms).
I noticed, that sometimes (if script execution takes some more ms of time), there is no error. Just do something time consuming in the example script.
Another hacky approach is to use setTimeout in the example script.
I don't want to do that until I know why this is happening:
setTimeout(function() {
const element = document.getElementById('test-div') as any;
element.innerHTML = 'But I want to be altered by the client';
}, 20);

Next.js 11.0.0 and above
You can use Next.js Script component to load third-party scripts.
// pages/index.js
import Script from 'next/script'
function Home() {
return (
<Script src="" />
With next/script, you can define the strategy property and Next.js will optimize loading for the script.
Before Next.js 11.0.0
Browser and document, window objects are not available during server-side rendering.
You can initialize scripts that manipulate DOM after React component did mount.
useEffect(() => init(), [])
To add an external script you can do the following:
useEffect(() => require('../babylon.js'), [])
To include a script from another server you can add a script tag:
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://localhost:8080/bundle.js";
script.async = true;
If you're adding DOM listeners you would also need to do cleanup.
Using the Effect Hook
Effects with Cleanup


How can I run a Go WASM program using Node.js?

I created a test WASM program using Go. In the program's main, it adds an API to the "global" and waits on a channel to avoid from exiting. It is similar to the typical hello-world Go WASM that you can find anywhere in the internet.
My test WASM program works well in Browsers, however, I hope to run it and call the API using Node.js. If it is possible, I will create some automation tests based on it.
I tried many ways but I just couldn't get it work with Node.js. The problem is that, in Node.js, the API cannot be found in the "global". How can I run a GO WASM program (with an exported API) in Node.js?
(Let me know if you need more details)
More details:
--- On Go's side (pseudo code) ---
func main() {
fmt.Println("My Web Assembly")
js.Global().Set("myEcho", myEcho())
<-make(chan bool)
func myEcho() js.Func {
return js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, apiArgs []js.Value) any {
for arg := range(apiArgs) {
// build: GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o myecho.wasm path/to/the/package
--- On browser's side ---
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<p><pre style="font-family:courier;" id="my-canvas"/></p>
<script src="wasm_exec.js"></script>
const go = new Go();
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("myecho.wasm"), go.importObject).then((result) => {;
}).then(_ => {
// it also works without "window."
document.getElementById("my-canvas").innerHTML = window.myEcho("hello", "ahoj", "ciao");
--- On Node.js' side ---
globalThis.require = require;
globalThis.fs = require("fs");
globalThis.TextEncoder = require("util").TextEncoder;
globalThis.TextDecoder = require("util").TextDecoder;
globalThis.performance = {
now() {
const [sec, nsec] = process.hrtime();
return sec * 1000 + nsec / 1000000;
const crypto = require("crypto");
globalThis.crypto = {
getRandomValues(b) {
const go = new Go();
go.argv = process.argv.slice(2);
go.env = Object.assign({ TMPDIR: require("os").tmpdir() }, process.env);
go.exit = process.exit;
WebAssembly.instantiate(fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]), go.importObject).then((result) => {;
}).then(_ => {
console.log(go.exports.myEcho("hello", "ahoj", "ciao"));
}).catch((err) => {
This pseudo code represents 99% content of my real code (only removed business related details). The problem is that I not only need to run the wasm program (myecho.wasm) by Node.js, but I also need to call the "api" (myEcho), and I need to pass it parameters and receive the returned values, because I want to create automation tests for those "api"s. With Node.js, I can launch the test js scripts and validate the outputs all in the command line environment. The browser isn't a handy tool for this case.
Running the program by node wasm_exec.js myecho.wasm isn't enough for my case.
It would be nice to know more details about your environment and what are you actually trying to do. You can post the code itself, compilation commands, and versions for all the tools involved.
Trying to answer the question without these details:
Go WASM is very browser oriented, because the go compiler needs the glue js in wasm_exec.js to run. Nodejs shouldn't have a problem with that, and the following command should work:
node wasm_exec.js main.wasm
where wasm_exec.js is the glue code shipped with your go distribution, usually found at $(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js, and main.wasm is your compiled code. If this fails, you can post the output as well.
There is another way to compile go code to wasm that bypasses wasm_exec.js, and that way is by using the TinyGo compiler to output wasi-enabled code. You can try following their instructions to compile your code.
For example:
tinygo build -target=wasi -o main.wasm main.go
You can build for example a javascript file wasi.js:
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
const { WASI } = require("wasi");
const wasi = new WASI();
const importObject = { wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport };
(async () => {
const wasm = await WebAssembly.compile(
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm, importObject);
Recent versions of node have experimental wasi support:
node --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1 wasi.js
These are usually the things you would try with Go and WASM, but without further details, it is hard to tell what exactly is not working.
After some struggling, I noticed that the reason is simpler than I expected.
I couldn't get the exported API function in Node.js simply because the API has not been exported yet when I tried to call them!
When the wasm program is loaded and started, it runs in parallel with the caller program (the js running in Node).
The code at "HERE" is executed too early and the main() of the wasm program hasn't finished exporting the APIs yet.
When I changed the Node script to following, it worked:
WebAssembly.instantiate(fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]), go.importObject).then((result) => {;
}).then(_ => {
let retry = setInterval(function () {
if (typeof(go.exports.myEcho) != "function") {
console.log(go.exports.myEcho("hello", "ahoj", "ciao"));
}, 500);
}).catch((err) => {
(only includes the changed part)
I know it doesn't seem to be a perfect solution, but at least it proved my guess about the root cause to be true.
But... why it didn't happen in browser? sigh...

How to solve useEffect running twice? [duplicate]

Consider the snippets below. With React 18, count gets printed twice to the console on every render but with React 17 it gets printed only once.
React 18 Example:
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
React 17 Example
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
I know this has something to do with StrictMode but I'm not sure what. And also I've always been unclear about how strict mode works and what's its purpose, so I'd appreciate if anyone could highlight that as well.
When components are wrapped in StrictMode, React runs certain functions twice in order to help developers catch mistakes in their code.
And this happens both in React 18 and React 17 but the reason you aren't experiencing this with the latter is because in React 17, React automatically silences logs in the second call.
If you extract out console.log and use the extracted alias to log, then you would get similar behavior with both versions.
const log = console.log;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
In React 17, React automatically modifies the console methods like console.log() to silence the logs in the second call to lifecycle functions. However, it may cause undesired behavior in certain cases where a workaround can be used.
Starting from React 18, React does not suppress any logs. However, if you have React DevTools installed, the logs from the second call will appear slightly dimmed. React DevTools also offers a setting (off by default) to suppress them completely.
Now let's dive deep to understand what actually happens in strict mode and how it can helpful.
Strict Mode
Strict Mode is a tool that helps identify coding patterns that may cause problems when working with React, like impure renders.
In Strict Mode in development, React runs the following functions twice:
Functional Components
And this is because your components, initializers & updaters need to be pure functions but if they aren’t then double-invoking them might help surface this mistake. And if they are pure, then the logic in your code is not affected in any manner.
Note: React uses the result of only one of the calls, and ignores the result of the other.
In the example below observe that components, initializers & updaters all run twice during development when wrapped in StrictMode (snippet uses the development build of React).
// Extracting console.log in a variable because we're using React 17
const log = console.log;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(() => {
log("Initializers run twice");
return 0;
log("Components run twice");
const handleClick = () => {
log("Event handlers don’t need to be pure, so they run only once");
setCount((count) => {
log("Updaters run twice");
return count + 1;
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Increment</button>
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Few notes from the above example:
You might have noticed that when you click the button for the first time the Updaters run twice log prints only once but on subsequent clicks it prints twice. But you can ignore this behavior and assume that it always prints twice but if you want more details about the same you can follow this github issue.
We had to extract console.log into a separate variable to get logs for both the invocations printed and this is because React 17 automatically silences logs for the second call (as mentioned in the TL;DR). If you update the CDN link to React 18, then this extraction wouldn't be required.
Calling the setCount updater function twice doesn’t mean that it would now increment the count twice on every click, no, because it calls the updater with the same state both the times. So, as long as your updaters are pure functions, your application wouldn’t get affected by the no. of times it’s called.
"Updaters" & "Initializers" are generic terms in React. State updaters & state initializers are just one amongst many. Other updaters are "callbacks" passed to useMemo and "reducers". Another initializers is useReducer initializer etc. And all of these should be pure functions so strict mode double invokes all of them. Checkout this example:
const logger = console.log;
const countReducer = (count, incrementor) => {
logger("Updaters [reducers] run twice");
return count + incrementor;
function App() {
const [count, incrementCount] = React.useReducer(
(initCount) => {
logger("Initializers run twice");
return initCount;
const doubleCount = React.useMemo(() => {
logger("Updaters [useMemo callbacks] run twice");
return count * 2;
}, [count]);
return (
<p>Double count: {doubleCount}</p>
<button onClick={() => incrementCount(1)}>Increment</button>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
How is Strict Mode helpful?
Let's look at an example where Strict Mode would help us find a serious mistake.
// This example is in React 18 to highlight the fact that
// the double invocation behavior is similar in both React 17 & 18.
function App() {
const [todos, setTodos] = React.useState([
{ id: 1, text: "Learn JavaScript", isComplete: true },
{ id: 2, text: "Learn React", isComplete: false }
const handleTodoCompletion = (todoId) => {
setTodos((todos) => {
return => {
if ( === todoId) {
todo.isComplete = !todo.isComplete; // Mutation here
return todo;
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
textDecoration: todo.isComplete ? "line-through" : "none"
<button onClick={() => handleTodoCompletion(}>
Mark {todo.isComplete ? "Incomplete" : "Complete"}
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
root.render(<App />);
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
What's the problem with the above example?
You would've noticed that the buttons don't work as expected, they don't toggle the isComplete boolean and the problem is that the updater function passed to setTodos is not a pure function as it mutates an object in the todos state. And since the updater is called twice, and it is not a pure function, the second call reverses the isComplete boolean back to it’s original value.
Note: It's only because of strict mode's double invocation that we were able to catch this mistake. If we opt out of strict mode, then the component would luckily work as expected but that doesn't mean the code is authored correctly, it only works because of how isolated the component is and in real world scenarios mutations like these can cause serious issues. And even if you luckily get away with such mutations, you might still encounter problems because currently the updater relies on the fact that it's only called once for every click but this is not something that React guarantees (with concurrency features in mind).
If you make the updater a pure function, it would solve the issue:
setTodos((todos) => {
logger(JSON.stringify(todos, null, 2));
return => === todoId ? { ...todo, isComplete: !todo.isComplete } : todo
What's new with Strict Mode in React 18
In React 18, StrictMode gets an additional behavior to ensure it's compatible with reusable state. When Strict Mode is enabled, React intentionally double-invokes effects (mount -> unmount -> mount) for newly mounted components. This is to ensure that a component is resilient to being "mounted" and "unmounted" more than once. Like other strict mode behaviors, React only does this for development builds.
Consider the example below (Source):
function App(props) {
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("Effect setup code runs");
return () => {
console.log("Effect cleanup code runs");
}, []);
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
console.log("Layout effect setup code runs");
return () => {
console.log("Layout effect cleanup code runs");
}, []);
console.log("React renders the component")
return <h1>Strict Effects In React 18</h1>;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
<App />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
The App component above declares some effects to be run on mount and unmount. Prior to React 18, the setup functions would only run once (after the component is initially mounted) and the cleanup functions would also run only once (after the component is unmounted). But in React 18 in StrictMode, the following would happen:
React renders the component (twice, nothing new)
React mounts the component
Layout effect setup code runs
Effect setup code runs
React simulates the component being hidden or unmounted
Layout effect cleanup code runs
Effect cleanup code runs
React simulates the component being shown again or remounted
Layout effect setup code runs
Effect setup code runs
Suggested Readings
ReactWG: How to support Reusable State in Effects
ReactWG: Adding Reusable State to StrictMode
React Docs: Strict Mode
Beta React Docs: My initializer or updater function runs twice
Beta React Docs: My reducer or initializer function runs twice
React 17 Strict Mode was also double rendering but it was suppressing the logs. That is why we were not seeing double logs. From react 17 docs:
Starting with React 17, React automatically modifies the console
methods like console.log() to silence the logs in the second call to
lifecycle functions. However, it may cause undesired behavior in
certain cases where a workaround can be used.
The difference of React 18 is it is now showing the double renderings. If you are using "React Developer Tools" chrome extension with, you can see that which logs are coming from strict mode:
One of the major additions to React 18 is Concurrency so Strict Mode will also help us see concurrency-related bugs during development.

node-canvas registerFont can't find font file once deployed (works locally)

I have a Node.js server that uses node-canvas to render text on an image on the server-side. Here is the repo: (just git clone, npm i and npm run dev to run locally).
As you'll notice in the code, I am loading the Anton font, which I got from here with the documented registerFont function provided by node-canvas
registerFont('./fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf', { family: 'Anton' })
Everything works like a charm locally, but when I deploy to Vercel (formerly known as zeit), that line throws an ENOENT error:
no such file or directory, lstat '/var/task/fonts'
Is there a path I can use here that will successfully load the font from within a Vercel function?
Can I find a single path that will work both locally and once deployed?
I had the same problem recently and I finally found a solution. I'm no guru, so someone will probably be able to suggest a better way, but here's what worked for me.
Because of how Vercel runs their serverless functions, a function doesn't really know anything about the rest of the project, or the public folder. This makes sense (because security), but it does make it tricky when you need the actual path to a file. You can import the font file no problem, the build process will give it a new name and put it on the disk (in /var/task ), but you can't access it. path.resolve(_font_name_) can see it, but you can't access it.
I ended up writing a very bad, separate api page that used path.join and fs.readdirSync to see what files are actually visible from the api page. One thing that is visible is a node_modules folder that contains the files for modules used on that api page.
fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/')
So what I did was write a local module, install it in my project, then import it into my api page. In the local module's package.json, I have a line "files": ["*"] so it will bundle all the module files into its node_modules folder (instead of just the .js files). In my module I have my font file and a function that copies it to /tmp (/tmp is readable and writable) then returns the path to the file, /tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf.
On my api page, I include this module, then run it, and I pass the resultant path to registerfont.
It works. I'd share my code, but it's pretty sloppy right now, and I'd like to clean it up and try a couple things first (like I'm not sure if I need to copy it to /tmp, but I haven't tested it without that step). When I get it straightened out I'll edit this answer.
Since I haven't been able to improve on my original solution, let me give some more details about what I did.
In my package.json I added a line to include a local module:
"dependencies": {
"canvas": "^2.6.1",
"fonttrick": "file:fonttrick",
In my project root, I have a folder "fonttrick". Inside the folder is another package.json:
"name": "fonttrick",
"version": "1.0.6",
"description": "a trick to get canvas registerfont to work in a Vercel serverless function",
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
"main": "index.js",
"files": [
"keywords": [
This is the only local module I've ever had to write; the keywords don't do anything, but at first I'd thought about putting it on NPM, so they're there.
The fonttrick folder also contains my font file (in this case "Roboto-Regular.ttf"), and a the main file, index.js:
module.exports = function fonttrick() {
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const RobotoR = require.resolve('./Roboto-Regular.ttf')
const { COPYFILE_EXCL } = fs.constants;
const { COPYFILE_FICLONE } = fs.constants;
//const pathToRoboto = path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/fonttrick/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
try {
if (fs.existsSync('/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf')) {
console.log("Roboto lives in tmp!!!!")
} else {
fs.copyFileSync(RobotoR, '/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf', COPYFILE_FICLONE | COPYFILE_EXCL)
} catch (err) {
return '/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf'
I ran npm install in this folder, and then fonttrick was available as a module in my main project (don't forget to run npm install there, too).
Since I only need to use this for API calls, the module is only used in one file, /pages/api/[img].js
import { drawCanvas } from "../../components/drawCanvas"
import { stringIsValid, strToGameState } from '../../components/gameStatePack'
import fonttrick from 'fonttrick'
export default (req, res) => { // { query: { img } }
// some constants
const fallbackString = "1xThe~2ysent~3zlink~4yis~5wnot~6xa~7xvalid~8zsentence~9f~~"
// const fbs64 = Buffer.from(fallbackString,'utf8').toString('base64')
// some variables
let imageWidth = 1200 // standard for fb ogimage
let imageHeight = 628 // standard for fb ogimage
// we need to remove the initial "/api/" before we can use the req string
const reqString64 = req.url.split('/')[2]
// and also it's base64 encoded, so convert to utf8
const reqString = Buffer.from(reqString64, 'base64').toString('utf8')
//const pathToRoboto = path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/fonttrick/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
let output = null
if (stringIsValid({ sentenceString: reqString })) {
let data = JSON.parse(strToGameState({ canvasURLstring: reqString }))
output = drawCanvas({
sentence: data.sentence,
width: imageWidth,
height: imageHeight,
fontPath: fonttrick()
} else {
let data = JSON.parse(strToGameState({ canvasURLstring: fallbackString }))
output = drawCanvas({
sentence: data.sentence,
width: imageWidth,
height: imageHeight,
fontPath: fonttrick()
const buffy = Buffer.from(output.split(',')[1], 'base64')
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
The important part of what this does is import fonttrick which puts a copy of the font in tmp, then returns the path to that file; the path to the font is then passed to the canvas drawing function (along with some other stuff; what to draw, how big to draw it, etc.)
My drawing function itself is in components/drawCanvas.js; here's the important stuff at the beginning (TLDR version: if it gets called from the API page, it gets a path to the font; if so, it uses that, otherwise the regular system fonts are available):
import { registerFont, createCanvas } from 'canvas';
import path from 'path'
// width and height are optional
export const drawCanvas = ({ sentence, cards, width, height, fontPath }) => {
// default canvas size
let cw = 1200 // canvas width
let ch = 628 // canvas height
// if given different canvas size, update
if (width && !height) {
cw = width
ch = Math.floor(width / 1.91)
if (height && width) {
cw = width
ch = height
if (height && !width) {
ch = height
cw = Math.floor(height * 1.91)
// this path is only used for api calls in development mode
let theFontPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'public/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
// when run in browser, registerfont isn't available,
// but we don't need it; when run from an API call,
// there is no css loaded, so we can't get fonts from #fontface
// and the canvas element has no fonts installed by default;
// in dev mode we can load them from local, but when run serverless
// it gets complicated: basically, we have a local module whose only
// job is to get loaded and piggyback the font file into the serverless
// function (thread); the module default function copies the font to
// /tmp then returns its absolute path; the function in the api
// then passes that path here so we can load the font from it
if (registerFont !== undefined) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
theFontPath = fontPath
registerFont(theFontPath, { family: 'Roboto' })
const canvas = createCanvas(cw, ch)
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
This API path gets used in the header for my game, in the meta tags to create the image on demand when a page gets shared on facebook or twitter or wherever:
<meta property="og:image" content={`${returnString}`} />
Anyway. Ugly and hacky, but it works for me.
I think you were very close with registerFont. Here’s what I got to work using your repo:
In img.js:
import { registerFont, createCanvas, loadImage } from 'canvas'
// …
// Where 'Anton' is the same font-family name you want to use within
// your canvas code, ie. in writeText.js.
registerFont('./pages/fonts/Anton/Anton-Regular.ttf', { family: 'Anton' })
// Make sure this goes after registerFont()
const canvas = createCanvas()
I added a new folder in pages/ called fonts/, and added the Anton folder downloaded from Google Fonts. Click “Download Family” to get the font file from here:
The other file you downloaded ( is actually the CSS file you’ll want to use the fonts client side in the browser, for your previewer.
At first, I would keep using the hosted version provided by Google Fonts. You can add that to the PreviewMeme.js component:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<canvas id='meme' ref={canvas}></canvas>
(You might also want to use something like FontFaceObserver client side to make sure the font has loaded before rendering your canvas the first time.)
In writeText.js you’ll also then change the fontFamily to Anton:
const fontFamily = 'Anton'
That will make Anton available client side via the hosted Google Fonts, and it should be available to you as a file on the server for rendering with the server-side canvas package.
Hope that’s helpful!
The solution ended up being
import path from 'path'
registerFont(path.resolve('./fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf'), { family: 'Anton' })`
See path.resolve
I finally got this working, using officially-documented configurations rather than the hacky top answer!
First of all, I'm assuming your serverless function is at api/some_function.js, where the api/ folder is at the project root.
Create a folder in api/ to put static files into, such as api/_files/. For me, I put font and image files.
Put this in vercel.json:
"functions": {
"api/some_function.js": {
"includeFiles": "_files/**"
Now in api/some_function.js, you can use __dirname to reference the files:
const { join } = require('path')
registerFont(join(__dirname, '_files/fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf'), { family: 'Anton' })
This is based on this Vercel help page, except I had to figure out where the _files/ folder goes in your project directory structure because they forgot to mention that.

How to add git hash to Vue.js Component

I want to create a vue.js component which will display the package.json version number and hash of most recent git commit. Here is the code so far:
<div class="versionLabel">Version: {{version}} (HASH)</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { version } from '../../package.json';
export default class VersionLabel extends Vue {
get version() {
return version;
<style scoped lang="scss">
div {
background-color: rgb(60, 172, 60);
color: lightgray;
I am deploying to Heroku using the commands
"postinstall": "if test \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"production\" ; then npm run build ; fi ",
"start": "node server.js",
in package.json and this simple server:
const express = require('express');
const serveStatic = require("serve-static")
app = express();
app.use(serveStatic(__dirname + '/dist'));
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
The version number is working (Although suggestions for improvement are welcome) but how can I add the git hash in place of HASH?
Install git-describe as a dev dependency (e.g. yarn add --dev git-describe).
In vue.config.js add:
const {gitDescribe, gitDescribeSync} = require('git-describe');
process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_HASH = gitDescribeSync().hash
Now, in every component, we have process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_HASH variable.
Here is how I added it to my app: (with some discussion).
Other approaches
There are other approaches, e.g. using git-revision-webpack-plugin (example for the Vue forum):
const GitRevisionPlugin = require('git-revision-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
'chainWebpack': config => {
config.plugin('define').tap(args => {
const gitRevisionPlugin = new GitRevisionPlugin()
args[0]['process.env']['VUE_APP_COMMIT_HASH'] = JSON.stringify(gitRevisionPlugin.commithash())
return args
Another way is to use git directly, with child-process.
See also
Including git commit hash and date in webpack build
Get hash of most recent git commit in Node
Git log output to XML, JSON, or YAML?
I'm not familiar with Heroku, however I hope some parts of my solution you'll find useful.
I'm developing a vue application, I use GitLab CI/CD and it's deployed to an S3 bucket on AWS then distributed with cloudfront. Sometimes our client will ask for changes that have already been made. So to prevent confusion I wanted to include a the git hash in the footer of the app so we can quickly check that they are looking at the most up-to-date version of the app.
In my .gitlab-ci.yml file I included the following bash commands:
hash=`git describe --always`
echo "\"$hash\"" > src/assets/hash.json
This creates a hash.json file, and the only contents of this file are the most recent commit hash as a string. e.g. "015d8f1"
I assume when you deploy to Heroku there is a similar way to execute bash commands.
From there you can just read in that file in any component and use it as data. e.g.
import GitHash from "#/assets/hash.json";
export default {
name: "TheFooter",
data() {
return {
GitHash: GitHash

RequireJS does not run data-main script before loading required modules

My project includes the following files:
The index.html has the following relevant snippet:
<script data-main="js/main.js" src="js/vendor/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
require(['viewmodel/vm', 'ko'],
function(viewmodel, ko) {
The js/main.js file is as follows:
var root = this;
define('jquery', [''], function () { return root.$; });
define('ko', [''], function (ko) { return ko; });
The js/viewmodel/vm.js file...
define(['jquery', 'ko'],
function($, ko) {
return {
subject: 'world',
greeting: 'hello'
When you open a browser to index.html, then the browser tries to load a file called js/ko.js instead of using the module defined in main.js. It seems like the js file pointed to by the data-main attribute is not guaranteed to run before dependency resolution. This does not seem correct to me since one purpose of the data-main js file is to define require configuration (i.e. path, shim, etc). I am using require v2.1.2.
This works perfectly fine if I copy the contents of my main.js file into the script block in index.html. By "perfectly fine" I mean that it resolved ko to be a module and finds the appropriate CDN link to resolve ko instead of trying to download ./js/ko.js.
to use the data-main attribute for configuring your whole application, it is necessary that it is the single entry point for all your code.
your 2nd script block breaks this requirement by providing a 2nd entry point. since these entry points will resolve independently of each other (and asynchronously), you cannot rely on one to affect the other.
to resolve it, refactor your code in a way that provides a single entry point to your application and do your configuration via this entry point.
That's because requirejs sets the async. Attribute on the script.
The boolean async attribute on script elements allows the external
JavaScript file to run when it's available, without delaying page load
This means that both scripts are loaded and evaluated parallel, so none of the two scripts can access methods or functions from the other one.
If you want to define requirejs variables in one script you mustn't load that script with require js.
For me there are three possibilities how you can solve that problem:
Add the content of main.js to your page (as you mention)
Load the main.js file without requirejs as normal script
Define the require config before loading the scripts (link to requirejs docu )
I had the same problem. The architecture of the site that i was working was components that was loading asynchronous at each part of the page.
Each component has its own html, css, and js code.
So, my solution is to keep a guard function for all the required dependency code, to protect them from running before the main javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.BeforeMainGuard = {
beforeMainLoadedFunctions: [],
hasMainLoaded: false,
guard: function( func ) {
console.assert( typeof func === 'function' );
if( this.hasMainLoaded ) {
}else {
this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions.push( func );
onMainLoaded: function() {
for( var i = 0; i<this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions.length; ++i ) {
var beforeMainLoadedFunction = this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions[i];
this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions = null;
this.hasMainLoaded = true;
<script data-main="js/main.js" src="js/vendor/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.BeforeMainGuard.guard( function() {
require(['viewmodel/vm', 'ko'],
function(viewmodel, ko) {
// your config
require( [ 'AppLogic' ], function( AppLogic ){
} );
