How to add git hash to Vue.js Component - node.js

I want to create a vue.js component which will display the package.json version number and hash of most recent git commit. Here is the code so far:
<div class="versionLabel">Version: {{version}} (HASH)</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { version } from '../../package.json';
export default class VersionLabel extends Vue {
get version() {
return version;
<style scoped lang="scss">
div {
background-color: rgb(60, 172, 60);
color: lightgray;
I am deploying to Heroku using the commands
"postinstall": "if test \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"production\" ; then npm run build ; fi ",
"start": "node server.js",
in package.json and this simple server:
const express = require('express');
const serveStatic = require("serve-static")
app = express();
app.use(serveStatic(__dirname + '/dist'));
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
The version number is working (Although suggestions for improvement are welcome) but how can I add the git hash in place of HASH?

Install git-describe as a dev dependency (e.g. yarn add --dev git-describe).
In vue.config.js add:
const {gitDescribe, gitDescribeSync} = require('git-describe');
process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_HASH = gitDescribeSync().hash
Now, in every component, we have process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_HASH variable.
Here is how I added it to my app: (with some discussion).
Other approaches
There are other approaches, e.g. using git-revision-webpack-plugin (example for the Vue forum):
const GitRevisionPlugin = require('git-revision-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
'chainWebpack': config => {
config.plugin('define').tap(args => {
const gitRevisionPlugin = new GitRevisionPlugin()
args[0]['process.env']['VUE_APP_COMMIT_HASH'] = JSON.stringify(gitRevisionPlugin.commithash())
return args
Another way is to use git directly, with child-process.
See also
Including git commit hash and date in webpack build
Get hash of most recent git commit in Node
Git log output to XML, JSON, or YAML?

I'm not familiar with Heroku, however I hope some parts of my solution you'll find useful.
I'm developing a vue application, I use GitLab CI/CD and it's deployed to an S3 bucket on AWS then distributed with cloudfront. Sometimes our client will ask for changes that have already been made. So to prevent confusion I wanted to include a the git hash in the footer of the app so we can quickly check that they are looking at the most up-to-date version of the app.
In my .gitlab-ci.yml file I included the following bash commands:
hash=`git describe --always`
echo "\"$hash\"" > src/assets/hash.json
This creates a hash.json file, and the only contents of this file are the most recent commit hash as a string. e.g. "015d8f1"
I assume when you deploy to Heroku there is a similar way to execute bash commands.
From there you can just read in that file in any component and use it as data. e.g.
import GitHash from "#/assets/hash.json";
export default {
name: "TheFooter",
data() {
return {
GitHash: GitHash


NodeJS + WebPack setting client static data

I have a NodeJS/React/WebPack application that I'm trying to take environment variables that are present at build time and export them as variables that are available to the client without having to request them with AJAX.
What is currently setup is a /browser/index.js file with a method that is exported however the variables are not getting expanded when webpack runs.
function applicationSetup()
const config = JSON.parse(process.env.CONFIG);
During the build process we run node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production with npm.
What do I need to do in order to expand the environment variable to be their actual values when webpack creates the .js file?
Edit 8/23
I've tried adding it in the webpack.DefinePlugin section of the webpack.config.js file however it's still doesn't seem to be available in the client side code. What am I missing?
Edit #2 (webpack.config.js)
const getClientConfig = (env, mode) => {
return {
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__isBrowser__: 'false',
__Config__: process.env.CONFIG,
module.exports = (env, options) => {
const configs = [
getClientConfig(options.env, options.mode)
return configs;

Is there a way to use Vite with HMR and still generate the files in the /dist folder?

First of all, I wanna say that I've started using Vite awhile ago and I'm no Vite expert in any shape or form.
Now, about my problem: I'm working on a Chrome Extension which requires me to have the files generated in the /dist folder. That works excellent using vite build. But, if I try to use only vite (to get the benefits of HMR), no files get generated in the /dist folder. So I have no way to load the Chrome Extension.
If anyone has faced similar issues, or knows a config that I've overlooked, feel free to share it here.
With this small plugin you will get a build after each hot module reload event :
In a file hot-build.ts :
* Custom Hot Reloading Plugin
* Start `vite build` on Hot Module Reload
import { build } from 'vite'
export default function HotBuild() {
let bundling = false
const hmrBuild = async () => {
bundling = true
await build({'build': { outDir: './hot-dist'}}) // <--- you can give a custom config here or remove it to use default options
return {
name: 'hot-build',
enforce: "pre",
// HMR
handleHotUpdate({ file, server }) {
if (!bundling) {
console.log(`hot vite build starting...`)
.then(() => {
bundling = false
console.log(`hot vite build finished`)
return []
then in vite.config.js :
import HotBuild from './hot-build'
// vite config
plugins: [

How to include dom-manipulating scripts into SSR Next.js App

I am experiencing following error:
Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "But I want to be altered by the client" Client: "Test"
in div (at pages/index.tsx:17)
in div (at pages/index.tsx:6)
in HomePage (at _app.tsx:5)
in MyApp
in Container (created by AppContainer)
in AppContainer
... with the following setup:
A NextJS App Component:
function HomePage() {
return (
<div id="test-div">I am rendered on the server.</div>
<script src="http://localhost:8080/bundle.js"></script>
export default HomePage;
(Note: The URL http://localhost:8080/bundle.js assumes webpack-dev-server is running and serving that resource)
The included "example" script:
const element = document.getElementById('test-div') as any;
element.innerHTML = 'But I want to be altered by the client';
In a simple setup I would just have a static html file, declaring a div element and including the "example" script.
But I would like to use NextJS, because I want to render dynamic (SSR) content into the page (eg. Text contents from a cms).
I noticed, that sometimes (if script execution takes some more ms of time), there is no error. Just do something time consuming in the example script.
Another hacky approach is to use setTimeout in the example script.
I don't want to do that until I know why this is happening:
setTimeout(function() {
const element = document.getElementById('test-div') as any;
element.innerHTML = 'But I want to be altered by the client';
}, 20);
Next.js 11.0.0 and above
You can use Next.js Script component to load third-party scripts.
// pages/index.js
import Script from 'next/script'
function Home() {
return (
<Script src="" />
With next/script, you can define the strategy property and Next.js will optimize loading for the script.
Before Next.js 11.0.0
Browser and document, window objects are not available during server-side rendering.
You can initialize scripts that manipulate DOM after React component did mount.
useEffect(() => init(), [])
To add an external script you can do the following:
useEffect(() => require('../babylon.js'), [])
To include a script from another server you can add a script tag:
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://localhost:8080/bundle.js";
script.async = true;
If you're adding DOM listeners you would also need to do cleanup.
Using the Effect Hook
Effects with Cleanup

How to handle different .env files in Next?

What I want
I have created a new Next project, and I want to manage app behavior according to the NODE_ENV variable. The application must load different variables located in different .env files. eje. if I load NODE_ENV=development, the application should to load the variables located in .env.development file. What is the most efficient and safe way to do it in Next.
What I have
In the dev script I pass the environment type:
"scripts": {
"dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development next",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start",
In the next configuration I load environment variables from correct .env file with dotenv library according to NODE_ENV variable pass in devscript in package.json.
const path = require('path');
const withOffline = require('next-offline');
const webpack = require('webpack');
path: path.resolve(
module.exports = withOffline({
webpack: (config) => {
// Returns environment variables as an object
const env = Object.keys(process.env).reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[`process.env.${curr}`] = JSON.stringify(process.env[curr]);
return acc;
}, {});
// Allows you to create global constants which can be configured
// at compile time, which in our case is our environment variables
config.plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin(env));
return config;
TITLE=modo development
function HomePage() {
return <div>{process.env.TITLE}</div>
export default HomePage
With this aproach...
This is the most efficient and safe way to handle diferent .env files in Next?
Nextjs supports env by default without the need to use of webpack.DefinePlugin, just pass it to the env property of next.config.js.
So your code will become:
// next.conf.js
const path = require('path');
const withOffline = require('next-offline');
const webpack = require('webpack');
path: path.resolve(
module.exports = withOffline({
env: {
VAR_1: process.env.VAR_1
// List all the variables that you want to expose to the client
PAY ATTENTION: these env variables may be exposed to the client side (if you use them in one of your app page).
For example, if your process.env is containing secrets, and by mistake you are using one of them in one of the pages / components that are used by pages, they will be inside js files that are downloaded to the client side.
Since Next.js 9.4, there is a built in .env loading functionality, read about it here
Agree with the #felixmosh that Nextjs supports env by default without the need to use of webpack.DefinePlugin, but...
It may be seen as limited and confused while loading different configurations on each environment. You can see common problem here
enter link description here
You can solve this problem easily by following these small steps.
You’ll need to create a folder config on the root, with all environment stages you’d like to have.
You can add the initial/common configuration in default.js like this.
API: {
API_URL: process.env.API_URL || '<http://localhost:4000>',
ENDPOINT: '********',
Include above config files in the Next.config.js file by publicRuntimeConfig. If you’d like to have it just on the server-side use just serverRuntimeConfig like this.
const APIConfig = config.get('API')
const nextConfig = {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
module.exports = nextConfig ```
Usage in any file.
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
const APIConfig = publicRuntimeConfig.APIConfig
[...] ```
Finally, in your package.json. You can inject the environment variables to load the appropriate configuration.
"start:local": "NODE_ENV=development run-p dev"
Reference: enter link description here for detail explanation.

gulp.js+browserify: Dynamically generate development-specific files

I have an application that has some development-specific debugging code in it. Currently, all development code is guarded by a variable called dev at the top of the file. Here's an example of what my app does:
var dev = true;
if (dev) {
console.log("Hello developer");
} else {
console.log("Hello production");
When I go to deploy my application, I have to manually change the dev variable form true to false. This sucks.
I'm in the middle of migrating from hand-rolled builds to gulp.js and I want to solve this development vs. production build problem cleanly. I'm thinking about the following:
// Inside main.js
var dev = require('./isdev');
if (dev) //...
// Inside isdev.js:
module.exports = true;
Now, when I build for production, instead of manually setting the dev flag to false, I want to replace isdev.js from module.exports = true; to module.exports = false;. My specific question is, how do I automate gulp such that gulp development produces a file with dev = true and gulp production produces a file with dev = false.
Here's an update to those who are curious.
First, I have an options.js: = false;
I also have a options_dev.js: = true;
Inside of gulpfile.js, I have the following code that parses input arguments:
// Parse the arguments. Use `gulp --prod` to build a production extension
var argv = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2));
var dev = !argv['prod']; // Whether to build a development extension or not
Finally, when I pipe to browserify, I have the following:
var resolve = require('browser-resolve');
// ...
debug: dev,
resolve: function(pkg, opts) {
// Replace options.js with options_dev.js if this is a dev build
if (dev) {
opts.modules['./options'] = 'src/options_dev.js';
return resolve.apply(this, arguments);
The magic happens by using a custom resolve function, dynamically swapping ./options with options_dev for development builds. The browserify docs say:
You can give browserify a custom opts.resolve() function or by default it uses browser-resolve.
When we run gulp, we build a development version. When we run gulp --prod, we build a production version. The value of require('./options').dev allows us to dynamically change things like server endpoints, etc. Cool!
The way that I've seen this done is to set the environment variable on the command line before the execution command. An example of doing this with the Node.JS CLI (in a bash-like environment) would be:
ENV=dev node
> process.env.ENV
Then in your code, you could do:
var dev = process.env.ENV === 'dev'
So with gulp, you could use:
ENV=dev gulp <task name>
I tested this out with the following snippet, and it works:
gulp.task('dev', function(){
if (process.env.ENV === 'dev')
console.log("IT WORKED");
console.log("NO DICE");
You can write out the environment to the file isdev right before building:
var fs = require('fs');
gulp.task('build', function(){
if (process.env.ENV === 'dev')
fs.writeFileSync('isdev', 'module.exports = true');
fs.writeFileSync('isdev', 'module.exports = false');
// kick off build
Now, the correct value will be present in isdev for any require call in the built bundle. You could extend this to other specified environments as well (or to other configuration flags).
