Microsoft Graph Api upload file to SharePoint - sharepoint

I'm using microsoft graph api to interview with sharepoint.
Upload file to sharepoint.
Then we can got the response.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#sites('abc78c05-a77b-45bf-a1a1-51f09548b497')/drive/root/$entity",
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "",
"createdDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"eTag": "\"{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1\"",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"name": "test1212123.txt",
"webUrl": "",
"cTag": "\"c:{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1\"",
"size": 12,
"createdBy": {
"application": {
"id": "597d48bc-05f3-4158-8acc-ae5cc7a9c6ad",
"displayName": "HttpRequest Test"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"application": {
"id": "597d48bc-05f3-4158-8acc-ae5cc7a9c6ad",
"displayName": "HttpRequest Test"
"parentReference": {
"driveId": "b!BYzHq3unv0WhoVHwlUi0l_EO2rYM2NNCptmOTvJ-EqeM9aeJ-zj_TZktSrctfA1S",
"driveType": "documentLibrary",
"path": "/drive/root:"
"file": {
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"hashes": {
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z"
Then I want to update the customized column of this list.
step3, I needs the item id (this example is : 80)
but when I upload the file, I can't got the item id directly from the response.
use this api:
I can got the items list which include the item id is needed.
Finally, my question is ,when I upload file to sharepoint, how can I got the item id which is needed by update item.

I ended up extracting the Item GUID from the response, i.e.
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "
"eTag": ""{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1""
"cTag": ""c:{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1""
And then use that in the PATCH call where the item ID is required, i.e.**B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F**/fields
Might be a more elegant way to solve the problem, however this worked for me


how to get multiple folder path on the azure logic app

I have a scenario : I want to build an azure logic app, where I have to got documents from various folder from the Sharepoint get process and give email notification. My confusion is how can I give multiple input folder path?
I'm going to make an assumptions with your architecture in my answer. I'm assuming you want to process multiple files in different sites within the same SharePoint tenant. So, not across tenants.
To achieve what you're asking for, I created a Parse JSON action which takes in the following structure (as an example, obviously the structure is the key point here, not the data) ...
Scenario 1 - Specific Files
"SiteName": "ExampleSolution",
"FileName": "/Shared Documents/General/Book.xlsx"
"SiteName": "TestSite",
"FileName": "/Shared Documents/Test Folder/Document.docx"
The SP tenant needs to be authenticated to with the appropriate user.
Then, in a For Each action, loop through each item and retrieve the contents of each document using the Get file content using path action.
Site Address = concat('', items('For_each')?['SiteName'])
File Path = File Name (from Dynamic Content)
It will then retrieve the contents dynamically using those expressions.
File 1 (Excel Document)
File 2 (Word Document)
Scenario 2 - All Files
If you want to do it for all files, just change it up slightly ...
"FolderName": "/Shared Documents/General",
"SiteName": "ExampleSolution"
"FolderName": "/Shared Documents/Test Folder",
"SiteName": "TestSite"
Site Address = concat('', items('For_each')?['SiteName'])
File Identifier = Folder Name (from Dynamic Content)
Output - Folder 1
"Id": "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fGeneral%252fBook.xlsx",
"Name": "Book.xlsx",
"DisplayName": "Book.xlsx",
"Path": "/Shared Documents/General/Book.xlsx",
"LastModified": "2021-12-24T02:56:14Z",
"Size": 15330,
"MediaType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"IsFolder": false,
"ETag": "\"{23948609-0DA0-43E0-994C-2703FEEC8567},7\"",
"FileLocator": "dataset=aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFka2RpeG9uLnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tL3NpdGVzL0V4YW1wbGVTb2x1dGlvbg==,id=JTI1MmZTaGFyZWQlMmJEb2N1bWVudHMlMjUyZkdlbmVyYWwlMjUyZkJvb2sueGxzeA==",
"LastModifiedBy": null
"Id": "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fGeneral%252fTest%2bDocument.docx",
"Name": "Test Document.docx",
"DisplayName": "Test Document.docx",
"Path": "/Shared Documents/General/Test Document.docx",
"LastModified": "2021-12-30T11:49:28Z",
"Size": 17959,
"MediaType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"IsFolder": false,
"ETag": "\"{7A3C7133-02FC-4A63-9A58-E11A815AB351},8\"",
"FileLocator": "dataset=aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFka2RpeG9u etc",
"LastModifiedBy": null
"Id": "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fGeneral%252fHierarchy.xlsx",
"Name": "Hierarchy.xlsx",
"DisplayName": "Hierarchy.xlsx",
"Path": "/Shared Documents/General/Hierarchy.xlsx",
"LastModified": "2022-01-07T02:49:38Z",
"Size": 41719,
"MediaType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"IsFolder": false,
"ETag": "\"{C919454C-48AB-4897-AD8C-E3F873B52E50},72\"",
"FileLocator": "dataset=aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFka2RpeG9uL etc",
"LastModifiedBy": null
Output - Folder 2
"Id": "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fTest%2bFolder%252fTest.xlsx",
"Name": "Test.xlsx",
"DisplayName": "Test.xlsx",
"Path": "/Shared Documents/Test Folder/Test.xlsx",
"LastModified": "2022-01-09T11:08:31Z",
"Size": 17014,
"MediaType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"IsFolder": false,
"ETag": "\"{CCF71CE7-89E7-4F89-B5CB-0F078E22C951},163\"",
"FileLocator": "dataset=aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFka2RpeG9u etc",
"LastModifiedBy": null
"Id": "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fTest%2bFolder%252fDocument.docx",
"Name": "Document.docx",
"DisplayName": "Document.docx",
"Path": "/Shared Documents/Test Folder/Document.docx",
"LastModified": "2022-01-09T11:08:16Z",
"Size": 17293,
"MediaType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"IsFolder": false,
"ETag": "\"{317C5767-04EC-4264-A58B-27A3FA8E4DF3},3\"",
"FileLocator": "dataset=aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFka2RpeG etc",
"LastModifiedBy": null
From here, just process each file individually using one of the files actions like in the first scenario above.
Note: You'll need to work through sub folders and recursion. There doesn't appear to be a way to do that easily.
You've provided very little information but it should be enough for you to adapt it accordingly.
Also, I strongly recommend you use a means other than a hardcoded JSON document in the action itself. There are way better means for housing that information which wouldn't result in a need to update the action itself everytime you want to add or delete a file.
The concept of the loop and and the expressions are the most important part to grasp as they will give you what you want.

How do I retrieve multiple callbacks on translation progress

I have created a webhook that is using the even extraction.updated that should trigger when a job is in progress. I want to retrieve multiple calls on the progress of the translation so that I can show it in my progress bar. Unfortunately I only retrieve a callback when the job translation is finished. When I create the job I set the misc.workflow parameter and same goes for the hook. Am I missing some parameters when creating a webhook or posting a job?
I was following this tutorial:
The job payload takes the input which is my urn, output which is the filetype(svf2) and views(2d,3d), and misc which is the workflow(testworkflowname)
Callback result:
"version": "1.0",
"resourceUrn": "<my-resourceUrn>",
"hook": {
"hookId": "<my-hookId>",
"tenant": "testworkflowname",
"callbackUrl": "<my-callbackUrl>",
"createdBy": "<my-createdBy>",
"event": "extraction.updated",
"createdDate": "<my-createdDate>",
"lastUpdatedDate": "<my-lastUpdatedDate>",
"system": "derivative",
"creatorType": "Application",
"status": "active",
"scope": {
"workflow": "testworkflowname"
"hookAttribute": {
"progress": "test"
"autoReactivateHook": false,
"urn": "<my-urn>"
"payload": {
"TimeStamp": <my-timestamp>,
"Env": "production",
"URN": "<my-urn>",
"EventType": "UPDATED",
"Payload": {
"status": "success",
"bubble": {
"owner": "<my-owner>",
"hasThumbnail": "true",
"startedAt": "my-startedAt>",
"type": "design",
"success": "100%",
"progress": "complete",
"region": "US",
"status": "success",
"children": []
"scope": "<my-scope>",
"registerKey": []
"WorkflowAttributes": null
You've got your webhooks setup correctly. I'm afraid this is a limitation on the Model Derivative service side. The service can translate over 60 different file formats today, and as you can imagine, different formats must be converted using different libraries. And while some of the converters support progress reporting, others may not, so being able to get notified of translation progress really depends on the file format you're processing.

Add reviewers to azure devops pull request in api call

I'm successfully creating PR requests in Azure DevOps using API-call.
However, I would like to add the reviewer's name to my PR. As per the sample in the link, I have to add the reviewer id in the body.
So, my question is how to dynamically find the reviewer's id prior to submitting the PR from my project? I was following Pull Request Reviewers and nothing seems coming up to provide me the id based on name.
As per branch policy, I have to add 2 reviewers' name.
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/npaulk/my_work",
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/new_feature",
"title": "A new feature",
"description": "Adding a new feature",
"reviewers": [
"id": "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db"
Like #Krzysztof Madej suggested in his answer, you can use the Subject Query endpoint to search and get the GraphSubject response.
However, the Id values in the GraphSubject response does not work for the IdentityRef Id used as parameter for the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint (used to add Reviewers to an existing pull request).
To get the correct IdentityRef Id, you need to do a GET on the URL from the storageKey.href value in the GraphSubject Response. E.g.:
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
The response should look something like this:
"value": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": {
"href": ""
The GUID for value is what you use for IdentityRef.Id. The payload to POST to the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint would look something like this:
"id": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234"
You can use Subject Query Endpoint
Body should look like this:
"query": "Term to search (e.g. Krzysztof)",
"subjectKind": [ "User" ]
and then you will get response like this:
"count": 3,
"value": [
"subjectKind": "user",
"metaType": "member",
"domain": "Windows Live ID",
"principalName": ",
"mailAddress": "",
"origin": "msa",
"originId": "0006BFFDBC3FE9A1",
"displayName": "Krzysztof Madej",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"memberships": {
"href": ""
"membershipState": {
"href": ""
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"url": "",
"descriptor": "msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
as next ise originId in reviewers collection.
You can use Identities - Read Identities API to get user id. For example:
Get{org}/_apis/identities?searchFilter=General&filterValue=cece dong&api-version=6.1-preview.1

Zapier is binding data response from GET request?

I am trying to manipulate a response from GET request, but Zapier is binding all the response data. Please see the image. Is this true, or there are ways around this?
This is the response from Zapier's GET.
Please point me a correct direction.
Here is the raw version:
"data": [
"id": 19235266,
"text": "Start of chat (WhatsApp)",
"photo": null,
"coordinates": null,
"transport": "whatsapp",
"type": "from_client",
"read": true,
"created": "2018-03-22T08:52:31 UTC",
"audio": null,
"pdf": null,
"remote_id": null,
"recipient_status": null,
"operator_id": 8645,
"channel_id": 1524,
"dialog_id": 903974,
"client_id": 1704911
"id": 19235267,
"text": "Chat agent – Administrator",
"photo": null,
"coordinates": null,
"transport": "whatsapp",
"type": "system",
"read": true,
"created": "2018-03-22T08:52:31 UTC",
"audio": null,
"pdf": null,
"remote_id": null,
"recipient_status": null,
"operator_id": null,
"channel_id": 1524,
"dialog_id": 903974,
"client_id": 1704911
Thank you in advance.
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Luckily, the fix here is very simple. If you want access to the raw hook (instead of the way we process it) you should use the Catch Raw Hook trigger:
Then you'll get your full body as a string:
and you can do whatever you'd like with it. For example, I wrote a small code step to pull the id of the first item:
let j = JSON.parse(
return {emails:}
Which worked as expected. Note that if you return an array from a code step, subsequent steps will happen for each item. Proceed with caution when processing a bunch of items.

In an azure Logic app workflow step that inserts into DocumentDB, how can I "toString" a number

I'm getting an error saying that id is a number when triggering a "create document" in DocumentDb step in my logic app. How can I toString the id number in the insert step?
"actions": {
"Create_or_update_document": {
"inputs": {
"body": {
"body": "#triggerBody()",
"createdAt": "#triggerBody()?['created_at']",
"description": "#triggerBody()?['description_text']",
"dueBy": "#triggerBody()?['due_by']",
"priority": "#triggerBody()?['priority']",
"requesterId": "#triggerBody()?['requester_id']",
"source": "#triggerBody()?['source']",
"status": "#triggerBody()?['status']",
"id": "#triggerBody()?['id']",
"type": "#triggerBody()?['type']",
"updatedAt": "#triggerBody()?['updated_at']"
Taken from here (look underConversion functions):
