Excel - Grouped Semicolon Delimited Values into Individual rows - maintaining the first column - excel

This is my first post so hoping you geniuses can help.
I have data in an excel table that is currently in this format:
As you can see from the above, there is one row per person and all their roles are grouped into one cell in the next column, and are semicolon seperated
What im trying to do is get the data into the following format, where there is a row per role and the name of the person repeats where it needs to:
This is a basic example. My sheet contains 1500 rows and the cell with the roles can have up to 100 or so roles in it
I am using the latest Excel for Mac
Any advice would be much much appreciated

Use Power Query.
Load the data into Power Query with the "From Table" command.
select the Role column and split by delimiter. You know which one
Select the Name column and use Unpivot > Other columns
Rename the columns and load the query into the grid.
The next time, copy your data into the table from step 1 and hit Refresh All.
Edit: Just realised you are using a Mac. Some Power Query functionality is not yet available on the Mac.


create new sheet and sum based on same value in multiple rows excel

If someone could help me out that would be fantastic and thank you in advance
I have big excel list with different orders that looks like this example
What I would need to do is to:
Search and match data based on column I and then when it matches it should merge together that rows, and create 1 row like 8th and 9th row here.
But it should do a sum of costs (column H) and for row G seats to create a format like 10-11 here, but if I have multiple rows where there are numbers 10,11,12 it should format 10-12. ANd all this new rows should go in the new sheet/tab in the same excel file.
This should be fairly straight forward using Pivot tables. You can simply use "Order Number" in the column and simply aggregate everything else. If you haven't used pivot tables before the following link should get you started:
There are a couple of options for the concatenation issue. The easiest option is to use Power query for this. The following link highlights a couple of possible ways to do this:
I would recommend Power query as it is the easier option.

How to get the counts/frequencies of values in a table?

I have the problem that I need to get the number of occurences / the counts or frequencies of values in a table. However, I cannot give the categories before, so in opposite to countif I cannot specify a specific value, as this needs to be done from the table. I have a whole table, not just a column. The picture shows a reduced example:
The result I need would look like the following (I counted manually, hope I did not do a mistake):
It is not needed to calculate empty cells.
For the starting point I am ok with not specifiying if there is a difference between lowercase and uppercase (so L and l for example). This can be calculated separately or as the same. Later on it would be good to be able to choose this as an option. (I could use lowercase function and refer to this column and fill another column with the values, however the original data is way too large.). My problem is now that I am not able to do this "simple" task. I found a solution for a single column, using a matrix function with countif:
This does not work for a whole table. My original data is too large to do any task manually and repeat this for each column or rearrange the data manually from table to one single column.
Unfortunately I am limited to Excel and/or Excel VBA. I cannot use any other tool. I am happy with an excel solution, if there is a way to do it in VBA I am also very ok with it, however for this I cannot give a proof that I tried it, because I don't have an idea how to program this and I am not advanced enough in coding VBA.
Through PowerQuery
Sample data:
My Excel is in Dutch so excuse me for making some translation errors. It should still point you in the right direction:
1: Select all data > Data Tab > Transform > From Table/Range > Choose No headers
2: In PQ select all 4 columns > Transform Tab > Unpivot all columns
3: Select value column > Transform Tab > Pivot Table > Ok
4: Select all columns > Transform Tab > Unpivot all columns again
5: Exit PowerQuery and confirm to save your edition.
Will exclude empty cells
Will distinguish between upper and lower case
Analyzing this data is easiest if it is in one column. You can use Power Query (Get & Transform) for that. Load the data into the Power Query Editor, keep only column 1. Repeat and keep only column 2, repeat for columns 3 and 4.
Next, append the columns, so you have one column of data.
Now you can either load this data into the data model and THEN it's easy to build a pivot table. Blank cells can be removed in the Power Query or by filtering the pivot table.

Get the Tables 1st row number

I have an excel sheet that contains several tables. I am using Matchto find some entries in each table, but the thing is that the rownumber returned is with respect to the table, but not the whole worksheet. How can I get it with respect to the sheet?
Currently, I am just adding manually the number of rows above =MATCH(value;array;0)+23 (w.r.t to the image above. , but when there are some records entered in the tables above the used one, then everything crashes.
Thanks for the suggestion.
ROW(TABLENAME) will give you the first row of the data so:
Will give the first row of the actual table, where Table1 is the name of the structured table:

FIlling and cleaning excel cells based on values in adjacent cells

Looking to clean Excel data and make it into a proper dataset using macro/formulae. This is how my data looks like.
Need to convert it like this:
The number of rows can reach >3000 and number of projects under each name is not constant.
Few steps identified are:
1. Remove the blank rows against each task(marked in red)
2. Remove Utilization column
3. Available hours column to populate the value in each empty cell below.
4. Start data and End Date from cell L4 in two new columns
5. Team Name in cell A9 to be populated in a new column "Team Name"
I've tried using the recorded the macro but it doesn't work in a new data set. Hence looking for some expert help.
The keyword to identify what you have to do is unpivot.
You can unpivot your data using:
Power Query, following these steps;
VBA macro, following these steps.
There are also others possible solutions to unpivot data...just use Google to find them.

How can I split a cell into two rows?

Please see the following picture. I don't know how to create two rows inside a single data cell in Cognos.
You can insert a table with 2 rows and a single column for the Version query item cell. Then you can populate the 2 rows with appropriate fields from Data Source.
Please find below screen shot where I inserted a table and populated fields in the 2 rows.
This report has been tested and runs fine.
