How can I split a cell into two rows? - cognos

Please see the following picture. I don't know how to create two rows inside a single data cell in Cognos.

You can insert a table with 2 rows and a single column for the Version query item cell. Then you can populate the 2 rows with appropriate fields from Data Source.
Please find below screen shot where I inserted a table and populated fields in the 2 rows.
This report has been tested and runs fine.


Return all matches in columns using one criterion (from drop down on another sheet)

I am having two tables, one table (table 1) below is main data, separated into many columns and blocks per 10 rows in one, as you can see A2:A11, A12:A21 and so on (many rows and columns) ... In Column A are unique numbers, but one number per block as a unique, and all other information in other columns can differ, sometimes will be more data sometimes not. The data is always same structured.
What I am looking is to have report / printable sheet where I will have all my columns on one sheet, but in a Column A2 for instance drop down list that will use all unique numbers from main data table and populate all matches on report page, same as it is on picture below. There are many columns that should work automatically when I choose something from "Number" drop down. The trick here is, there must be 10 rows per block also, I have organized it as it should be, but I can't figure out how to populate using functions. So, you can imagine clicking one drop down and getting those lists updated without scrolling endlessly through columns and rows on main data table...
Where I have a problem is that I am getting matches only for first rows but not whole rows (or all rows where matches are) ...
using this function:
If someone can help me out, I would be happy!
Try below formula. After putting formula to cell drag down and across as needed. I have tested this formula in Excel2013 and with range (not as table). So, you have to adjust formula for table. I suggest you to first test the formula in single sheet like my screenshot and if it is successful then go for table in Report sheet.

Excel - Grouped Semicolon Delimited Values into Individual rows - maintaining the first column

This is my first post so hoping you geniuses can help.
I have data in an excel table that is currently in this format:
As you can see from the above, there is one row per person and all their roles are grouped into one cell in the next column, and are semicolon seperated
What im trying to do is get the data into the following format, where there is a row per role and the name of the person repeats where it needs to:
This is a basic example. My sheet contains 1500 rows and the cell with the roles can have up to 100 or so roles in it
I am using the latest Excel for Mac
Any advice would be much much appreciated
Use Power Query.
Load the data into Power Query with the "From Table" command.
select the Role column and split by delimiter. You know which one
Select the Name column and use Unpivot > Other columns
Rename the columns and load the query into the grid.
The next time, copy your data into the table from step 1 and hit Refresh All.
Edit: Just realised you are using a Mac. Some Power Query functionality is not yet available on the Mac.

How can I sort a column with associeted tables inside the cells [Excel]

I have an excel table with associated tables inside cells. This is an example:
If you click on "+", you can see the associated table:
I tried to sort the column PSM from highest to lowest. The problem is that excel doesn't respect the associated column and this one is sorted as well.
That is to say, what I would like to have is a sort rows by PSM where each row has its associated table.
One example of this table can be downloaded from here
Thank you in advance

Get the Tables 1st row number

I have an excel sheet that contains several tables. I am using Matchto find some entries in each table, but the thing is that the rownumber returned is with respect to the table, but not the whole worksheet. How can I get it with respect to the sheet?
Currently, I am just adding manually the number of rows above =MATCH(value;array;0)+23 (w.r.t to the image above. , but when there are some records entered in the tables above the used one, then everything crashes.
Thanks for the suggestion.
ROW(TABLENAME) will give you the first row of the data so:
Will give the first row of the actual table, where Table1 is the name of the structured table:

Excel table not expanding when new data is added

I have an Excel spreadsheet which contains four data tables on the same tab. The final 3 columns in each contain formulae.
I then have a vba code which performs an sql look up within an SQL Server table and returns a set number of columns to update each of the four tables.
For three of these tables, the data is pasted in and the table automatically expands and the formulae is copied to the end of the table.
However, for the first table, the data is pasted in but the table does not expand and hence, the formulae does not get added to the rows outside of the table.
I have searched high and low for a fix but no joy. I have searched the data extraction VBA code with no luck (the code is an exact match) and no joy in the table properties. I have also checked the Options menu for Auto Format As You Type settings but all seems fine.
Does anyone have any ideas for me?
Hi All again,
Would love to know if anyone has an answer for this but, in the mean time I have fudged the code to automatically adjust the size of the table based on the row number for the last cell of data.
I ran into the same issue and it was driving me nuts. Found out that in a few columns I had dragged formulas down pretty far (they were IF statements to return nothing if the first column was empty) so I didn't see them.
So remove any formulas that are 'under' the last row of the table. Should clear up the issue.
The most common cause is due to differing number of, or mis-aligned columns (vertically stacked tables) or differing number of, or mis-aligned rows (horizontally stacked tables).
For simplicity, let us use vertically stacked tables to illustrate what is happening. Consider an upper table with 2 columns and a lower table with 3. If we try to insert a row to the upper table, XL attempts to push all cells beneath the table down, but ONLY the cells directly beneath the table. So in this case cells below the 2 columns will be pushed down. XL quickly realizes that if it pushes just 2 columns down, the third column in the lower table won't be pushed down resulting in skewing the lower table. XL makes no attempt to figure out how to move the lower tables. It just refuses to even try.
The same holds true for adding columns to tables on the left for which there are tables directly to the right. If adding columns to a table would result in skewing rows of a table to the right, XL refuses to help.
To keep this from being a problem we can do a few things:
Keep the largest tables on top and to the left and align all table first columns and first rows.
If only rows are added to tables, don't stack them vertically
And if only columns are added to tables, don't stack them horizontally.
Herewith is an example of enforcing expansion of a table after data was copied over to the bottom of the table. This is done by resizing the table. Originally the table wasn't auto-resized as it has additional calculation columns.
The first line of the code finds the last row of data and the second line states the range to which the table needs to be resized. The third line resizes the table to the new range.
Replace sXXX and tXXX with your sheet name and table name.
Sub ResizeTableXXX()
myLastrowOfData = sXXX.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row
myNewRangeSize = "$A$5:$P$" & myLastrowOfData
sXXX.ListObjects("tXXX").Resize Range(myNewRangeSize)
End Sub
