How to create offline installer for node packages? - node.js

I wanted to know if it's possible to just install a package globally (for ex: ExpressJS) and then when I want to add it to a specific folder/project. I can just install a copy from the global package instead of installing it from the internet again.
How do I do this?
I saw another thread here and it says to create a tarball using npm pack which creates a tarball file but I don't know how to install a tar.gz as a package. I'm new to npm.
The reason I need this is because my internet is metered and very slow. If possible I want to download packages only once then just reuse it again on other projects.

You can use npm i <> eg. npm i


Is it possible to install global node packages offline?

I need to be able to install the carto module on an offline server. Is there a way that I could package up carto with all of its dependencies, and install it on a server that has no connection to the internet.
The server won't have an initial connection, and will have npm and node installed from a .deb archive.
I've tried using npm-offline, as well as npm-offline-packer. These both require that I have an npm registry or a node project.
I'm hoping to have a start script that can run the required commands and get all packages installed. So far, I'm able to install all ubuntu software, just stuck on node.
An alternative would be installing it in another machine and copying the package(s) you want inside npm's global node_modules.
npm config get prefix
Gets the path to where it is installed. node_modules are usually under lib/ folder. Module executables could be located under bin/. Having both should be enough to use your global module in another machine.
Since you're looking for a start script the steps you need are:
Getting npm prefix via npm config get prefix
Go to that path
Copy executables you want under bin/ i.e. carto#
Copy content you want from lib/node_modules i.e. lib/node_modules/carto
Apply to the machine you want using the same steps described here

How to install just node modules without internet

There is a way to install npm package to a machine which doesn't have internet acccess is, using npm pack in machine with internet acces, copying it to machine without internet and running npm install <tar> in it. But npm pack, packs whole project.
But I want to manage and install the modules myself, without the opportunity for the developers to add/remove any modules. So I just want node_modules to be packaged. And then want to install it to machine without internet.
For example when developer push his/her commits to origin, I want to get node_modules from ftp etc. and codes from GitLab then go on continuous integration with this static node_modules.
How can I do that?
There is a solution to manage the modules yourself: you can store your node_modules in its own repo in which your developers will only be able to clone/get the repo and not contribute/modify it.
Hope this helped you
This can be done, please look at Installing a local module using npm? . You can FTP or whatever to get the packages and install them using npm.

doing npm install for each project takes too much space in drive

is there any way to route npm install to a specific part of hard drive and when i do npm install it make node_module folder in that part of drive, and when i run any project it look for dependencies in that part of drive,
just like single pool for every project.
then if i have two projects with similar dependencies then i only need to npm install in one project so dependencies become available in pool, and no need to do npm install in another project just npm start
Thank you,
Inzamam Malik
You can achieve something close to what you are describing with the link option.
If true, then local installs will link if there is a suitable globally installed package.
Note that this means that local installs can cause things to be installed into the global space at the same time. The link is only done if one of the two conditions are met:
The package is not already installed globally, or
the globally installed version is identical to the version that is being installed locally.
So you will still have some files in each project's node_modules, but you shouldn't have as large a folder.
To turn this behavior on, run:
npm config set link -g
Edit: There is no way you can avoid running npm install and having a node_modules folder. Node.js always looks in node_modules for dependencies (this behavior pre-dates npm itself). The link option will make npm create symlinks in node_modules, pointing to a common pool. That will reduce disc usage, but you cannot do away with node_modules.
You can use PNPM Package manager, It uses a global pool for dependencies.

copy npm global installed package to local

If I have a npm package installed globally, and I want to install the same package locally in some project, does npm download the package again or copy it from the global install folder? If not, is there a way to make it do that?
It is not recommended to copy files from global to local. It is pretty normal to have package installed in both places.
Global package in most of the cases is used in terminal.
Local package is used in application itself.
Also you can use npm link to symlink a global package
Install it in both places. Seriously, are you that short on disk
space? It’s fine, really. They’re tiny JavaScript programs.
Install it
globally, and then npm link coffee-script or npm link express (if
you’re on a platform that supports symbolic links.) Then you only need
to update the global copy to update all the symlinks as well.
The first option is the best in my opinion. Simple, clear, explicit. The
second is really handy if you are going to re-use the same library in
a bunch of different projects. (More on npm link in a future

Using npm how can I download a package as a zip with all of its dependencies included in the package

What I'm trying to do is download packages with all their dependencies, in order to transfer them to another computer that does not have an internet connection and install it there.
So the scenario would be:
Download package (to zip/tarball/whatever file) without installing it.
Included in that downloaded file would be all of its dependencies (correct versions, and it's dependencies' dependencies).
Transfer file to other computer.
Run npm install to file location (optional -g important).
Package is installed with dependencies.
Happy camper.
I feel like there has to be a npm command to download and pack (create) files this way.
I've tried looking for a solution for this to no avail.
This is my first time using node so I'm affraid I'm not researching it correctly because lack of knowledge of the node/npm lingo.
I just used this gist by Jack Gill to do exactly what you describe -- bundle up a package, with all its dependencies. Basically what the script does is re-write a module's package.json file to move all its dependencies to bundleDependencies, then pack the whole thing. Upload the resulting tarball to your server, then npm install it. Works a treat.
Download the package to a machine with internet.
Make sure your app package has a package.json file at its root with all of your dependencies listed in it. You can make npm save your dependencies in package.json by doing npm install dependency-name --save. The --save flag will cause npm to write the dependency to your app's package.json file if it has one. If it doesn't have on then it will do nothing. You can also instruct npm to create a package.json file for your app if you need to by simply running npm init from in your app's directory.
Run npm install from inside the app's directory. This will create the node_modules directory and install all the dependencies listed in the app's package.json file.
Zip up the directory now that it has a node_modules directory in it with all your dependencies installed. Transfer the zip archive to another machine.
Simply unpack the archive in its final destination and you're done. The app is now where it needs to be and the dependencies are already installed.
Now just run the application with node app.js, replacing "app.js" with whatever the name of the app's main entry point file is.
You can just use the npm pack command.
So for example:
npm pack lodash
This command will download the npm package and create a file lodash-4.17.4.tgz.
Installing this can be done with:
npm install ../../my-location/lodash-4.17.4.tgz
More details here:
Simply run npm install in the package directory and archive the entirety of it.
Assuming there are no non-npm requirements you need to meet and both machines are running the same version of node, nothing more needs to be done. All of the downloaded dependencies will be installed inside the ./node_modules. But it is a generally good idea to archive the entire package, as the developer might have implemented some additional setup routines.
you can download package with all its dependencies with its dependents using single command. Kindly refer this link npm-package-downloader
