How to open a local folder using Google Earth - kml

I have a photo within Google Earth. I would like to be able to click the photo or description to open the folder directory. I believe the href needs to be modified. How can the code be modified to open the local folder?
Screenshot here
Click Here to open Folder
<img style="max-width:500px;" src="file:///C:/Temp/Photo1.jpg">

You can link to a local folder only if you change two of the default settings.
Open Google Earth and select Menu / Tools / Options / General
In Display panel, check "Show Web Results in external Browser" option
In Placemark Balloons panel, check "Allow Access to local files and personal data" option
Then create a KML file in a text editor (such as the following) and launch it in Google Earth.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
Click Here to open Folder
<img style="max-width:500px;" src="file:///C:/Temp/Photo1.jpg">
For more details on using HTML in KML description balloon, see KML Reference.


Creating a custom Add-in for Excel 2016 and it is not available from the My Add-In menu

I have created an Excel add-in following the instructions from Everything went fine following along with the instructions and then I copied the solution out to a network share and then copied the manifest file to a different network share.
Then I tried following the instructions in the "Try it out" section of the page with adding the network location of the manifest file to into the Trusted Add-On Catalogs. Then after restarting Excel and going into the My Add-Ins button I see the Shared Folder tab on the screen, but I do not see the custom add-in, so I can't select it. Does anyone know what I'm missing.
My manifest file looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TaskPaneApp">
<DisplayName DefaultValue="Sample Excel Add-In" />
<Description DefaultValue="Sample Excel Add-In"/>
<Capability Name="Workbook" />
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="\\pathtowheresolutionwas copied\ExcelAddInTest\Home.html" />
The problem here was I followed along with the instructions in the document, but there is one part that is not really correct. It has you copy the Website out to a network share, but that can't be copied out to a network share it needs to be published to a website that is running https.

Create Template Page in Sharepoint 2013

I am unable to create template page in sharepoint 2013.
Is there a way to do so ?
Thank You !
To create a page layout:
Browse to your publishing site.
In the upper-right corner of the page, choose the gear icon, and then choose Design Manager.
In Design Manager, in the left navigation pane, choose Edit Page Layouts.
Choose Create a page layout.
In the Create a Page Layout dialog box, enter a name for your page layout.
Select a master page.
The master page that you choose here will be shown in the preview for this page layout. This master page also determines what content placeholders get added to the page layout.
After you choose this master page, you cannot preview the page layout with a different master page, even after you apply a different master page to the live site.
Select a content type. The content type for this page layout determines what page fields will be available for this page layout in the Snippet Gallery.
Choose OK.
At this point, SharePoint creates an HTML file and an .aspx file with the same name. In Design Manager, your HTML file now appears with a Status column that shows one of two possible statuses:
Warnings and Errors
Conversion successful
Click the link in the Status column to preview the file and to view any errors or warnings about the master page.
The preview page is a live server-side preview of your page layout. The top of the preview displays any warnings or errors that you may have to resolve by editing the HTML file in an HTML editor. Errors must be fixed before the preview will display the page layout correctly.
The preview page also contains a Snippets link in the upper-right corner. This link opens the Snippet Gallery, where you can begin replacing mockup controls in your design with dynamic SharePoint controls.
To fix any errors, edit the HTML file that resides directly on the server by using an HTML editor to open and edit the HTML file in the mapped drive. Each time you save the HTML file, any changes are synced to the associated .aspx file.
The preview of the page layout shows the page fields that were added automatically to the page layout. These page fields are site columns that are unique to the current content type. Now you are ready to style the page layout according to your original HTML mockups.

HTML5 video and MP4 video format integration with SharePoint 2010

My requirement is to upload video files to sharepoint and renders videos to html page and I have created Assets Library for uploading video files and uploaded one sample .mp4 file. But when I try to play video intersting to the page using built a custom visual webpart,and I am getting "MIME type" not supported error message in IE browser.
Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe this helps:
I think you must enter the correct in IIS before using a particular file type, in this case video/mp4.
Go to All Programs > Administrative Tools and select Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Select your project from left site.
Look for MIME type icon in the central panel and click on it.
You will see ACTIONS in the right panel. Enter .mp4 in File name extension and video/mp4 in MIME type and click OK.

Self Contained KMZ with Photos

Originally I created my KMZ file in ArcGIS 10.1 which included a latitude/longitude for some potential reclamation sites. In the end I have a a KMZ file when each placemark is clicked it pops up a information box that has a site description and a photo. The photos are currently stored online, I would like to get this KMZ file to contain the photos to make it easier for my web map to get published which uses ESRI's Javascript API to access the KMZ file. I have unzipped the KMZ file and attempted to change the absolute URL of the image to just the file name since all of the files are stored in the same directory. I then selected the KML file, the photo I tested this on, and my icon and zipped them, changed the file type from ZIP to KMZ and it does not work.
In the last step, try leaving them unzipped so the KML can access the image urls directly. The website accesses the KML and the KML points to the photo urls.

Sharepoint Master Page Implementation

I have a master page already created by a colleague, how can I implement this master page in SharePoint?
There are several ways you can use to change the master page of a SharePoint site. Here are some , . I hope it helps.
If you want to create and deploy a new master page using Visual Studio 2010, see following steps.
1.Right click SharePoint Project in Visual Studio select Add New Item.
2.Select Module Template and name it as MasterPageModule. Click Add.
3.Rename the Sample.txt to Sample.master
4.Open the Elements.xml, delete existing text and replace with following code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="MasterPageModule" List="116" Url="_catalogs/masterpage">
<File Path="MasterPageModule\Sample.master" Url="MasterPageModule/Sample.master" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="false" />
5.Open the existing site with SharePoint Designer.
6.Go to Site Objects -> Master Pages and copy v4.master
7.Rename and select the new file.
8.To edit the file select Customization -> Edit.
9.Select Yes for "Do you want to check it out?" message.
10.Select all code from the copied master page and copy to the Sample.master file.
11.Modify the code (You can also modify the file in SP Designer and then copy)
12.Build and deploy the solution.
13.Go to http:///_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx
14.Open the MasterPageModule Folder.
You’ll see the deployed Sample.master page.
Using SharePoint designer, connect to your site and copy the master page file into the Master Page library. Then right click on the master page file in SP Designer and select "Set as Default Master Page".
