Install a Haskell package directly from a git repository? - haskell

stack allows one to define git repositories as packages using the stack.yaml file. Is it possible to do something like the following, directly via command-line:
stack install --resolver=lts-12.1
Use-case: Install a command-line tool that I have written during a docker build process. I want to avoid cloning the repo and then building it. Is there a short-hand for this?

New solution
Right after submitting the answer I thought of a separate solution.
You can create a custom custom-snapshot.yaml file in your repository that extends some existing snapshot, such as lts-15.3 for example. Add your package to it in a similar way you would add it to the stack.yaml.
And the point to it when installing the tool:
$ stack install --resolver my-cool-tool
or even shorter:
$ stack install --resolver github:saurabhnanda/my-cool-tool:custom-snapshot.yaml my-cool-tool
Disclaimer - I have not tried it, but in theory it should work.
Old solution
I don't think you can do it at cli without stack.yaml
So two options are:
either create a temporary project with stack new add your repository to the stack.yaml
or add the same information to into the global stack.yaml, location of which can be found programmatically:
$ stack path --config-location
and add this to extra-deps:
- github: saurabhnanda/some-repo
commit: master
- my-cool-tool
After that running stack install my-cool-tool should work as normal.
I don't think it would be too hard too write up a Haskell script that could do one of those two solutions for you and host as a gist that can be curled and executed on demand with stack.


How to download packages without compiling/installing them?

Is there any command-line switch to stack that tells it to download all relevant packages without compiling/installing anything?
I think you probably want a combination of the --prefetch and --dry-run flags. For example, the following command:
stack build --prefetch --dry-run acme-missiles
downloads the acme-missiles-0.3.tar.gz source file without building it. If you later run stack build acme-missiles, it should configure and build it from the previously downloaded source.
If you want to download sources of the package locally you can use stack unpack command:
stack unpack typerep-map-0.3.0
The same can be done with cabal-install as well but with cabal get command:
cabal get typerep-map-0.3.0

Building the latest version of process as a dependency

In order to be able to cancel a process on Windows, I need to make use of this fix for process package, which is still not released. I've tried adding the latest version from github as a dependency in my stack.yaml file:
- '.'
- location:
commit: 2fb7e739771f4a899a12b45f8b392e4874616b89
extra-dep: true
But the stack build command fails:
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
Logs have been written to: C:\Users\nadalesagutde\Documents\github\capitanbatata\sandbox\racing-turtles\.stack-work\logs\process-
Configuring process-
Warning: The 'build-type' is 'Configure' but there is no 'configure' script.
You probably need to run 'autoreconf -i' to generate it.
setup.exe: configure script not found.
In the README of process is stated that autoreconf -i must be run before, but I don't know how to tell this to stack. Do I need some extra configuration in my stack.yaml file?
Looks like the package's git repo does not include the "configure" script, which is needed to use the package directly. The reason things work when downloading from hackage is that the source distribution does include the configure script. Frustrating! I think this is an atypical design decision for a package that uses configure. I've opened this stack issue:
Suggested workaround is to clone the repo as a submodule and run autoreconf -i manually.

Should I use stack to build and upload to Hackage?

Over time I've developed a messy system level Haskell installation that I'm not sure how to completely clean up. But for the most part this isn't of much concern as I simply use stack to manage per-project Haskell configurations. However as my project requirements diverge from my system Haskell setup, I wonder what the best way is to build and upload packages for Hackage.
Specifically (1) should I be using
stack exec -- cabal sdist
stack exec -- cabal upload
instead of simply
cabal sdist
cabal upload
and (2) should is there any reason to install a project version of cabal (with stack build cabal?)
Or is there some better stack-based approach to building and distributing to Hackage that doesn't involve invoking cabal directly?
Adding an answer based on my earlier comment.
stack offers equivalent functionality via its
stack sdist
stack upload
commands, which don't require interfacing with cabal directly in stack-based projects.
A full list of commands supported by stack can be obtained via:
$ stack --help
and the official documentation.
Individual commands also support --help to see what command line flags they support.

How to create a Cabal Sandbox

I want to build an environment for tutorial programs for Haskell, as I want to try and learn the language. So I read about Cabal and already have it on my machine, because I updated pandoc sometimes. I followed some tutorials, which state that you should run:
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal build
To have the environment set up. However, if I try so, I receive the following message:
$ cabal sandbox init
Writing a default package environment file to
Using an existing sandbox located at
(Output of ls command)
$ ls
And then:
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal: Error reading local package.
Couldn't find .cabal file in: .
Huh? Suddenly there needs to be a .cabal file? This is puzzling to me. What steps do I need to take to get an environment, in which I can simply install packages and then use that environment to run code of any tutorials I choose?
This is another tutorial suggesting the described workflow. Something is there I am missing.
(I am under the impression, that cabal sandboxes are comparable to python virtualenvs, being useful in the way, that one doesn't need to install packages system-wide, but can instead install them in a directory and then use that environment to run programs.)
You need to have a cabal file inside it which describes your project's name, package dependencies, license etc. A cabal file can be generated using cabal init which is followed by a series of question you have to answer.
Once the initial cabal configuration file is created, you can go inside the package directory and create sandbox inside it using the commands you have described above.
You may be also interested in Stack which is another alternate (better, if you would ask me :)) tool for developing Haskell projects.

How to add documentation after packages have already been installed?

I have installed a bunch of packages to the snapshot database. I would now like a local copy of their documentation (even better if it's with hyperlinked source). Is there a way I can tell stack to run haddock on all of them?
EDIT (copied from my answer):
It seems that the obvious stack haddock package will install haddock for the package, so
$ cd ~/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-3.0/7.10.2/doc
$ stack haddock *
seems to do what I want, with two downsides:
I'll still need to remember to pass the --haddock flag to every build (there isn't a ~/.stack/config file, is there?)
It seems to rebuild them; is there a way to avoid that?
It seems that the obvious stack haddock package will install haddock for the package, so
$ cd ~/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux/lts-3.0/7.10.2/doc
$ stack haddock *
seems to do what I want, with two downsides:
I'll still need to remember to pass the --haddock flag to every build (there isn't a ~/.stack/config file, is there?)
It seems to rebuild them; is there a way to avoid that?
Step 1. Download and build the newest haddock. The build instructions are
git clone
cd haddock
cabal sandbox init
cabal sandbox add-source haddock-library
cabal sandbox add-source haddock-api
cabal install --dependencies-only
cabal build
Then install the new haddock as haddock.real
cp dist/build/haddock/haddock /some/bin/dir/haddock.real
Step 2. Create a wrapper script named haddock:
/some/bin/dir/haddock.real --hyperlinked-source "$#"
Don't forget to make it executable and put it in your path.
Step 3. Download and build standalone-haddock:
mkdir build-standalone-haddock
git clone
cd standalone-haddock
cabal build
cp dist/build/standalone-haddock/standalone-haddock /some/bin/dir/
An example of how to use standalone-haddock:
mkdir temp
cd temp
cabal get heredoc-
standalone-haddock -o doc heredoc-
Then open doc/heredoc/index.html in your browser.
When you navigate to a type definition you should see a Source link on the right and that will bring you to the new hyperlinked source.
