how to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription? - azure

I am using azure machine learning services. I have created an experiment and deployed as a webservice on Azure Machine Learning Workspace.
My problem Is my subscription has expired and now I want to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription so I can reuse its all content(model, experiment etc.) without losing.
How can I save my all important work and export or move Azure Machine Learning Workspace with all working functionalities in different subscription?
Thank you

The following document demonstrates how to migrate Azure resources across subscriptions. You should be able to migrate your workspace as indicated here.
As highlighted in the document above, if the tenant IDs for the source and destination subscriptions aren't the same, use the following methods to reconcile the tenant IDs:
Transfer ownership of an Azure subscription to another account
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
The source and destination subscriptions must be active. If you have trouble enabling an account that has been disabled, create an Azure support request. Select Subscription Management for the issue type.

This document says that moving an AML workspace is currently not supported:
In this doc referenced in a previous answer, .MachineLearning refers to the classic ML studio. You should be looking for .MachineLearningServices which refers to the new AML studio which clearly states that moving between resource groups or subscriptions is not supported.
I'm looking to do this myself but I haven't found a complete solution.


Change CSP default directory to use an existing PAYASYOUGO suscripcion directory

I have a client who has an azure payasyougo account, it has inside office 365 services and Azure resources. These services uses a common Azure directory.
The client has decided to use our services as CSP service provider and the solution requires the following:
The new destination CSP suscriptions must handle the same active directory of the original payasyougo suscription.
The Azure resources must be migrated from the source subscription to the target subscription keeping all the permissions intact.
The source subscription has 4 custom domains with their respective users being synchronized through Azure AD connect. All of the must be configured in the target subscription.
Is it possible to link the directory of the existing subscription paysasyougo with the new target subscription CSP?
Note: The directory change option is available in the source subscription payasyou, but it is not available under the CSP subscription which is where it is needed.
Further details: Both PAYSASYOUGO and CSP azure subcriptions resides on different tenants.
I would 100% recommend reaching out to Microsoft for the specifics on this especially since you are a CSP and already have an established relationship with them!
Microsoft do provide some documentation on the questions you are asking though:
At the very least you would be able to migrate it or copy it across / grant permissions to the new subscriptions to manage the old AD that's providing access, However moving the Azure AD I believe would haven as per the same answer to Question 2
How to Migrate subscriptions from PAYG to Azure CSP:
Further Reading;
This maybe possible but would most likely cause an outage.
Detailed Blog on the process:
What resources are available in Azure CSP:
Again 100% I would recommend getting an official answer from Microsoft

Move Resource Groups to different azure accounts

I have two Azure Subscriptions, Enterprise and MSDN subsciptions. I want to transfer a resource group from one subsciption to another. Already found this method but it requires to change the tenant of one of the subscriptions. How to move resources from subscriptions in different directories in Azure
These accounts have different active directories (Cannot Change Directory). So essentially the tenantid remains different.
Official Docs also mentions this way
Is there any alternate methods to move the RG?
I think there is no alternate method to move the RG. What you can do as a Workaround is to try to download the Automation Script (ARM template) for your Resource Group, delete the RG and deploy the template to your new subscription. But this only works for services that uses the Resource Manager (not Service Manager).
Also this only creates the services / infrastructure but you probably have to redeploy content depeding on which resources you are using.
Someone mentioned this can be done by contacting the support.
I found that its possible in some scenarios to do this by moving the resource group to a new/temporary subscription, and then transferring ownership of that subscription to the desire account. It doesn't matter if the account is on a different domain or not, however not all resource types can be transferred (e.g. Azure role-based access control assignments).

How to create an Azure Subscription and Azure Active Directory programatically

I have a requirement to be able to create an Azure subscription and Azure AD Tenant programmatically (e.g with Terraform or an ARM Template etc - this part is not important, as long as I can find an API).
Looking at the Azure RM it doesn't seem to be possible. Even the UI seems to redirect to a different app to create a subscription.
Any ideas on how to go about this?
We had a similar requirement on a project two years ago and we found no way to programatically provision a subscription nor an Azure Active Directory.
As far as I know, this is still not possible. However, we "solved" it by manually creating a pool of subscription and AAD and used them in our tenant boarding application.

Migrating blobs from Classic subscription to v6 subscription

I wantd to know whether there is a way to migrate the storage blobs from Classic subscription to V6 subscription on Azure as we can do for the VMs.
Thank you.
Do you mean you want to move classic azure storage to a new subscription as an ARM resource? At currently, Azure storage services is supported to move to a new resources or a new subscription. We could find this information at this article. In that article, we could find that there will be some limitations for moving classic deployment to a new subscription. Here is a snippet of that article:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same
The target subscription must not contain any other classic
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for
classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands do not work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
It also provide detailed steps about how to move Classic Compute to a new subscription. If you want to move classic storage. Please try to use "ClassicStorage" instead of "ClassicCompute"
We could find the provider in Azure resource portal. for example. I want to move "jaml" to a new subscription. I search "jaml" in Azure resource portal. then I will find below information:

In Azure, is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription?

On Azure, I am currently using my "3-month Free Trial" subscription, and just recently I got access to a "Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate" subscription.
Is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription using the Portal?
Obviously I could just re-publish the sites using Visual Studio, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this in the GUI?
There is no way you can accomplish in the Portal interface. You do have an option to request Windows Azure Billing Team and request them move all of your currently configured and running services from one Subscription to other subscription, the key is "all".
IF you want to move one specific service from one subscription to another then the available option is to deploy directly to other subscription.
I did do this once. I had to contact their billing team and after a couple of days of back and forth between them it was taking too long so I just did it manually, redeploying the sites to the new subscription. This may not be possible if you have many sites. I did a backup and restore of the SQL Azure database.
I am battling with azure support right now on trying to do the same thing. From what I can tell your best bet is creating the services on your MSDN subscription and redeploying.
I don't know a way to do this from the portal but I do recommend using Windows Azure PowerShell which has the ability to manage multiple subscriptions and in your case you can just do this cmdlet to copy a service into another subscription:
Publish-AzureServiceProject -sn MyNewSubscriptionName
