Migrating blobs from Classic subscription to v6 subscription - azure

I wantd to know whether there is a way to migrate the storage blobs from Classic subscription to V6 subscription on Azure as we can do for the VMs.
Thank you.

Do you mean you want to move classic azure storage to a new subscription as an ARM resource? At currently, Azure storage services is supported to move to a new resources or a new subscription. We could find this information at this article. In that article, we could find that there will be some limitations for moving classic deployment to a new subscription. Here is a snippet of that article:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same
The target subscription must not contain any other classic
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for
classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands do not work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
It also provide detailed steps about how to move Classic Compute to a new subscription. If you want to move classic storage. Please try to use "ClassicStorage" instead of "ClassicCompute"
We could find the provider in Azure resource portal. for example. I want to move "jaml" to a new subscription. I search "jaml" in Azure resource portal. then I will find below information:


how to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription?

I am using azure machine learning services. I have created an experiment and deployed as a webservice on Azure Machine Learning Workspace.
My problem Is my subscription has expired and now I want to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription so I can reuse its all content(model, experiment etc.) without losing.
How can I save my all important work and export or move Azure Machine Learning Workspace with all working functionalities in different subscription?
Thank you
The following document demonstrates how to migrate Azure resources across subscriptions. You should be able to migrate your workspace as indicated here.
As highlighted in the document above, if the tenant IDs for the source and destination subscriptions aren't the same, use the following methods to reconcile the tenant IDs:
Transfer ownership of an Azure subscription to another account
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
The source and destination subscriptions must be active. If you have trouble enabling an account that has been disabled, create an Azure support request. Select Subscription Management for the issue type.
This document says that moving an AML workspace is currently not supported:
In this doc referenced in a previous answer, .MachineLearning refers to the classic ML studio. You should be looking for .MachineLearningServices which refers to the new AML studio which clearly states that moving between resource groups or subscriptions is not supported.
I'm looking to do this myself but I haven't found a complete solution.

Moving resources from one Azure account to another

A company that we hired to develop or software created an azure account where they have our database, API, etc. Recently we decided to have our own azure account and our plan is to move all the resources that are on the vendor azure account to our own.
It is possible to move all the services from the vendor account to ours? if so can you guys point me in the right direction?
The boundary for resources in Azure is the "Subscription". All you need to do is change the subscription for the resources.
In the Azure Portal, select the Resource Group with the resources that you want to move to your control. Then change the Subscription ID to yours.
You cannot move all types of resources. Some you will need to recreate. This link provides more details:

Not able to see the Azure Microsoft.classiccompute provider to register

I am using the CSP subscription. I need to create a cloud service within the azure portal. But it gave me an red line saying that the "subscription not allowed to register Microsoft.classiccompute".
Is this because its using the CSP subscription ? Is there any workaround ?
I tried to find the "provider to register" to my subscription but cannot be found in the list to register it.
How do we possibly include the provider to my subscription or is it that CSP subscription is not allowed to register?
Do I have to use a Non CSP subscription.? Please help
Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, the cloud service Microsoft.classiccompute is classic deployment model, you need to use another subscription, refer to this link.
For example, because Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, non-Azure Resource Manager services are not available in the program.

Create Classic VM from VHD in Azure

I have a server in Classic ASM which I want to move to another subscription.
I tried using the move feature on the portal but it throws error that target subscription is not empty.
Are there any way that I can recreate the classic VM from its VHDs and also migrate its IP address to the new Subscription.
I don't want the Generalise the VM.
I tried using the move feature on the portal but it throws error that target subscription is not empty.
If you want to move ASM resources to a new subscription, you should note:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same operation.
The target subscription must not contain any other classic resources.
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands don't work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
To move classic resources to a new subscription, use the REST operations that are specific to classic resources, refer to this link.
Besides, if it is possible, I recommend you to use ARM nowadays, Microsoft released a new management model called Azure Resource Manager (ARM) which provides many new capabilities to manage, and control Azure resources. You could migrate the VM from ASM to ARM, refer to this link. And move it to another subscription, refer to this link.
The client does not plan to migrate to ARM currently.
To migrate the VM to another subscription, I followed the below steps and it worked well.
1- Copy the VM's VHDs to the destination storage account.
2- Create VM Image (Classic) using the VHD which was copied and then create VM out of it.
3- Unfortunately, I was unable to find a way to migrate the public IP address to another subscription.

Deploy to Azure using Storage Account created in new portal

I want to deploy cloud service to Azure, but when deploying must select Storage Account(tried both in new portal and in Visual Studio 2015). My storage account was created using new portal "Storage accounts" and was assigned to some Resource group, as a result I can't choose it when deploying. Any suggestions how to deploy?
One possible reason is that the storage account created by the new portal was likely created under the resource manager deployment model, while the cloud service is still under the classic deployment model. These don't play well together. You can read a little more at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-manager-deployment-model/. I don't think that a cloud service can use a resource manager storage account for deployment.
In the new portal look at the All Resources blade. If the storage account has a green icon it is a resource manager account. If the storage account has a blue icon it's a classic account.
Create a new storage account as a classic account, either by creating it in the older portal or by using the drop down in the new portal before you click create on the blade that talks about the storage accounts (the before you provide the account name, etc.). Once you do this then I think the account show show up as an option for your cloud service to deploy with.
Also note that if the storage account was created just prior to trying to select it, it might take a minute or two to become visible as an option.
