P4API.net: how to use P4Callbacks delegates - perforce

I am working on a small tool to schedule p4 sync daily at specific times.
In this tool, I want to display the outputs from the P4API while it is running commands.
I can see that the P4API.net has a P4Callbacks class, with several delegates: InfoResultsDelegate, TaggedOutputDelegate, LogMessageDelegate, ErrorDelegate.
My question is: How can I use those, I could not find a single example online of that. A short example code would be amazing !
Note: I am quite a beginner and have never used delegates before.

Answering my own questions by an example. I ended up figuring out by myself, it is a simple event.
Note that this only works with P4Server. My last attempt at getting TaggedOutput from a P4.Connection was unsuccessful, they were never triggered when running a command.
So, here is a code example:
P4Server p4Server = new P4Server(syncPath);
p4Server.TaggedOutputReceived += P4ServerTaggedOutputEvent;
p4Server.ErrorReceived += P4ServerErrorReceived;
bool syncSuccess = false;
P4Command syncCommand = new P4Command(p4Server, "sync", true, syncPath + "\\...");
P4CommandResult rslt = syncCommand.Run();
//Here you can read the content of the P4CommandResult
//But it will only be accessible when the command is finished.
catch (P4Exception ex) //Will be caught only when the command has completely failed
Console.WriteLine("P4Command failed: " + ex.Message);
And the two methods, those will be triggered while the sync command is being executed.
private void P4ServerErrorReceived(uint cmdId, int severity, int errorNumber, string data)
Console.WriteLine("P4ServerErrorReceived:" + data);
private void P4ServerTaggedOutputEvent(uint cmdId, int ObjId, TaggedObject Obj)
Console.WriteLine("P4ServerTaggedOutputEvent:" + Obj["clientFile"]);


Worker stuck in a Sandbox?

Trying to figure out why I can login with my rest API just fine on the main thread but not in a worker. All communication channels are operating fine and I am able to load it up no problem. However, when it tries to send some data it just hangs.
[Embed(source="../bin/BGThread.swf", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
private static var BackgroundWorker_ByteClass:Class;
public static function get BackgroundWorker():ByteArray
return new BackgroundWorker_ByteClass();
On a test script:
public function Main()
fBCore.init("secrets", "my-firebase-id");
//fBCore.auth.addEventListener(FBAuthEvent.LOGIN_SUCCES, hanldeFBSuccess);
fBCore.auth.addEventListener(AuthEvent.LOGIN_SUCCES, hanldeFBSuccess);
fBCore.auth.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError);
fBCore.auth.email_login("admin#admin.admin", "password");
private function handleIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
trace("IO error");
trace(e.text); //Nothing here
private function hanldeFBSuccess(e:AuthEvent):void
trace("Main login success.");
trace(e.message);//Complete success.
When triggered by a class via an internal worker channel passed from Main on init:
private function handleLoginClick(e:MouseEvent):void
login_mc.buttonMode = false;
login_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleLoginClick);
log("Logging in as " + email_mc.text_txt.text);
commandChannel.send([BGThreadCommand.LOGIN, email_mc.text_txt.text, password_mc.text_txt.text]);
case BGThreadCommand.LOGIN:
log("Logging in with " + message[1] + "::" + message[2]); //Log goes to a progress channel and comes to the main thread reading the outputs successfully.
fbCore.auth.email_login(message[1], message[2]);
fbCore.auth.addEventListener(AuthEvent.LOGIN_SUCCES, loginSuccess); //Nothing
fbCore.auth.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoginIOError); //Fires
Auth Rest Class: https://github.com/sfxworks/FirebaseREST/blob/master/src/net/sfxworks/firebaseREST/Auth.as
Is this a worker limitation or a security sandbox issue? I have a deep feeling it is the latter of the two. If that's the case how would I load the worker in a way that also gives it the proper permissions to act?
Completely ignored the giveAppPrivelages property in the createWorker function. Sorry Stackoverflow. Sometimes I make bad questions when I get little (or none in this case) sleep the night before.

Function not running with QtConcurrent::run() when using QFutureWatcher

I want to call a function to delete files and folders from the system in a parallel thread called by QtConcurrent::run() (Qt for Embedded Linux 4.8). Using only a QFuture<bool> with QFuture::waitForFinished() to grab the result (I need to run some code right after the operation), I was able to make the system work.
But I want to display the ongoing result of the operation in a QProgressBar derived class with its setValue(int) called via signals and slots mechanism from inside the delete function, and what I get with the above method is a freezed main thread while the operation isn't finished, and that is inadmissible.
So I though about using QFutureWatcher<bool> and connecting it's finished() signal to another slot containing the remaining code to be run after the delete operation is finished.
The problem I'm facing is that, when I do this, the delete function is simply not run by QtConcurrent::run()! I checked that with printed messages to Terminal. Everything that occurs is that the QFutureWatcher calls its finished() signal without any execution of the delete files function (and that also happens if I use QFutureWatcher::waitForFinished()).
Is this some bug from Qt?
Regarding code, it's pretty exactly as in Qt Assistant: create the QFuture and QFutureWatcher globally, connect the finished() signal with the slot, call QtConcurrent::run(), and setFuture() to the future. Nothing special.
Any help appreciated.
Following the request of Kuba, here is the relevant part of the code:
//Declared globally in the .cpp
QFuture<bool> future;
QFutureWatcher<bool> watcher;
void SelectRecordToDeleteWidget::slotDeleteRecordStateMachine()
switch (deleteRecordStateMachine)
case PrepareToDelete:
case DeleteRecords:
future = QtConcurrent::run(removeFiles, QString(DEFAULT_RECORD_DIR) + "/" + recordList.at(aaa).second.second, poProgressDialog, &itemCounter);
case FinishDelete:
//Run code after deleting files
This is all the code using QFuture and QFutureWatcher. The removeFiles is as follows (not forgetting that it works well without QFutureWatcher):
bool removeFiles(const QString dirName, Interface::ProgressDialog* const poProgressDialog, qint32* const itemDeletedCounter)
bool result = true;
QDir dir(dirName);
if (dir.exists())
Q_FOREACH (QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::System | QDir::Hidden | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst))
// if (Q_UNLIKELY(poProgressDialog->wasCanceled()))
// break;
if (info.isDir())
result = removeFiles(info.absoluteFilePath(),poProgressDialog,itemDeletedCounter);
if (!result)
return result;
result = QFile::remove(info.absoluteFilePath());
if (!result)
return result;
if (!QMetaObject::invokeMethod(poProgressDialog, "setValue",
Q_ARG(qint32, *itemDeletedCounter)))
mDebugS(QString("removeFiles: %1QMetaObject::invokeMethod(poProgressDialog, \"setValue\"... failed!"));
// mDebugS(QString("removeFiles: %1").arg(*itemDeletedCounter));
result = dir.rmdir(dirName);
catch (...)
const QString strTemp = QString("An error in a call to removeFiles");
return result;

How to enable user to re-entry(or) reuse the same dialog in MFC

I'm currently doing a FTP download using MFC. Is a very simple program which takes 2 inputs from user and click a download button in order to download from server. Everything is fine and im able to download it from. But i realized this program can only be executed once. Either successful or fail user has to open the .exe again to download another file. I'm a beginner in C&C++ with a simple knowledge i put OnInitDialog() at the last line of the download function hopping it will loop back and initialize again. Of course it doesn't work. Below are my current codes for the download button
BOOL CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::Log_In(char* path, char* ID, char* password {
m_pFtpConnection = NULL;
// path
// ID
// password
m_pFtpConnection = m_Session.GetFtpConnection(path,
catch(CInternetException *pEx){
m_pFtpConnection = NULL;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
MessageBox("Download Complete");
MessageBox("Download Fail");
return FALSE;
// Log_out Session
if(m_pFtpConnection!=NULL) delete m_pFtpConnection;
else MessageBox("Download Complete");
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
void CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::OnCancel() {
// Log_out Session
delete m_pFtpConnection;
void CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::OnDLButton() {
//get path from user input
// start download
I've tried to search online, i couldn't find anything which is close. Sorry for my poor explanation.
Thank you in advance for your kindness in replying
Here is what you need to do:
You should make CInternetSession m_Session; a member of your CWinApp-derived class.
You should call m_Session.Close() in ExitInstance() method of your CWinApp-derived class.
In your CDialog-derived class you should only deal with CFtpConnection related stuff. So when user clicks on Download button you should call GetFtpConnection() and initialize your m_pFtpConnection and do the rest. When download/upload is done call m_pFtpConnection->Close(); and delete m_pFtpConnection;
Please also use CString instead of char*. There are lots of benefits like automatic UNICODE support, etc.
Please also consider using CString::Format() method instead of sprintf().
You should also consider using threads to perform upload/download tasks in a separate worker thread. Use AfxBeginThread() to start the thread. This way you'll not affect Windows message pump that is a part of main application (GUI) thread. So your GUI wont lock up while you uploading/downloading files.

How to optimize tests validating asynchronous code?

We are developing a WPF application using TDD. As we're already working on this solution for almost two years, we've written a huge bunch of tests (almost 2000 Unittests right now).
There are some classes, that need to implement functionality multithreaded and asynchronously. For example a communication-component that can both send and receive messages and parse them. The dependencies are always mocked using RhinoMocks.
Our Test-Methods targeting these classes look very similar, as following:
public void Method_Description_ExpectedResult(){
// Arrange
var myStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyStub>();
var target = new MyAsynchronousClass(myStub);
// Act
var target.Send("Foo");
myStub.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Bar("Foo"));
As you can see, this test runs at least for 200 ms due to the Thread.Sleep(). We optimized the test replacing the AssertWasCalled with a active polling method, s.th. like this:
public static bool True(Func<bool> condition, int times, int waitTime)
for (var i = 0; i < times; i++)
if (condition())
return true;
return condition();
We can now use this WaitFor.True(...) Method by changing the AssertWasCalled to:
var fooTriggered = false;
myStub.Stub(x => x.Bar("Foo")).Do((Action)(() => fooTriggered = true)));
WaitFor.True(() => fooTriggered, 20, 20);
This construct will terminate earlier if the condition matches, but anyway - this takes too long for us. Running all of our 2000 Tests need about 5 Minutes (building and running them).
Is there any smart trick how we could optimize code like this?
You can use a monitor. I'm making this up so please excuse me if it isn't quite compiling, but it'll look something like:
public void Method_Description_ExpectedResult(){
// Arrange
var waitingRoom = new object();
var myStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyStub>();
myStub.Setup(x => x.Bar("Foo")).Callback(x =>
var target = new MyAsynchronousClass(myStub);
// Act
myStub.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Bar("Foo"));
Code written within the Monitor can't run until it's free. The test will cause the acting thread to wait until Monitor.Wait has been called. Then the callback can enter and pulse the Monitor. The test then "wakes up", and once the callback has exited the monitor, it gets control back and exits too, allowing you to Assert.
The only thing I haven't covered is that if Bar("Foo") doesn't get called it will hang, so you might want to have a timer pulse the thread too.
You can create a class which does the complex monitoring bits for you if you use it a lot. This is one I wrote to deal with asynchronous checks in UI automation; adapting it for what you're doing might help you.

How to use the Asynchronous Command in UI built using LWUIT ResourceEditor

I am using LWUIT ResrouceEditor(latest SVN code revision 1513) to generate a UI State machine.
I want to show a wait screen when a long running command is invoked by a user using a button on the current form. I believe I can use the asynchronous option when linking the command on the button. I have setup a form in which I have a button which should invoke the asynchronous command. In command selection for that button, I have set the action to show the wait screen form and have marked the command as asynchronous. However when I use the asynchronous option, the code shows the wait screen, but after that it throws a NullPointerException.
As per my understanding, once you mark a command as asynchronous, it will call the following methods from a different thread where you can handle its processing.
protected void asyncCommandProcess(Command cmd, ActionEvent sourceEvent);
protected void postAsyncCommand(Command cmd, ActionEvent sourceEvent);
However this methods are not getting called and it throws a NullPointerException.
When I looked at the LWUIT code, in UIBuilder.java(lineno. 2278), I see that it constructs the new thread for an asynchronous command as follows:
new Thread(new FormListener(currentAction, currentActionEvent, f)).start();
But when running it through Debugger I see that currentAction and currentActionEvent are always null. And hence when the FormListener thread starts running, it never calls the above two async command processing methods. Please see the listing of the run() method in the UIBuilder.java(line no. 2178)
public void run() {
if(currentAction != null) {
if(Display.getInstance().isEdt()) {
postAsyncCommand(currentAction, currentActionEvent);
} else {
asyncCommandProcess(currentAction, currentActionEvent);
// wait for the destination form to appear before moving back into the LWUIT thread
} else {
if(Display.getInstance().isEdt()) {
if(Display.getInstance().getCurrent() != null) {
Form f = (Form)createContainer(fetchResourceFile(), nextForm);
} else {
if(processBackground(destForm)) {
In the above method, since the currentAction is null, it always goes into the else statement and since the nextForm is also null, it causes the NullPointerException.
On further look at the UIBuilder.java code, I noticed what is causing the NullPointer exception. It seems when the FormListner is created, it is passed currentAction and currentActionEvent, however they are null at that time. Instead the code should be changed as follows(starting at line 2264):
if(action.startsWith("#")) {
action = action.substring(1);
Form currentForm = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
if(currentForm != null) {
Form f = (Form)createContainer(fetchResourceFile(), action);
/* Replace following with next lines for fixing asynchronous command
if(Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getBackCommand() == cmd) {
} else {
new Thread(new FormListener(currentAction, currentActionEvent, f)).start();
new Thread(new FormListener(cmd, evt, f)).start();
Can lwuit development team take a look at the above code, review and fix it. After I made the above change, the asynchronous command processing methods were invoked.
Thank you.
Thanks for the information, its probably better to use the issue tracker for things like this (at http://lwuit.java.net).
I will make a similar change although I don't understand why you commented out the form navigation portion.
To solve your use case of a wait screen we have a much simpler solution: Next Form. Just show the wait screen and in it define the "Next Form" property.
This will trigger a background thread to be invoked (processBackground callback) and only when the background thread completes the next form will be shown.
