Android Studio taskbar icon on first start wrong (Linux) - linux

I have a strange behaviour after updating to Android Studio 3.6.
When I start the IDE for the first time after boot, the taskbar icon looks different than usual. If I open a second project, it is the right one. I use Linux Mint.
Any idea how to fix this?
EDIT: I found a ticket, it is IntelliJ related:
Still not fixed in Android Studio 4.0
Seems to be a problem in cinnamon, not IntelliJ

Works since Linux Mint 20. Was cinnamon related, had nothing to do with InteliJ.


Android Studio 4.1 updates gives internal error and can't start

I have checked the newly opened threads about the issue but none fixed the problem
I am using a mac and I don't understand what should I delete to make it work. Or should I just completely delete the IDE and freshly reinstall it?
I am using Android studio 4.1 on Linux Mint 19.3 after update had the same error.
Some of the plugins(Marketplace and Makrdown) are not compatible with the new version.
Some suggestions were to delete /.local/share/google(but there was no such folder on Linux Mint 19.3)
I solved it by renaming(or deleting) marketplace plugin folder in /home/user/.var/app/
After that Andorid Studio starts normal and plugins can be udated.
I just deleted and reinstalled the IDE and it works fine.
Google should really check their releases before going out official - If I were to work on an important project this would waste many hours for nothing.

Android Studio 4.0 doesn't recognize any previous virtual devices

First post--be gentle. Can't find any posts on Android Studio 4.0, so I hope this isn't a repeat. I updated Android Studio from 3.6.3 to 4.0 on Windows 10 (1909). Had created a couple of virtual devices in 3.6.3 (a Pixel 2 running API 28 and a Pixel 3 running API 29)--both worked great in AS-3.6.3 and I could develop apps, compile, load, and run them with no problem.
After the update to AS-4.0, the virtual devices no longer appear in the devices box at the top of the GUI--it just says "No Devices". When I open the AVD Manager, I can see them, and I can start them (although when I start them I get a pop-up saying "AVD Manager: Unable to locate adb"), but I can't get any code to download and execute on it. On the Pixel 3 emulator, I also get another pop-up saying "Detected ADB: Could not automatically detect an ADB binary.", and it gives instructions to resolve it, which don't make any difference (jump into extended controls and toggle "Use detected ADB location").
When I try to open a past project and run it, I get the same behavior--no devices found.
I've also tried making new emulators, hoping the new setup would recognize them, but to no avail. Tried starting and restarting AS, as well as the computer, also to no avail. I have Android SDK Build-Tools 30-rc4, the latest Android SDK Command-line Tools, Android Emulator 30.0.12 Android SDK Platform-Tools 30.0.1, and the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator all installed.
I've Googled and spoken words of fierce power over this for several days now. Any suggestions for how to get AS-4.0 to recognize the emulators? I've resisted uninstalling everything and starting over--was hoping it was just a configuration thing.
Thanks in advance,
After some more Googling, I found the answer here (I think my constraint of wanting an answer for AS-4.0 specifically kept me from finding it):
Could not automatically detect an ADB binary - Android Studio
I had to redownload the SDK platform-tools zip file and reinstall it. I don't know why the old one got messed up with the migration from AS-3.6.3 to 4.0, but there you go--such is life with complicated software.
As soon as I replaced the old platform-tools directory with the new one, all my old emulators showed up and I was back in business.
Thanks anyway!

Why Are Android Studio Menus Not Working?

I have been using Android Studio for years. Very shortly after upgrading to Android Studio 3.5, the menu options have stopped working. I mean, anything under File, Edit .. all the way to Help. By "stopped working", I mean, I can use the mouse to select, and then .. nothing happens. A colleague suggested to invalidate caches. But invalidate caches itself is under the File menu, so nothing happens when it is selected.
Any ideas? Quitting and starting android studio didn't work. Rebooting didn't work. Changing the java version used to run Android Studio didn't work (it is set to be the same one that gradle is using). Even downloading and installing a fresh copy of Android Studio 3.5 didn't work -> from this, I suspect the problem is a settings problem, but WHICH settings got somehow corrupted? and that survives even with a fresh installation of Android Studio?
To find-in-path, the menu option doesn't work, whereas I can directly use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘F and it brings up the find window.
Am running on MacOS Mojave. Java home is /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home
Finally, Android Studio 4.0 came along, and we installed the patch to upgrade to it, and the mysterious problem went away, presumably as a result of the upgrade.

emulator not showing up on android studio

I've searched all over the web for the past 3 days and can't seem to find a solution. I've done everything mentioned in this post:
Android emulator not showing in Visual Studio
It seems all the 'working' solutions to this problem has been stated in what this guy says he did in his original post, including restarting ADB server (kill and start), restarting my computer, reinstalling emulator and HAMX, installing and running as an admin, changing the timeout delay, reinstalling almost everything, making sure my emulator is installed, etc.
It keeps saying Gradle build finished in 475ms, etc and then waiting for target device to come online for like 5-10 minutes and nothing happens. No emulator shows up. I can't seem to find the solution to this and I am on the verge of giving up, I really need Android Studio to work so I can start on my app.
Can I please get some guidance with this?
If it's relevant, I'm using a Mac.
Have you tried this. Go to the emulator settings and set the Graphics Emulation mode to Software GLES. The default mode will be automatic. I am not sure how it works, but that worked for me on two Linux machines. Being software emulation, the performance of the emulator will not be as good as when using hardware graphics. It seems to be a bug with the SDK.
For me the only thing that worked in macos was to disable docker before starting Studio.
Wipe the data of your Android virtual Device and then start the emulator.
I was using Android studio 4.2 and faced this issue.
No Solutions worked for me so I just erased android studio files. Updated to Android Studio Arctic Fox.
Link to remove android studio files from mac : How to completely uninstall Android Studio on Mac?
For Windows : How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?

Terminal on Android Studio not responding

I updated to Android Studio 1.3 and to Windows 10 before that.
Now the issue I am facing is that my local embedded terminal in android studio has some how stopped responding to any kind of user input.
I have tried:
Restarting the android studio
Restarting the PC
Searching through Google for a solution
My Terminal settings
Has anyone ever faced a similar issue?
Is it a Android Studio problem or a Windows problem?
How to solve it?
You may suggest me to use the external terminal as that too will work fine. But that's not the answer I am looking for as it ruins the whole Android Studio experience.
This is an issue with IntelliJ and Windows 10 console.
Here is a workaround from "IntelliJ Idea Terminal broken with Windows 10" thread:
Works for Android Studio too.
The workaround:
Open a command-prompt window.
Right click on the title bar.
Select Properties, then check Set legacy mode box, and confirm the dialog.
