creating appimage using source code and linuxdeployqt - linux

i trying to create a appimage for my Linux system. Using qt-creator i have completed the programing and ran the app successfully . but when i am trying to make it appimage using linuxdeployQt i am facing some errors
linuxdeployqt 5 (commit 37631e5), build 631 built on 2019-01-25 22:47:58 UTC ERROR:
The host system is too new.
Please run on a system with a glibc version no newer than what comes with the oldest still-
supported mainstream distribution, which currently is glibc 2.20.
This is so that the resulting bundle will work on most still-supported Linux distributions.
For more information, please see
i don't know what this issue is. when i visit the website, it is not clear also. So anyone familiar with this kind please put your help here.

It means that your glibc is too new.
That's correct, to work around this issue while using linuxdeployqt you have to choose as build environment an older system such as Centos 6 or Ubuntu 14.04.
As an alternative, you can use appimage-builder which allows producing AppImages on newer systems.

It means that your glibc is too new. I think it is supported glibc version comes with Ubuntu 14.04 as it is mentioned in herr I have faced the same problem and still struggling to solve this issue.


Has official 32bit support for cmake on Linux been dropped?

I don't mean the version(s) provided by the various distributions but the binary from the official website.
I have an old VM running 32bit OpenSUSE 12.1 that is configured for a project I'm working on at work. I need to install WebKitGTK. The problem is that the cmake in the repositories is ancient 2.x, while WebKitGTK at least 3.6 (or similar). So I went to the official website and (my fault) without looking too much into it downloaded the 3.10 installation for Linux.
Upon executing the binary that was installed I got the error that the file could not be run. I checked the execution rights and it was fine. Then it struck me...I ran file cmake and got 64 instead of the required 32bit.
I went back to the website and all I could find were 32bit versions for Windows but none for Linux.
I can build it from source but just out of curiousity would like to know if support has been dropped. I was unable to find any information so far.
32-bit support for CMake hasn't been dropped. They just don't provide binaries for it on their website as of CMake 3.7.0

CefGlue Running Examples on Linux

I've downloaded the latest version of CefGlue as well as the corresponding CEF binaries. I can get the demo examples to run fine in Windows, but the Linux GtkSharp demo does not run. It compiles fine under MonoDevelop on my Linux box but throws a DllNotFoundException: libcef
I've put the in the executable directory as well as running ldconfig in the CEF release directory.
I'm new to Linux, so there's probably something simple and obvious that I'm missing.
The answers on this Bitbucket issue explain how the library path resolution can be fixed.
Unfortunately, this Bitcuket issue goes on to explain that Linux support is broken and the maintainer Dmitry says that he doesn't have the resources to support linux.

Can you build Rust for old (Redhat 5 vintage) Linux?

Redhat 5 has the required 2.6.18 kernel but not the latest glibc, g++ and certainly no clang. The binary distribution doesn't run, complaining about glibc version.
Has anyone made an attempt to back port to old Linux? I could imagine cobbling together a frankensystem with an old kernel but new compilers and try to compile against old glibc or statically compile in some of new glibc but it seems like a fraught course.
Just wondering if anyone has tried and can offer guidance?
I'm thinking there must be a distro setup to do such builds. Anaconda, for example, includes lots of new technologies but works fine on Redhat 5. I wonder how they build it?
Update: Once you get some newer compilers working on RHEL5 it's still not possible to build Rust because it depends on a working binary of itself to bootstrap. See:
Anaconda packages are built against CentOS 5 (which is equivalent to Redhat 5). The important thing is to compile against an old enough glibc, as it is strictly forward compatible (as you saw). The version of glibc is typically tied to the version of the distro, so your best bet is to make a VM with CentOS 5 and build on that.
The version of the compiler used is not as important, and in fact in some cases it is necessary to use a newer compiler than the old one that comes with the system to get things to work. I have gcc 4.8 built for CentOS 5 which you can get with conda (conda install -c asmeurer gcc).
I hit this very issue this weekend, because Skylight supports Linux 2.6.18, including CentOS 5.10, and we use Rust in our agent.
Alex Crichton of the Rust core team was kind enough to get this working again by using CentOS 5.10 boxes for the build, which uses glibc 2.5 and Linux 2.6.18.

MySql++ Installation Linux 12.04 LTS

The mysql++ package that comes from tangentsoft, is version 3.1.0 and I am having trouble building on my linux system. To get it to configure I had to specify the with the flag
./configure --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
Otherwise there was a problem with it finding the mysqlclient library. Now unfortunately it wont make, the error I get is ./lib/refcounted.h:258:2: error: ‘size_t’ does not name a type, after I type make and before I type make install.
Has anyone had the same problem with compiling it, and did you find a solution?
Any help it solving this problem is appreciated.
There are a few #include fixes in the svn version of MySQL++ that haven't yet been included in a release version. They're necessary on modern OSes like yours, which include recent GCCs and libstdc++'s.
Don't be nervous about using the svn version in production. It's quite stable at the moment. My reasons for not releasing it as-is aren't related to stability.

What's the best way to build software that doesn't require the newest glibc?

I'm attempting to build a binary package that can be run on multiple Linux distributions. It's currently built on Ubuntu 10.04, but it fails on Ubuntu 8.04 with the following error:
./test: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by ./test)
./test: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ./test)
What's the preferred way to solve this problem? Is there a way to install an old glibc on a new box and build against it, or do I have to build on an old distribution? And if I build against an old glibc, will it work on a new glibc?
Or, alternatively, are there just some handy compiler flags or packages I could install to solve the problem?
The best solution I've found is to install a virtual machine running Debian stable, and build on that. Debian stable is old enough that any packages built with it will run on any other Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu. You may have to work around non-critical bugs that have been fixed in later versions of various software but not backported to Debian stable.
If you really want to make sure it runs on every recent distribution, you might also consider statically linking against a libC you select. However you may then still run into problems if you use features that are only provided by newer kernels (newer system calls e.g.).
