CefGlue Running Examples on Linux - linux

I've downloaded the latest version of CefGlue as well as the corresponding CEF binaries. I can get the demo examples to run fine in Windows, but the Linux GtkSharp demo does not run. It compiles fine under MonoDevelop on my Linux box but throws a DllNotFoundException: libcef
I've put the libcef.so in the executable directory as well as running ldconfig in the CEF release directory.
I'm new to Linux, so there's probably something simple and obvious that I'm missing.

The answers on this Bitbucket issue explain how the library path resolution can be fixed.
Unfortunately, this Bitcuket issue goes on to explain that Linux support is broken and the maintainer Dmitry says that he doesn't have the resources to support linux.


Flutter extremely slow on linux

Flutter application is extremely slow on linux. The performance tab shows 15fps and it never goes beyond that. I was unable to find any explanation or possible solution for this issue. Any suggestions?
clang version 10.0.0-4ubuntu1/
cmake version 3.16.3/
ninja version 1.10.0/
pkg-config version 0.29.1/
OS : Fedora Linux
For anyone potentially running into the same problem, this was either an issue with my OS or my flutter SDK. I initially installed the SDK using snap but after reinstalling my OS I installed it by cloning the github repo and setting the path variable etc... (the way explained in the official website) and the issue was resolved.

creating appimage using source code and linuxdeployqt

i trying to create a appimage for my Linux system. Using qt-creator i have completed the programing and ran the app successfully . but when i am trying to make it appimage using linuxdeployQt i am facing some errors
linuxdeployqt 5 (commit 37631e5), build 631 built on 2019-01-25 22:47:58 UTC ERROR:
The host system is too new.
Please run on a system with a glibc version no newer than what comes with the oldest still-
supported mainstream distribution, which currently is glibc 2.20.
This is so that the resulting bundle will work on most still-supported Linux distributions.
For more information, please see
i don't know what this issue is. when i visit the website, it is not clear also. So anyone familiar with this kind please put your help here.
It means that your glibc is too new.
That's correct, to work around this issue while using linuxdeployqt you have to choose as build environment an older system such as Centos 6 or Ubuntu 14.04.
As an alternative, you can use appimage-builder which allows producing AppImages on newer systems.
It means that your glibc is too new. I think it is supported glibc version comes with Ubuntu 14.04 as it is mentioned in herr https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/issues/340. I have faced the same problem and still struggling to solve this issue.

How to install the 64-bit version for Windows 10 of Graphviz 2.38

The Graphviz download page has to links, one for a .msi file and another for a .zip
when running the .msi, it looks that it's for 32 bits, since the default directory installation is "Program Files (x86)", which is where the 32-bit installations go.
There are no instructions on what to do with the .zip
Has anyone installed the 64-bit version of Graphviz? Is there an installation script that installs the executables? If so, where can I find it?
(I hope it exists, because I can't compile source code in my machine.)
Many thanks in advance,
A litte late, but in case someone needs an answer : By now, there seems to be no official 64bit support by graphviz.
I found a discussion on github about graphviz for python where you can find a link to a github repository, that leading to an adapted graphviz solution for Visual Studio with 64bit support.
In another discussion on github a link to an AppVeyor project is provided, which also includes a 64bit configuration. Unfortunately this one seems to be abandoned.

Has official 32bit support for cmake on Linux been dropped?

I don't mean the version(s) provided by the various distributions but the binary from the official website.
I have an old VM running 32bit OpenSUSE 12.1 that is configured for a project I'm working on at work. I need to install WebKitGTK. The problem is that the cmake in the repositories is ancient 2.x, while WebKitGTK at least 3.6 (or similar). So I went to the official website and (my fault) without looking too much into it downloaded the 3.10 installation for Linux.
Upon executing the binary that was installed I got the error that the file could not be run. I checked the execution rights and it was fine. Then it struck me...I ran file cmake and got 64 instead of the required 32bit.
I went back to the website and all I could find were 32bit versions for Windows but none for Linux.
I can build it from source but just out of curiousity would like to know if support has been dropped. I was unable to find any information so far.
32-bit support for CMake hasn't been dropped. They just don't provide binaries for it on their website as of CMake 3.7.0

Beaglebone cross compilation

I am a freshman for the beaglebone. I need your help. I have installed the cross compiler toolchain arm-linux-gnueabi on my 64 bit xubuntu in eclipse as well as codeblocks environment. I have made a hello world program, cross compiled it in 3 ways using eclipse , using terminal,using Codeblocks. But when i run my executable file in Beaglebone i get the error saying cant load shared file libstdc++6.so.6:file not found.
Though i have already installed latest libstdc++6,ia32-libs and configured it. I am using ssh for logging into my Beaglebone. My all projects are pending because of this. Please suggest solution. I will be grateful to you. I have worked according to derek molloy c,c++ video but still got the error. I think it is because of difference between 32 bit and 64 bit in beaglebone and laptop respectively.
Have you really installed libstdc++6,ia32-libs on your BB? It looks like x86 lib. Take a look at Buildroot. It already provides BB target, so you can get your basic rootfs quite quickly. Then just add needed packages and you are done. The main benefit, when using such distro like BR, that you have all needed dependencies in your rootfs, that you burn on your microSD card. BR also provides Eclipse plugin.
I thought abi used was arm-linux-gnueabi but when i got the details of abi version running on my beagleboard i found it was arm-linux-gnueabihf. So i just replaced the compiler and then it was able to find all the files.
