Values in a .ini file - pyramid

I have a pyramid app and am looking at the .ini file. What is the difference between using paypal.client_id -v- paypal_client_id Does the . signify something specific, for example that reload is a part of pyramid?
If I have a lot of configurations regarding vehicles for example should I use vehicles.limit or vehicles_limit?
use = egg:vehiclesvc
pyramid.reload_templates = true
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
paypal.client_id = 1412431231
paypal.secret_key = asdasdasdasd
use = egg:vehiclesvc
pyramid.reload_templates = true
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
paypal_client_id = 1412431231
paypal_secret_key = asdasdasdasd

I do not see an instance of either pyramid.reload -v- pyramid_reload in your .ini file. Nonetheless, there are certain setting names that are reserved for Pyramid use, as documented in Environment Variables and .ini File Settings.
For those setting names reserved by Pyramid, pyramid.<setting_name> and <setting_name> are equivalent.
All other setting names, including those you define, may be used elsewhere in configuring your application. Again see the referenced linked documentation for details.
See also ConfigParser's documentation on Supported INI File Structure.
A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a [section] header, followed by key/value entries separated by a specific string (= or : by default).
Finally to answer you explicit question, pyramid.reload -v- pyramid_reload would be both distinct and not reserved by Pyramid. Similarly vehicles.limit and vehicles_limit would be both distinct key names and not reserved by Pyramid. By convention it is helpful to use <python_package>. to designate a Python package where the key name is used.


Multiple Keywords with same name found but there is only unique keyword

*When i run my robot tests it says Multiple keywords with name 'Set
Variable Value for' found. Give the full name of the keyword you want to use:
step_definitions.Set Variable Value for
variable_handler.Set Variable Value for
It does this for all the keywords mentioned in
Is there something that i am missing? Do we need to give the name
of python file that has that keyword?*
found not much online. have added the library in the settings.
```#keyword(name='Set Variable Value for')
def Set_Variable_Value_for(tag, value):
my_token_file = 'Resources/written_variables.yml'
data = None
with open(my_token_file, 'r') as testData:
data = yaml.load(testData)
data[tag] = value
with open(my_token_file, 'w') as writeTestData:
print(ruamel.yaml.dump(data, writeTestData,
'''#keyword(name='Set Start Time for Test')
def Test_Start_Time():
tz = timezone('UTC')
Time_Now =
naive_date = Time_Now.replace(tzinfo=None)
Set_Variable_Value_for('START_TIME', naive_date)```
'''Create a New Member
[Documentation] Add a New Member
[Tags] CreateMember MemberAndProjectCreationFlow SanityTest
Login to Platform Analytics
Verify Member List Page Elements
Click on Add Member
Add Member Breadcrumb is displayed
Add New Member Details
Verify New Member Creation
Search for the Member ${NEW_MEMBER_NAME_GLOBAL}
Search the Results and Go To ${NEW_MEMBER_NAME_GLOBAL}
${Member_Row_Locator} ${Member_Column}
Log To Console Member Creation Successful.```
It should work without specifying the python file that contains
the key word. I have imported all the things required like variable_handler and step definitions
The root of the matter is that you have two or more keywords with the same name imported into the test. When you try to run the keyword Set Variable Value for, robot doesn't know which of the keywords to run. It has no way of knowing if the two names represent two different functions or the same function in two different libraries.
You have three possible solutions:
As the error suggests, you can specify the full path to the keyword, such as step_definitions.Set Variable Value
You tell robot to give precedence to one library over the other using the built-in keyword Set Library Search Order.
You can modify your libraries so that you don't have duplicate keyword names
For more information see Handling keywords with same names in the robot framework user guide.

Puppet - remove ini_setting completely

I am using puppet 4.5.3 and ini_setting module version 1.4.2. I need to be able to remove a stanza in an ini file. For example:
ip = ''
hostname = 'myserver'
port = 80
I am able to remove each section of the ini file using the ensure => absent parameter but I cannot find a way to remove the stanza header, or preferably the whole thing in one command.
What I have left is
Does anyone know how this can be done? Unfortunately there are other stanzas in the same file that I need to keep so I cannot simply delete the file.
Using the Augeas type:
augeas { 'remove_ini_header':
incl => '/etc/example.ini',
lens => 'IniFile.lns_loose',
changes => 'rm section[. = "header"]',
To break this down a bit, first I used the built-in IniFile.lns_loose lens (i.e. a "generic" loose parsing of INI files) and augtool to see the current state of the tree:
$ augtool -t "IniFile.lns_loose incl /etc/example.ini"
augtool> print /files/etc/example.ini
/files/etc/example.ini/section = "header"
/files/etc/example.ini/section/ip = "''"
/files/etc/example.ini/section/hostname = "'myserver'"
/files/etc/example.ini/section/port = "80"
The entire section is in one part of the tree, so calling rm for that section will delete the entire subtree.
To match the header section, you need to search for nodes called section where the value (the right hand side) is header. The [. = "header"] part of the command is a path expression that filters for nodes with the value header.

Take mean of feature set using openSMILE audio feature extractor

My problem is taking mean of all features from different frames in one sample .wav file. I am trying cFunctionals in "chroma_fft.conf" file which belongs to latest OpenEar framework. For best explanation, i am writing these essential codes which i wrote in "chroma_fft.conf" and it is shown below;
instance[functL1].type = cFunctionals
reader.dmLevel = chroma
writer.dmLevel = func
frameMode = full
functionalsEnabled = Means
Means.amean = 1
reader.dmLevel = func
However, when i run from command prompt in windows, i got error;
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
Very similar code is running succesfully from "emo_large.conf" but this code got error. If any body knows how to use OpenSmile audio feature extractor, can give advice or answer why it has error and how to use "cFunctionals" properly to take mean, variance, moments etc. of large feature sets.
In this case you have a typo in
which should be
I admit the error message
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
is not intutive, but it refers to the fact that openSMILE expects a configuration section functL1 of type cFunctionals in the config to read the mandatory (sub-)field functL1.reader.dmInstance, which it then cannot find, because the section (due to the typo) is not defined.

exclude a certain path from all user searches

Unfortunately we have a special folder named "_archive" in our repository everywhere.
This folder has its purpose. But: When searching for content/documents we want to exclude it and every content beneath "_archive".
So, what i want is to exclude the path and its member from all user searches. Syntax is easy with fts:
your_query AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
to test:
take the pdf, put it into your repo twice:
In node-browser everything works as expected:
TEXT:"HODOR" AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
= 1 result
= 2 results
So, my idea was to edit search.get.config.xml and add the exclusion to the list of properties:
<default-query-template>%(cm:name cm:title cm:description ia:whatEvent
ia:descriptionEvent lnk:title lnk:description TEXT TAG) AND -PATH:"//cm:_archive//*"
But it does not work as intended! As soon as i am using 'text:' or 'name:' in the search field, the exclusion seems to be ignored.
What other option do i have? Basically just want to add the exclusion to the base query after the default query template is used.
Version is Alfresco Community 5.0.d
I guess you're mistaken what query templates are meant for. Take a look at the Wiki.
So what you're basically doing is programmatically saying I've got a keyword and I want to match the keywords to the following metadata fields.
Default it will match cm:name cm:title cm:description etc. This can be changed to a custom field or in other cases to ALL.
So putting an extra AND or here of whatever won't work, cause this isn't the actual query which will be built. I can go on more about the query templates, but that won't do you any good.
In your case you'll need to modify the search.get webscript of Alfresco and the method called function getSearchResults(params) in search.lib.js (which get's imported).
Somewhere in at the end of the method it will do the following:
ftsQuery = '(' + ftsQuery + ') AND -TYPE:"cm:thumbnail" AND -TYPE:"cm:failedThumbnail" AND -TYPE:"cm:rating" AND -TYPE:"st:site"' + ' AND -ASPECT:"st:siteContainer" AND -ASPECT:"sys:hidden" AND -cm:creator:system AND -QNAME:comment\\-*';
Just add your path to query to it and that will do.

Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable

I have a script that opens a folder and does some processing on the data present. Say, there's a file "XYZ.tif".
Inside this tif file, there are two groups of datasets, which show up in the workspace as
If I want to continue with the 2nd set, I can use
However, XYZ usually is much longer and varies per file, whereas data.ch3e is consistent.
Therefore I tried
where origfilename of course is XYZ, which has (automatically) been extracted before.
However, that gives me a string A (since I practically typed
instead of the matrix that data.ch3eXYZ actually is.
I think it's just a problem with ()'s, []'s, or {}'s but Ican't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
If you know the string, dynamic field references should help you here and are far better than eval
Slightly modified example from the linked blog post:
fldnm = 'fred';
s.fred = 18;
y = s.(fldnm)
y =
So for your case:
test = data.(['ch3e' origfilename]);
Should be sufficient
Edit: Link to the documentation
