Kotlin anonymous object inheriting from base class but keeping derived class properties - object

I have a problem that I am not quire sure how to figure out elegantly:
abstract class BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction {
// Invoke should compute some function, like f(x) = x^2 + 3x + 5
abstract fun invoke(x: List<Double>): Double
// This is supposed to take a function that will be called on the result of invoke
// and return an object derived from this one that has its invoke overriden to call
// the new function on the result of the original one.
fun modify(f: (Double) -> Double): BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction {
val originalFunction = this
return object : BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction() {
override operator fun invoke(x: List<Double>): Double = f(originalFunction(x))
Now, this works, but modify does not preserve the properties of the derived types.
So for example lets say I add this to the project:
class XTimesA(val a: Double): BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction() {
override operator fun invoke(x: List<Double>) = x.sumByDouble { a*it }
Then I want to call modify on it:
val f1 = XTimesA(a = 5.0)
println(f1.a) // Works
val f2 = f1.modify { it.pow(2) }
println(f2.a) // This fails because it is not recognized as deriving XTimesA
Is there a way to not copy-paste modify into every deriving class but still keep access to the properties?

If you want to be able to access the property value on all inheritance levels, you have to lift the property up to the base class:
abstract class BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<Value>(val value: Value) {
abstract fun invoke(x: List<Value>): Value
fun modify(f: (Value) -> Value): BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<Value> {
val originalFunction = this
return object : BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<Value>() {
override operator fun invoke(x: List<Value>): Value = f(originalFunction(x))
Value is a generic type here for the case that Double is not applicable in all cases. If all values are of type Double than the class wouldn't need this type parameter.

You can use F-bounded polymorphism for this. Something like
abstract class BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<T : BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<T>> {
// Invoke should compute some function, like f(x) = x^2 + 3x + 5
abstract operator fun invoke(x: List<Double>): Double
abstract fun construct(f: (List<Double>) -> Double): T
// This is supposed to take a function that will be called on the result of invoke
// and return an object derived from this one that has its invoke overriden to call
// the new function on the result of the original one.
fun modify(f: (Double) -> Double): T = construct { list -> f(this(x)) }
open class XTimesA(val a: Double): BaseContinuousSingleObjectiveFitnessFunction<XTimesA>() {
override operator fun invoke(x: List<Double>) = x.sumByDouble { a*it }
override fun construct(f: (List<Double>) -> Double) = object : XTimesA(a) {
override operator fun invoke(x: List<Double>) = f(x)
However, in this particular case I don't think it actually makes sense and your example shows why: f1.modify { it.pow(2) } represents the function x -> x.sumByDouble { 5 * it }.pow(2) which isn't x -> x.sumByDouble { a * it } for any a!


When extending an interface, should we use object keyword?

I have two different pieces of code. In one i need to use object and in the second i'm not.
Can someone explain me the difference between the situation:
first Code:
private val onInitWebResponseHandler: VolleyHandler.WebResponseHandler = VolleyHandler.WebResponseHandler()
weakRefIOnAllScoresDataFirstFetched, it)).start()
Second Code:
val competitionOrderLevelComparator : Comparator<CompetitionObj> = object : Comparator<CompetitionObj> {
override fun compare(object1: CompetitionObj, object2: CompetitionObj): Int
return object1.orderLevel - object2.orderLevel
fun interface WebResponseHandler
fun onWebResponseFinished(jsonString:String?)
In addition how the first code, we can have () brackets if interface doesn't have a constructor?

Assigning default value to T:Float type parameter

I have a class that I wanted dynamic on what type to accept, but still be of type float. I have added an example class below. Simply put, I want a class that can contain either Ints or Floats (or abstracts(Float)), but the type parameter doesn't like being assigned something that should actually fit it.
class Container<T:Float>
public function new(aValue:T = 0.0)
public function example():T
return 16.0;
In this example, I get two compiler errors. The fist one is the default value of the constructor new(aValue:T = 0.0. A simple fix is to set the value as dynamic, but I like my code neater than this. The second error is in the return value of example(). It won't let me return 16.0, as it is not a T instance.
My question: Is this doable and, if not, should I either use different class definitions for every type?
I think the issue here is that you don't really need the generic type "T".
Here's what I came up with given your constraints. The class "Container" is not generic, and merely contains a Float constructor. This still allows it, however, to accept any value that can be implicitly cast to Float, which includes any abstract as long as they define casting rules.
package ;
class Main
public static function main()
new Container(); // default
new Container(1); // Int
new Container(2.3); // Float
new Container(new UnifiesWithFloat(4.5)); // Float abstract
class Container
public function new(aValue:Float = 0.8)
trace('aValue is $aValue');
abstract UnifiesWithFloat(Float) from Float to Float
inline public function new(value:Float)
this = value;
The only way I could come up for this issue with a cast and with own resolving of the optional parameters.
class Test {
static function main() {
$type(new Container(1));
$type(new Container(1).example());
new Container(1).example();
$type(new Container(1.0));
$type(new Container(1.0).example());
new Container(1.0).example();
class Container<T:Float> {
public var value:T;
public function new(aValue:T) {
this.value = cast (aValue != null ? aValue : 0);
public function example():T {
return cast 16;
This logs:
Test.hx:3: characters 14-30 : Warning : Container<Int>
Test.hx:4: characters 14-40 : Warning : Int
Test.hx:7: characters 14-32 : Warning : Container<Float>
Test.hx:8: characters 14-42 : Warning : Float

Groovy call field

I'm trying to put into the field an object that supports a call operation, and then to call him. I can do it without intermediate reading fields in a variable?
My attempt looks like this:
class CallableObjectDynamic {
def call() {
return "5"
class MyClassDynamic {
CallableObjectDynamic field = new CallableObjectDynamic()
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static String make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
return x.field()
But I receive groovy.lang.MissingMethodException.
What can you do? Or can anyone give a proof where it's written that we can't call the field?
Membership (.) has lower order of precedence than function/method/call invocation (()). Thus this line:
return x.field()
is interpreted as "invoke the 'field' method on the 'x' object".
To get Groovy to parse the code as you desire, the minimal change would be to regroup using parentheses, as follows:
return (x.field)()
which is (ultimately) interpreted as "invoke the 'call' method on the 'field' object member of the 'x' object", as desired.
It is trivial issue. Not required to have parenthesis for field.
Change from:
return x.field()
return x.field
If you want to execute call method further, then use below code snippet.
Note that static method return type is changed.
class CallableObjectDynamic {
def call() {
return "5"
class MyClassDynamic {
CallableObjectDynamic field = new CallableObjectDynamic()
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static def make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
return x.field
Output would be : 5
Not sure why argument to make method is done here, seems to be not used in the above code.
Alternatively, you can change
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static def make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
return x.field.call()
EDIT: Based on OP's implicit call.
Not really sure how it is working, but the below does implicit call. Just assign x.field to a variable and just add parenthesis for that as shown below.
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static String make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
def fun = x.field

Mockito ArgumentCaptor for Kotlin function

Consider a function that takes an interface implementation as an argument like this:
interface Callback {
fun done()
class SomeClass {
fun doSomeThing(callback: Callback) {
// do something
When I want to test the caller of this function, I can do something like
val captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Callback::class)
To test what the other class does when the callback is invoked, I can then do
Question: How can I do the same if I replace the callback interface with a high order function like
fun doSomeThing(done: () -> Unit) {
// do something
Can this be done with ArgumentCaptor and what class do I have to use in ArgumentCaptor.forClass(???)
I recommend nhaarman/mockito-kotlin: Using Mockito with Kotlin
It solves this through an inline function with a reified type parameter:
inline fun <reified T : Any> argumentCaptor() = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(T::class.java)
Source: mockito-kotlin/ArgumentCaptor.kt at a6f860461233ba92c7730dd42b0faf9ba2ce9281 · nhaarman/mockito-kotlin
val captor = argumentCaptor<() -> Unit>()
val captor: () -> Unit = argumentCaptor()
I tried what #mfulton26 suggested, but was getting an error message saying captor.capture() must not be null. and this was what worked for me.
Declared a member variable captor with #Captor annotation,
#Captor private lateinit var captor: ArgumentCaptor<Callback>
and in my #Test,
I had this problem just now and solved it with an inline argumentCaptor from mockito-kotlin:
argumentCaptor<String>().apply {
verify(myClass, times(2)).setItems(capture())
assertEquals(2, allValues.size)
assertEquals("test", firstValue)
firstValue is a reference to the first captured object.
Source: https://github.com/mockito/mockito-kotlin/wiki/Mocking-and-verifying#argument-captors
Based on mfulton26's answer, i create an example below.
to show how to invoke the captured function or lambda expression.
you need the mockito-kotlin
Assume we have a Class A, it has a suspend function with two higher order function as parameters.
how can we mock the onSuccess scenario and onError scenario
class A {
suspend fun methodB(onSuccess: (ModelA) -> Unit, onError: (ErrorA) -> Unit)
Here is the dummy example
// in the unit test class
private val mockClassA = // use annotation or mock()
// decalre the higer oder function capture variables.
private val onSuccessCapture = argumentCaptor<(ModelA) -> Unit>()
private val onErrorCapture = argumentCaptor<(ErrorA) -> Unit>()
fun testMethodB = testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
doAnswer {
// on success scenario
val modelA = // get ModelA
onSuccessCapture.firstValue.invoke(modelA) // this line will let the onSuccess parameter been called
// on error scenario
// val errorA = // get ErrorA
}.`when`(mockClassA).methodB(onSuccessCapture.capture(), onErrorCapture.capture())

Swift class introspection & generics

I am trying to dynamically create a class instance based type using generics, however I am encountering difficulty with class introspection.
Here are the questions:
Is there a Swift-equivalent to Obj-C's self.class?
Is there a way to instantiate a class using the AnyClass result from NSClassFromString?
Is there a way to get AnyClass or otherwise type information strictly from a generic parameter T? (Similar to C#'s typeof(T) syntax)
Well, for one, the Swift equivalent of [NSString class] is .self (see Metatype docs, though they're pretty thin).
In fact, NSString.class doesn't even work! You have to use NSString.self.
let s = NSString.self
var str = s()
str = "asdf"
Similarly, with a swift class I tried...
class MyClass {
let MyClassRef = MyClass.self
// ERROR :(
let my_obj = MyClassRef()
Hmm… the error says:
Playground execution failed: error: :16:1: error: constructing an object of class type 'X' with a metatype value requires an '#required' initializer
<REPL>:3:7: note: selected implicit initializer with type '()'
class X {
It took me a while to figure out what this means… turns out it wants the class to have a #required init()
class X {
func me() {
required init () {
let Y = X.self
// prints "asdf"
Some of the docs refer to this as .Type, but MyClass.Type gives me an error in the playground.
Here's how to use NSClassFromString. You have to know the superclass of what you're going to end up with. Here are a superclass-subclass pair that know how to describe themselves for println:
#objc(Zilk) class Zilk : NSObject {
override var description : String {return "I am a Zilk"}
#objc(Zork) class Zork : Zilk {
override var description : String {return "I am a Zork"}
Notice the use of the special #obj syntax to dictate the Objective-C munged name of these classes; that's crucial, because otherwise we don't know the munged string that designates each class.
Now we can use NSClassFromString to make the Zork class or the Zilk class, because we know we can type it as an NSObject and not crash later:
let aClass = NSClassFromString("Zork") as NSObject.Type
let anObject = aClass()
println(anObject) // "I am a Zork"
And it's reversible; println(NSStringFromClass(anObject.dynamicType)) also works.
Modern version:
if let aClass = NSClassFromString("Zork") as? NSObject.Type {
let anObject = aClass.init()
print(anObject) // "I am a Zork"
print(NSStringFromClass(type(of:anObject))) // Zork
If I'm reading the documentation right, if you deal with instances and e.g. want to return a new instance of the same Type than the object you have been given and the Type can be constructed with an init() you can do:
let typeOfObject = aGivenObject.dynamicType
var freshInstance = typeOfObject()
I quickly tested it with String:
let someType = "Fooo".dynamicType
let emptyString = someType()
let threeString = someType("Three")
which worked fine.
In swift 3
is deprecated.
Instead use:
Swift implementation of comparing types
protocol Decoratable{}
class A:Decoratable{}
class B:Decoratable{}
let object:AnyObject = A()
object.dynamicType is A.Type//true
object.dynamicType is B.Type//false
object.dynamicType is Decoratable.Type//true
NOTE: Notice that it also works with protocols the object may or may not extend
Finally got something to work. Its a bit lazy but even the NSClassFromString() route did not work for me...
import Foundation
var classMap = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
func mapClass(name: String, constructor: AnyObject) -> ()
classMap[name] = constructor;
class Factory
class func create(className: String) -> AnyObject?
var something : AnyObject?
var template : FactoryObject? = classMap[className] as? FactoryObject
if (template)
let somethingElse : FactoryObject = template!.dynamicType()
return somethingElse
return nil
import ObjectiveC
class FactoryObject : NSObject
#required init() {}
class Foo : FactoryObject
class override func initialize()
mapClass("LocalData", LocalData())
init () { super.init() }
var makeFoo : AnyObject? = Factory.create("Foo")
and bingo, "makeFoo" contains a Foo instance.
The downside is your classes must derrive from FactoryObject and they MUST have the Obj-C +initialize method so your class gets automagically inserted in the class map by global function "mapClass".
Here is another example showing class hierarchy implementation, similar to accepted answer, updated for the first release of Swift.
class NamedItem : NSObject {
func display() {
required override init() {
class File : NamedItem {
required init() {
class Folder : NamedItem {
required init() {
let y = Folder.self
let z = File.self
Prints this result:
