(Google Sheet) Combine text and Date in Cell - excel

I am trying to get a Summary of multiple Cells into one Cell (for later use in GCalender). Trying to Concatenate a Date results into #ERROR! and similar questions and results found online dont work at all.
Example Sheet
Expected result should be:
="anything "&C2& " - " &TEXT(E2,"dd/mm/yyyy")
=anything thishappens - 10/03/2020
But Quoting the date alone will result in just a number (43900), and the TEXT and DATE formate will not work as found online or examples by Google.

It looks like you might be in Europe or somewhere where they use ; instead of , as the parameter separators in formulas. Try this:
="anything "&C2& " - " &TEXT(E2;"dd/mm/yyyy")


As in the image, from the Timesheet notes, I need to provide an output as in Days worked column. Can someone please help me

I need to provide an output with name of days worked, from the dates given in Timesheet Notes column. The column is a software generated column, and hence the format cannot be altered. How do I get this output with some excel Formula without using Macros.
Thanks in advance :)
This seems to do the trick:
=IF(ISNUMBER(A2),TEXT(A2,"dddd"),TEXTJOIN(" - ",TRUE,TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"-",MID(A2,FIND("/",A2),LEN(A2))&"</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s"),"dddd")))
Edit: made formula slightly shorter & added explanation.
Extract the month and year from the end of the text string:
This will return something like /07/21
Replace the - in the original string with the month, year and a couple of XML tags:
SUBSTITUTE(A2,"-", <previous formula> & "</s><s>")
This will return something like 03/07/21</s><s>04/07/21.
Add some opening/closing tags to your XML and create a table of individual dates:
FILTERXML("<t><s>" & <previous formula> & "</s></t>","//s")
This will return each date (as a number) on a separate row - 44380 / 44381
Convert each number into the day name:
TEXT(<previous formula>,"dddd")
This will return on separate rows - Saturday / Sunday
Join it all together with a delimiter:
TEXTJOIN(" - ",TRUE,<previous formula>)
Add a check for the cell containing a single date:
IF(ISNUMBER(A2),TEXT(A2,"dddd"),<previous formula>)
Here is the formula for one or two days, with more days it'll be even more complex.
=TEXT(DATE(VALUE(RIGHT(A2,4)),VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(A2,7),2)),VALUE(LEFT(A2,2))),"dddd")&IF(LEN(A2)>10," - "&TEXT(DATE(VALUE(RIGHT(A2,4)),VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(A2,7),2)),VALUE(MID(A2,4,2))),"dddd"),"")
Here is a formula for max 3 days with LET function. It's available only in newest versions of Excel 365. You can write more efficient calculations with it, however still it'll be very complicated if you really need to generalize it.
=LET(year,VALUE(RIGHT(A4,4)),month,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(A4,7),2)),day_1,VALUE(LEFT(A4,2)),day_2,IF(LEN(A4)>10,VALUE(MID(A4,4,2)),""),day_3,IF(LEN(A4)>13,VALUE(MID(A4,6,2)),""),TEXT(DATE(year,month,day_1),"dddd")&IF(day_2<>""," - "&TEXT(DATE(year,month,day_2),"dddd"),"")&IF(day_3<>""," - "&TEXT(DATE(year,month,day_3),"dddd"),""))

Retreiving specific letters from Text in Microsoft Excel

I have the column as you can see in this image.
The Distributor Address is in the format: "Street Address, Postcode, State".
I need to retrieve only "Postcode" and "State" and combine them.
The new column should be like this ➡"NSW2007","VIC3182"...
How could I retrieve the specific letters and combine them?
You can use FILTERXML if you have the newest version of Excel. See Excel - Extract substring(s) from string using FILTERXML for an excellent overview.
In this case, something like the below should work:
EDIT: overlooked the specific format you wanted
Well, here is a different way:
This does rely on the state being the last 3 characters and the postcode after the first comma...
There are several ways of solving that. I will show a solution using a few basic functions: RIGHT, MID and LEN.
Assuming your data is on A1:
=RIGHT(A1,3)&MID(A1, LEN(A1)-8, 4)
RIGHT returns the 3 last characters from the cell A1.
MID returns the middle of the cell given a starting position and a length.
LEN gives you the starting position of the zip code, which is always the length of the string - 8 in your table.
Is it essential that your data is well organized as in the image to work well. One alternative is finding the ", " as below.
=RIGHT(A1,3)&MID(A1, FIND(", ",A1)+2,4)

Find value within cell from a series in Excel

I have a list of addresses, such as this:
Lake Havasu,  Lake Havasu City,  Arizona.
St. Johns River,  Palatka,  Florida.
Tennessee River,  Knoxville,  Tennessee.
I would like to extract the State from these addresses and then have a column showing the abbreviated State name (AZ, FL, TN etc.).
I have a table that has the States with their abbreviation and once I extract the State, doing a simple INDEX MATCH to get the abbreviation is easy. I don't want to use text-to-columns because this file will constantly have values added to it and it would be much easier to just have a formula that does the extraction for me.
The ways I've tried to approach this that have failed so far are:
Some kind of SEARCH() function that looks at the full State list and tries to find a value that exists in the cell
A MID or RIGHT approach to only capture the last section but I can't work out how to have FIND only look for the second ", "
A version of INDEX MATCH but that fails because I can't find a good way to search or find the values as per approach (1)
Any help would be appreciated!
Please try this formula, where A2 is the original text.
=FILTERXML("<data><a>" & SUBSTITUTE(A2,", ","</a><a>") & "</a></data>","data/a[3]")
An alternative would be to look for the 2nd comma as shown below. Note that the "50" in the formula is an irrelevant number required by the MID() function. It shouldn't be smaller than the number of characters you need to return, however.
Char(160) is a character that wouldn't (shouldn't) naturally occur in your text, as it might if the text comes from a UNIX database. You can replace it with another one that fits the description.
=TRIM(MID(A2, FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(A2,",",CHAR(160),2)) + 1,50))
The following variation of the above would remove the final period. It will fail if there is anything following the period, such as an unwanted blank. That could be accommodated within the formula as well but it would be easier to treat the original data, if that is an option for you.
=TRIM(MID(LEFT(A2, LEN(A2)-1), FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(A2,",",CHAR(160),2)) + 1,50))
To find the abbreviation I would recommend to use VLOOKUP rather than INDEX/MATCH.
Use this (screenshot refers):

Extract hashtags from a string in Excel

How can I extract multiple hashtags from a string in Excel? I played around with MID and SEARCH formulas but couldn't come up with anything good.
**Example input:**
Daniel Craig primed for action on SKYFALL (2012) and SPECTRE (2015). #007 #JamesBond #DanielCraig
**Example output:**
If you have Excel 2013+ with the FILTERXML function you can:
convert the string into an XML, using the spaces for the different nodes
"<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(A$1," ","</s><s>") & "</s></t>"
use an Xpath to extract the nodes containing the #
in the formula, [" & ROWS($1:1) & "]") becomes a position argument in the xpath so it will sequentially return the first, second, ...nth node that matches the condition.
The IFERROR is to blank out the result if you fill down more than there are hashtags.
=IFERROR(FILTERXML("<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(A$1," ","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'#')][" & ROWS($1:1) & "]"),"")
In the example, I placed the formula in A3 and filled down five rows.
Well, here are two examples showing mid() with find().
Expand as you wish, you may want to check out iferror()
I suggest you take them apart to see and understand what is happening.
I found a way of doing this, but I needed to add an excel add-on. (credit and instructions to add go to this website http://blog.malcolmp.com/2010/regular-expressions-excel-add-in ) If you add this add-on, then the formula you'd need is =xMATCHALL("#[\S]+",A1,FALSE)
image is from excel, showing this in action
I've added some variables into your example to show that it picks just the words immediately following the hash tag

Locale-independent Text function in Excel

I need to format dates in excel, and I'm trying to use the TEXT formula. The problem is that Excel's intepretation of the arguments changes when the locale changes.
For example: if I have a date in cell A1, that i'd like to convert to text, in the year-month-day-format, I have to use =TEXT(A1, "yyyy-mm-dd") if my PC has an English-language locale, but =TEXT(A1, "jjjj-MM-tt") (I kid you not, the M has to be upper case) if it has a German-language locale. This makes the document unportable. (The second argument is plain text and therefore not converted when changing locale.)
This is just an example, I know I could do the long =YEAR(A1) & "-" & TEXT(MONTH(A1), "00") & "-" & TEXT(DAY(A1), "00") in this case. I'm wondering about the more general case.
The date should not just be displayed in a certain format, it should actually be a string. For someone viewing the file this doesn't make a difference, but when using it in other formulas, it does.
I could write a UDF in VBA to solve the issue, but I cannot use VBA in this document.
I do not care about changing the names of the months etc. It's fine, if the name of the month is June or Juni depending on the locale.
I want to stress that the issue occurs due to the PC's locale - not due to the GUI language of the MS Office version. In the example above, Excel's GUI and formulas were in English in both examples; I just changed the locale on the machine.
Many thanks
Here is a slightly cheaty method: Use a VLOOKUP on a value that will change based on your System Language - for example TEXT(1,"MMMM")
In English: Text(1,"MMMM") = "January", so we do a VLOOKUP on the Array below to get "yyyy-MM-dd"
"January" , "yyyy-MM-dd" ;
"Januar" , "jjjj-MM-tt"
Auf Deutsche, Text(1,"MMMM") = "Januar", also wir machen einen SVERWEIS auf dem Array oben, um "jjjj-MM-tt" zu erhalten! :)
Then, just use that in your TEXT function:
=TEXT(A1, VLOOKUP(TEXT(1,"MMMM"),{"January","yyyy-MM-dd";"Januar","jjjj-MM-tt"},2,FALSE))
Obviously, the main reason this works is that TEXT(1,"MMMM") is valid for both German and English. If you are using something like Filipino (where "Month" is "Buwan") then you might find some issues finding a mutually intelligible formatting input.
I found another possibility. It is not perfect in all cases (see below) but it also works with number formats to be locale independent. As I have the same issue with mixed language versions.
For this you make your own function in vba. Open the developer tools with Alt+F11 and create a new module file. Inside the module file paste something like this:
Function FormatString(inputData, formatingString As String) As String
FormatString = Format(inputData, formatingString)
End Function
Then you can use it in cell formulas with english formating strings. Like:
= FormatString(A1; "yyyy-mm-dd")
Advantage: It also works with number formats:
= FormatString(A1; "00.00")
In case (like Germany) your decimal separator is not a .
1 Not identical to TEXT function
this doesn't always work with date formatting as maybe expected and not exactly the same as the TEXT function:
FormatString(1; "MMMM")
does not return "January" but "December" because the 1 is taken as a date. Which is something like 31.12.1899.
2 Has to be saved with macros
You have to save the file as *.xlsm for this to work
Note (1): this answers only the case for locale-independent TEXT to format numbers with decimal symbols and digit grouping symbols. For date formatting, see Chronocidal's answer.
Note (2): this answer does not use VBA functions, which would require enabling macros. Enabling macros may not be possible depending on the company's security policy. If enabling macros is an option, Uwe Hafner's answer would be easier.
You can detect the decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol as follows. Enter the number 1 in a specific cell (e.g. A1) and the number 1000 in another cell (e.g. A2).
Decimal symbol: =IF(TEXT(INDIRECT("A1"),"0,00")="001",".",",")
Digit grouping symbol1: =IF(TEXT(INDIRECT("A2"),"#,###")="1000,",".",",")
This is assuming that the decimal symbol is either . or , and the digit grouping symbol is either , or . respectively. This will not detect unusual digit grouping symbols like (space) or ' (apostrophe).
With this information, you can set up a cell (or cells) with a formula that results in the format code you need to apply.
Suppose you need to format a number to two decimal digits and using the digit grouping symbol. You can assume that if the decimal symbol is . then the digit grouping symbol will be , and vice versa. You can do the following:
A1: 1
A2 (the formatting string): =IF(TEXT(INDIRECT("A1"),"0,00")="001","#,##0.00","#.##0,00")
A3 (contains an arbitrary number you wish to format)
A4 (the formatted number): =TEXT(A3,A2)
Technical note: the INDIRECT function is used intentionally because it is a volatile function. This guarantees that the formatting string and anything dependent on it is recalculated even if no data changed in the Excel document. If INDIRECT is not used, Excel caches results and will not recalculate the formatting string when the Excel document is opened on a PC with different locale settings.
1 - Also known as Thousands separator
The easy fix, whether directly custom formatting a cell or using TEXT(), is to use a country code for a language you know the proper formatting codes for.
For instance, I am in the US, have a US version of Excel, and am familiar with its date code formats. So I'd want to use them and to ensure they "come out" regardless of anyone's Windows or Excel version, or the country they are in, I'd do it like the following (for TEXT(), let's say, but it'd be the same idea in custom formatting):
The function would collect the value in A1, ask Excel to treat it as a date, Excel would and would say fine, it's cool (i.e.: the value is, say, 43857 and not "horse") because it is a positive number which is a requirement for anything to be treated as a date, and let the function move on to rendering it as a date in the manner prescribed. Rather than giving an #ERROR! as it would for "horse" or -6.
The function would then read the formatting string and see the language code. It would then drop the usual set of formatting codes it loaded upon starting up and load in the formatting codes for English ("en") and in particular, US English ("US"). The rest of the string uses codes from that set so it would interpret them properly and send an appropriate string back to TEXT() for it to display in the cell (and pass on to other formulas if such exist).
I have no way to test the following, but I assume that if one were to use a format that displayed day of the week names or month names, they would be from the same language set. In other words, Excel would not think that even though you specified a country and language that you still wanted, say, Dutch or Congolese month names. So that kind of thing would still need addressed, but would be an easy fix too just involving, say, a simple lookup one could add though it'd be "fun" setting up the lookup table for each language one wanted to accomodate...
However, the basic issue that arises with this problem in general, is very, very easily solved with the country codes. They aren't even hard or arcane anymore now that the [$-409] syntax has been replaced with things like [$-en-us] and [$-he-IL] and so on.
