how remove Colored box (frame) from android studio Tabs - android-studio

It was a mistake to make this blue sticker appear around the Android Studio tabs. How to fix it ?!
NOTE : I am talking about IDE not Tabs in Android programming !

you can solved this problem by using File Colors.


I try to design in android studio screen but , the screen became black and i don't know what's the reason

I don't know what's the reasons every time i try to design the screen become black i cant do any thing ( i used android studio 2021 dolphin )
i try to fix sdk tools and i done but i am not sure that the gradle file in its position in c desk
"One or more layouts are missing the layout_width or layout_height attributes" seems pretty intuitive, but if you still don't know how to fix that:
press on "Code" and copy all of the XML layout, then update your question with the code

Flutter not showing intellij suggestion box for colours pallet in Android Studio

why don't I see this in my android studio?
click here to see the image
I tried a lot of things. I made sure that quick documentation
is activated but it is still not working.
I think there is a bug with Flutter plugin. I solved the problem by selecting the color and pressing ctrl + j.

How to view this missing toolbar/window in android studio?

The space at the top in android studio where recently opened java and xml files(I have marked that in my image) are shown has disappeared in my MacBook. How to bring it back?
At the top toolbar Window> Editor Tabs > Tabs Placement > Top.
that's should fix it.

Android Studio Not Showing Colors

I was using android studio for layers theme and it was easy to theme with android studio as i can see the colors in studio itself on left side check the screenshot what i was referring
but in CM13 template i dont know whats wrong its not showing colors. i am new to android studio is there something wrong?
happened to me in my Mac:
go to File uncheck powersaver mode if u have kept it checked.
Goto Preferences->Appearances and enable Show CSS color preview as background.
That should do the trick.

How to change the background color around the visual design/layout editor in Android Studio

The background around the Layout Editor in Android Studio is dark grey. I think it used to be white. Anyway, I would like to make it white again, but I can't find the setting. The reason I want to change it is so that I can make nicer looking print screen images to use on StackOverflow or app descriptions.
Note: I'm not talking about changing the theme or the code editor colors. These questions have already been answered here:
How to change or add theme to Android Studio?
How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?
how to change Android Studio terminal background color
Updated Answer
Android Studio 3.0 has a Screenshot menu item. Right click the design area and choose Save Screenshot.
From there you can make a screenshot with a transparent background.
