How do i find the last row index of each duplicates within the same column? - excel

I am trying to create a programme such that it can find the last row index of each duplicates that lie within the same column and store their values. For example in the picture, last row index of names with John,trump,alice and sarah should give me 13,17,23,26 respectively. Currently, my code can only identify the duplicates only so what can i do to find the last row index of each duplicate not only for the picture that i showed but also for all cases?
Sub Testing()
Dim mycell As Range, RANG As Range
With Sheets(1)
' Build a range (RANG) between cell F2 and the last cell in column F
Set RANG = Range(.Cells(2, "A"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With
' For each cell (mycell) in this range (RANG)
For Each mycell In RANG
' If the count of mycell in RANG is greater than 1, then set the value of the cell 1 across to the right of mycell (i.e. column G) as "Duplicate Found"
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(RANG, mycell.Value) > 1 Then
'how do i find the last row index of each duplicate here?
Next mycell
End Sub

Could be done a number of way. Used dictionary object in the code (tested) below. Please add Tool -> Reference -> Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
Sub Testing()
Dim mycell As Range, RANG As Range, Dict As Dictionary, Mname As String, Rng As Range
Set Dict = New Dictionary
With Sheets(1)
' Build a range (RANG) between cell F2 and the last cell in column F
Set RANG = Range(.Cells(2, "A"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With
' For each cell (mycell) in this range (RANG)
For Each mycell In RANG
Mname = mycell.Value
' If the count of mycell in RANG is greater than 1, then set the value of the cell 1 across to the right of mycell (i.e. column G) as "Duplicate Found"
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(RANG, mycell.Value) > 1 Then
If Dict.Count > 0 And Dict.Exists(Mname) Then
Dict(Mname) = mycell.Row()
Dict.Add Mname, mycell.Row()
End If
End If
Next mycell
'Display result in debug window (Modify to your requirement)
Startrow = 2
For Each Key In Dict.Keys
Set Rng = Sheets(1).Range("A" & Startrow & ":A" & Dict(Key))
Startrow = Dict(Key) + 1
' Now may copy etc the range Rng
Debug.Print Key, Dict(Key), Rng.Address
End Sub
Code modified to give a range object (as understood from comment)

Create a DROPDOWN list with all names in b1 (by data validation)
In c1 paste the below function (to show the row number of where the last value appears)


Create filter based on cell value

Hi im trying to create a function in VBA which scans the top row and inserts a filter on a particular cell in the third row if the corresponding cell in the top row contains a value, if a cell is empty then it should skip to the next cell. The third row will be a header row.
Here is some code:
Sub FilterRefresh()
Dim i As Long, lastCol As Long
Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Set wSheet = Worksheets("Machining")
'find the last column in row one
lastCol = wSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column 'xlToLeft
'set range from A1 to last column
Set rng = wSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, lastCol)) 'will be a higher cell range
'Outline the autofilter field hierarchy
i = 1
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Value <> "" Then
wSheet.Cells(cell.row + 2, i + 1).AutoFilter Field:=i, Criteria1:=cell.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Try this:
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Value <> "" Then
wSheet.Cells(cell.Row + 2, cell.Column).AutoFilter Field:=cell.Column, Criteria1:=cell.Value
End If
Next cell

VBA Autofill error when last colomn is already filled

I have this code (see below) that finds if a column in the front of a sheet must be deleted when all the columns which needed to be deleted are deleted. the code finds the last used column and refills the sheet until it reaches column DO.
But now, when the column is already filled from the last time I pressed the button and no rows got deleted. the code crashes and says
Error 1004 while executing. Methode Autofill of class Range failed.
It only works when the column DO is not used yet.
This is my code:
Dim lColumn As Long
Dim iCntr As Long
lColumn = 20
For iCntr = lColumn To 12 Step -1
If Cells(3, iCntr) = 0 Then
End If
With Workbooks("Bureauplanning2backup.xlsm").Worksheets("Planning")
Dim rngStart As Range
Set rngStart = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(,
Dim rngEnd As Range
Set rngEnd = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).EntireColumn
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = .Range(rngStart, .Columns("DO"))
Dim rngX As Range
Set rngX = .Range(rngStart, rngEnd)
End With
rngX.AutoFill rng, Type:=xlFillDefault
Is there a way to check if column DO is already filled and when it is filled the code just does not run the line:
rngX.AutoFill rng, Type:=xlFillDefault
You can count how many cells in DO have data
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Columns("DO")) = 0 Then
'zero cells have data so autofill
rngX.AutoFill rng, Type:=xlFillDefault
'at least one cell has data so don't autofill
MsgBox "Column DO has already data"
End If

Need to get cell value and declare it to the row range automatically

Name manager using vba ...
I need to get the cell value from the column one by one and have to declare that name to that row range next to that column
In column D I have the name list
I have to get that D1 value and declare that value to the row range ( E1:S1 )
have to D2 ---> E2:S2
This is how it should be done for first 5 rows:
For i = 1 To 5
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=yourWorksheet.Cells(i, 4).Value, RefersTo:=yourWorksheet.Range(yourWorksheet.Cells(i, 5), yourWorksheet.Cells(i, 19))
remember that the names must be unique
Try following code
Sub AddNamedRange()
Dim cel As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4") 'change Sheet4 to your sheet name
With ws
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row 'last row with data in Column D
For Each cel In .Range("D1:D" & lastRow) 'loop through all cell in Column D
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add cel, ws.Range(cel.Offset(, 1), cel.Offset(, 15)) 'adding named range
End With
End Sub

Loop to replace values greater than 0

Sorry I am a novice in VBA so any help is gratefully received!
I'm looking for some VBA code for a loop that will look at a range in Column A and as long as the cell in Column A is not 0, replace the adjacent cell in Column B with the positive value, looping through the range until all cells with data > 0 in Column A have been replaced in Column B. It is also important that blank cells in Column A do not overwrite positive data that may exist in Column B.
This is where I am at the moment:
Sub Verify()
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Long
'Set the range in column N
Set rng = Range("N2:n1000")
For Each cell In rng
'test if cell = 0
If cell.Value <> 0 Then
'write value to adjacent cell
cell.Offset(0, -2).Value = *'What do I need here to find the first item of data e.g. N2 in column N?'*
End If
End Sub
Many thanks
I think it would be easier to deal with ActiveSheet.Cells as with Range object and offsets :
Sub Verify()
Dim row As Long
For row = 2 To 1000
If ActiveSheet.Cells(row,1) <> "" Then ' Not blank
If ActiveSheet.Cells(row,1) > 0 Then ' Positive
ActiveSheet.Cells(row,2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(row,1)
End If
End If
End Sub
This is the edit to what you started. I made the range dynamic, because I don't like making excel loop longer than it has to. That's my personal preference. The first block of code will copy over anything that isn't 0 or blank, and any negative numbers will be represented by their positive counterpart. That's at least how I understood your question.
Also, this code looks at data in Col N (like you have in your code) and copies the data to Col L. If you want A to B then simply change rng to = ws.Range("A2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) and the myCell.Offset() to (0, 1).
Sub Verify()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) 'good form to always define the sheet you're working on
Set rng = ws.Range("N2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp)) 'dynamic range
For Each myCell In rng
If myCell.Value <> "" And myCell.Value <> 0 Then 'If the cell isn't 0 or ""
If myCell.Value < 0 Then 'Then if it's negative, make it positive and copy it over
myCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = myCell.Value * -1
Else: myCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = myCell.Value 'otherwise copy the value over
End If
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
If you only want to copy over values that are greater than 0, and ignore 0's, blanks, and negative values, then use this code:
Sub Verify()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) 'good form to always define the sheet you're working on
Set rng = ws.Range("N2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp)) 'dynamic range
For Each myCell In rng
If myCell.Value <> "" And myCell.Value > 0 Then 'If the cell is > 0 and not ""
myCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = myCell.Value 'copy the value over
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
If I understand your question correctly, you can "simplify" it to something like this:
Sub Verify()
[b2:b1000] = [if(iferror(-a2:a1000,),abs(a2:a1000),b2:b1000&"")]
End Sub
just replace a2:a1000 with your Column A range and b2:b1000 with the Column B range.

Search first row for certain text, then copy entire column

I'm fairly new to VBA and I'm having a lot of trouble doing a seemingly easy task. I've tried many different codes using this website and this is the one that gets me closest to what I want but it doesn't return any values. Here is the premise of what I need it to do:
1) Search the entire first row of columns (A1 to let's say Z1) of a worksheet for specific text such "Closed"
2) If the desired text "Closed" is found in one of the columns, copy all the values from that column
3) Paste those values from the column into Column J of another worksheet ("Source_Workbook")
****EDIT**: I want the column data to paste starting at the next empty row after row 5 of column J (10). I was having trouble using "Offset" in this case. Also, I want only the values to be pasted (keep the formatting of the page onto which the data is being pasted).
My problem is that this code keeps giving me errors when I try to do "Range.PasteSpecial." I hope I have the right approach. Please let me know if I can clarify anything further.
Dim rng As Range
Dim cl As Object
Dim strMatch As String
strMatch = "Closed" 'Search first row for columns with "Closed"
Set rng = Target_Workbook2.Sheets(2).Range("A1:Z1")
For Each cl In rng
If cl.Value = strMatch Then
Exit For
With Source_Workbook2.Sheets(2)
Sheets(2).Columns("J").Offset(5, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End With
End If
Next cl
Target_Workbook2.Sheets(2).Range("A1:Z1").AutoFilter 1, "*Closed*"
possibly work better for filtering?
You are exiting for loop before pasting the values on Sheet2.
Try this code:
Dim rng As Range
Dim cl As Object
Dim strMatch As String
strMatch = "Closed" 'Search first row for columns with "Closed"
Set rng = Target_Workbook2.Sheets(2).Range("A1:Z1")
For Each cl In rng
If cl.Value = strMatch Then
cl.EntireColumn.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Columns(10)
Exit For
End If
Next cl
Edit 1: Based on the comment
This will copy the column and paste it from row 5 on Sheet2.
Dim rng As range
Dim cl As Object
Dim strMatch As String
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim sh2lastrow As Long '<-- Newly added
Dim col As Long '<-- Newly added
Dim range As range '<-- Newly added
strMatch = "Closed" 'Search first row for columns with "Closed"
lastrow = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' or + 1
sh2lastrow = Sheets("Sheet2").range("J65536").End(xlUp).Row + 4 '<-- Newly added (Because you want to start from row 5)
Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:Z1")
For Each cl In rng
If cl.Value = strMatch Then
lastrow = Cells.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count '<-- (Getting row count of given column)
col = cl.Column '<-- (Getting column number of given column)
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set range = .range(.Cells(2, col), .Cells(lastrow, col)) '<-- (Setting up the range to copy)
End With
Sheets("Sheet2").Activate '<-- Newly added
Sheets("Sheet2").range("J" & sh2lastrow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues '<-- (Pasting the copied data)
sh2lastrow = Sheets("Sheet2").range("J65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 '<-- (Getting the last row from Sheet2)
End If
Next cl
