How to enable build speed window in android studio? - android-studio

I just came to know that in the latest Android Studio 4.0, there is a Build Speed Window which will help to understand and diagnose issues with the build process. But somehow, that Build Speed Window is not appearing after the build is successful. Does anyone know how to enable the build speed window?

Android Studio 4.0 Canary 3
Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0-alpha03 and higher
Step 1: Build > Make Project from the menu bar
Step 2: Select View > Tool Windows > Build from the menu bar.
After Android Studio finishes building your project, Open the Build Speed window in one of the following ways:
Step 3: Click the Build Speed tab. or Click the link in the right side of the Build Output window.
If you are using android studio 4.0 beta channel, build speed is known as build analyzer.
refer this documentation.
I hope this helps.

#josepraveen answers is the correct one. I just want to add that you should also make sure that you have under dependencies in the build.gradle of the parent
Then do the step 1 etc


Could not download gradle.jar (

I got this error from my android studio 3.2 when am trying to build my project. Am new to android and i have been trying to set the studio up but i keep getting this error - Could not download gradle.jar ( No cached version available for offline mode
someone should help me out and fix this.
You have not finished setting up your Android studio. Make sure you are connected to the internet then press Try Again or Restart your android or Press the sync again button on the top left corner of android studio. Gradle will be downloaded
It is important to make sure that your android studio is not in offline mode. To do this go o File->Settings the search Offline in the settings search box. Choose gradle and make sure the Offline check box is not Checked.

"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu

"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu,
What is the problem or something I missed to install?? Thanks
When I click "Build APK(s)" , the android studio is no response
For me, clicking File > Sync Project with Gradle File System solved it for me.
Firstly check with clean > rebuild project and see that 'app' is not having "red X" icon.
Check your gradle that you had not configured it with release config yet.
There must be a signing config in gradle file
Follow Below Steps for Nice and Easy Way:-
Go to Tools->Flutter->Open for editing in android studio.
open for editing in android studio
Choose separate window. This will open the android part of your project in separate window.
Wait to Gradle to finish it's build.
Go to Build-> Generate signed bundle/apk.
Follow this video for further process.
Thank me later..!
in my case, one of my harddisks hard stopped working (in which I had my first project).
File > Settings > Appearance & Behaviour > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle menu, changing the Gradle user home to another folder solved the issue. the original value of it consisted path to my first project which wasn't existing anymore.
I had the same issue not having the "generate signed bundle/apk" enabled in Android Studio interface and this thread helped to deduce what was my issue... I'm new to android development so I didn't know what to do at all but checking the build.gradle file I realized that there were issues with the synchronization of gradle, so I found this video, downloaded the latest version of Grandle, then went to File > Sync with Fyle System, and after the sync was completed the button appeared.... so seems like this has a direct relation to the right synchronization of gradle.

Navigation to the Android Studio Tools on Welcome Screen

I am sort of lost on where to find the Tools Menu in Android Studio.
According to this link, I do not have to run an Android Studio project in order to launch the AVD Manager.
Currently, I am on Android Studio Version 3.0 Beta 6.
I would like some guidance on where the Tools Menu is located in which the link above mentions. Pictures would really help and are much appreciated.
While you do not have to run a project to access the AVD manager, you cannot access it in the welcome screen. You must first create or open a project and then you should be able to find what the link is referring to.

Android Studio - Error: Failed to resolve:

Screen Shot #1 - Android Studio Project Gradle Build View
Screen Shot #2 - Android Studio Project Gradle Sync View
Going through the "Android Studio 2.2 Development Essentials book" and following along with the tutorial in chapter 3. Everything was OK until I completed a task in the Development Essentials book (chapter 3, page 24 in book) that said,
As we can see from the component tree hierarchy, the user interface
layout consists of a layout parent with a single child in the form of
a TextView object. If Android Studio has used a RelativeLayout manager
for the project, the first step is to convert it to a
ConstraintLayout. ConstraintLayout is a new and flexible layout
manager that is used in most projects in this book. To achieve this
conversion, right-click on the content_android_sample entry in the
Component Tree and select the Convert RelativeLayout to
ConstraintLayout menu option as shown below:
Upon completion of the above quoted tutorial task (in chapt. 3 of the Development Essentials book), an error was presented that said:
Error: Failed to resolve:
Also, a rendering error was listed as well that said:
Rendering Problems The following classes could not be found:
- (    Add constraint-layout library dependency to the project, Fix Build Path, Edit XML, Create Class)
Any thoughts on how to fix this? Please see screen shots attached (above). I'm new to Android Studio.
Thank you very much for your time.
I am using the following OS and Android Studio version below:
Win7 professional 64 bit OS
Android Studio 2.2
Build# AI-145,3330264, Built on October 6, 2016
You need add check in..
exist a icon with name "SDK Manager" just click
open Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK -> SDK Tools
And in this dialog add:
ConstraintLayout for Android
Solver for ConstrainLayout
Then, here only you need close and open Android Studio.
Maybe only you can update to:
compile ''
Or update your dependency to:
compile ''
This should solve your error. Go to your build.gradle and change your implementation '' to implementation '' or to any latest

Android Studio don't run app after upgrade to 1.5

I just upgraded Android Studio to 1.5 release and I try (after gradle build) to run App but the run procedure is skipped and the device chooser immediately appears. No apk file issued. Any suggestion? Is a bug?
We've just released Android Studio 1.5 Preview 2 to the Canary
In 1.5 we've reworked the build+deploy flow such that instead of first
building with Gradle and then popping up the "choose a device" dialog,
we now immediately ask for a device to push the APK to. Some users
were using Run + Cancel to build an APK; we now added a separate
"Build APK" action to the Build menu for that purpose.
Hi. It is not a bug, it is a feature. Personaly I hate this change and hope I can enable this optionaly.
Good luck!
