How to get OAuth2 token from an EC2 instance with no browser using nodejs google api - node.js

I have a node.js app that uses the google drive API to upload a file to a google drive. It is working fine on my local machine. I am now trying to migrate it to an EC2 instance but when I run the app using node, I am unable to verify by visiting the url...
Authorize this app by visiting this url:>access_type=offline&>>b
Not sure how to proceed as there is no browser on the machine - which makes me question if I am using the correct protocol for this application? I get totally confused by all the different options available.
I am basically using the option laid out here:
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Following the steps from the NodeJs Drive API quickstart, you can run your application locally the first time, this way the consent screen will be prompted and you'll be able to grant the permissions. With this, a token.json file will be created in your directory which will be used to create refresh tokens used to authorize the subsequent requests. You can upload your application to the EC2 instance with the token.json file included and you won't have to authorize the application again.
You can read more about refreshing an access token with offline access in Google's OAuth documentation.


Authenticating a Vue 2 Azure Static Web App Locally Against Auth0

I am researching the feasibility of porting an existing Vue 2 app to be an Azure Static Web App (SWA). A requirement is the ability to run the Vue app locally and authenticate against our Auth0 tenant to retrieve a access/bearer token to send along with our HTTP requests.
It appears that a SWA can utilize custom authentication (Auth0), and I was able to complete that successfully by following this article. However, I'm not seeing any information around capturing the access token. There is an /.auth/me/ endpoint which has user information, but that does not contain the access token:
I also looked into the Azure Static Web App Emulator which allows for defining an identity profile when running locally, but I'm not seeing a way to specify an access token here either.
Is it possible at the moment with a SWA to obtain an access token using a custom auth provider when running locally and when published live?
Managed Authentication in Azure is really only useful for fairly simple use cases. I think you're going to want to implement your security directly inside your Vue application.
You mentioned needing an access token but didn't say where it comes from or what you're doing with it. Are you trying to call an Auth0-secured API?

Authenticating headless chromium launched inside an Azure Function

In our project we've built an Azure Function which launches Puppeteer in headless mode, goes to our webpage and takes a screenshot of the page which is then emailed out as pdf report. Works locally and deployed to Azure. That was the POC though. Now, we're moving to production and introduced authentication (Azure AD B2C, single tenant), will run each http request via APIM etc.
What happens now:
our Function app was registered in AD as a daemon and receives an access token.
this access token is inserted into 'Bearer ' Authorization header in Puppeteer (page.setExtraHTTPHeaders)
headless browser does not get authenticated and screenshot we receive is of the login screen (Azure SSO)
What needs to happen
we need to convince the react-msal library our FrontEnd is using to authenticate users, that the headless browser should get authenticated and allowed to render the page
The solution I've come up with so far is to replicate msal-react's logic of saving session information into Puppeteer's session storage, so that when msal-react checks for persisted session it will find it and allow headless chromium in. I'm yet to implement it. I'm curious if anyone in the community has experience building something similar.

Gmail API Nodejs and PM2 authentication

I have set up code to send emails using Gmail API in Nodejs. It works perfectly well in local machine. It asks to enter a code by visiting URL. Something like,
Authorize this app by visiting this URL: someURL
Enter the code from that page here: copy-paste code here
This is automatically done by Google following Node.js Quickstart for Gmail and it automatically generates token.json. Everything works perfectly fine in development.
Now in production, I deploy my app using PM2 and Nginx. So, now each node server is running in background and logs are generated in files.
I see the above prompt in the log file Enter the code from that page here:. But as the log is piped to the file, I have no way of pasting the code since I don't have access to standard input.
I have tried generating token.json from local and using it in the server which doesn't seem to work.
How do I fix this and is there any way around this?
NOTE: The code to authorize and send mails works just fine. I'm not posting it here because I don't want the question to be cluttered.
If you are trying to make a server application without need of user interaction instead of using regular OAuth you could try to use Service Account.
Although take into account that service accounts don't have the Gmail API per se, so you should enable the Domain-Wide Delegation to impersonate another user of the domain.
If you insist in authenticating a real user, you can retrieve the token.json before implementing PM2 and using it afterwards.
Also you can take a look at these two (1 and 2) github posts that also opens your initial thought of trying to use the stdin to authenticate the user.

How to auth from production nodejs server to get token for google spreadsheets API

i've implemented Google Spreadsheets API in an nodejs server, on localhost first time it asked to go to some specific url and copy token, i did this and everything was fine.
But on PROD, i see that it asks for the same thing, but i can't do that for PROD server ( i mean that i can't open console like on local machine and insert that code generated by google ).
So, what can i do? How can i make it works for PROD server.
P.S i've already tried with API keys, but it expects OAuth 2 access token.
I'm not sure what you mean. Could you post some code?
Generally when using the Google SDK in Node, you have the standard developer token, and you get a user access token from the user's Google account - whether that's you or anyone else. You can set those in your environment such as a .env file or in your app's settings on something like Heroku. There's no need for a console.

Standalone app authorization without browser?

Is browser redirection necessary to get autorization and access token ? Is there a way how to get autorization programatically ? I am a bit suprised i found this in the OAuth2 google documentation : > Chapter Installed Application
sequence begins by redirecting a browser (either a browser embedded in the application or the system browser) to a Google URL with a set of query parameters that indicate the type of Google API access the application requires...
We run small java utility app which contains username and password in config file to our google account. i would expect there will be way to get autorization and access token without any browser interaction (it`s a bit hard to do when we run it as a cron job on virtual server)...
It's about trusted path between credentials holder (user), and authentication entity (it can by google app's server, or openID or facebook...). Someone who uses OAuth, provides his credentials to server he trusts, and in turn this server not revealing any secret data about him, provides identity assurance for your app.
So you have to provide trusted path to Oauth porvider. This can be done by opening a simple http server within your app, and opening user browser pointing to it, and then authentication would be done using, browser, and after auth is finished your server would recvive OAuth response and your app could authenticate user.
That's the idea, I would not input my "global" credentials to some app, and trust it that it will not, copy and use them later on. You've registered within specific OAuth provider and only he should know, and recive your credentials.
