Microsoft Graph API serviceNotAvailable error when getting site by ID - sharepoint

I am getting an HTTP 503 status MSFT Graph API error when attempting to get a Sharepoint site that was successfully created by a Post with the Graph API.
I am using a Developer O365 subscription.
A Python application using the MSFT MSAL library for managing the authentication token is being used. I am able to successfully call other parts of the Graph API with the python app. When using the Graph Explorer logged into my account and with Site permissions I get a correct successful response. The python application worked for an hour or two after about 10-40 requests, but now is frozen in error with serviceNotAvailable.
The AD Application Permissions for the python client are:
The endpoint I am calling GET with is:,some-uuid
The response headers I get are:
'Cache-Control': 'private',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'request-id': 'ff8256de-f833-4916-85c2-2ee229a68135',
'client-request-id': 'ff8256de-f833-4916-85c2-2ee229a68135',
'x-ms-ags-diagnostic': '{
"DataCenter":"North Central US",
'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000',
'Date': 'Wed, 04 Mar 2020 17:47:03 GMT',
'Content-Length': '306'
The response body is:
"error": {
"code": "serviceNotAvailable",
"message": "The service is not available. Try the request again after a delay. There may be a Retry-After header.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "ff8256de-f833-4916-85c2-2ee229a68135",
"date": "2020-03-04T17:47:03"
I read in the MSFT docs that this is a throttling error for violating terms of use and that Graph Explorer is not subjected to throttling restrictions. I never get the "Retry-After" header.
Does anyone know how to get my API call to be successful? How to reset the throttling by MSFT? I might make 100 - 150 Graph API calls in an hour.

We have been having this issue with multiple Office365 tenants. We reached out to Microsoft and they said it is a server-side bug from their side that they are fixing. They are deploying a fix for one of our customers now.
This is not throttling as the error occurs from the first API call. Unfortunately, you can't do anything about it except opening a ticket to Microsoft.
By the way, this call had been working fine for over a year. The error started occurring by the end of February 2020.

My problem accessing any resource in the sites API was caused by having both the Groups.Create and Groups.ReadWrite.All permissions granted at the same time for application type access.
Removing Groups.Create allowed the all CRUD calls to be successful without serviceNotAvailable errors, even command line calls that just access sites.
Be sure to update admin grant and your token if you change the permissions for a test.
User #user13034886 mentioned the permission clash in another post.


calling microsoft graph api via another rest service

Good day!
We need a calendar facility for the project that we're working in right now. For some reason, we are limited to using the Office 365 calendar or the outlook calendar. We stumbled upon the Microsoft Graph APIs which seems to be the right tool to fulfill what we want to do. So the idea is to create a Microsoft account which will be used as the main calendar where our wrapper(wrap the microsoft graph API calls) API can pull events from and eventually disseminate to client requests.
So here is what we've done so far:
Created a Microsoft account with the domain of
Plotted some calendar events using the said Microsoft account
Tried to follow this guide from the Microsoft site.
We agreed to create a wrapper API which will call the Microsoft Graph APIs but before this we tried to access the said APIs via postman. The problem is that postman cannot get any response from the endpoint of the /authorize API which is need to gain an access token to finally call the respective Microsoft graph APIs.
Now we do not know if we are trying to attack this wrongly or whatever. Do you have any idea what we are missing here? Thanks in advance and I hope someone can shed light in this matter.
We were able to have some progress. After some time, we bumped in the azure active directory portal. We are now able to get an access token using this URL.<directory-id>/oauth2/token
Now when we are accessing the actual MS Graph API endpoint that we are supposed to call, we are receiving a 401 Unauthorized response even though we are using the obtained token from the previous API call. This is the URL that we are trying to get a response:
This is all being done via postman first.
We tried to grant every permission possible in the Azure Active Directory portal and confirmed the consent at<domain><client-id>
but unfortunately we're still hitting the 401 Unauthorized wall. In Microsoft Graph Explorer, everything is working fine. So what could be missing in our postman implementation that MS Graph Explorer is doing implicitly? Thanks in advance for any help!
After further reading, we've found out some important details. First, we've found out that there are two sets of APIs from Microsoft. One is the Azure Active Directory API and the other is the Microsoft Graph API. Both APIs use the same URL to get access tokens by using client credentials. Below is the URL:<directory-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
Substitute the with your personal data from azure portal. Using this URL to get an access token, you need to supply some data in the request body.
client_id - client id of registered application in azure portal
client_secret - secret key of registered application in azure portal
grant_type - 'client_credentials' --> meaning you'll get an access token by using client credentials
scope - '' or '' --> this controls which API are you going to access. The first one is to access Microsoft Graph API and the other is to access Azure Active Directory API.
We are now able to get an access token and use it to access the actual API that we need. Below is the URL of the said API:<azure-tenant-name>
Notice that the URL does not use /me because upon reading using it required a signed in user. Unfortunately we are still getting the 401 Unauthorized error but the errors did change now. We are getting to errors intermittently. Sometimes the API call would return one or the other alternately. Below are the return of the API calls.
"error": {
"code": "InvalidTenant",
"message": "The tenant for tenant guid '<directory-id-goes-here>' does not exist.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "<some-request-id>",
"date": "2018-08-22T04:29:27"
"error": {
"code": "UnknownError",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "<some-request-id>",
"date": "2018-08-22T04:54:11"
We feel we've moved a step forward. We're still not getting what we need though. Now the mystery are these 2 API call responses. What could be the reason of this? Thanks in advance for anybody's help
Upon even further reading we've discovered that there are authentication flows to get an access token. Depending on the API that you want to call, some authentication flows will not work on it because they need more details and security to execute themselves. So we've tried:
Client Credential Grant
Resource Owner Credential Grant
Authorize Code Grant
But still, unfortunately, we are still stuck in the previous error. We are getting 401 Unauthorized and the response payload is either InvalidTenant or UnknownError.
I just went through a similar problem yesterday, the 401 Unauthorized error.
I was trying to access the calendar of an employee via Microsoft's Graph API, but I was receiving the same response as you.
"error": {
"code": "UnknownError",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "<request-id>",
"date": "<date>"
Then I decided to check if had the Office 365. He didn't. I'm just a developer, so I ask the guys from infrastructure to install Office 365 on the empleyee's machine, or add him to an enterprice account, or something like that.
After they finished, the requests to his calendar worked just fine :)

Invalid Delegation Token. Invalid national Cloud ID (1) is specified

We have an O365 tenant, everything is configured out of the box. The tenant is placed in the German cloud and not in global (
We also developed an Office Add-in that authorize access to sharepoint using OAuth 2.0.
First, we initiate a request for a code to this url:
and we get all values back including the code.
Then, we initiate a request for the Discovery Service to discover the services using this url:
In the global cloud everything is ok and we get the list of services we need but in the German cloud we get the following error:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS90051: Invalid Delegation Token. Invalid national Cloud ID (1) is specified.\r\nTrace ID: 52f8aa2b-9f98-4ba6-b778-c0ba484a3c00\r\nCorrelation ID: 67100192-82c8-41ea-a5ca-fd9872caaf2e\r\nTimestamp: 2018-02-08 06:31:18Z",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "2018-02-08 06:31:18Z",
"trace_id": "52f8aa2b-9f98-4ba6-b778-c0ba484a3c00",
"correlation_id": "67100192-82c8-41ea-a5ca-fd9872caaf2e"
The same error occurs when we try to change the url to
I think that you can use client crendetials flow to achieve that:
1.Request the access token for the Office Discovery service API:
2.Use the access token in the head and use the Office Discovery API:
Additional: If you want to get id_token and use it, try to use as the AAD Athorization endpoint in your request. I didn't test, but it should work.
Hope this helps!

Dynamics CRM 401 with token provided

I'm working on a dynamics crm integration for a Single-Tenant Server-to-server authentication. This is required to obtain tokens invisibly as the data will be used to create customer facing ui.
Therefore I’m getting a token back from Azure using the client_credentials grant type. However when I attempt to use this token to access any dynamics endpoint (such as those documented here:
All I get back is a 401 - access denied.
I’ve done the following:
Create an Azure application
Created and stored a key
Enabled permissions for Dynamics CRM online
I’ve seen some suggestion that I need a service user in the CRM itself to provide access, however when I try and create one the options described do not appear. (such as here: )
Can you suggest any steps I might be missing here?
Heres a sample call using the token
{ method: 'GET',
url: 'https://<snip>/api/data/v8.2/accounts?$select=name&$top=3',
{ Authorization: 'Bearer <snip>',
Accept: 'application/json',
'OData-MaxVersion': '4.0',
'OData-Version': '4.0' }
Please note that I am using node.js here and C# / .net based answers are probably not going to be massively helpful
Here is a post on how to configure server to server auth. Assuming you ran through all the steps except creating the application user, you can do so by:
In CRM Navigate to Settings->Security->Users
Change the view from "Enabled Users" to "Application Users"
From the new user form change the form from "User" to "Application User".
You should now be able to create your application user.

Instagram API Tag search query stopped working after recent update

Not long ago I used the following request to fetch some data for my application:
Now I am greeted with the following response:
{"meta": {"error_type": "OAuthPermissionsException", "code": 400, "error_message": "This request requires scope=public_content, but this access token is not authorized with this scope. The user must re-authorize your application with scope=public_content to be granted this permissions."}}
It seems I must have my application approved by Istagram to have access to the data I want.
So is this the only currently supported way to keep my application working?
I am grateful for any help.
Yes, after June 1st 2016, all apps have to be reviewed by Instagram and approved to get API access
If not you can only access your latest 20 posts using API (sandbox mode)

Getting token in Office 365 Oauth2 authentication

I am implementing Oauth 2 authentication for Office 365 account in a java based server side application. After reading the documentation, I have done the following things:
I have office 365 subscription.
I have created an app in Azure
Actve directory, that is necessary to authenticate web app using
office 365 account.
I have client ID and secret. I have also
given all permission to the Azure app.
I am requesting authorization code using the Url:{client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect url}&response_mode=query
As a response of this, I am getting authorization code as expected:
http://localhost:8080?code={authorication code}&session_state=259479e4-84aa-42ea-91e9-9e919cc99587
Now I need to get token along with the user name (user ID from which the user in logged in), as I need the user name for further processing. For this, I am using the method described here:
That is using a POST request like this:
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Now the problem is that, when ever I send this post request, I always get error with error code some times 400 or 402 etc. I also user POST man in chrome to check the response of the call. It always return error like that:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace ID: b834315e-ccb3-4533-b7c9-4af7b34054b9\r\nCorrelation ID: 784f18da-5479-4b69-b939-0067abfcc460\r\nTimestamp: 2016-08-02 07:28:22Z",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "2016-08-02 07:28:22Z",
"trace_id": "b834315e-ccb3-4533-b7c9-4af7b34054b9",
"correlation_id": "784f18da-5479-4b69-b939-0067abfcc460"
(Note: I have registered all the apps using administrator login)
I have tried a lot to find out whats is going wrong here. I have added multiple apps in Azure Active directory but I am always getting similar response.
I request professionals to help me. . . ! Actually I want to allow user to click on a button in office 365 web add-in and use oauth2 authentication to login to our system. It will be great in somebody suggest me some good tutorial to successfully implement this.
If you were requesting the access token for the Office 365, the resource parameter in the send request should be
And also you can use the Microsoft Graph as Philip suggested. You can refer here about how to choose the endpoint.
Receiving the error codes "interaction_required" or "invalid_grant" error codes means there is an issue with the "Refresh token" and it advised to:
Discard current refresh token
Request new authorization code
