How the number of partitions is decided by Spark when a file is read? - apache-spark

How the number of partitions is decided by Spark when a file is read ?
Suppose we have a 10 GB single file in a hdfs directory and multiple part files of total 10 GB volume a another hdfs location .
If these two files are read in two separate spark data frames what would be their number of partitions and based on what logic ?

Found the information in How to: determine partition
It says:
How is this number determined? The way Spark groups RDDs into stages is described in the previous post. (As a quick reminder, transformations like repartition and reduceByKey induce stage boundaries.) The number of tasks in a stage is the same as the number of partitions in the last RDD in the stage. The number of partitions in an RDD is the same as the number of partitions in the RDD on which it depends, with a couple exceptions: thecoalesce transformation allows creating an RDD with fewer partitions than its parent RDD, the union transformation creates an RDD with the sum of its parents’ number of partitions, and cartesian creates an RDD with their product.
What about RDDs with no parents? RDDs produced by textFile or hadoopFile have their partitions determined by the underlying MapReduce InputFormat that’s used. Typically there will be a partition for each HDFS block being read. Partitions for RDDs produced by parallelize come from the parameter given by the user, or spark.default.parallelism if none is given.
When Spark reads a file from HDFS, it creates a single partition for a single input split. Input split is set by the Hadoop InputFormat used to read this file. For instance, if you use textFile() it would be TextInputFormat in Hadoop, which would return you a single partition for a single block of HDFS (but the split between partitions would be done on line split, not the exact block split), unless you have a compressed text file. In case of compressed file you would get a single partition for a single file (as compressed text files are not splittable).
If you have a 10GB uncompressed text file stored on HDFS, then with the default HDFS block size setting (128MB) it would be stored in 79 blocks, which means that the RDD you read from this file would have 79 partitions.
Also, we can pass the number of partitions we want if we are not satisfied by the number of partitions provided by spark by default as shown below:
>>> rdd1 = sc.textFile("statePopulations.csv",10) // 10 is number of partitions


How does Spark repartitioning work w.r.t to the input file partitioning?

I have 2 questions:
Can we have less partitions set in a call to coalesce than the HDFS block size? e.g. Suppose I have a 1 GB file size and HDFS block size is 128MB, can I do coalesce(1)?
As we know, input files on HDFS are physically split on the basis of block size. Does Spark further split the data (physically) when we repartition, or change parallelism?
e.g suppose I have a 1 GB file size and hdfs block size is 128MB. can I do coalesce(1)?
Yes, you can coalesce to a single file and write that to an external file system (at least with EMRFS)
does spark further splits the data (physically) when we repartition or change parallelism ?
repartition slices the data into partitions independently of the partitioning of the original input files.

Spark group by Key and partitioning the data

I have a large csv file with data in following format.
I am performing following operation on the above csv file:
Group by cityId as key and list of resources as value
df1.groupBy($"cityId").agg(collect_list(struct(cols.head, cols.tail: _*)) as "resources")
Change it to jsonRDD
val jsonDataRdd2 = df2.toJSON.rdd
Iterate through each Partition and upload to s3 per key
I can not use dataframe partitionby write because of business logic constraints (how other services read from S3 )
My Questions:
What is the default size of a spark partition?
Let's say default size of partition is X MBs and there is one large record present in the dataFrame with key having Y MBs of data (Y > X) , what would happen in this scenario?
Do I need to worry about having the same key in different partitions in that case?
In answer to your questions:
When reading from secondary storage (S3, HDFS) the partitions are equal to block size of file system, 128MB or 256MB; but you can repartition RDDs immediately, not Data Frames. (For JDBC and Spark Structured Streaming the partitions are dynamic in size.)
When applying 'wide transformations' and re-partitioning the number and size of partitions most likely change. The size of a given partition has a maximum value. In Spark 2.4.x the partition size increased to 8GB. So, if any transformation (e.g. collect_list in combination with groupBy) gens more than this maximum size, you will get an error and the program aborts. So you need to partition wisely or in your case have sufficient number of partitions for aggregation - see spark.sql.shuffle.partitions parameter.
The parallel model for processing by Spark relies on 'keys' being allocated via hash, range partitioning, etc. being distributed to one and only one partition - shuffling. So, iterating through a partition foreachPartition, mapPartitions there is no issue.

spark write to disk with N files less than N partitions

Can we write data to say 100 files, with 10 partitions in each file?
I know we can use repartition or coalesce to reduce number of partition. But I have seen some hadoop generated avro data with much more partitions than number of files.
The number of files that get written out is controlled by the parallelization of your DataFrame or RDD. So if your data is split across 10 Spark partitions you cannot write fewer than 10 files without reducing partitioning (e.g. coalesce or repartition).
Now, having said that when data is read back in it could be split into smaller chunks based on your configured split size but depending on format and/or compression.
If instead you want to increase the number of files written per Spark partition (e.g. to prevent files that are too large), Spark 2.2 introduces a maxRecordsPerFile option when you write data out. With this you can limit the number of records that get written per file in each partition. The other option of course would be to repartition.
The following will result in 2 files being written out even though it's only got 1 partition:
val df = spark.range(100).coalesce(1)
df.write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 50).save("/tmp/foo")

RDD and partition in Apache Spark

So, in Spark when an application is started then an RDD containing the dataset for the application (e.g. words dataset for WordCount) is created.
So far what I understand is that RDD is a collection of those words in WordCount and the operations that have been done to those dataset (e.g. map, reduceByKey, etc...)
However, afaik, Spark also has HadoopPartition (or in general: partition) which is read by every executor from HDFS. And I believe that an RDD in driver also contains all of these partitions.
So, what is getting divided among executors in Spark? Does every executor get those sub-dataset as a single RDD which contains less data compared to RDD in the driver or does every executor only deals with these partitions and read them directly from HDFS? Also, when are the partitions created? On the RDD creation?
Partitions are configurable provided the RDD is key-value based.
There are 3 main partition's property:
Tuples in the same partition are guaranteed to be in the same
Each node in a cluster can contain more than one partition.
The total number of partitions are configurable, by default it is
set to the total number of cores on all the executor nodes.
Spark supports two types of partitioning:
Hash Partitioning
Range Partitioning
When Spark reads a file from HDFS, it creates a single partition for a single input split. Input split is set by the Hadoop InputFormat used to read this file.
When you call rdd.repartition(x) it would perform a shuffle of the data from N partitions you have in rdd to x partitions you want to have, partitioning would be done on round robin basis.
Please see more details here and here
Your RDD have rows in it. If it is a text file, it have lines separated by \n.
Those rows are getting divided into partitions across different nodes in Spark cluster.

How to split the input file in Apache Spark

Suppose I have an input file of size 100MB. It contains large number of points (lat-long pair) in CSV format. What should I do in order to split the input file in 10 10MB files in Apache Spark or how do I customize the split.
Note: I want to process a subset of the points in each mapper.
Spark's abstraction doesn't provide explicit split of data. However you can control the parallelism in several ways.
Assuming you use YARN, HDFS file is automatically split into HDFS blocks and they're processed concurrently when Spark action is running.
Apart from HDFS parallelism, consider using partitioner with PairRDD. PairRDD is data type of RDD of key-value pairs and a partitioner manages mapping from a key to a partition. Default partitioner reads spark.default.parallelism. The partitioner helps to control the distribution of data as well as its locality in PairRDD-specific actions, e.g., reduceByKey.
Take a look at following documentation about Spark data parallelism.
After searching through the Spark API I have found one method partition which returns the number of partitions of the JavaRDD. At the time of JavaRDD creation we have repartitioned it to desired number of partitions as told by #Nick Chammas.
JavaRDD<String> lines = ctx.textFile("/home/hduser/Spark_programs/file.txt").repartition(5);
List<Partition> partitions = lines.partitions();
