Express middleware to configure response - node.js

I want to create a middleware that automatically formats my output and returns it in a format that looks like
"successful": "true",
"message": "Successfully created",
"data": {
"name": "Joe",
"year": 1
Currently I'm just returning a json of the data itself (name, year, etc.)
I want to add the "successful", "message", etc.
Here's some snippets of my code below:
var student_controller = require('../controllers/studentController');
router.get('/list', student_controller.student_list);
var Student = require('../models/student');
exports.student_list = function(req, res, next) {
.exec(function(err, list_students) {
if (err) {return next(err);}
var studentRouter = require('./routes/student');
app.use('/student', studentRouter);
How do I make this middleware, and in which file(s) should I be calling it?

The response can be intercepted by overriding response.json function. By doing so, and adding our custom function, every time, response.json() is called, our intercepting function is triggered.
// Response Interceptor Middleware
export default (request, response, next) => {
try {
const oldJSON = response.json;
response.json = (data) => {
// For Async call, handle the promise and then set the data to `oldJson`
if (data && data.then != undefined) {
// Resetting json to original to avoid cyclic call.
return data.then((responseData) => {
// Custom logic/code. -----> Write your logic to add success wrapper around the response
response.json = oldJSON;
return, responseData);
}).catch((error) => {
} else {
// For non-async interceptor functions
// Resetting json to original to avoid cyclic call.
// Custom logic/code.
response.json = oldJSON;
return, finalResponse);
} catch (error) {
In the Server.js file, register the middleware:
// Server.js file
import externalResponseFilter from "./middleware/response.filter.js:";
// Create Express server
const app = express();
// Response interceptor - Initialization.
And in the controller where you are returning the response, return with response.json() function instead of response.send().
Let me know if any additional explanation is required.

I think there is no need to middleware in your case unless you need an auth check for this routing. The Middleware has the functionality to handle something before getting your response.
your code shall be:
Student.find().then(data=>res.json(data)).catch(err=>conole.log(err)) });


How to put 2 logic block in same async route in nodeJs?

I have a post route which calls a service and has a .catch handler to handle any errors, also the code itself has try - catch block. But when I'm trying to call another service only of first service callback value is not desired, it shows following errors. Eg. Await cannot be used outside async, or when it goes to condition 2, app crashes. Here's the structure-'/Students', async(req,res) => {
studentService(req.body). then ((res)=>{
....// if res.body == 'Student'
module.exports = router
Now how can I check that if res.body!='Student' or the studentService fails, then go to second block which calls another service and has it's own error handler.(Note- It executes only if first one is false or desired value not obtained)
Not sure where and how to place it.
I guess asynce in your example code is a typo.
Inside an async function you can use await rather than .then().
Also, it's probably best if you don't overwrite your route's res with the output from your studentService.
And, in a route you must do something in all cases. Send a result, throw an error, send an error, whatever. The else side of your if doesn't do anything in your sample.
You can throw an error by calling express's next() with a parameter.
So try this.
const createError = require('http-errors')
...'/Students', async(req, res, next) => {
try {
const student = await studentService(req.body)
if (student.body === 'Student') {
return res.send(student.body)
catch (error) {
return next(error)
try {
const something = await someOtherService(req.body)
if (something.whatever === 'Underpaid Adjunct Faculty') {
return res.send(something.body)
} catch (error) {
return next(error)
return next(createError(400, 'Got an error'))
module.exports = router

Jest Express testing middleware with arguments

I'm pretty new to node and this is my first time unit testing an app. I'm doing well with Jest faking the request with Jest function as below
// Create a fake request
const mockRequest = (sessionData, body) => ({
session: { data: sessionData },
// Create a fake response
const mockResponse = () => {
const res = {};
res.status = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(res);
res.json = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(res);
return res;
const mockNext = () => {
const next = jest.fn();
return next;
So I can use them like follows
doSomething(req, res, next);
That's enough for all the cases until I found that my authorisation middleware includes a couple of parameters so I can not pass the fake res and req as below
exports.isAllowedTo = (par1, par2) => {
return async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// Grant logic here that needs par1 and par2
return res.status(401).json({
error: "You don't have enough permission to perform this action"
} catch (err) {
error: err.toString(),
If I test isAllowTo(req, res, next) with the mock req, res and next then I'm missing the 2 parameters needed by the function. Actually when I do this, the function isAllowTo() is not even called. I don't know how to deal with that. Any suggestion or approach?
Two months later I realized that the real problem is that I'm testing a function inside of another function.
So firstly I store the function in a variable so I can test it as a regular middleware.
test('Grant access if user role is allowed to', async () => {
const isAllowToTester = userController.isAllowedTo(par1, par2);
await isAllowToTester(req, res, next)
Hope this helps someone else.
Credits to this post
Check out it's a library dedicated to mocking requests and responses, it's really easy to use with unit tests/jest. I personally don't think is worth it to write your own mocking implementation.

Return res and next in a custom express function

How do I return both res and next in an express function:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// how do I set cookie and return next()?
return res.cookie('someToken', someToken, {
signed: true,
// etc...
return next();
} catch (err) {
// catch here, for example, return res.status(401).clearCookie...
An express request handler (like something you pass to app.get() or or something like that) does not pay any attention to the return value from that handler.
So, return inside such a handler is used only for flow control to stop further execution of the function.
In addition, your code has two return statements one after the other:
return res.cookie(...);
return next();
Which makes no sense because the return next() line of code will never be executed as the function has already returned on the line before.
If this is middleware and you intend for some other request handler to still have a chance to process this request, then you would want something like this:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
res.cookie('someToken', someToken);
It doesn't appear that there's any reason for the try/catch because neither of these should throw an exception (assuming your code doesn't have a syntax error in it).
But, if you really wanted the try/catch, you could do this:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
res.cookie('someToken', someToken);
} catch(e) {
// make sure logs can see that this unexpected error is happening
console.log("customFunction error", e);
res.status(500).send("Internal Error"); // probably want a more glamorous error page

next() promise error handling

What would be the optimal way for error handling?
I need custom json error messages. It's an API.
exports.putCurso = function (req, res, next) {
util.updateDocument(req.curso, Curso, req.body);
.then(function (data) {
return res.status(201).json({message: 'Curso atualizado.', data: data});
.catch(function(error) {
return res.status(500).json({message: 'ERROR!'});
//OR return next(error); but I need custom json error messages so it doesn't make sense
.finally(next); //OR return next(error)? redundant?
I am no mongoose guy but I know one or two things about express and promise
exports.putCurso = function (req, res, next) {
util.updateDocument(req.curso, Curso, req.body);
.then(function (data) {
res.status(201).json({message: 'Curso atualizado.', data: data});
}, function(error){
res.status(500).json({message: 'ERROR!'});
And this is basically all that you need. Based on the implementation, this is probably a normal route because it always returns something (res.json) to the client. Therefore, you don't have to call next because it is meant for middlewares to call
Also you don't have to return anything because when you call res.json, it basically says that this request ends here, nothing else.
Last but not least, by specification, promise then supports 2 functions, the first one is for handing successful case, the 2nd one is for exceptions. So, you don't have to call catch
Considering Curso a mongoose document
You can do it like this,data){
if(err) res.status(500).json({message: 'ERROR!'});
else res.status(201).json({message: 'Curso atualizado.', data: data})
EDIT : if you have so many similar issues through out your little huge node application, its worth looking at rb, then you can do it like
var RB = require('rb');
exports.putCurso = function (req, res, next) {
util.updateDocument(req.curso, Curso, req.body);
// the below line could have been written in some middleware (eg middleware provided by, so we do get clear code in controller part.
res.RB =, { // you may customize your builder yours way, after looking into `rb` docs
errorStatus : 500, successStatus : 201,
errorKey : false, successKey : 'data',
preProcessError : function(){ return { message : 'ERROR!' } },
addToSuccess : { message : 'Curso atualizado.' }
//Now only one line in controller;
Disclosure : i am author of rb.
asCallback takes a callback which it calls with the promise outcome mapped to the callback convention:
If the promise is rejected, it calls the callback with the error as first argument: cb(error)
If the promise is fulfilled, it calls the callback with the value as the second argument: cb(null, value).
exports.putCurso = function (req, res, next) {
util.updateDocument(req.curso, Curso, req.body);
.then(function (data) {
return res.status(201).json({message: 'Curso atualizado.', data: data});
.catch(function(error) {
return res.status(500).json({message: 'ERROR!'});
//OR return next(error); but I need custom json error messages so it doesn't make sense

Unit testing validation with express-validator

How can I unit test my validations that are done using express-validator?
I have tried creating a dummy request object, but I get the error: TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'checkBody'. I am able to manually test that the validation works in the application.
Here is what I have tried:
describe('couponModel', function () {
it('returns errors when necessary fields are empty', function(done){
var testBody = {
merchant : '',
startDate : '',
endDate : ''
var request = {
body : testBody
var errors = Model.validateCouponForm(request);;
My understanding is that the checkBody method is added to the request object when I have app.use(expressValidator()) in my express application, but as I am only testing that the validation is working in this unit test I do not have an instance of the express application available, and the validation method that I am testing is not called directly from it anyway as it is only called through a post route, which I do not want to call for a unit test as it involves a database operation.
Here's a solution for the new express-validator api (v4):
tl;dr: You can use this function:
exports.testExpressValidatorMiddleware = async (req, res, middlewares) => {
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
It can be called like this:
const { validationResult } = require('express-validator/check');
await testExpressValidatorMiddleware(req, res, expressValidatorMiddlewareArray);
const result = validationResult(req);
These solutions assume you have the async/await syntax available. You can use the node-mocks-http library to create the req and res objects.
Each element in an express-validator array is applied to the route as middleware. Say this is your array:
Each check will be loaded as middleware.
In order to test middleware, we need to implement a function which acts similarly to how express implements middleware.
Express middleware always accepts three params, the request and response objects, and the next function it should call (next by convention). Why do we need next? For scenarios where we want our middleware to do something before and after the proceeding function, e.g.
const loggerMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
console.log('req body is ' + req.body);
console.log('res status is ' + res.status);
But express-validator doesn't do this, it just calls next() once each of its validators is finished. For that reason, our implementation doesn't really need to bother with next().
Instead, we can just run each of our middlewares in turn and pass an empty function as next to avoid a TypeError: => {
middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
But this won't work, because express-validator middleware returns promises and we need to wait for them to resolve... (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And we don't want to move on until all promises in our iteration are resolved (Mozilla docs on Promise.all are here):
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And we should extract this as a reusable function:
exports.testExpressValidatorMiddleware = async (req, res, middlewares) => {
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And now we've arrived at my solution. If someone can improve on this implementation, I'm very happy to make edits.
I faced the same issue and I had to create the methods using this:
var validRequest = {
// Default validations used
checkBody: function () { return this; },
checkQuery: function () { return this; },
notEmpty: function () { return this; },
// Custom validations used
isArray: function () { return this; },
gte: function () { return this; },
// Validation errors
validationErrors: function () { return false; }
function getValidInputRequest(request) {
Object.assign(request, validRequest);
return request;
So, in your code you have to call the getValidInputRequest helper:
describe('couponModel', function () {
it('returns errors when necessary fields are empty', function(done){
var testBody = {
merchant : '',
startDate : '',
endDate : ''
var request = {
body : testBody
request = getValidInputRequest(request); // <-- Update the request
var errors = Model.validateCouponForm(request);;
Now, the request object has the body property and all the methods needed by express-validator.
If you want to test the cases that the validator fails, you should use something like this:
function getInvalidInputRequest(request, errorParams) {
// Get de default valid request
Object.assign(request, validRequest);
// Override the validationErrors function with desired errors
request.validationErrors = function () {
var errors = [];
errors.push({msg: 'the parameter "'+ error +'" is mandatory'})
return errors;
return request;
And to update the request you should do:
request = getInvalidInputRequest(request, ['mandatory_param_1', 'mandatory_param_2']);
