Azure Speech SDK connection issue/error in unity - azure

I am using unity 2019.3 and installed latest azure speech SDKas far as I know. I also subscribed to pay as you go plan. Here is the error generated in unity:
ErrorDetails=[Connection was closed by the remote host. Error code: 1011. Error details: Internal server error. USP state: 3. Received audio size: 0bytes.]
Did you update the subscription info?


Connect to SAP BW via Open Hub with Azure Data Factory

I’m trying to load SAP BW data into Azure Data Lake with ADF, I have:
• Installed Self-hosted IR (using my laptop for testing purpose)
• Installed SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.0
As per
Discussed with someone from SAP team and stuck on setting up the RFC:
• Authorization for Remote Function Calls (RFC) and SAP BW.
I have setup a linked service in ADF (with all creds) and got this error:
Get or create destination CLIENT=;SYSNR=;ASHOST= failed.
LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host WIN-NXOLX5J0FI with Unicode ERROR partner '' not reached TIME Wed May 20 10:38:42 2020
RELEASE 721 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 40 RC -10 MODULE nixxi.cpp LINE 3289 DETAIL NiPConnect2: SYSTEM CALL connect ERRNO 10060 ERRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out COUNTER 2 RETURN CODE: 20 Activity ID: a969876f-cddd-4626-ae2c-5c529f8ae6d9.
Any suggestions are welcome, thank you in advance.

Azure IoT SDK C: Error 401 when connecting to Blob Storage

OS and version used: Ubuntu 18.04
SDK version used: Release Dec. 13, 2018
Target: ESP32.
Description of the issue:
I am trying to connect the ESP32 to my Blob storage. I am getting an HTTP error 401 (unauthorized access).
I am using the example: iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb.
I tried connecting using just the Shared Access Key in my connection string, but this did not work (no connection). After that I generated an SAS token in Azure (Storage Accounts -> -> Shared Access Signature) and plugged that in into my connection string.
My connection string looks like this:
static const char* connectionString = "HostName=<Host name>;DeviceId=<Device ID>;SharedAccessSignature=<inserted here without the "?" at the beginning>";
Q1: Why is there a "?" in front of the token? When I look at the connection string, at SharedAccessSignature=.. I don't see the "?".
I also set up the Endpoint in Azure under IoT Hub -> Upload files.
In the example, I am using the option SET_TRUSTED_CERT_IN_SAMPLES.
Q2: What does that mean? I am not so familiar with basic encryption and should probably read up on that.
Q3: Why am I getting an 401 error? What could be a possible solution?
Initializing SNTP
ESP platform sntp inited!
Time is not set yet. Connecting to WiFi and getting time over NTP. timeinfo.tm_year:70
Waiting for system time to be set... tm_year:0[times:1]
Starting the IoTHub client sample upload to blob with multiple blocks...
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:send_http_request Line:142 HTTP code was 401
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:IoTHubClient_LL_UploadToBlob_step1and2 Line:494 unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:IoTHubClient_LL_UploadMultipleBlocksToBlob_Impl Line:768 error in IoTHubClient_LL_UploadToBlob_step1
Received unexpected result FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR
hello world failed to upload
Press any key to continue
Here is the link to the GitHub Repo.
The example can be found here.
I generated an SAS token in Azure (Storage Accounts -> -> Shared Access Signature) and plugged that in into my connection string. My connection string looks like this:
static const char* connectionString = "HostName=<Host name>;DeviceId=<DeviceID>;SharedAccessSignature=<inserted here without the "?" at the beginning>";
Q1: Why is there a "?" in front of the token? When I look at the connection string, at SharedAccessSignature=.. I don't see the "?".
After registering a device on IoTHub you will need to retrieve it's connection string to use on this example. See here an example on how to register and retrieve the connection string from a device on IoTHub.
I also set up the Endpoint in Azure under IoT Hub -> Upload files. In the example, I am using the option SET_TRUSTED_CERT_IN_SAMPLES.
Q2: What does that mean? I am not so familiar with basic encryption and should probably read up on that.
That Flag is used when compiling the SDK for your device. See the CMake File:
#Conditionally use the SDK trusted certs in the samples
set(iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb_c_files ${iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb_c_files} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/certs/certs.c)
Q3: Why am I getting an 401 error? What could be a possible solution?
Make sure you configure file upload on Azure IoTHub correctly - and use the correct connection string on the sample. Also leverage the ESP8266 sample that should have similar steps as the ESP32 configuration.
To get rid of the 401 error: Use MSFT Baltimore certificate in the code.
To get rid of the panic on the ESP: Look at this GitHub issue.

ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub connector not getting started

I am using ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector to connect the thingworx to azure Hub.
I am configuring the ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector on a linux machine.
The configuration of my remote thingworx server in the conf file of the azure IOT Connector as follows:
transport.websockets {
// ThingWorx platform application key
app-key = "app-key"
// One or more platforms can be specified here, comma separated
platforms = "remote thingworx url here"
and health-check also as follows :
port =9009
Now when I run the azure-iot file from the terminal then I get no output on the terminal.
and when I try to send request to 9009 port in the browser then it is not working.
The error log I am getting is
Error injecting constructor, java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to bootstrap
required extensions; see log for details
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.<init>
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.ConnectionServerModule.configure
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrap
for the 4th parameter of com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl.<init>(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl.class(
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThing
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to bootstrap required
extensions; see log for details
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.abort
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.queryInstalledExtensions(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.<init>(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl$$FastClassByGuice$$be072900.newInstance(<generated>)
Finally I was able to resolve this issue.
The application key of Thingworx was incorrect.
I corrected the key and this error stopped coming.

Not an authentic device on iOS app using Google Cast 3.5

I'm starting to migrate my GoogleCast integration from v2 to v3.5 on iOS when I run your code lab sample I always receive the current errors:
CastVideos-ios[436:35929] -[GCKDeviceAuthChannel didReceiveBinaryMessage:] Device is revoked by CRL.
CastVideos-ios[436:35929] -[GCKCastDeviceConnector deviceAuthChannel:didFailToAuthenticateWithError:] Not an authentic device, disconnecting.
Obviously the videos are not casting to my Chromecast 2.
I'm using the kGCKMediaDefaultReceiverApplicationID to initialize the GCKCastContext
We recommend that you take a look at the sample app on how to correctly integrate the Cast SDK with your app:
It is very important that you support the Cast lifecycle correctly.

AuthenticationFailed with Azure node.js SDK's createContainerIfNotExist method

I am trying to connect to the blog storage service with the Azure node.js sdk. This is what I am calling:
var blobService = azure.createBlobService(nconf.get("BlobStorage.account"),
, {publicAccessLevel : 'blob'}
, function(error){
This is the error I am getting:
code: 'AuthenticationFailed',
message: 'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\nRequestId:7ff326e7-2bc6-47ad-898e-2235dc26c03d\nTime:2013-03-15T19:45:25.0167404Z',
authenticationerrordetail: 'The MAC signature found in the HTTP request \'xg3cY11YCPo3mYPxDF5UV7cTPOErleERogcozwGVm6s=\' is not the same as any computed signature. Server used following string to sign: \'PUT\n\n\n0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nx-ms-blob-public-access:blob\nx-ms-date:Fri, 15 Mar 2013 19:45:25 GMT\nx-ms-version:2011-08-18\n/[containername removed for post]/test1%3Frestype=container\'.'
Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve this issue?
Additional Details:
running on local machine, accessing azure blobstorage in the cloud
OS: Mountain Lion and Windows 8
Node version: 0.10.0
Azure NodeJS SDK version: 0.6.10
UPDATE - 3/15/13 1:23pm
Appears there is an issue with azure nodejs sdk 0.6.10 and node 0.10.
FYI Azure NodeJS SDK supports nodeJS upto 0.8.x for now.
#user1144313 we're aware that it's not working and are looking into it.
For now please use node 0.8.x. As soon as we have the fixes in we'll be shipping updated versions. You can also check out wikis at and which we will update as soon as we release updates.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
