ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub connector not getting started - azure

I am using ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector to connect the thingworx to azure Hub.
I am configuring the ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector on a linux machine.
The configuration of my remote thingworx server in the conf file of the azure IOT Connector as follows:
transport.websockets {
// ThingWorx platform application key
app-key = "app-key"
// One or more platforms can be specified here, comma separated
platforms = "remote thingworx url here"
and health-check also as follows :
port =9009
Now when I run the azure-iot file from the terminal then I get no output on the terminal.
and when I try to send request to 9009 port in the browser then it is not working.
The error log I am getting is
Error injecting constructor, java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to bootstrap
required extensions; see log for details
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.<init>
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.ConnectionServerModule.configure
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrap
for the 4th parameter of com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl.<init>(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl.class(
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThingImpl
while locating com.thingworx.connectionserver.CXThing
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to bootstrap required
extensions; see log for details
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.abort
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.queryInstalledExtensions(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl.<init>(
at com.thingworx.connectionserver.PlatformExtensionBootstrapImpl$$FastClassByGuice$$be072900.newInstance(<generated>)

Finally I was able to resolve this issue.
The application key of Thingworx was incorrect.
I corrected the key and this error stopped coming.


FileSync local endpoint offline

I have 3 servers (one of them with Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2 with Windows Server 2019) and I use Azure FileSync to sync files between them.
Since a few days I have a problem, the 2012 R2 server is appearing offline in the azure portal (it shows "no activity"). I tried the Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity cmdlet and it fails with the following message:
Discovery service connectivity result:
Result: Success
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
Management service connectivity result:
Result: Fail. Failed to run test
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostNetworkLatency [min,avg,max]: Network Latency Request Failed.
Monitoring service connectivity result:
Result: No response from monitoring agent process.
HostUri: unknown
HostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
ServerEndpoint: faf66731-1e22-47eb-93eb-b8d3331f0de2
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: 80f3bb96-463b-4f86-9e26-8dcf0c92f915
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: b9a874b4-7acd-4174-b5e8-26ac23c84c7e
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
Remediation Steps
For Azure File Sync to work correctly, you will need to configure your servers to communicate with multiple Azure servic
Refer the following public document for details on proxy settings or firewall settings for Azure File Sync - https://aka
If you have configured a private endpoint refer the following public document for configuring private endpoint for Azure
File Sync -
NetworkTestPassed Report
----------------- ------
False ...
The problem seems to be DNS related, but I tried the Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <remote-host> -Port 443 cmdlet with the correct URLs (taken from and all the endpoints seems to be working fine (the ping is failing but I think that is regular behavior. E.g.:
PS C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
AVVISO: Ping to failed -- Status: TimedOut
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 443
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
SourceAddress :
PingSucceeded : False
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : True
I also tried the FileSyncErrorsReport.ps1 but even that doesn't give me any error:
AVVISO: There are no file sync errors to report. Either the last completed sync session did not have per-item errors or
the ItemResults event log on the server wrapped due to too many per-item errors and the event log no longer contains
errors for this sync group. To learn more, see the Azure File Sync troubleshooting documentation:
I think the problem lies with the fact that the AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe process is not running and if i try to run it manually it just closes itself after a few seconds.
I've got no event ID 9301 (specified here: and by searching in the other folder of eventvwr i could only find the event 4104 which shows me some error dated to the last time the server has reached the Azure endpoint:
Querying for new jobs failed.
HttpErrorCode: 0x80C8700C
InternalErrorCode: 0x80C80300
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
• Kindly please check the event ID 9302 in the ‘FileSync’ telemetry logs under ‘Application and Service Logs’ in the event viewer for the active sync sessions logged every 5 to 10 minutes and check whether it is making any progress as the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe’ utility synchronizes the status of the Server endpoint to the storage sync service in the portal.
• You can also check the ‘Perfmon.msc’, i.e., performance counter which is built-in to the Azure File Sync to monitor the sync activity locally on the server.
• Finally, please check the Server’s configured IP address settings too as you are encountering the DNS resolution issue while trying to execute the ‘Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity’ command. In the IP address settings, please check whether the configured DNS server IP addresses (Preferred and Secondary) are configured correct and are reachable.
Also, check the ‘localhosts’ file in the ‘C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc’ path whether it contains the correct IP address of the server, i.e., Windows Server 2012 R2 and its expected DNS hostname as various services on the server itself including the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor’ refer the ‘localhosts’ file for sending DNS requests to the connected/configured external services and for communicating between the internal services also.
• Finally, would suggest you to please disable negative caching on the DNS client, put the suffix with the matching host A record as the last entry in the suffix search list and use the ‘AF_UNSPEC’ for the family and let your code determine the ‘A/AAAA’ results for you.
For more detailed information on this, kindly refer to the below link: -

HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure with newly created app service

we are created new development environment so I cloned a current working app service into a new one and changed the configurations and deployed same code but the new app service is returning HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure
after trying the console for more details that's what I get, I don't think its related to runtime identifier because same code runs on different exact app services
The dreaded 500.3x ACNM error can mean different things, so I'm going to assist you in pinpointing those things.
My recommendation:
Go to Azure Portal > Your App Service > development tools
Open console.
Screen should look like this:
Console Screen Azure
Type in (YourWebAppName).exe
What this will do, is show error messages that are relevant to your startup issue.
Also, some information regarding errors can be seen here:

Using SetPolicy with Azure and Windows IoT

I'm calling this code from Windows IoT Core on RPi3 and getting this error. I'm trying to send a message to a blob in Azure. However, it only does it once and silently fails.
The Code:
s_deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(s_iotHubUri, new
DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(s_myDeviceId, s_deviceKey),
await s_deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);
The Error:
microsoft azure devices client "I/O Error Occurred".
I was told that a using SetPolicy/ExponentialBackoff might work but I haven't been successful in implementing it. I'm calling it from a static class if that means anything.
I found a solution with a dynamic class, but I'd have to change the architecture of my app to use it.

Azure backend return 500 in PATCH operation

I am desperately trying to debug an error 500 only when I try to update an object from my xamarin.Forms offline DB to Azure. I am using Azure Mobile Client.
I set all the logging to ON in azure, then I downloaded the log. I can see the generic error, but nothing useful.
<failedRequest url="https://MASKED:80/tables/Appel/9A3342A2-0598-4126-B0F6-2999B524B4AE"
tokenUserName="IIS APPPOOL\Masked"
The table that failed is the only one I extend with some virtual runtime calculated field of navigation field. But I add the [JsonIgnore] to stop AzureService to create field in the local DB (that work) or send it on the wire to the server. But I always got the 500 error, not exception when debugging the c# Azure backend too.
How I can find the stack trace or the "deep" reason for this 500 error in my backend?
For C# Mobile App backend, you could add the following code in the ConfigureMobileApp method of your Startup.MobileApp.cs file for including error details and return to your client side.
config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;
You could just capture the exception in your mobile application or leverage fiddler to capture the network traces when invoking the PATCH operation to retrieve the detailed error message.
Moreover, you are viewing the Failed Request Traces log, you need to check the Application logs. Details you could follow Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service.

how to debug error 500 Internal Server Error on an Azure App?

I got an "500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred while starting the application" after deploying my application:
I keep finding the following error message but I am unable to find out on msdn websites any information describing how I can specify the SAS URL
INFO: The app was working for a long period and I didn't have to set the SAS URL; I wonder why suddenly Azure is generating exceptions
INFO2: the app works perfectly on my local machine
Any help is welcomed as I couldn't find any solution by reading the related topics on stackoverflow
System.ApplicationException: The trace listener AzureBlobTraceListener is disabled. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The SAS URL for the cloud storage account is not specified. Use the environment variable 'DIAGNOSTICS_AZUREBLOBCONTAINERSASURL' to define it.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.WebSites.Diagnostics.AzureBlobTraceListener.RefreshConfig()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
An error was triggered by W3SVC-WP : {app name}02000780
I found out on eventid that the code 02000780 meant that a file was missing
I eventually found out that it was possible to log further information by enabling the stdoulog inside the web.config. Read When a .NET Core Azure App Service won’t start: 502.5 Process Failure
I opened the debug console and found out that a directory wasn't found https://{app_id}
Voilà! I corrected the code and the app is up and running!
