How to import libraries from another (local) directory? - node.js

Why I mean with that title is:
I have some generated code which I am using in my Angular application.
Currently, I am installing this as a package using npm, but this makes problem with my whole deployment setup.
Therefore I'd like to move this code to something like src/vendor/my-generated-library.
I can do that but all my imports then would look something like
import {MyObject} from '../../../../vendor/my-generated-library';
Is there a way to define src/vendor as some sort of additional library-root, such as node_modules, such that all my imports can stay as they currently are?
import {MyObject} from 'my-generated-library';

You could simply modify your package.json to have this library as dependency and point the path as your src's directory. something like
"my-generated-library": "./somepath/vendor/my-generated-library"
Hope this helps


How can you set an entry point to a folder in a node package?

I work on a component library and a React app that makes use of that component library. My component library looks like this when I build it:
This means when we import a component, it looks like this:
import '#our-package/core/components/MyComponent/MyComponent';
Is there a way we can make the components folder our entry point? The utils and hooks folders should not be accessible. Ideally, we could use:
import `#our-package/core/MyComponent/MyComponent`
I'm reading about the node main property you can use in package.json but it doesn't look like it works with folders. Is there another way to do this?
You could move your folder upwards, in the same directory as your package.json.
If you're targeting a newer version of Node.js, you can also make use of the new packages structure. You can basically say exactly where #our-package/core/subpath points at in your #our-package/core package. It has a whole system behind it that should allow you to export whole directories at certain subpaths.

How to use certain node module

My goal is to read in graphml files and retreive information about the fields that are contained within the nodes.
I have found a node module that seems to do just that so I decided I'd give it a try before writing my own code.
Unfortunately I the documentation is pretty poor and I have only been using node.js for about three months so I cannot figure out what the few clues given mean.
Global Install
npm install -g graphml-schema-generator
To have the wizard assist you with questions, type: gschema And answer the questions until finished.
Alternatively, you can use the following syntax: gschema path/to/graphml/file path/to/out/directory The paths can be either relative or absolute. The tool should pick on it either way.
Local Install
npm install --save graphm-schema-generator
You can either type the whole path to the file each time, such as: ./node_modules/gml-to-typescript/build/index Or you can create an npm script that references the path
However you choose to go about it, the usage is exactly the same as stated in the Global Install section. Please refer to that.
If you don't want to pollute your development environment this might be a better way to install this. Then you can use npm scripts to alias it to a more manageable command.
There's no GitHub repository or what-so-ever. I have read through the code and basically there are three files of which two seem to be sourcefiles (exporting some modules that are used in the last one) and one that's called "app.ts".
I somehow expected that I could use this module like
import {<ModuleName>} from 'graphml-schema-generator';
but this isn't the case. I do not understand what
gschema path/to/graphml/file path/to/out/directory
would mean or how it would be used. I guess there's some basic misunderstanding about packages on my side.
here's an Image of the modules hierarchy
So I want to understand how to use this module and if so, what I did wrong
Thanks in advance

What is supposed to be in

I am trying to create a Python package. You can have a look at my awful attempt here.
I have a module called It lives in a directory called ImgurAlbumDownloader which I understand is the name of the package -- in terms of what you type in an import statement, e.g.
import ImgurAlbumDownloader
My module contains two classes ImgurAlbumDownloader and ImgurAlbumException. I need to be able to use both of these classes in another module (script). However, I cannot for the life of me work out what I am supposed to put in my file to make this so. I realize that this duplicates a lot of previously answered questions, but the advice seems very conflicting.
I still have to figure out why (I have some ideas), but this is now working:
from ImgurAlbumDownloader.imguralbum import ImgurAlbumDownloader, ImgurAlbumException
The trick was adding the package name to the module name.
It sure sounds to me like you don't actually want a package. It's OK to just use a single module, if your code just does one main thing and all its parts are closely related. Packages are useful when you have distinct parts of your code that might not all be needed at the same time, or when you have so much code that a single module would be very large and hard to find things in.

NPM Package doesn't have Types

I'm transforming a small express api to use TypeScript, but some of the packages don't have a #types/ so when I import them I get a TS2307 error.
Is there something I can do to resolve the error? Or maybe type it myself, depending on the package complexity. One example is express-bearer-token(found here)
The quick way is to create a globals.d.ts file and add the line:
declare module "express-bearer-token";
This will treat express-bearer-token as a JS module without typings. More information about that here.
From there, you can start adding more typings yourself if you wish. You can find some information about writing your own definitions here.
For daisyui
Create global.d.ts in the root directory
Add the below line
declare module "daisyui";
Note: Stop the server and re-start if you the server is running already.

Importing Node.js npm modules (node_modules) & declarations in TypeScript

I think it would be great to directly import modules from node_modules directory without need to manually provide a declaration file for it (let us assume that declaration is provided with module itself). I guess that problem are dependencies that come with declarations (file paths could be resolved relative to the module, but that would cause duplicates and compiler can't handle that).
Currently working with node modules is very inconvenient because simple install from npm repository just isn't enough and we have to manually search for declarations and provide them in our project. Let's say that our project is dependent on 10 node modules (all of them have declarations) and after a year we would like to update them. We would have to manually search for new declarations and let's say that we have around 20 projects like this (it would become a nightmare). Maybe there should be an option to directly import .ts file from node module?
Do you have any suggestions?
This is a re-post from CodePlex to hear your opinions ...
If you use grunt-typescript then I've got a pull request which solves this at least for me. See
From the pull request README
Working with modules in node_modules (i.e. npm)
The standard way to use npm packages is to provide a definition file
that specifies the package to the typescript and import the module from there.
///<reference path="path/to/mod.d.ts" />
import mod = module('mod')
The typescript compiler will convert the import to a nodejs require.
var mod = require('mod')
This is pretty unwieldy as you need to know the precise path to the
npm installed package and npm can put the package at pretty much any
level when you are working with multiple levels of dependencies.
With the node_modules option in the grunt config you can just
import a npm package without need to know the exact level where the
package has been installed by npm as long as it is installed locally
and not globally.
To import an npm module in your typescript source do
import npmModule = module('node_modules/npmModule/foo')
Mostly due to a lucky chance this works. Typescript compiler will read
the typescript definition file node_modules/npmModule/foo.d.ts if it
is present at some point on the way towards the root and the resulting
javascript file will contain a require for npmModule/foo if needed.
I don't think that node modules will ever contain built-in typescript support. The language still is a 0.x release and officially described as an alpha version.
Nevertheless there are means to ease the configuration process for typescript. Github already contains huge collections of .d.ts files such as:
You might want to take a look at this tool: .
I've never used it but it seems like it's almost what you're looking for.
Moreover I've heard that an official database of .d.ts files is planned. Unfortunately I couldn't find the link but it will probably be some time before this is implemented anyways.
