How to launch a mainframe application from lean FT - mainframe

New process builder concept or terminal emulator. Which one is to be used her

I believe Ayushi means LeanFT. LeanFT is a functional testing tool that used to be part of HP Enterprise's test tools product set that was sold to Micro Focus in 2017. Micro Focus renamed the product "UFT Developer."
"How to launch a mainframe application" is ambiguous, though. Mainframes are sophisticated, robust, high throughput servers that run a variety of operating systems and practically any/every application you can imagine. I'll attempt an answer, though.
If the application runs on z/OS, z/VSE, z/TPF, or z/VM CMS, if the application only (or predominantly) offers a "3270" terminal-oriented user interface, and if test user access authentication and authorization is permitted, then the application can be launched from Micro Focus UFT Developer via its terminal emulator functionality. Unfortunately this feature only works on UFT Developer for Windows. Documentation is available here:
This feature also evidently works with the previous version (LeanFT Version 14 for Windows). Please note that a 3270 terminal emulator for Windows will also be required since this UFT Developer feature uses "HLLAPI," an API that IBM introduced many years ago that many 3270 terminal emulators provide. The documentation describes several choices, such as IBM Personal Communications (i.e. the IBM Host Access Client Package). I strongly recommend configuring and using a TLS encrypted TN3270E connection as a basic security precaution.
That's certainly not the only way to "launch a mainframe application" and may not even be applicable, as mentioned above. As another example, z/OS includes the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF). z/OSMF provides an authorized jobs interface, a set of REST APIs that can accept job submissions (i.e. launch applications). As yet another example, mainframes run Linux (extremely well), so any/all application launching techniques that work with Linux work with Linux, including on mainframes.


How to offer a C++ Windows software as a service

We (ISV) are currently planning to offer our software on a rental/subscription basis as a service.
It's a native Windows (C++ / .NET) B2B application.
Our software needs access to the file system (drives) on the customers computer and it also needs access to the network (e.g. be able to find other computers in the network).
We want to offer our customers a service where they do not have to bother themselves with setup/updates and always work with the newest version of our software. So we need a single point of maintenance.
In the first phase we do not expect a lot of our customers (let's say 20) to change to this model, so it would not be a problem to have to set them up and manage them manually, but in the long run a solution that allows an automated set/sign up process would be required.
What I found most promising was Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp with VM hosted Apps and personal vDisks, but it seems that the Citrix solution is not able to get access to the network on the client PC (I tried it with the trial in the Azure Marketplace). Also it seems to be high priced.
What would be other possible ways to meet these requirements?
Unless you can make some significant architectural changes to eliminate the need to access the local filesystem and and eliminate the need to do local network browsing, I would recommend focusing on optimizing your local installation and update process. And skip the virtualization/service idea "for now".
You can still go to subscription model with a locally installed application. Just require your application to "phone home" to check its licensing/subscription status on startup.

Remote Attestation for Windows

I am building a distributed application in which the software is installed by my company on our customer's hardware. The customer can therefore tamper with the software. I would like to know if a technique exists so that when the software running on customer hardware make a web request to our central server (i.e. totally under our control), that we can validate that the request is coming from an untampered version of our software.
I believe that this is referred to as "remote attestation." Web searches about remote attestation return a variety of results, from "it is not possible" to "use the TPM". But I have not been able to find a simple to understand example of how to code this in Windows.
So, my question is: Is remote attestation possible in Windows, and if so, is there a working example that I can use as the basis for implementation?
Note: Remote attestation is sometimes achieved through "obscuration" techniques such as embedding a "shared secret" into the application and then obscuring it in various ways to try and ensure that an attacker cannot easily extract that shared secret through de-compiling etc. I am not interested in such techniques and am looking for something that provides real security not security through obscurity.
In order to attestate a system you need 2 things:
A chain of trust from a root of trust up to every executed code and
Means to interpret and verify the obtained measurements on your server.
When using Windows you have neither.
Currently not even Windows itself is aware of its sate. However, that improved in Windows 8. Now you have measurements of the boot loader and drivers at least. But nothing that extends to user code.

IO performance in windows and linux

We want to build a web service to return some images (like google map tiles).
And the source data is organized as the esri compact cache format,the key of our service is to read the tiles from the bundles.
I am not sure how to choose the platform,windows or linux?
It is said that the linux have a bettor IO reading/writing performance than that of windows.
However java is our only choose if we choose linux,so I want to know if there is any points we should know to impove the IO reading performnce in linux?
In winodws platform,we will build the service based on .net4 using c#,and deploy the service use iis.
In linux,we will build the service using java (maybe based on spring mvc or some other mvc framework),and deploy the service using tomcat.
We may have the following source compact files in different folds:
And the request from the client may looks like this:
For this requst,we will go in to the fold L1 since the level is 1,then read the RxxCxx.bundlx file first,since this file is the metadata that till tell us the position(the offset and length in RxxCxx.bundle) of the data for render the image(row=123&col=234),then we will read the RxxCxx.bundle according to the offset and length. Then we render the data to an image by write them to the response and set the content type to "image/png" or something else.
This is a whole procceed to handle a request.
Then I wonder if there is any documents or exist demos which can show me how to handle these type of IO reading?
The only situation where you have to have Windows servers in your environment is when you choose MS SQL Server DBMS (it is almost a Sybase but is a way cheaper), in which case have Windows box for the DB and *nix server for middle tier.
There are many situations where Windows can be used. Beginning with the declaration "have to have Windows" reveals an existing bias and is then followed by many groundless statements. But at least you clearly recognized this as the case.
Java is the best technology for millisecond grade middleware, mainly for the amount of mature standartized open source technologies available. Everything from coding (Eclipse, NetBeans, Idea) to manual (ant, maven) and automatic (teamcity, hudson/jenkins) builds, testing, static code analysis is there, is standartized, is open source, and is backed up by a multimillion size community.
I feel it necessary to say Visual Studio/C# (because OP mentioned as an alternative) offers everything you mentioned above with the exception of being open source. That said, the .NET Framework (or .NET Core) is now open source. Get information here. Based on your above comment, I think I can conclude that the only viable solutions are available through the open source community.
Quote I once heard that has a lot of truth: "It's only free if your time is worthless."
Also, counting the entirety of the open source community is a bogus argument. You'd have to take one development tool/API and compare the community support with another. For example, compare the community size/quality for Visual Studio with that of Eclipse. Or that of the .NET Framework vs. Java.
By the way, I've experienced no better intellisense implementation than with Visual Studio/Windows. When Eclipse does work you have rely on the quality of the open source libraries you reference to have anything meaningful. I've found the .NET Framework requires fewer 3rd party libraries than Java to accomplish the same goal.
Linux is the best server side platform for performance, stability, ease of maitenance, quality of the development environment - an extremely powerful command line based IDE. You can expect multimonth uptime from a Linux server, but not from Windows.
We have many Windows servers running services processing "big data" that have a system up-time since 5/30/2014 (nearly a year) and several more running without interruption since 2013. The only times we experience up-time problems is when hardware is aged/failing or the application-layer software we wrote contains bugs.
Tomcat/Servlet (or Jetty/Servlet) is a classic industrial combination in many financial institutions where stability is the #1 priority.
IIS is also used: job posting for IIS developer at financial institution
And lastly, the IO performance concern: a high quality user space non-blocking IO code will be CPU and hardware bandwidth bound, so OS will not be determining factor. Though fancy things like interrupts affinity, threads pinning, informed realtime tuning, kernel bypass I believe are easier to do on Linux.
Most of these variables are defined by each OS. It sounds like you have a lot of experience with threads, but also I would posit the developer can optimize at the application layer just as easily in both environments. Changing thread priority, implementing a custom thread pool, configuring BIOS, etc. are all available in the Windows world as well. Unless you want to customize the kernel which Unix/Linux allows, but then you have to support your own custom build of Unix/Linux.
I don't think commercial software should be vilified or avoided in favor of open source as a rule.
I understand this may sound as a groundless statement, but use *nix unless you have to use Windows. The only situation where you have to have Windows servers in your environment is when you choose MS SQL Server DBMS (it is almost a Sybase but is a way cheaper), in which case have Windows box for the DB and *nix server for middle tier.
Java is the best technology for millisecond grade middleware, mainly for the amount of mature standartized open source technologies available. Everything from coding (Eclipse, NetBeans, Idea) to manual (ant, maven) and automatic (teamcity, hudson/jenkins) builds, testing, static code analysis is there, is standartized, is open source, and is backed up by a multimillion size community.
Linux is the best server side platform for performance, stability, ease of maitenance, quality of the development environment - an extremely powerful command line based IDE. You can expect multimonth uptime from a Linux server, but not from Windows.
Tomcat/Servlet (or Jetty/Servlet) is a classic industrial combination in many financial institutions where stability is the #1 priority.
And lastly, the IO performance concern: a high quality user space non-blocking IO code will be CPU and hardware bandwidth bound, so OS will not be determining factor. Though fancy things like interrupts affinity, threads pinning, informed realtime tuning, kernel bypass I believe are easier to do on Linux.

What's the "gadget vulnerability"?

In a recent security advisory, Microsoft warns that "Vulnerabilities in Gadgets Could Allow Remote Code Execution":
An attacker who successfully exploited a Gadget vulnerability could run arbitrary code in the context of the current user.
(Microsoft Security Advisory 2719662)
I don't really understand the point. As far as I know, gadgets are (by design) HTML-based application running with full trust!
Full Trust
The choice to run a gadget is presented to the user in the same way that the choice to run any application downloaded from the Internet is presented. Information about the author of the gadget is displayed in a dialog box that indicates there is risk associated with this file. After the user accepts the warning, the gadget will run with all of the permissions associated with the user's login account.
(MSDN: Gadgets for Windows Sidebar Security)
For example, nothing prevents you from adding
<script language="VBScript">
Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
shell.Run "notepad.exe"
and executing arbitrary commands from your gadget. This works and it's by design.
Obviously, they can do everything that another application running in the local user's context can do. So, where is the vulnerability the MS Security Advisory is mentioning which "can be exploited"?
Well the "gadget vulnerability" is the problem that:
the risks that gadgets are exposed to are the same as those faced by any web-based
application, e.g. Man-In-The-Middle or code injection. Similar issues existed in earlier versions of most web browsers but modern browsers have specifically implemented controls to attempt to mitigate many of these issues. These controls have not been implemented in the Gadgets platform, leaving them vulnerable to well-known and thoroughly discussed attacks.
- We have you by the gadgets, black hat.
so you can see the main exploit is that there were no controls to limit the gadgets from running code with no restraint.
Another problem:
Microsoft has said that it has discovered that some Vista and Win7 gadgets don’t adhere to secure coding practices and should be regarded as causing
risk to the systems on which they’re run.
so indeed running arbitrary code is part of HTA's but because the sidebar and gadgets platform didn't mitigate it and were quite pessimistic, thinking that all gadget programmers would write safe code and wouldn't try to exploit or do things gadgets aren't suppose to do.
Hope it answered what you asked.
I still think the question is quite vague because you say: well they allow to run arbitrary code and it's part of the model and concept and they didn't mitigate it so what's the exploit? it's already exploited... - this is the whole idea :)
It can be asked about every flaw and attack and that's exactly the problem - it was by design a problem and wasn't secure it was discovered that since no mitigation and since you are really able to run and execute the malicious code with no problem these gadgets have a flaw.
Agreed, the Gadgets platform appears to be no more or less vulnerable than if the user executed an unsigned application.
Why the same system-level execution prevention, heuristic analysis & other methods applied to applications could not be applied to Gadgets is mystifying to me.
This smacks of laziness on the part of Microsoft: The Gadgets platform was not highly regarded or widely used (despite the potential of delivering an unprecedented level of capability and integration of web-features directly into the desktop), so rather than make any attempt whatsoever to safeguard the user from malicious Gadgets, they simply discontinued them.
With the direction the User Interfaces in Windows, Mac and Android are headed, the average user has less and less idea how an app (or plugin) actually does what it is doing, so the proliferation of needless, opportunistic or even malicious apps continues. I've been back and forth over the Gadgets specification, and as near as I can tell, it is no more insecure than the plugins system used by Chrome and FireFox.
Execution of ActiveX and Java within a Gadget is subject to the Security settings in Internet Explorer. If your security settings allow a Gadget to do something, most of those functions are exploitable within a plugin or Java app as well.
The analyst reports I've read indicate that these vulnerabilities have been patched in "most modern browsers" but that clearly isn't true of Internet Explorer, as every Gadget exploit I've seen can also be run within the IE browser.
In short it is the "toggle-switch" style handling of ActiveX, Java and other plugins which is at fault here. By trying to spare the user endless prompting and eliminating the requirement of making an informed decision, Microsoft continues to leave uninformed or careless users wide open to malicious web apps and plugins.
Trust certificates & security patches would have been vastly preferable to discontinuing the feature.
As I see it, I think the security issue is a smoke screen. These "security issues" exists across many vectors, and gadgets, if they were such a problem would have been addressed much sooner than the dawn of the release of Windows 8. My opinion is that gadgets were jettisoned because they are a power drain on a Windows 8 tablet. It reminds me of how the ribbon interface was "to expose deeply buried functionality" when I think in reality Microsoft was really planning for a touch interface. So, whatever "excuse" Microsoft gives for doing something, I tend to look for a deeper purpose. Hopefully this will change with the new management. Does anyone know if it is possible to install some sort of gadget platform on Windows 8.1? Thanks!
These attacks happen in this way:
An attacker would have to convince a user to install and enable a vulnerable Gadget
An attacker who successfully exploited a Gadget vulnerability could gain the same user rights as a logged-on user. If the user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.
as you see it is simple if you install a vulnerable gadget, now tell me who authorize your gadgets? in the world wild web there are many many fake careful.
also microsoft has a hotfix to disable sidebar and gadgets that you can find in this link :
microsoft advisory
and they killed gadgets and sidebar in windows 8
I appreciate you to find the exact details, here is the article presented in blackhat which made Microsoft disable gadgets:
We have you by the gadgets - Black Hat (pdf file)

IBM iSeries Frontend Development

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the IBM i5 series emulator (looks like this poop)
My company uses this religiously and there is no Biz logic in it so anytime somone in our finance dpt makes a human error it accepts it and adds it to the database. Not to mention its ugly, hard to use, not intuitive, etc....
I would like to create a frontend for this interface so that we can control the logic before its submitted to the system (we dont control the system itself) so in effect I need to make my own emulator app.
However I cant seem to find any information on how to interface with the i series, namely login, send commands, and view or gather data from the screens it would normally send back.
Any suggestions?
The problem is not the iSeries but the software package your company is running on it.
There ARE advantages to use green screens: it's fast and it's almost unbeatable at data entry, provided you get used to it.
But to answer your question, the iSeries is a J2EE enabled machine: a HTTP server comes installed and depending of the version of the iSeries, WebSphere might be already installed, or are entitled to install it. Then you can use JT400, which is the java toolkit for the os400 containing the jdbc drivers to connect the database and the necessary classes for calling programs.
If you prefer php, there is a flavor of the Zend framework made to work on the iSeries but I never tried it.
I'd recommend that you take a look at both the Attachmate Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) and IBM's Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) products. They effectively just screen scrape the green screen terminals to allow you to pull and push data and provide macro recording and editing tools to automate the process. App integration can be achieved via web services or html/jsp/servlet programming (plus .Net for VHI and EJB's for HATS). They do come with enterprise pricing however which may be an obstacle for some. They do have free trial offerings for evaluation purposes to help determine if they are an appropriate solution to your problem.
What software packages are they using? Most programs that I use in the 5250 emulator has some business logic that error checks the data before adding it to the database. Can you get us some more information so we can direct you in a better direction.
There are vendors that sell products that screen-scrape the 5250 data stream and produces a web front-end. Or you can write your own front-end in the language of your choice and just do SQL calls to the database.
THere's got to be some source code. Start by looking at the menu and menu option your users are accessing and figure that's running behind them.
Use command STRPDM to look for source code - look in different libraries (they are like folders)
You might have source code in a "member" called something like xxxMNUSRC xxxRPGSRC (rpg program source) or xxxCLSRC (cl programs), xxxDDSSRC (display/screen source, physical/logical file source)
Objects a "compiled" objects such as files (tables), screens, priter files (reports)
Stay away from Qxxx and #xxx libraries - those are system libraries. is a good resource for iSeries related questions.
