Python3 iteratively call members of class with reflection - python-3.x

Using Python3, I am trying to call the members of a class which contain is_ or has_. Their returns are hard coded to True.
Here's what I've implemented, I don't know how to actually call the stored members using the black_magic method. Can anybody please help? Many thanks.
import inspect
import unittest
class Foo:
def is_bar(self):
return True
def is_baz(self):
return True
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_assertions_when_typical(self):
for member in self.object_members:
member_name, member_address = member
if "is_" in member_name or "has_" in member_name:
if __name__=='__main__':
I'm invoking this with:
python3 -m unittest

You can use the following implementation, which works locally:
def black_magic(self, objectClass, member):
return getattr(objectClass, member[0])()
and call it using result=self.black_magic(self.object, member).
Explanation: member is a tuple containing the method name and method reference. We then use this name and invoke the method on the self.object.


Using singledispatch with custom class(CPython 3.8.2)

Let's say I want to set functions for each classes in module Named 'MacroMethods'. So I've set up singledispatch after seeing it in 'Fluent Python' like this:
def addMethod(self, obj):
print(f'Wrong Object {str(obj)} supplied.')
return obj
def _(self, obj):
print('adding object wait')
obj.delay = self.waitSpin.value
obj.onFail = None
obj.onSuccess = None
return obj
Desired behavior is - when instance of class 'MacroMethods.Wait' is given as argument, singledispatch runs registered function with that class type.
Instead, it runs default function rather than registered one.
>>> Wrong Object <MacroMethods.Wait object at 0x0936D1A8> supplied.
However, type() clearly shows instance is class 'MacroMethods.Wait', and dict_keys property also contains it.
>>> dict_keys([<class 'object'>, ..., <class 'MacroMethods.Wait'>])
I suspect all custom classes I made count as 'object' type and don't run desired functions in result.
Any way to solve this problem? Entire codes are here.
I've managed to mimic singledispatch's actions as following:
from functools import wraps
def state_deco(func_main):
Decorator that mimics singledispatch for ease of interaction expansions.
# assuming no args are needed for interaction functions.
func_main.dispatch_list = {} # collect decorated functions
def wrapper(target):
# dispatch target to destination interaction function.
nonlocal func_main
# find and run callable for target
return func_main.dispatch_list[type(target)]()
except KeyError:
# If no matching case found, main decorated function will run instead.
def register(target):
# A decorator that register decorated function to main decorated function.
def decorate(func_sub):
nonlocal func_main
func_main.dispatch_list[target] = func_sub
def register_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func_sub(*args, **kwargs)
return register_wrapper
return decorate
wrapper.register = register
return wrapper
Used like:
def general():
return "A's reaction to undefined others."
def _():
return "A's reaction of another A"
def _():
return "A's reaction of B"
But still it's not singledispatch, so I find this might be inappropriate to post this as answer.
I wanted to do similar and had the same trouble. Looks like we have bumped into a python bug. Found a write-up that describes this situation.
Here is the link to the Python Bug Tracker.
Python 3.7 breaks on singledispatch_function.register(pseudo_type), which Python 3.6 accepted

python3 mock member variable get multiple times

I have a use case where I need to mock a member variable but I want it to return a different value every time it is accessed.
def run_test():
myClass = MyDumbClass()
for i in range(2):
class MyDumbClass():
def __init__(self):
self.response = None
#pytest.mark.parametrize("responses", [[200,201]])
def test_stuff(mockMyDumbClass, responses)
assert stuff
What I am hoping for here is in the run_test method the first iteration will print 200 then the next will print 201. Is this possible, been looking through unittest and pytest documentation but can't find anything about mocking a member variable in this fashion.
Just started learning pytest and unittest with python3 so forgive me if the style isn't the best.
If you wrap myDumbClass.response in a get function - say get_response() then you can use the side_effect parameter of the mock class.
side_effect sets the return_value of the mocked method to an iterator returning a different value each time you call the mocked method.
For example you can do
def run_test():
myClass = MyDumbClass()
for i in range(2):
class MyDumbClass():
def __init__(self):
self.response = None
def get_response(self):
return self.response
#pytest.mark.parametrize("responses", [([200,201])])
def test_stuff( responses):
with mock.patch('blah.MyDumbClass.get_response', side_effect=responses):
assert False
----------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------
No need to patch via context manager e.g with mock.patch. You can patch via decorator in pretty much the same way. For example this works fine
def test_stuff(mockMyDumbClass):
assert False
----------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------

Find owner class of a method in Python

I'm writing decorators, and part of what I need to do is discern whether a function is a function or a method. Is there a way I can find what class a given method is a part of?
e.g. If I was to run this code, what could I write in getOwner to make exampleFunc print something like <class '__main__'.Example>?
class Example:
def method(self):
print("I'm a method")
def exampleFunc(func):
owner = getOwner(func)
test = Example()
If all you need to do is figure out of the thing behaving like a function is a method or a function, that is one purpose of the types module.
import types
def is_method(f):
return type(f) == types.MethodType
In the event that the function-like object is a method, you can find its parent class as follows.
Update Patched for Python3 compatibility.
def method_parent(f):
return f.__self__
If you have a reference to the classes defined in your scope, you'd need to check for each one:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
return any(f in vars(c).values() for c in class_List)
This will return True if function f is an instance method. However, if you wish to return the actual class name:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
for c in class_list:
if f in vars(c).values():
return c.__name__
return 'global function' if 'lambda' not in f.__name__ else 'lambda'
Note that this does not work for __dunder__ methods, and methods that your class inherits. For example,
class A:
def f1(self): pass
class B(A):
def f2(self): pass
mappingproxy({'__doc__': None,
'__module__': '__main__',
'f2': <function __main__.B.f2>})
Note that f1 is not a part of B's mappingproxy.

Create os.DirEntry

Does anyone have a hack to create an os.DirEntry object other than listing the containing directory?
I want to use that for 2 purposes:
API where container and contained are queried at the same time
Yes, os.DirEntry is a low-level class not intended to be instantiated. For tests and things, you can create a mock PseudoDirEntry class that mimics the things you want, for example (taken from another answer I wrote here):
class PseudoDirEntry:
def __init__(self, name, path, is_dir, stat): = name
self.path = path
self._is_dir = is_dir
self._stat = stat
def is_dir(self):
return self._is_dir
def stat(self):
return self._stat
Even easier:
class PseudoDirEntry:
def __init__(self, path):
import os, os.path
self.path = os.path.realpath(path) = os.path.basename(self.path)
self.is_dir = os.path.isdir(self.path)
self.stat = lambda: os.stat(self.path)
In Python 3.5 os.DirEntry is not yet exposed.
Python 3.6 exposes os.DirEntry type, but it cannot be instantiated.
On Python 3.5 a type() on a DirEntry object returns posix.DirEntry

Show docstrings on every function call

Let's say I have a code like this:
class NewTestCase(unittest.TestCase, CommonMethods):
def setUp(self):
def test_01_sample test(self):
"""Testing something"""
assert ...
class CommonMethods():
def create_account(self, account):
"""Creating account"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, warnings='ignore')
I want to show the docstrings of all methods defined / created by me ('Testing something' and 'Creating account'), but the execution shows 'Testing something' only. Any tip?
Maybe there is an option for that in the unittest module, but I doubt it; otherwise, how would that module distinguish between your methods and functions and all sorts of library functions?
What you could do is to use another function to modify the existing functions to print their Docstring and/or other useful information whenever they are called. You could make this a decorator, or just call the function manually before running the tests.
This one should 'verbosify' all the methods of a given class (only slightly tested!), and you could make similar ones for individual functions or entire modules.
def verbosify(clazz):
for name in dir(clazz):
attr = getattr(clazz, name)
if not name.startswith("__") and callable(attr):
def attr_verbose(*args, **kwargs):
print("Calling", name, args, kwargs)
return attr(*args, **kwargs)
setattr(clazz, name, attr_verbose)
Just call verbosify(CommonMethods) in your main block.
