I wrote an unit test to test if a Map is updated every second. In the code I inserted some println statements to see if the function really is called. The test runs indefinitely until I abort the test, showing the println in system.out. So the function works correctly, but my test does not.
Testcode and programcode are below.
fun test_count_is_updated_using_turbine(){
runTest {
val firstCount = awaitItem()
val secondCount = awaitItem()
Program code in viewmodel:( RunningMapState is initialized with a value when the viewmodel is initialized, so it is not an empty map.)
var runningTaskState:Map<Int, RunningTaskView> = mapOf()
private val _runningTaskMap = MutableStateFlow<Map<Int, RunningTaskView>>(mapOf())
val runningTaskMap: StateFlow<Map<Int, RunningTaskView>>
suspend fun updateRunningTasks() {
if (runningTaskState.isNotEmpty()) {
println("Before update:"+runningTaskState)
runningTaskState.forEach {
it.value.duration += 1000L
println("After update:"+runningTaskState)
//val tempMap = runningTaskState.toMap()
_runningTaskMap.update{ runningTaskState }
println("map empty")
fun startUpdates(){
val previousJob = timerJob
timerJob = viewModelScope.launch (dispatcher){
while (isActive) {
fun stopUpdates(){
viewModelScope.launch(dispatcher) {
To test the testcode I wrote a sample program replacing the map with a Integer. This test functions as expected and passes. Viewmodelcode and testcode are nearly identical.
See below code:
fun test_count_is_updated_using_turbine(){
runTest {
val firstCount = awaitItem()
val started = viewmodelUnderTest.startTimer()
val secondCount = awaitItem()
var count = 0
var countFlow = MutableStateFlow<Int>(0)
fun updateTimer(){
countFlow.update { count }
println("count updated to $count")
fun stoptimer(){
viewModelScope.launch {
fun startTimer():Boolean{
val previousJob = timerJob
timerJob = viewModelScope.launch(dispatcher) {
println("start updating")
while(isActive) {
println("calling update")
println("update called")
println("TimerTest is active: "+timerJob?.isActive?.toString()?:"not initialized")
return timerJob?.isActive?:false
Can anyone explain why the first test is not finishing?
object Test extends App {
val x = 0
val threadHello = (1 to 5).map(_ => new Thread(() => {
println(x) // this results in join never resolving "collecting data"
I'm still learning about concurrency in Scala but I'm having an issue where thread.join() never resolves and the program ends up running forever, UNLESS I comment out the println(x) statement.
Debugging reveals that the thread is never able to access the value of x, and I'm not sure why this is an issue.
The problem highlighted when debugging in IntelliJ
Your code actually runs just fine for me, in Scala 2.13.
That said, I suspect your problem has to do with the initialization order of vals in scala.App. If so, you should be able to work around it by making x lazy, like so:
object Test extends App {
lazy val x = 0
val threadHello = (1 to 5).map(_ => new Thread(() => {
println(x) // this results in join never resolving "collecting data"
Alternatively, just don't use scala.App:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = 0
val threadHello = (1 to 5).map(_ => new Thread(() => {
println(x) // this results in join never resolving "collecting data"
I would like to run some treads, wait till all of them are finished and get the results.
Possible way to do that would be in the code below. Is it thread safe though?
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
sealed class Errorneous<R>
data class Success<R>(val result: R) : Errorneous<R>()
data class Fail<R>(val error: Exception) : Errorneous<R>()
fun <R> thread_with_result(fn: () -> R): (() -> Errorneous<R>) {
var r: Errorneous<R>? = null
val t = thread {
r = try { Success(fn()) } catch (e: Exception) { Fail(e) }
return {
fun main() {
val tasks = listOf({ 2 * 2 }, { 3 * 3 })
val results = tasks
.map{ thread_with_result(it) }
.map{ it() }
Are there better built-in tools in Kotlin to do that? Like process 10000 tasks with pool of 10 threads?
It should be threads, not coroutines, as it will be used with legacy code and I don't know if it works well with coroutines.
Seems like Java has Executors that doing exactly that
fun <R> execute_in_parallel(tasks: List<() -> R>, threads: Int): List<Errorneous<R>> {
val executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads)
val fresults = executor.invokeAll(tasks.map { task ->
Callable<Errorneous<R>> {
try { Success(task()) } catch (e: Exception) { Fail(e) }
return fresults.map { future -> future.get() }
I am an absolute beginner in Scala, but have this problem to solve.
So i have a list of parameters
itemList = List('abc', 'def', 'ghi','jkl','mno', 'pqr')
I have these 3 parameter queries
val q1 = "env='dev1'&id='123'&listitem='xyz'"
val q2 = "env='dev2'&id='1234'&listitem='xyz'"
val q3 = "env='dev3'&id='12345'&listitem='xyz'"
val report1 = getReport(q1)
val report2 = getReport(q2)
val report3 = getReport(q3)
So I am trying to loop through the list, replace the listitem parameter in q1, q2 and q3 with the listitem and then run the http request report for each item in the list.
Since each getReport request is asynchronous, i need to wait , and so i cannot go to the next item in the list, as it would be if i were to do a loop.
So i would like to start up 3 threads for each item in the list and then combine the 3 reports into 1 final one, or i could do it sequentially.
How would i go about doing it with 3 Threads for each item in the list?
This is my idea:
val reportToken = [ q1, q2,q3 ]
val listTasks = [ getReport(q1) , getReport(q2) , getReport(q3) ]
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
val thread = new Thread {
override def run {
listTasks (reportToken(i))
val concat += listTask(i)
You can wrap each of your tasks in a Future, apply map/recover to handle the successful/failed Futures, and use Future.sequence to transform the list of Futures into a Future of list. Here's a trivialized example:
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
def getReport(q: String) = q match {
case "q2" => throw new Exception()
case q => s"got $q"
val reportToken = Seq("q1", "q2", "q3")
val listTasks = reportToken.map( q => Future{ getReport(q) } )
// listTasks: Seq[scala.concurrent.Future[String]] = ...
val f = Future.sequence(
listTasks.map(_.map(Some(_)).recover{case _ => None})
// f: scala.concurrent.Future[Seq[Option[String]]] = ...
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
// res1: Seq[Option[String]] = List(Some(got q1), None, Some(got q3))
For more details about Futures, here's a relevant Scala doc.
Assuming def getReport(str: String): Future[HttpResponse]
Future.sequence(itemList.map( item => {
for {
report1 <- getReport(q1.replace("xyz", item))
report2 <- getReport(q2.replace("xyz", item))
report3 <- getReport(q3.replace("xyz", item))
} yield {
(report1, report2, report3)
})).onComplete {
case Success(res) => // do something
case Failure(err) => // handle error
I've got a Sequence (from File.walkTopDown) and I need to run a long-running operation on each of them. I'd like to use Kotlin best practices / coroutines, but I either get no parallelism, or way too much parallelism and hit a "too many open files" IO error.
.onFail { file, ex -> println("ERROR: $file caused $ex") }
.filter { ... only big images... }
.map { file ->
async { // I *think* I want async and not "launch"...
This doesn't seem to run it in parallel, and my multi-core CPU never goes above 1 CPU's worth. Is there a way with coroutines to run "NumberOfCores parallel operations" worth of Deferred jobs?
I looked at Multithreading using Kotlin Coroutines which first creates ALL the jobs then joins them, but that means completing the Sequence/file tree walk completly bfore the heavy processing join step, and that seems... iffy! Splitting it into a collect and a process step means the collection could run way ahead of the processing.
val jobs = ... the Sequence above...
println("Found ${jobs.size}")
jobs.forEach { it.await() }
This isn't specific to your problem, but it does answer the question of, "how to cap kotlin coroutines maximum concurrency".
EDIT: As of kotlinx.coroutines 1.6.0 (https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/2919), you can use limitedParallelism, e.g. Dispatchers.IO.limitedParallelism(123).
Old solution: I thought to use newFixedThreadPoolContext at first, but 1) it's deprecated and 2) it would use threads and I don't think that's necessary or desirable (same with Executors.newFixedThreadPool().asCoroutineDispatcher()). This solution might have flaws I'm not aware of by using Semaphore, but it's very simple:
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Semaphore
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withPermit
* Maps the inputs using [transform] at most [maxConcurrency] at a time until all Jobs are done.
suspend fun <TInput, TOutput> Iterable<TInput>.mapConcurrently(
maxConcurrency: Int,
transform: suspend (TInput) -> TOutput,
) = coroutineScope {
val gate = Semaphore(maxConcurrency)
this#mapConcurrently.map {
async {
gate.withPermit {
Tests (apologies, it uses Spek, hamcrest, and kotlin test):
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestCoroutineDispatcher
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo
import org.spekframework.spek2.Spek
import org.spekframework.spek2.style.specification.describe
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
object AsyncHelpersKtTest : Spek({
val actionDelay: Long = 1_000 // arbitrary; obvious if non-test dispatcher is used on accident
val testDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
afterEachTest {
// Clean up the TestCoroutineDispatcher to make sure no other work is running.
describe("mapConcurrently") {
it("should run all inputs concurrently if maxConcurrency >= size") {
val concurrentJobCounter = AtomicInteger(0)
val inputs = IntRange(1, 2).toList()
val maxConcurrency = inputs.size
// https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1266 has useful info & examples
runBlocking(testDispatcher) {
print("start runBlocking $coroutineContext\n")
// We have to run this async so that the code afterwards can advance the virtual clock
val job = launch {
testDispatcher.pauseDispatcher {
val result = inputs.mapConcurrently(maxConcurrency) {
print("action $it $coroutineContext\n")
// Sanity check that we never run more in parallel than max
assertThat(concurrentJobCounter.addAndGet(1), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxConcurrency))
// Allow for virtual clock adjustment
// Sanity check that we never run more in parallel than max
assertThat(concurrentJobCounter.getAndAdd(-1), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxConcurrency))
print("action $it after delay $coroutineContext\n")
// Order is not guaranteed, thus a Set
assertEquals(inputs.toSet(), result.toSet())
print("end mapConcurrently $coroutineContext\n")
print("before advanceTime $coroutineContext\n")
// Start the coroutines
assertEquals(inputs.size, concurrentJobCounter.get(), "All jobs should have been started")
print("after advanceTime $coroutineContext\n")
assertEquals(0, concurrentJobCounter.get(), "All jobs should have finished")
it("should run one at a time if maxConcurrency = 1") {
val concurrentJobCounter = AtomicInteger(0)
val inputs = IntRange(1, 2).toList()
val maxConcurrency = 1
runBlocking(testDispatcher) {
val job = launch {
testDispatcher.pauseDispatcher {
inputs.mapConcurrently(maxConcurrency) {
assertThat(concurrentJobCounter.addAndGet(1), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxConcurrency))
assertThat(concurrentJobCounter.getAndAdd(-1), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxConcurrency))
assertEquals(1, concurrentJobCounter.get(), "Only one job should have started")
val elapsedTime = testDispatcher.advanceUntilIdle()
"Virtual time should be at least as long as if all jobs ran sequentially",
greaterThanOrEqualTo(actionDelay * inputs.size)
it("should handle cancellation") {
val jobCounter = AtomicInteger(0)
val inputs = IntRange(1, 2).toList()
val maxConcurrency = 1
runBlocking(testDispatcher) {
val job = launch {
testDispatcher.pauseDispatcher {
inputs.mapConcurrently(maxConcurrency) {
assertEquals(1, jobCounter.get(), "Only one job should have started")
assertEquals(1, jobCounter.get(), "Only one job should have run")
Per https://play.kotlinlang.org/hands-on/Introduction%20to%20Coroutines%20and%20Channels/09_Testing, you may also need to adjust compiler args for the tests to run:
compileTestKotlin {
kotlinOptions {
// Needed for runBlocking test coroutine dispatcher?
freeCompilerArgs += "-Xuse-experimental=kotlin.Experimental"
freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn"
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:1.4.1'
The problem with your first snippet is that it doesn't run at all - remember, Sequence is lazy, and you have to use a terminal operation such as toSet() or forEach(). Additionally, you need to limit the number of threads that can be used for that task via constructing a newFixedThreadPoolContext context and using it in async:
val pictureContext = newFixedThreadPoolContext(nThreads = 10, name = "reading pictures in parallel")
.onFail { file, ex -> println("ERROR: $file caused $ex") }
.filter { ... only big images... }
.map { file ->
async(pictureContext) {
.forEach { it.await() }
You have to use a terminal operator (toList) befor awaiting the results
I got it working with a Channel. But maybe I'm being redundant with your way?
val pipe = ArrayChannel<Deferred<ImageFile>>(20)
launch {
while (!(pipe.isEmpty && pipe.isClosedForSend)) {
println("pipe closed")
.onFail { file, ex -> println("ERROR: $file caused $ex") }
.forEach { pipe.send(async { ImageFile.fromFile(it) }) }
This doesn't preserve the order of the projection but otherwise limits the throughput to at most maxDegreeOfParallelism. Expand and extend as you see fit.
suspend fun <TInput, TOutput> (Collection<TInput>).inParallel(
maxDegreeOfParallelism: Int,
action: suspend CoroutineScope.(input: TInput) -> TOutput
): Iterable<TOutput> = coroutineScope {
val list = this#inParallel
if (list.isEmpty())
return#coroutineScope listOf<TOutput>()
val brake = Channel<Unit>(maxDegreeOfParallelism)
val output = Channel<TOutput>()
val counter = AtomicInteger(0)
this.launch {
repeat(maxDegreeOfParallelism) {
for (input in list) {
val task = this.async {
this.launch {
val result = task.await()
val completed = counter.incrementAndGet()
if (completed == list.size) {
} else brake.send(Unit)
val results = mutableListOf<TOutput>()
for (item in output) {
return#coroutineScope results
Example usage:
val output = listOf(1, 2, 3).inParallel(2) {
it + 1
} // Note that output may not be in same order as list.
Why not use the asFlow() operator and then use flatMapMerge?
someCoroutineScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
.filter { ... only big images... }
.flatMapMerge(concurrencyLimit) { file ->
flow {
emit(runInterruptable { ImageProcessor.fromFile(file) })
}.catch { ... }
Then you can limit the simultaneous open files while still processing them concurrently.
To limit the parallelism to some value there is limitedParallelism function starting from the 1.6.0 version of the kotlinx.coroutines library. It can be called on CoroutineDispatcher object. So to limit threads for parallel execution we can write something like:
val parallelismLimit = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
val limitedDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default.limitedParallelism(parallelismLimit)
val scope = CoroutineScope(limitedDispatcher) // we can set limitedDispatcher for the whole scope
scope.launch { // or we can set limitedDispatcher for a coroutine launch(limitedDispatcher)
.onFail { file, ex -> println("ERROR: $file caused $ex") }
.filter { ... only big images... }
.map { file ->
async {
ImageProcessor.fromFile(file) will be executed in parallel using parallelismLimit number of threads.
This will cap coroutines to workers. I'd recommend watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WGM-_MnPQA
package com.example.workers
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.produce
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
class ChannellibgradleApplication
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myList = mutableListOf<Int>(3000,1200,1400,3000,1200,1400,3000)
runBlocking {
var myChannel = produce(CoroutineName("MyInts")) {
myList.forEach { send(it) }
println("Starting coroutineScope ")
var time = measureTimeMillis {
coroutineScope {
var workers = 2
launch(CoroutineName("Sleep 1")) { theHardWork(myChannel) }
println("Ending coroutineScope $time ms")
suspend fun theHardWork(channel : ReceiveChannel<Int>)
for(m in channel) {
println("Starting Sleep $m")
println("Ending Sleep $m")