QtQuick: Creating menu from ListModel - menu

i am new to the forum and i started designing several things in QtQuick.
I am still exploring and learning the basic stuff and i stumbled upon the following problem.
When i try to create a menu (menubar) from a ListModel using Listview, i simply dont get any menu at all.
Maybe i have still an misunderstanding about the principles and you can help me.
Here is my basic code:
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
id: menuBarId
id: listModelMenuId
ListElement {menuname: "Test1"}
ListElement {menuname: "Test2"}
id: listViewMenuId
model: listModelMenuId
delegate: Menu {
id: menu
title: model.menuname
Action { text: qsTr("Tool Bar"); checkable: true }
Action { text: qsTr("Side Bar"); checkable: true; checked: true }
Action { text: qsTr("Status Bar"); checkable: true; checked: true;}
MenuSeparator {
contentItem: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 200
implicitHeight: 1
color: "#21be2b"
Menu {
title: qsTr("Advanced")
topPadding: 2
bottomPadding: 2
// delegate: mydelegateid
background: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 200
implicitHeight: 40
color: "#ffffff"
border.color: "#21be2b"
radius: 2
}} }
I got my sample from the qt site and tampered with it by adding the ListModel.
Also interesting is that if i want to refactor the original coding by using a component where i pack up the MenuItem and call the compoenent it also not works. Can it be that menus in general work different thand other Items?
If i left something important out just tell me, i'll add more information.
Best regards!

i resolved the issue.
Example to delegate your style in a MenuBar
This resolved the problem in general. However, i still wonder why i can not encapsulate the MenuItem into a component and use the components id to delegate the style for the items....


What is the correct way to build multi-color template using Tailwind CSS?

Creating a custom color scheme for a template is very easy in Tailwind CSS. You just modify tailwind.config.js, add your custom color palate, and use it just like Tailwind's ordinary classes. For example bg-brand-500:
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
brand: {
'50': '#B0ECEC',
'100': '#A0E8E8',
'200': '#7FE1E1',
'300': '#5ED9D9',
'400': '#3DD1D1',
'500': '#2CB9B9',
'600': '#218C8C',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#0C3131',
'900': '#010404'
Now I'm stuck at a way to make a multi-color template.
I'm sure you have all seen templates all over the web where you can choose red or blue for example and the entire template's color scheme changes.
How do you do that in Tailwind?
In other CSS schools, like SASS, you simply create another color variables file and dynamically load a different file using the regular <link href='/path/to/red/variables.css' />.
You can use CSS variables for that.
In your tailwind config, you create the brand colors as you did, but instead of hex color codes, you use for example 50: 'var(--brand-50)'. Then in your index.css you can add these variables to the base layer, like:
#layer base {
:root {
--brand-50: #B0ECEC;
.theme-red {
--brand-50: #BB0000;
Now, if you add the class .theme-red to your body, text-brand-50 will be red.
In this video of Tailwind labs it is fully explained. There is also explained how to deal with opacity, although since tailwind 3.1 there is an easier way of doing that.
Hope this helps.
You might use the tw-colors plugin.
Create your themes
const { createThemes } = require('tw-colors');
module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
plugins: [
light: {
brand: {
'50': '#B0ECEC',
'100': '#A0E8E8',
'200': '#7FE1E1',
'300': '#5ED9D9',
'400': '#3DD1D1',
'500': '#2CB9B9',
'600': '#218C8C',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#0C3131',
'900': '#010404'
dark: {
brand: {
'50': '#321321',
'100': '#654654',
'200': '#987987',
'300': '#786541',
'400': '#aeeeee',
'500': '#786541',
'600': '#987987',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#654654',
'900': '#321321'
Use your themes
<html class='theme-light'>
<div class="bg-brand-500">...</div>
You can then switch themes dynamically as you like, with a switch for example

Drawer Component Backdrop blocking users from interacting with page will it is open

I have a Drawer Component anchored at the bottom but I would still like to interact with the page above the drawer but either I can click out of if but the drawer closes so I tried the variants persistent and permanent both didn't work they actually made it so nothing at all happens when I click out of if. I think it has something to do with the spacing or padding above, but if anyone knows how to disable that, it would be greatly appreciated.
I solved it slightly differently, by removing the "inset" CSS property of the .MuiDrawer-modal div:
.MuiDrawer-modal {
inset: unset !important;
Figured out my problem, I ended us having to do some height changes to the Paper component and it seemed to work the way I wanted. You can overrided the css with makeStyles method in the #material-ui/core/styles directory. I used the classes property example
// Outside the component
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
const useStyles = makeStyles({
drawer: {
css here ...
// Inside Component
const classes = useStyles() // the make styles returns a function and calling the useStyles returns an object with the css.
// Inside return
classes={{ paper: classes.drawer }}

QML ignores width and height when setting anchors

I'm trying to understand how anchors work in QML (Qt Quick 2.0). I've got a simple Item like this:
Item {
Button {
text: "ADD"
width: 100
height: 50
Which I add to the main QML file like this:
Item {
id: root
width: 800
height: 600
AddButton {
id: addButton
This works fine. However, as soon as I try to put the button in the bottom right corner using anchors, the button disappears:
Item {
AddButton {
id: addButton
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
It only comes back if I set a width and height at the main QML file level:
Item {
AddButton {
id: addButton
width: 100
height: 50
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
So I'm wondering, why does the button disappear when I set the anchors? And is there any way to make it work without setting the width and height in the main QML file (basically to make it use whatever size is set in AddButton.qml?)
The problem is that the encapsulating Item has not an explicit width height. In this case the engine refers to the "natural" witdh/height, i.e. the implicitWidth/implicitHeight properties. Such properties happen to be zero in most cases, even in this specific case. Hence, your custom type has zero dimension.
Therefore the AddButton.anchors.bottom is in fact at the very top of the encapsulated Button, which in turn protrudes the encapsulating Item
There are two things about this:
You don't need to encapsulate the Button with an Item unless you want to hide the internals of the Button.
If the latter is your desire, try this:
Item {
width: 100 //give the object a dimension!
height: 50
Button {
text: "ADD"
anchors.fill: parent
Now you can anchor it, and it won't be positionated somewhere else.

center paper-dialog upon opening

I'm trying to create a simple login window using Angular 2 and Polymer 1.0.2.
It's basically a paper-dialog (login window) with content. The dialog however is not positioned in the center of the screen, see this bugreport Dialog not centered until window resize #36:
The issue suggests calling the notifyResize() method on the paper-dialog. But I've no clue as how to refer to the paper-dialog instance in my angular 2/polymer class.
Somehow the import {PaperDialog} is not resolved, but looking in the paper-dialog.html makes me wondering if such an import is possible at all.
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {PaperDialog} from 'bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog';
template: `
<paper-dialog open>
selector: 'login-window',
directives : [PaperDialog]
export class LoginWindow {
email: string;
password: string;
this.email = '';
this.password = '';
// Where and how to call the PaperDialog child's notifyResize() method
Note that I'm not opening the dialog programmatically (fix described here).
This solution uses the /deep/ selector that is deprecated.
And it shouldn't be fixed by applying some css, should it?
Instead of having my code fix the paper-dialog behaviour's code, it's way better to fix the problem itself.
Add the call this.notifyResize(); to the _onIronOverlayOpened method in the paper-dialog-behavior.html source.
_onIronOverlayOpened: function() {
if (this.modal) {
document.body.addEventListener('focus', this._boundOnFocus, true);
this.backdropElement.addEventListener('click', this._boundOnBackdropClick);
this.notifyResize(); // Added this line
Although this resolves my simple paper-dialog center problem, I can not oversee consequences for other elements and code yet.
You could also fix it in the following manner:
Within an angular2 Component (that wraps the paper-dialog element) you could so something like this (Typescript example):
interface PaperDialog extends HTMLElement {
notifyResize(): void;
selector: 'login'
templateUrl: 'app/components/ts-login-window/ts-login-window.html'
export class LoginWindow {
email: string;
password: string;
dialogWindow: PaperDialog;
private bindIronOverlayOpened: EventListenerObject;
constructor(elementRef: ElementRef){
this.dialogWindow = elementRef.nativeElement.children[0];
this.bindIronOverlayOpened = this.ironOverlayOpened.bind(this);
this.dialogWindow.addEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', this.bindIronOverlayOpened);
ironOverlayOpened(event: Event) {
onDestroy() {
this.dialogWindow.removeEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', this.bindIronOverlayOpened);
Once the paper-dialog has been opened (by the event iron-overlay-opened) you could trigger the notifyResize() event on the dialog box. This in turn fixes the alignment problem.

Sencha Touch: how to implement a left menu with layout right

I'm new using Sencha Touch 2, and I've started developing a Tablet App. I'm using Sencha Architect for design and write the code, and my app has a card layout with "left-side" and "right-side". On the left I have a main menu with some buttons. This menu is all time on the left. On the right side, I want to change the views depending what menubutton was clicked and where the user want to go (It will have more than 3 levels navigation after every button click).
My problem now is "How to change the views?". Until now, I had a Navigation.View on the right, and I has using this.getPanelFrame().push(view); method. I have problems with toolbars when a load something into navegation.view, and I know how to create views and push, but after thant I dont know how to load this views again.
I Link too an image where you can the structure of my components. My main doubt is: do I have to use a navigation.view as a "frame" to load inside other views? How to change an load others? Any alternatives?
Thanks a million"
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
panelFrame: '#PanelFrame'
control: {
"button#btnclientes": {
tap: 'onBtnclientesTap'
"#btnpedidos": {
tap: 'onBtnpedidosTap'
onBtnclientesTap: function(button, e, options) {
var view = Ext.create("MyApp.view.ClientesListView");
onBtnpedidosTap: function(button, e, options) {
var view = Ext.create("MyApp.view.ClientesNewView");
why dont you create a container in the right side.
and then in the items: call each view with the xtype
xtype: 'container',
items: [
xtype: 'view1',
id: 'Cview1',
xtype: 'view2',
id: 'Cview2',
xtype: 'view3',
id: 'Cview3',
and then in the handler of the button you just hide the other views and show your selected view like:
xtype: 'button',
