How to add main-menu option in CentOS 8 - rhel

For CentOS 7, a custom menu items can be added via the Main-Menu application. Now I have upgraded to CentOS 8 this option is missing.

I have solved this issue by manually adding applications in /usr/share/applications/ directory. To add eclipse as a custom application add a new file /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop with the following contents in it:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers.


Netbeans 15 does not find some apps located in "/bin"

Netbeans 15 can't open firefox or node.js on Linux Mint 21 (Ubuntu 22).
It all boils down that it cannot see some apps located in /bin
If I go to Tools->General->Webrowser->Edit->Browse...
I cannot see firefox or node at the path /bin with the internal Netbeans file browser, while if I use the system file explorer they are shown normally.
So it seems that somehow Netbeans has no access to these applications? Strangely other apps like /bin/gpg or /bin/cp for example are shown correctly within the Netbeans file browser window (started with the browse button)
It is working without problem on Netbeans 12 which I just have installed on the same system. So only Netbeans 15 has the problem.
Netbeans 15 was installed via flatpak and and I suppose that the flatpak rights management does restrict access to firefox.
Flatpak's right management / sand-boxing does restrict access to Firefox and other apps like node. If I build Netbeans 15 from source, everything is working. Flatpak can be a real mess here. :(

i have problem after installing NetBeans on my Linux Mint it can't do anything

I am trying to install NetBeans 8.2 on my Linux Mint 19.1 I can't start a new project or doing anything.
Why is this happening, and what can I do to resolve it?
NetBeans 8.2 is working for me on Linux Mint. The most likely cause of your problem is that NetBeans 8.2 is configured to use an incompatible version of Java. To see which version of Java is being used, select Help > About:
If you are using NetBeans 8.2 then:
JDK 8 must be installed.
NetBeans 8.2 must be configured to use JDK 8, as shown in the screen shot above.
As long as both conditions are met it does not matter how many other versions of Java are installed on your machine. I assume you know how to install JDK 8 (if necessary). To configure NetBeans to use JDK 8:
Locate the file netbeans.conf within the etc directory of your NetBeans installation directory.
netbeans.conf is a text file containing name/value property pairs. Open it in any text editor.
Locate the line containing the text netbeans_jdkhome. If that line is commented out by the use of a leading # character, delete that character.
Set the value of the property netbeans_jdkhome to the path to your JDK 8 installation.
On my Linux Mint machine the entry looks like this netbeans_jdkhome="/home/johndoe/jdk1.8.0_151", although you will probably be using a more recent update version of JDK 8.
Save the changes to netbeans.conf and (re)start Netbeans. Everything should work now.
If you still have problems update your question with:
A screen shot of Help > About like the one shown above.
The content of the NetBeans log (View > IDE Log) that was written since the most recent restart of NetBeans.

Unable to configure Tomcat 7 on Eclipse Juno

I have Eclipse Juno with Spring Tools Suite plugin installed.
I need to deploy a newly imported web project to Tomcat 7, which I installed on my system via repository.
The problem is that the New Server Wizard screen won't allow me to select Tomcat 7, as the description is empty and unmodifiable.
How can I fix this? I can select other versions of Tomcat but when I select the installation path of Tomcat I get an error that the installed version is 7.
As per the instruction s provided in this site
Follow these steps, as this is a known issue
Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
Rename the org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs to org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs.bak (or you can delete this file). This file can be found at \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
Rename the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs to org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs.bak (or delete the file). This file also can be found at the same location as above.
Follow these steps
1.)Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
2.)delete this file org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
3.)delete this file org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
After following these step's you can configure tomcat in eclipse.
Click on Add Configuration Runtime environments
On the Server Runtime Environments Window you will more than likely see Apache Tomcat 7.
If you remove the runtime environment and then go Back to the New Server Wizard Tomcat 7 will be available to add again.
Hope that helps. That drove me nuts for a few days
The Eclipse Juno may not be fully compatible with the Apache Tomcat 7 yet. Installing and configuring with Tomcat 6 works. Simple.

Creating an Application Launcher for GNOME 3 in Ubuntu

I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installed on my machine. I also have installed GNOME 3. I then installed the IDE IntelliJ without issue. However I installed it to a custom location and now the only way to run it is through the terminal via "./". I would like to create an application launcher so I can launch IntelliJ via the applications list in the GNOME 3 windows manager. How would I do such a thing via the terminal, not through a 3rd part utility. I would also prefer to have the correct icon for the launcher, not a generic one. Thank you for the help.
Run Intellij, then go to Tools > Create Desktop Entry.
create a file called intellij.desktop in the directory /usr/share/applications/
my file looks like this
[Desktop Entry]
Name=IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Comment=Free Java, Groovy, Scala and Android applications development
for more details check this website,
edit: mlissner (Thank you!) mentioned that intelliJ in particular implemented a feature to add that Icon/Launcher automatically. Just open IntelliJ IDE, go to Tools and click Create Desktop Entry...
On Ubuntu 20 (Focal Fossa), create a launcher with alacarte.
The generated .desktop file is automatically placed in ~/.local/share/applications.
Move it from there to /usr/share/applications/ if it is to be accessible to all the computer's users.
You can create launcher using following steps
step 1) Install gnome-panel
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel
step 2) run gnome-desktop-item-edit
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/.local/share/applications --create-new
step 3) fill the required values in widget

Ubuntu Eclipse Icon Creation

I was tring to install eclipse on ubuntu. What I did:
I unzipped the tar archive of eclipse.
I tried to start eclipse from the command line - like this - ./eclipse. It works.
But then I tried to create a desktop icon with:
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop --create-new.
In a new icon I showed the path to the eclipse executable which I could launch from the command line. But then eclipse does not start stating:
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)
must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine
was found after searching the following locations:
java in your current PATH
And also I get a message in the terminal (at some stage it appeared):
(gnome-desktop-item-edit:8998): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.DSV8LW': No such file or directory
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 x32 and eclipse Juno.
PS. PATH variable points at jdk/bin and JAVA_HOME - to the jdk folder
You can make launch "icon" by using symlink:
You can do it just with Graphic interface
Right click on eclipse. Choose "Make link". You will get a short cut in the folder. Copy the shortcut to the Desktop. Done :)
By the way, if you don't like default icon of the shortcut. They look all the same and ugly. Just right click on the shortcut and click on the small icon on the left, then choose an image icon which you like (E.g: Eclipse icon).
