Unable to configure Tomcat 7 on Eclipse Juno - linux

I have Eclipse Juno with Spring Tools Suite plugin installed.
I need to deploy a newly imported web project to Tomcat 7, which I installed on my system via repository.
The problem is that the New Server Wizard screen won't allow me to select Tomcat 7, as the description is empty and unmodifiable.
How can I fix this? I can select other versions of Tomcat but when I select the installation path of Tomcat I get an error that the installed version is 7.

As per the instruction s provided in this site
Follow these steps, as this is a known issue
Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
Rename the org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs to org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs.bak (or you can delete this file). This file can be found at \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
Rename the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs to org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs.bak (or delete the file). This file also can be found at the same location as above.

Follow these steps
1.)Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
2.)delete this file org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
3.)delete this file org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
After following these step's you can configure tomcat in eclipse.

Click on Add Configuration Runtime environments
On the Server Runtime Environments Window you will more than likely see Apache Tomcat 7.
If you remove the runtime environment and then go Back to the New Server Wizard Tomcat 7 will be available to add again.
Hope that helps. That drove me nuts for a few days

The Eclipse Juno may not be fully compatible with the Apache Tomcat 7 yet. Installing and configuring with Tomcat 6 works. Simple.


selected directory is not a valid glassfish home

I'm studying JAVA, using intelliJ IDEA as IDE , I want to set Glassfish as server on it. Working on linux, glassfish already installed on it (working from command line).
When i create new JavaEE project on intelliJ, on "Application Server" line i choose new -> "glassfish server" and then select glassfish5 folder but IntelliJ just doesn't accept it with error code : "selected directory is not a valid glassfish home".
I'm selecting the glassfish5 home directory, not the one named glassfish in it (tried it , didn't work either).
I've tried to change glassfish version, tried to unzip glassfish to another directory ...
Still exactly same error.
No problem installing tomcat on intelliJ, but no more clue installing glassfish.
Thanks anyone trying to help
I've found my mistake : i've forgotten to give local user permissions to the repository.
Just checked with IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1, Glassfish 5 works without issues. Double check you have these directories/files in the installation directory. Try a clean server installation if it doesn't work.
If nothing helps, provide the link to the Glassfish distribution that doesn't work for you and specify IntelliJ IDEA version.

ColdFusion 11 on Windows 10 with IIS is not working

I installed CF 11 on Windows 10 Professional using IIS option as shown below. But when I go to IIS I don't see CFIDE folder there:
I thought the CF installation process would have created a CFIDE folder in IIS with its subfolder Administrator that points to the Administrator URL. But IIS did have any such folder. If I remember in Windows 7, installing CF 11 with IIS option automatically configure Administrator website in IIS - at least that what I recall I had done in Win7.
So I manually added a virtual directory in IIS and named it CFIDE with physical path as C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE that is a correct path on my system. But when I go to http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/ or go to All Programs-->Adobe-->Administrator in Windows, I get the following error. Please help:
CF11 was initially not supported for windows 10. One of the recent update of CF11 started supporting Windows 10. You would need to install ColdFusion and Select Built in Web server while installing ColdFusion. Once its installed, apply the latest update from CF admin and re-configure the IIS connector using Web server Configuration tool.
Apply the latest update manually:
And re-configure the IIS connector.

Java Hosting Package can't be installed

I'm trying to install the Java Hosting Package distributed by Helicon Zoo in order to host a java project (.war file) on IIS. The problem I'm having is that I can't install the package because Jetty 8 can't be installed.
At first it complained about Jetty 7 aswell but after I downloaded it, that was removed. This didn't however work for Jetty 8.
Error message on web platform installer (Screenshot):
Has anyone seen this before and possibly fixed it?
Hmm, It seems as if the url that the package is trying to fetch Jetty from: dist.codehaus.org/jetty/jetty-hightide-8.1.7/… has been shut down. I removed Jetty8 (which I manually installed to try to fix the issue, and downloaded it again from download.eclipse.org/jetty. This seems to have fixed the issue. Don't know what the issue was with the first download but maybe it was corrupt.

Deploying Java Servlet applications on Windows with IIS

I have develop JSP-Servlert application (i.e. WAR file) which running perfectly on tomcat server. Now I want to run same web application on IIS without tomcat.
Currently I am following this url: http://www.helicontech.com/articles/deploying-java-servlet-applications-on-windows-with-iis/
But while configuring Java hosting package as per mentioned in the above article, it is giving error to download jetty 8. Other softwares from the same package is getting download and install successfully.
When I checked the logs, I found that it is downloading the jetty from the URL: "http://dist.codehaus.org/jetty/jetty-hightide-8.1.7/jetty-hightide-8.1.7.v20120910.zip" and all the codehaus services has shutdown.
Can anyone help me to install the jetty into IIS or any other option to deploy the WAR into IIS?
Definately the easiest option, at the time of writing, is to use Microsoft's HttpPlatformHandler that you can install on IIS 8+ (Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 at least).
You basically need to:
Install IIS on your machine
Install JDK
Install Jetty on Windows (just download zip and unpack it)
Create WAR file
Copy WAR file to your Jetty's installation folder under webapps directory.
Set up IIS web site with web.config as described here.
That's it. You can view your site using http://localhost:your_iis_defined_port/your_war_name. If you rename your WAR to root.war then 'your_war_name' will not be necessary.
I have prepared a step by step guide on how to do that with more explanation.
After hours of trying i managed it by adding a ReverseProxy Rule, this is fairly easy and done super fast.
I had these dependencies installed already: AAR and HttpProxyHandler

Installing jBPM on Linux

I have been using the following to set up a jBPM/JBoss server on a remote machine (linux)
The above linked worked fine locally on my windows box, without any hitches. However, I am having numerous errors with starting/shutting-down the server, and having the drools-guvnor page run completely (or any other than the JBoss AS splash page on localhost:8080). Should this be working fine on linux as well, or are there any other references that I can seek? Also, I have no desire to install eclipse, just to get the jBPM designer going.
Or am I better off attempting to load jBPM into a separate JBoss install?
Running Red Hate Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8
Thank you for your time
I was unable to get the jBPM installer demo (packaged with jboss) to work. Instead I did a separate installation of jBPM and JBoss and set the JBoss home in the build.xml file. Then performed the individual installation of guvnor and designer using
ant install.guvnor.into.jboss
ant install.designer.into.jboss
Still having errors, but the designer/guvnor are up and running, now it is a database problem :(
