Creating a new GitLab issue and assigning a label to it automatically - gitlab

I am working on designing webpage UI where some experimental data is stored. This data could be inaccurate sometimes so I'm providing a button at the bottom of the page which redirects the user to the new issue webpage in GitLab. Look at the sample below.
And this button will take the user to somewhere like this:
The URL behind the button is simply
which was taken from GitLab official documentation.
As you can see here, there's an option to automatically fill the Title section directly from URL but I couldn't figure out how to do the same for Labels. Is there any way to do it this way?
For internal requirements, there must be a label automatically selected and the users can't be relied on to select it by themselves. For each webpage, a new label is assigned which makes it possible to extract all the issues related to that webpage later just by extracting all issues with that label. This might not be an optimal way to do this so if you have any other suggestions, please put them in comments. Thanks.

This does not seem yet supported, regarding pre-filling labels on issues.
That was requested in issue 63392, but without solution for now.


SharePoint Quick Part Label Stopped Working

We are currently migrating our EDMS into SharePoint. As part of this workstream, I recently set up a SharePoint site with a Quick Part Label containing just the version number - as per the instructions here.
This worked fine in testing, now a few users have been added to the site and the migration works have begun. The option for "Label" within Quick Parts has simply dissapeared.
I tried some trouble shooting on Friday and found the following:
Recovering an old document from the recycle bin, still contain a correct version number label.
This label can be copy and pasted to a new document, and it correct applies the label quick part with the new documents version.
I set up a new test site and the Quick Part Label behaved exactly as expected, meaning the issue is within the Live SharePoint site itself.
I turned off labels and reset them. With no success.
I am opening in the app, the library has minor versions, check-in/check-out turned on (and currently approvals are turned off).
I also suspected that OneDrive sync might cause issues, but this again didn't seem to solve anything in the test site.
NB: this is also posted here, I will keep both threads up to date.
Screenshot showing label missing
Update 20/12/22
Since this morning I have now taken the following additional steps:
Added a new content type
Recreated the label for that content type
Change the content type of the document in the library, and the label
option now appears
This seems like a fix, but I am also curious as to limitations of
this method.
Limitations noticed so far: cannot edit SharePoint columns in the
details pane

Add a comments section to post/pages on apostrophe cms

I need to build a comments section on my apostrophe for users to be able and leave comments/feedback around content that someone will create in pages. That would require to create collections in the database as well as allow users to comment only but not to remove any the module/widget. Also, comments need to, of course, be linked to pages.
Not really sure, how I can approach this task. Whether, to build a separate microservice or a widget to handle this. I have read the tutorial for building a contact form in apostrophe, also tested. However, I don't really need to have an option on the Admin Bar as comments are linked to each page, I need the form to be static (don't want any users to remove them or add more than one on a single page), also want the comments to appear below the form once they have been submitted.
Any idea of how I can do this?
Thank you for your time.
Well, before I needed to do this for pages and I even managed to post the comments specific for each page where it should be. However, needed to make a few changes on my site and now this comment widget appears in pieces like blogposts! However, haven't being able to display the specific comments for each piece. Is there any way I can find the piece page url similar to so that I can compare with the one attached to each comment?
We almost always use Disqus for this purpose, but if you need a commenting functionality that is internal to your site, there is the apostrophe-pieces-submit-widgets module that can be extended for this purpose.
You would definitely want the comments to be an instance of an apostrophe-piece in the docs collection, which would mean it would by default be included as an item in the admin bar. Easy enough to hide that, however.
Following this pattern would result in creating / configuring 3 project-level modules:
comments - extends apostrophe-pieces, defines the comment piece type
comments-widgets - extends apostrophe-pieces-widgets, a widget to display comments on a template (you could also hard code this behavior into a template instead of making it a widget)
comments-submit-widgets - extends apostrophe-pieces-submit-widgets, a widget to display the front-end form that users use to submit their comments
Building this sort of functionality directly into a piece and its widget player is not too difficult, check out this project for more
Checkout project / install / create user / get up and running
Create a Comment piece from the admin bad (Home Page Comments, for example)
Add the new piece to singleton widget on the homepage
This code should give you a pretty clear guide for creating backend functionality that can be interacted with on the frontend.
Permissions for interacting with the widget itself should be managed through apostrophe-permissions

Pulling data into Excel from multiple pages

I’m currently trying to pull data from an internal website. However, a few challenges stand in my way. For clarity, I’ve attached a screenshot of the interface I’m working with. I’ve removed all of the text and added my own references for confidentiality purposes.
The data I need to pull is in Tab1 > TabD. I then apply a filter to it (not sure if that’s relevant here). In this example, there are 16 pages and it is these 16 pages of data (headers 1 to 5) that I need to pull into an excel sheet.
There’s no API for this and the page number doesn’t change in the URL so it can’t be used (to my knowledge).
With all these conditions, is this even feasible with VBA?
Thank you all for your time.
I WOULD just comment on this. But I don't have enough reputation to do so. Come on StackOverflow, I want to help people! I'll leave an answer instead, though I may need more information.
I am assuming this is done in Internet Explorer. In which case if you press Ctrl+U you can bring up the source for a page. Bring up the source to the page shown in your screenshot. You'll need to look for a javascript button that changes the page, which is the tricky part. The syntax for such a button in javascript looks like this:
<button onclick="functionToRun()">Button Text</button>
The button in the example above runs the function "functionToRun." Once you find the function that changes the page, insert it into the VBA line below, once you have IE properly initialized in your script:
Call IE.document.parentWindow.execScript("functionToRun()", "JavaScript")
The line above runs the JavaScript function in IE, effectively changing the page.

View. Show values as Links. Strange behaviour

Xpage (listPostits.xsp) has a "View" container control, where one of the column is set "show values in this column as links".
Now, here comes "Strange behaviour".
When i work with this application on my own (developer) PC (Win XP, Chrome or IE), the Domino generate the link, which can't be really processed:
Namely, the Bold-marked portion shouldn't be there ! This portion is the name of the XPage, where the View control is in.
When i work with the application from other PC (Mac, Firefox) then i get the correct link (the same as above but without the XPage name inbetween):
update: let us leave for the moment the differencies in generated links between two machines. The first question is - why the extra portion is inserted into automatically generated link?
After playing around i think i might have found the reason for this strange behaviour. Namely, the "Substitution" Rules on the server side. One of them is to substitute "*/postit/all" with "/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp"
If i switch it off, then the Links are generated properly. Still, it's pretty strange to me that these settings influence the way Domino generates the links. I thought it works on the fly with them and those settings have nothing to do with the way how Links are generated inside the application.
So, the help now is needed regarding Web Site Rule Topic, but for that, i guess, i have to create another topic. But in case somebody has some good Info on this, please share it with me. I'm a bit confused at the moment :)
Final Update: Spent some more hours of testing and the results confirmed the initial idea.
If i open the page with the standart URL, i.e.
http://servername/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp then everything is fine, links are generated properly. When i however open the same page with short URL http://servername/postit/all , then server adds the substitute URL (db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp) to every single link he generates automatically to be used as the link to open/edit the underlying document.
Is it bug or feature ? Don't know.
As a workaround (because i want to keep simple URL's for the application) i have to manually generate links.

Change template html in sharepoint discussion reply box

I have a wss 3.0 install which needs an "anonymous" discussion board. I can modify the view so no usernames are displayed, however when I click on "reply", the message I'm replying to shows up in the rich text box with the username of the previous poster.
Is there a way to remove that username? or Remove the previous posted text altogether? I've found the schema.xml file with lots of relevant info under the ..12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, but not sure if this is the easiest way to adjust this setting.
Any comments appreciated.
Best practice says that you should always create a custom list definition instead of trying to modify the OOB assets.
The easiest way to do this is take a copy of the 12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, modify the feature Ids and names so that its unique. Then your free to change the schema render template (i.e view schema) and modify the edit and display forms.
If you need to modfify the actual entry form you may consider a custom control template :
Custom list definition :
I have a similar requirement (hide or mask the author inside the reply thread.). What exactly inside of schema.xml do you think will allow you to do accomplish that?
Not sure if the list forms are exposed to xslt. If so, then perhaps this is another approach.
FWIW, the other solutions I have investigated:
(1) A custom event handler. Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint which event fires when someone click reply.
(2) Anonymous blog comments (
(3) the other thing I am considering, is to introduce a global anonymous active directory login, which users can use to post anonymously. Not ideal, but for the amount of time I have spent researching a solution, might be my last hope.
