Install dll on different machine - browser

I’ve built an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object in Visual Studio and verified if works by building it locally with regasm.
This produced a Release .dll file which I tried to build on a different computer with no luck.
Is there an easier way to package all of this or am I missing an important step?

I suggest you refer steps below.
Compile your extension in Release mode On the target machine run
regsvr32.exe /s extension.dll under the administrator privileges
What is the simpliest way to install a BHO


Bw tool in sphinxtrain cannot open mdef file on Windows

I am developing an speech recognition application using Sphinx4. I am trying to do acoustic model adaptation. I have followed every step of the instruction on the tutorial. However, in the step where i need to run the bw, it cannot open the mdef file and shows an Debug Assertion Fail.
I have been working on this for days but still dont know how to solve it. I am using Windows 10, ptm model, visual studio 2015, the latest sphinx4 5prealpha version.
I just found out the answer. I think it could have been because that i forgot to download Perl or something went wrong during my installation of Sphinxbase.
I first installed Perl. However, it still didnt work, so i re-built Sphinxbase and copied it back to Sphinxtrain, and it finally run.
p/s Thanks Nikolay for your help :)
This comment / solution is just based on my experience as I am not an expert on this. I had this same exact error after following all the instructions from adapting-the-model and looks like the mdef file from sourge-forge is corrupted. So I landed up on a comment on some other website where it mentioned to download the setup files for pocketsphinx, sphinxbase and sphinxtrain from github directly. So I downloaded it from here GitHub and followed the same steps from before. Since I was working on windows, I rebuilt using VS Studio later, after upgrading the project from 2012 to latest version.
Steps (from GitHub)-
You should download and unpack it to the same parent directory as PocketSphinx, so that the configure script and project files can find it. On Windows, you will need to rename 'sphinxbase-X.Y' (where X.Y is the SphinxBase version number) to simply 'sphinxbase' for this to work.
To compile the SphinxTrain under MS Visual Studio 2010
load SphinxTrain.sln located in SphinxTrain directory
compile all the projects in SphinxTrain (from SphinxTrain.sln)
MS Visual Studio will build the executables under .\bin\Release or .\bin\Debug (depending on the version you choose on MS Visual Studio), and the libraries under .\lib\Release or .\lib\Build.
Once you finished with compilation, copy the pocketsphinx and sphinxbase tools and dlls from sphinxbase\bin\Releae and pocketsphinx\bin\Release to sphinxtrain\bin\Release folder. This will enable you to run the training process which expects to see all the tools and libraries in sphinxtrain\bin\Release.

installing Help viewer without installing visual studio

I want to take some of MSDN help files offline on a windows machine which does not have visual studio installed on it. the problem is that I cannot find a way to get and install Help Library manager and Help viewer without installing the visual studio or sql server.
How can I install them without installing the visual studio or sql server?
I just wrote an answer on how to do this for an older question, which can be found here.
For convenience, here are the essential steps to get Help Viewer 2.2 to run without going to the trouble of installing a complete copy of Visual Studio 2015:
Most of the files required by HlpViewer.exe can be found on the Visual Studio DVD in two different MSI packages. By passing some additional command line arguments to msiexec, it's quite easy to install them manually:
msiexec.exe /i help3_vs_net.msi VS_SETUP=1
msiexec.exe /i vs_minshellcore.msi MSIFASTINSTALL="7" VSEXTUI="1"
While this installs most necessary files, it doesn't account for all of them ... to keep things simple, I copied the rest of them from a working installation on another computer:
Essentially only contains a CatalogType.xml and some empty directories.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Help Viewer\v2.2\CatalogInfo\
Moreover, it's necessary to provide the application with a valid ContentStore path by importing the following .reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"SeedFilePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Help Viewer\\v2.2\\CatalogInfo\\"
"catalogName"="Visual Studio Documentation"
Finally, I created a new Application Shortcut and changed its Target: to read as follows:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Help Viewer\v2.2\HlpViewer.exe" /catalogName VisualStudio14 /launchingApp Microsoft,VisualStudio,14
Et voilà!, with that HlpViewer.exe should finally execute without any problems!
In MSDN to USB v2.5, you don't have to have any Visual Studio IDE installed:
I know its old question. I just run into a problem involving Help Viewer.
my recovery steps are :
get sqlexress installer (if you haven't got one)
after extracting the files, check its folder and find for "help" folder
I got mine "SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU\redist\VisualStudioShell\Help\x64"
run install.exe with administration priveleges (Run as Administrator)
all done.

Error: msvcp90.dll is missing on running an application built in visual C++

I have a project which I am trying to run (in both normal and debug modes) but every time I run it, it throws the error:
The program cannot start because MSVCP90.dll missing from your computer. Try re installing to fix your problem.
After going through lot of posts about the same problem I've tried the following things but nothing seems to work.
Found this .dll file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Synchronization Service\Bin\Microsoft.VC90.CRT and copy pasted it in C:\Windows\System32\. Checked that the environmental variable path has system32 in it.
Checked in the project properties and have set the Embed Manifest option under Manifest Tool-> Input and Output as Yes for Debug as well as Release modes
The project I am building depends on 3 other projects (they are in same solution) and have set Embed Manifest as yes for all of them. Another .exe built for same project built on other machine runs perfectly fine on my machine but the one that I build on the same machine does not work.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Your best bet is to install the "official" Microsoft Redistributable on all target PCs that will run your app:

VS2012 Install Shield project building using TFS build definition

I have a VS2012 sln which includes an install shield installer project.
If I build the solution/projects manually via solution explorer everything builds fine.
However when using the TFS build definitions i get the following error:
C:\Builds\1\<NAME>\<Build_Definition_Name>\Sources\InstallSetup\InstallSetup.isproj (29): The imported project
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2012SpringLimited\InstallShield.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Can someone please help with this?
Using VS 2012
OS - Win 7 x64 Pro
You need to install InstallShield on the machine on which you are running the build.
In-case someone is facing the same issue, I was able to solve it by reading what Flexera mentioned on their website: Link
Brief description: in build definition, process tab, make sure the MSBuild Platform is targeting x86.
I too had 64bit Windows (8.1) running and Team Foundation Server 2013 Express.

How to install MSVCR90D.DLL

How do I install MSVCR90D.DLL? I have a small test DLL(debug mode) that I created a setup project. In my setup project, I included merge modules & policy for vc90_debugcrt_x86.msm, etc. When I install the DLL on my VM, dependency walker still reports that MSVCR90D.DLL cannot be found?
Thanks in advance.
See here.
Preparing a Test Machine To Run a
Debug Executable
Microsoft does not officially support deploying debug runtimes outside of dev/test environments but you can make it work if you need to. Sounds like this is a vanilla test environment installation, though.
Just copy the MSVCR90D.DLL file into the same directory as your own dll. Then both your dll and dependency walker will find the MSVCR90D.DLL file.
You may need a couple of other files like msvcp90d.dll or msvcm90d.dll but dependency walker knows if you need them for your purposes.
MSVCR90D.DLL is the debug version of the Visual Studio Runtime Libraries. Normally, if you're deploying that code, you would build it in Release mode and also provide/install the Visual Studio Runtime Redistributable. As far as I know, the only way to obtain the debug dlls are through a Visual Studio install.
The py2exe utility that converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs seems to have a similar problem here. Maybe the section "Bundling the C runtime DLL" helps you to find the solution.
