Compare values in two different pandas columns - python-3.x

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
Fruit Cost Quantity Fruit_Copy
Apple 0.5 6 Watermelon
Orange 0.3 2 Orange
Apple 0.5 8 Apple
Apple 0.5 7 Apple
Banana 0.25 8 Banana
Banana 0.25 7 Banana
Apple 0.5 6 Apple
Apple 0.5 3 Apple
I want to write a snippet that, in pandas, compares Fruit and Fruit_Copy and outputs a new column "Match" that indicates if the values in Fruit = Fruit_Copy.
Thanks in advance!

Lets say your dataframe is 'fruits'. Then you can make use of the Pandas Series Equals function pd.Series.eq as,
fruits['Match'] = pd.Series.eq(fruits['Fruit'],fruits['Fruit_Copy'])

Something like this would work.
df.loc[df['Fruit'] == df['Fruit_Copy'], 'Match'] = 'Yes'
Using numpy.where:
df['Match'] = np.where(df['Fruit'] == df['Fruit_Copy'], 'Yes', 'No')

You could try something like this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
fruits = pd.DataFrame({'Fruit':['Apple', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Banana', 'Apple', 'Apple'], 'Cost':[0.5,0.3,0.5,0.5,0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5], 'Quantity':[6,2,8,7,8,7,6,3], 'Fruit_Copy':['Watermelon', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Banana', 'Apple', 'Apple']})
fruits['Match'] = np.where(fruits['Fruit'] == fruits['Fruit_Copy'], 1, 0)
Fruit Cost Quantity Fruit_Copy Match
0 Apple 0.50 6 Watermelon 0
1 Orange 0.30 2 Orange 1
2 Apple 0.50 8 Apple 1
3 Apple 0.50 7 Apple 1
4 Banana 0.25 8 Banana 1
5 Banana 0.25 7 Banana 1
6 Apple 0.50 6 Apple 1
7 Apple 0.50 3 Apple 1


Finding the difference between values with the same name in a merged CSV file

I need to find the difference between values with the same names.
I have two csv files that I merged together and placed in another csv file to have a side by side comparison of the number differences.
Below is the sample merged csv file:
Q1Count Q1Names Q2Count Q2Names
2 candy 2 candy
9 apple 8 apple
10 bread 5 pineapple
4 pies 12 bread
3 cookies 4 pies
32 chocolate 3 cookies
[Total count: 60] 27 chocolate
NaN NaN [Total count: 61]
All the names are the same (almost), but I would like to have a way to make a new row space for the new name that popped up under Q2Names, pinapple.
Below is the code I implemented so far:
import pandas as pd
import csv
Q1lineCount = f'{Q1ReportsDir}Q1Report.csv'
Q2lineCount = f'{Q2ReportsDir}Q2Report.csv'
merged_destination = f'{Q2ReportsDir}DifferenceReport.csv'
diffDF = [pd.read_csv(p) for p in (Q1lineCount, Q2lineCount)]
merged_dataframe = pd.concat(diffDF, axis=1)
merged_dataframe.to_csv(merged_destination, index=False)
diffGenDF = pd.read_csv(merged_destination)
# getting Difference
diffGenDF ['Difference'] = diffGenDF ['Q1Count'] - diffGenDF ['Q2Count']
diffGenDF = diffGenDF [['Difference', 'Q1Count', 'Q1Names', 'Q2Count ', 'Q2Names']]
diffGenDF.to_csv(merged_destination, index=False)
So, making a space under Q1Names and adding a 0 under Q1Count in the same row where pineapple is under column Q2Names would make this easier to see an accurate difference between the values.
Q1Count Q1Names Q2Count Q2Names
2 candy 2 candy
9 apple 8 apple
0 5 pineapple
10 bread 12 bread
4 pies 4 pies
3 cookies 3 cookies
32 chocolate 27 chocolate
[Total count: 60] [Total count: 61]
The final desired output I would get if I can get past that part is this:
Difference Q1Count Q1Names Q2Count Q2Names
0 2 candy 2 candy
1 9 apple 8 apple
-5 0 5 pineapple
-2 10 bread 12 bread
0 4 pies 4 pies
0 3 cookies 3 cookies
5 32 chocolate 27 chocolate
[Total count: 60] [Total count: 61]
I was able to get your same results using a pd.merge with the dataframe you provided
df_merge = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on = 'Q1Names', right_on = 'Q2Names', how = 'outer')
df_merge[['Q1Count', 'Q2Count']] = df_merge[['Q1Count', 'Q2Count']].fillna(0)
df_merge[['Q1Names', 'Q2Names']] = df_merge[['Q1Names', 'Q2Names']].fillna('')
df_merge['Difference'] = df_merge['Q1Count'].sub(df_merge['Q2Count'])

Extract Text From Pandas DataFrame Based On Filters of a different column

I have a df. In one column is "State" and in another column is "Text". I want to make a new column called "my_new_col" that extracts the word "Lime" from the "Text" column, only when the State Column = "Idaho"
df = {'State': ["Idaho", "Washington","Oregon","Idaho","Oregon"], 'Text': ["Lime Light","New Egg","Lime Inc","Monteray","NovaDing"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
State Text
0 Idaho Lime Light
1 Washington New Egg
2 Oregon Lime Inc
3 Idaho Monteray
4 Oregon NovaDing
How do I get a dataframe that shows the following
State Text my_new_col
0 Idaho Lime Light Lime
1 Washington New Egg None
2 Oregon Lime Inc None
3 Idaho Monteray None
4 Oregon NovaDing None
Another example could be to pull out text that matches regex into a new column
df = {'State': ["Idaho", "Washington","Oregon","Idaho","Oregon"], 'Text': ["1,234 Light","New Egg","Lime Inc","1223 Ring","NovaDing"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
State Text
0 Idaho 1,234 Light
1 Washington New Egg
2 Oregon Lime Inc
3 Idaho 1223 Ring
4 Oregon NovaDing
How do I get a dataframe that shows the following. The regex would be \d,\d\d\d
State Text my_new_col
0 Idaho 1,234 Light 1,234
1 Washington New Egg None
2 Oregon Lime Inc None
3 Idaho 1223 Ring None
4 Oregon NovaDing None
If it's case-sensitive:
df['my_new_col'] = None
df.loc[(df['State']=='Idaho') & (df['Text'].str.contains("Lime")), 'my_new_col'] = 'Lime'
State Text my_new_col
0 Idaho Lime Light Lime
1 Washington New Egg None
2 Oregon Lime Inc None
3 Idaho Monteray None
4 Oregon NovaDing None
If case-insensitive:
df.loc[(df['State']=='Idaho') & (df['Text'].str.contains("Lime", case=False)), 'my_new_col'] = 'Lime'
...based on the update to the question, from the second example dataframe:
df.loc[(df['State']=='Idaho'), 'my_new_col'] = df['Text'].str.extract(r"(\d,\d\d\d)")[0]
That puts NaN values in the column instead of None. If that matters:
df['my_new_col'] = None
df.loc[(df['State']=='Idaho'), 'my_new_col'] = df['Text'].str.extract(r"(\d,\d\d\d)")[0]
df.loc[df['my_new_col'].isnull(), 'my_new_col'] = None

How to find the total length of a column value that has multiple values in different rows for another column

Is there a way to find IDs that have both Apple and Strawberry, and then find the total length? and IDs that has only Apple, and IDS that has only Strawberry?
ID Fruit
0 ABC Apple <-ABC has Apple and Strawberry
1 ABC Strawberry <-ABC has Apple and Strawberry
2 EFG Apple <-EFG has Apple only
3 XYZ Apple <-XYZ has Apple and Strawberry
4 XYZ Strawberry <-XYZ has Apple and Strawberry
5 CDF Strawberry <-CDF has Strawberry
6 AAA Apple <-AAA has Apple only
Desired output:
Length of IDs that has Apple and Strawberry: 2
Length of IDs that has Apple only: 2
Length of IDs that has Strawberry: 1
If always all values are only Apple or Strawberry in column Fruit you can compare sets per groups and then count ID by sum of Trues values:
v = ['Apple','Strawberry']
out = df.groupby('ID')['Fruit'].apply(lambda x: set(x) == set(v)).sum()
print (out)
EDIT: If there is many values:
s = df.groupby('ID')['Fruit'].agg(frozenset).value_counts()
print (s)
{Apple} 2
{Strawberry, Apple} 2
{Strawberry} 1
Name: Fruit, dtype: int64
You can use pivot_table and value_counts for DataFrames (Pandas 1.1.0.):
df.pivot_table(index='ID', columns='Fruit', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0)\
Apple Strawberry
1 1 2
0 2
0 1 1
Alternatively you can use:
df.groupby(['ID', 'Fruit']).size().unstack('Fruit', fill_value=0)\

Filter rows based on the count of unique values

I need to count the unique values of column A and filter out the column with values greater than say 2
Apple 4
Orange 5
Apple 3
Mango 5
Orange 1
I have calculated the unique values but not able to figure out how to filer them df.value_count()
I want to filter column A that have greater than 2, expected Dataframe
Apple 4
Orange 5
Apple 3
Orange 1
value_counts should be called on a Series (single column) rather than a DataFrame:
counts = df['A'].value_counts()
Apple 2
Mango 1
Orange 2
dtype: int64
You can then filter this to only keep those >= 2 and use isin to filter your DataFrame:
filtered = counts[counts >= 2]
0 Apple 4
1 Orange 5
2 Apple 3
4 Orange 1
Use duplicated with parameter keep=False:
df[df.duplicated(['A'], keep=False)]
0 Apple 4
1 Orange 5
2 Apple 3
4 Orange 1

calculating mean with a condition on python pandas Group by on two columns. And print only the mean for each category?

Fruit Count Price tag
Apple 55 35 red
Orange 60 40 orange
Apple 60 36 red
Apple 70 41 red
Output 1
Fruit Mean tag
Apple 35.5 red
Orange 40 orange
I need mean on condition price between 31 and 40
Output 2
Fruit Count tag
Apple 2 red
Orange 1 orange
I need count on condition price between 31 and 40
pls help
Use between with boolean indexing for filtering:
df1 = df[df['Price'].between(31, 40)]
print (df1)
Fruit Count Price tag
0 Apple 55 35 red
1 Orange 60 40 orange
2 Apple 60 36 red
If possible multiple columns by aggregated functions:
df2 = df1.groupby(['Fruit', 'tag'])['Price'].agg(['mean','size']).reset_index()
print (df2)
Fruit tag mean size
0 Apple red 35.5 2
1 Orange orange 40.0 1
Or 2 separately DataFrames:
df3 = df1.groupby(['Fruit', 'tag'], as_index=False)['Price'].mean()
print (df3)
Fruit tag Price
0 Apple red 35.5
1 Orange orange 40.0
df4 = df1.groupby(['Fruit', 'tag'])['Price'].size().reset_index()
print (df4)
Fruit tag Price
0 Apple red 2
1 Orange orange 1
