Calendar List View in SharePoint Server 2019 - sharepoint

In SharePoint 2019 I create a calendar by going to: Settings Wheel > Add an app > Calendar
How can I then create a list view for the calendar? Can this be done by going to Calendar > Edit List, then creating a new view with the list view format? If so, how?
Or do you need to create a seperate page and add the calendar to that page as a web part, then edit that web part (or something similar)?
By list view I mean a vertical list of calendar items that span from today's date to 12 months in advance. However, I am less concerned with the specifics of the date range and more concerned with the basic how to. Thanks.

If you've been using Modern views and pages, the SharePoint calendar is likely very confusing because it still uses the "classic" view, even if the entire rest of your site is using the Modern UI.
Go open your calendar list to its default view.
In the upper left-hand corner, click on the small "Calendar" tab (see screenshot)
This will bring up the calendar "ribbon", and from there you have multiple View options to either edit the current view or create a new one (see screenshot)
For more details on List View creation, see,_2013,_2010 -- be sure to not actually look at the version of this page for SP2019, as it assumes you are editing a modern list.


Sharepoint calendar list view webpart connected with filter

I have a requirement in office online 365 in which following things are needed.
Calendar list with custom field "Events", type is choice (General,Marriage,Birthday)
Need to create a dropdown in which above field's value should bind.
When user select "General" then only General events should display, birthday and marriage should not display.
Main thing view should be only calendar and I have tried sharepoint list filter and list view webpart but calendar view is not supported.
Any help would be appreciated.
SharePoint OOB Features does not provide filter with calendar control. You need to implement custom code for the same.
Just use a self-referential calendar overlay -- create a view with a filter on the same calendar - then when creating the overlay, reference the current calendar list and the view with the filter -- give it a color and a name.. You may have to hit the resolve button to get it to find the newly created view...

SharePoint Webpart dropdownlist autopostback isn't functioning correctly

I have built a webpart that basically displays all the items in a SharePoint list based on a set of criteria.
One of these criteria's is a date, a year specifically. The user is supposed to select the date from a dropdown list in the web part and the view area below will populate with all the items from that specific year.
That part works. The SPQuery grabs the data just fine and displays it in the format desired. The issue I am having is with the autopostback option on the dropdownlist.
It doesn't remember the current selectedindex, it remembers the PREVIOUS selected index. If I chooes 2014, the page loads but nothing changes, if I then choose 2013, the 2014 stuff appears, if I then choose 2010, the 2013 items appear, if I go back and then select the 2014, the 2010 stuff appears. It's always 1 behind and I have no idea why.
I've tried assigning a ViewState variable in the SelectedIndexChange to remember what was selected, but that too always seems to be one step behind. I can't seem to get the CURRENT selected index.
Does anyone know what's going on here?
Your question is more ASP.NET problem than SharePoint. Check MSDN to see page life-cycle. New values of controls are available after the onLoad event of Page. So just move your code to onPrerender event.

How to customize the calendar web-part view in a sharepoint site?

I am using SharePoint 2007 and I have a calendar web part in a sharepoint site for which I'd like to customize the view. To be more specific, when I choose the "Current Events" view, it lists the events with three columns: Title, Start Time, and End Time. My question is:
1- Is it possible to somehow customize these columns, for example to show only date and start time?
2- Is is possible to set the view to only show the events in the current month in the first page and when you navigate with Next and Previous buttons you move between months?
More on this is that when I use Next button and then go back with Previous button the items in the list changes and it shows past items too.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hide promoted links in sharepoint 2013?

I created a webpage containing various promoted link tiles. This page is my default page (when the user logons he/she is redirectedto this page). Based upon the group to which the user belongs I want to show some specific promoted link tiles and hide the rest of the promoted link tiles.
For example, my webpage contains 4 Promoted Link tiles.
For a normal user I want to show only 2 Promoted Link tiles and hide the rest of the tiles.
Whereas for admin I want to show all the Promoted Link tiles.
Or I thought of having different pages for different groups, but I couldn't find any setting in SharePoint 2013 to have different default pages for different groups.
I'm using both of the solutions listed above on the same site to meet different needs.
I have one Promoted Links list that provides 'activity' links for a number of different user types. In order to keep the user experience simple for users I'm setting permissions on individual items in the Promoted Links list to hide specific tiles/links from groups that don't need to see them.
On the list, you need to break permissions with the site, then change the permissions on the specific tiles you're 'hiding'.
I'm using SharePoint security groups to set permissions.
I'm using a second list to provide additional links on the page, but want to hide some of the links - sort of an active/inactive thing. Rather than adding a new field (which I haven't tested yet) I'm using the Order field as a filter. For example: If Order is less than 100, show them.
You can create the new view either in the browser (the 'Standard View' template will give you a tile view - surprisingly) or use the solution above for adding a view using SharePoint Designer. Either method will allow you to set a filter, sort, etc.
Alternatively, if you want to create another list type view, you can create a new view and use 'All Promoted Links' as a starting point.
You can create different views for different users using SharePoint Designer.
Below are the step by step guides.
Click on any blank region of the Promoted Links. This will show the ribbon for that Promoted Link.
Click List tab on the ribbon.
Click Create View.
Click Custom View in SharePoint Designer
Allow it to open in SharePoint Designer.
Give a name for your view, e.g. Test and click OK. By default, SharePoint designer takes Tiles view.
Close SharePoint designer and go back to your Promoted Links in browser.
Click the List Tab on ribbon.
Select the view you just created from the dropdown menu.
Click Modify View.
You can hide or display any link by giving a suitable condition for filter.
Actually the above thing is not possible in SharePoint.
For every user there will we same page in SharePoint but depending upon the group to which a user belongs we can hide and show a promoted links.
First create some groups and assign user to a particular groups and than change the permission of promoted groups to show/hide that particular group.

SharePoint DropDown List Filter

I want to be able to filter a SharePoint list based on the values present (easy by clicking the filter button at the top of the list for each column). However I'd like to give options in a drop down menu and once chosen the list would be refilted based on the options I give. Is this possibile to do in the browser or would it require designer or actual code? Thank you.
This is all SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Server knowledge; I've never used 2007.
What #Ryan is alluding to here is that you can click a down-arrow on most list columns to filter them. One caveat is that if the column is multi-select, it won't display a drop-down. (SharePoint doesn't know how to group, filter, or sort on multi-select columns.) Another caveat could be that if you're displaying the list items in such a way that their headings don't appear (such as in a List View web part, or maybe in some of the styles...) you obviously won't be able to filter.
A solution might be to use a "SharePoint List Filter" web part, which uses a list column as the source for filter values which can then be sent to other web parts -- such as a List View web part. Presumably, you could use the list you're intending to filter as a source for the Filter web part itself. From a UX perspective maybe this might help you display the list with different styling, but still get the drop-down filter directly in the content area.
A caveat with the "SharePoint List Filter" web part is that it's not actually a drop-down per se, but instead shows a little filter icon that pops up a dialog in which users then have to select a value.
Note there's also the "Managed Metadata Navigation" feature that would give users dropdowns (for e.g. choice columns) and metadata filter fields (for managed metadata columns). These show up in the Quick Launch (left-nav area) if configured on the list/library settings. The feature must first be enabled on the site.
