In python, headings not in the same row - python-3.x

I extracted three columns from a larger data frame (recent_grads) as follows...
df = recent_grads.groupby('Major_category')['Men', 'Women'].sum()
However, when I print df, it comes up as follows...
Men Women
Agriculture & Natural Resources 40357.0 35263.0
Arts 134390.0 222740.0
Biology & Life Science 184919.0 268943.0
Business 667852.0 634524.0
Communications & Journalism 131921.0 260680.0
Computers & Mathematics 208725.0 90283.0
Education 103526.0 455603.0
Engineering 408307.0 129276.0
Health 75517.0 387713.0
Humanities & Liberal Arts 272846.0 440622.0
Industrial Arts & Consumer Services 103781.0 126011.0
Interdisciplinary 2817.0 9479.0
Law & Public Policy 91129.0 87978.0
Physical Sciences 95390.0 90089.0
Psychology & Social Work 98115.0 382892.0
Social Science 256834.0 273132.0
How do I get Major_category heading in the same row as Men and Women headings? I tried to put the three columns in a new data frame as follows...
df1 = df[['Major_category', 'Men', 'Women']].copy()
This gives me an error (Major_category not in index)

Hi man you should try reset_index
df = df.groupby('Major_category')['Men', 'Women'].sum()
# Print the output.
md = df.reset_index()

Seems like you want to convert the groupby object back to a dataframe try:


How do i analyze goodness of fit between two contingency tables?

I have two contingency tables that I performed a chi-square test on. I would like to know if these two tables have similar distributions/frequency of the data using a goodness of fit test. I'm not sure how to do this and how to format the data. Thanks in advance for your help!
discharge = data.frame (decreasing.sign =c(0,0,9,7,1,1 ),
decreasing.trend= c(2,3,35,27,8,6),
increase.trend = c(8,27,34,16,4,3),
increase.sign = c(0,2,7,0,0,0),
row.names= c("Ridge and Valley", "Blue Ridge", "Piedmont", "Southeastern Plains", "Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain","Southern Coastal Plain"))
groundwater = data.frame (decreasing.sign =c(0,1,6,45,6,16),
decreasing.trend= c(0, 1, 3,28, 5,5),
increase.trend = c(1,5,6,32,9,5),
increase.sign = c(1,0,0,4,2,20),
row.names= c("Ridge and Valley", "Blue Ridge", "Piedmont", "Southeastern Plains", "Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain","Southern Coastal Plain"))
chisq=chisq.test(discharge) #add ",simulate.p.value" if there are zeros within parentheses
chisq2=chisq.test(groundwater) #add ",simulate.p.value" if there are zeros within parentheses

Add a space in lambda function

I have 2 columns in my data frame - ASIN and keywords . I am trying to groupby ASINs , the groupby is working fine
ASIN keywords
0 B07GFGXMZZ mangalagiri dress materials
1 B07GFGXMZZ pure cotton dress materials for women
2 B07GFGXMZZ suit material party wear for women
3 B076BL4CWB dhakai jamdani
4 B076BL4CWB jamdani
Groupby Code
df.groupby('ASIN').apply(lambda x: x.sum())
but how to add a space for each lambda iteration as of now it is not doing , you can observe the same in output image i have linked
i Tried
df.groupby('ASIN').apply(lambda x:" ".join(x.sum()))
But it didn't work
9801321261 98013212619801321261 cane mat with runnercane ...
B00P81OJ26 B00P81OJ26B00P81OJ26B00P81OJ26B00P81OJ26B00P81...
B01143KAY2 B01143KAY2B01143KAY2B01143KAY2B01143KAY2B01143...
B0157XMD4A B0157XMD4A elephant painted box
B0157XMRJ6 B0157XMRJ6B0157XMRJ6B0157XMRJ6B0157XMRJ6B0157X...

unable to get rid of all emojis

I need help removing emojis. I looked at some other stackoverflow questions and this is what I am de but for some reason my code doesn't get rid of all the emojis
d= {'alexveachfashion': 'Fashion Style * Haute Couture * Wearable Tech * VR\n👓👜⌚👠\nSoundCloud is Live #alexveach\n👇New YouTube Episodes ▶️👇', 'andrewvng': 'Family | Fitness | Friends | Gym | Food', 'runvi.official': 'Accurate measurement via SMART insoles & real-time AI coaching. Improve your technique & BOOST your performance with every run.\nSoon on Kickstarter!', 'triing': 'Augmented Jewellery™️ • Montreal. Canada.', 'gedeanekenshima': 'Prof na Etec Albert Einstein, Mestranda em Automação e Controle de Processos, Engenheira de Controle e Automação, Técnica em Automação Industrial.', 'jetyourdaddy': '', 'lavonne_sun': '☄️🔭 ✨\n°●°。Visual Narrative\nA creative heart with a poetic soul.\n————————————\nPARSONS —— Design & Technology', 'taysearch': 'All the World’s Information At Your Fingertips. (Literally) Est. 1991🇺🇸 🎀#PrincessofSearch 🔎Sample 👇🏽 the Search Engine Here 🗽', 'hijewellery': 'Fine 3D printed jewellery for tech lovers #3dprintedjewelry #wearabletech #jewellery', 'yhanchristian': 'Estudante de Engenharia, Maker e viciado em café.', 'femka': 'Fashion Futurist + Fashion Tech Lab Founder #technoirlab + Fashion Designer / Parsons & CSM Grad / Obsessed with #fashiontech #future #cryptocurrency', 'sinhbisen': 'Creator, TRiiNG, augmented jewellery label ⭕️ Transhumanist ⭕️ Corporeal cartographer ⭕️', 'stellawearables': '#StellaWearables ✉️ Premium Wearable Technology That Monitors Personal Health & Environments ☀️🏝🏜🏔', 'ivoomi_india': 'We are the manufacturers of the most innovative technologies and user-friendly gadgets with a global presence.', 'bgutenschwager': "When it comes to life, it's all about the experience.\nGoogle Mapper 🗺\n360 Photographer 📷\nBrand Rep #QuickTutor", 'storiesofdesign': 'Putting stories at the heart of brands and businesses | Cornwall and London | #storiesofdesign', '': '草創期から国産ウオッチの製造に取り組み、挑戦を続けてきたエプソンが世界に放つ新ブランド「TRUME」(トゥルーム)。目指すのは、最先端技術でアナログウオッチを極めるブランド。', 'themarinesss': "I didn't choose the blog life, the blog life chose me | Aspiring Children's Book Author |", 'ayowearable': 'The world’s first light-based wearable that helps you sleep better, beat jet lag and have more energy! #goAYO Get yours at:', 'wearyourowntechs': 'Bringing you the latest trends, Current Products and Reviews of Wearable Technology. Discover how they can enhance your Life and Lifestyle', 'roxfordwatches': 'The Roxford | The most stylish and customizable fitness smartwatch. Tracks your steps/calories/dist/sleep. Comes with FOUR bands, and a travel case!', 'playertek': "Track your entire performance - every training session, every match. \nBecause the best players don't hide.", '_kate_hartman_': '', 'hmsmc10': 'Health & Wellness 🍎\nBoston, MA 🏙\nSuffolk MPA ‘17 🎓 \n.\nJust Strong Ambassador 🏋🏻\u200d♀️', 'gadgetxtreme': 'Dedicated to reviewing gadgets, technologies, internet products and breaking tech news. Follow us to see daily vblogs on all the disruptive tech..', 'freedom.journey.leader': '📍MN\n🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿 \n📧 \n#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife', 'arts_food_life': 'Life through my phone.', 'medgizmo': 'Wearable #tech: #health #healthcare #wellness #gadgets #apps. Images/links provided as information resource only; doesn’t mean we endorse referenced', 'sawearables': 'The home of wearable tech in South Africa!\n--> #WearableTech #WearableTechnology #FitnessTech Find your wearable #', 'shop.mercury': 'Changing the way you charge.⚡️\nGet exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋', 'invisawear': 'PRE-ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE! Get yours 25% OFF here: #girlboss #wearabletech'}
for key in d:
print("---with emojis----")
print("---emojis removed----")
x=''.join(c for c in d[key] if c <= '\uFFFF')
output example
---with emojis----
🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---emojis removed----
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---with emojis----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋
---emojis removed----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!
There is no technical definition of what an "emoji" is. Various glyphs may be used to render printable characters, symbols, control characters and the like. What seems like an "emoji" to you may be part of normal script to others.
What you probably want to do is to look at the Unicode category of each character and filter out various categories. While this does not solve the "emoji"-definition-problem per se, you get much better control over what you are actually doing without removing, for example, literally all characters of languages spoken by 2/3 of the planet.
Instead of filtering out certain categories, you may filter everything except the lower- and uppercase letters (and numbers). However, be aware that ꙭ is not "the googly eyes emoji" but the CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DOUBLE MONOCULAR O, which is a normal lowercase letter to millions of people.
For example:
import unicodedata
s = "🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿"
# Just filter category "symbol"
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', ))
...results in
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
This may not be emoji-free enough, yet the • is technically a form of punctuation. So filter this as well
# Filter symbols and punctuations. You may want 'Cc' as well,
# to get rid of control characters. Beware that newlines are a
# form of control-character.
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', 'Po'))
And you get
Wife Homeschooling Mom to 5 D Y I lover Small town living in MN

How to download pubmed articles and read them?

Im having trouble to save pubmed articles and read them. I've seen at this page here that there are some special files types but no one of them worked for me. I want to save them in a way that I can continuous using the keys to get the the data. I don't know if its possible use it if I save it as a text file. My code is this one:
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
import re
import os
from Bio import Medline
from Bio import SeqIO
'''Class Crawler is responsable to browse the biological databases
from DownloadArticles import DownloadArticles
c = DownloadArticles()
class DownloadArticles():
def __init__(self):''
self.dataC = self.saveArticlesFilesInXMLMode('pubmed', '26837606')
'''Metodo 4 ler dado em forma de texto.'''
def saveArticlesFilesInXMLMode(self,dbs, ids):
net_handle = Entrez.efetch(db=dbs, id=ids, rettype="medline", retmode="txt")
directory = "/dataset/Pubmed/DatasetArticles/"+ ids + ".fasta"
# if not os.path.exists(directory):
# os.makedirs(directory)
# filename = directory + '/'
# if not os.path.exists(filename):
out_handle = open(directory, "w+")
record =, "fasta")
I'm getting this error: ValueError: No records found in handle
Pease someone can help me?
Now my code is like this, I am trying to do a function to save in .fasta like you did. And one to read the .fasta files like in the answer above.
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
import re
import os
from Bio import Medline
from Bio import SeqIO
def save_Articles_Files(dbName, idNum, rettypeName):
net_handle = Entrez.efetch(db=dbName, id=idNum, rettype=rettypeName, retmode="txt")
filename = path + idNum + ".fasta"
out_handle = open(filename, "w")
enter code here''
dbName = 'pubmed'
idNum = '26837606'
rettypeName = "medline"
path ="/run/media/Dropbox/codigos/Codes/"+dbName
save_Articles_Files(dbName, idNum, rettypeName)
But my function is not working I need some help please!
You're mixing up two concepts.
1) Entrez.efetch() is used to access NCBI. In your case you are downloading an article from Pubmed. The result that you get from looks like:
PMID- 26837606
STAT- In-Process
DA - 20160203
LR - 20160210
IS - 2045-2322 (Electronic)
IS - 2045-2322 (Linking)
VI - 6
DP - 2016 Feb 03
TI - Exploiting the CRISPR/Cas9 System for Targeted Genome Mutagenesis in Petunia.
PG - 20315
LID - 10.1038/srep20315 [doi]
AB - Recently, CRISPR/Cas9 technology has emerged as a powerful approach for targeted
genome modification in eukaryotic organisms from yeast to human cell lines. Its
successful application in several plant species promises enormous potential for
basic and applied plant research. However, extensive studies are still needed to
assess this system in other important plant species, to broaden its fields of
application and to improve methods. Here we showed that the CRISPR/Cas9 system is
efficient in petunia (Petunia hybrid), an important ornamental plant and a model
for comparative research. When PDS was used as target gene, transgenic shoot
lines with albino phenotype accounted for 55.6%-87.5% of the total regenerated T0
Basta-resistant lines. A homozygous deletion close to 1 kb in length can be
readily generated and identified in the first generation. A sequential
transformation strategy--introducing Cas9 and sgRNA expression cassettes
sequentially into petunia--can be used to make targeted mutations with short
indels or chromosomal fragment deletions. Our results present a new plant species
amenable to CRIPR/Cas9 technology and provide an alternative procedure for its
FAU - Zhang, Bin
AU - Zhang B
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Yang, Xia
AU - Yang X
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Yang, Chunping
AU - Yang C
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Li, Mingyang
AU - Li M
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Guo, Yulong
AU - Guo Y
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
DEP - 20160203
PL - England
TA - Sci Rep
JT - Scientific reports
JID - 101563288
PMC - PMC4738242
OID - NLM: PMC4738242
EDAT- 2016/02/04 06:00
MHDA- 2016/02/04 06:00
CRDT- 2016/02/04 06:00
PHST- 2015/09/21 [received]
PHST- 2015/12/30 [accepted]
AID - srep20315 [pii]
AID - 10.1038/srep20315 [doi]
PST - epublish
SO - Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 3;6:20315. doi: 10.1038/srep20315.
2) is used to read and parse FASTA files. This is a format that is used to store sequences. A sequence in FASTA format is represented as a series of lines. The first line in a FASTA file starts with a ">" (greater-than) symbol. Following the initial line (used for a unique description of the sequence) is the actual sequence itself in standard one-letter code.
As you can see, the result that you get back from Entrez.efetch() (which I pasted above) doesn't look like a FASTA file. So gives the error that it can't find any sequence records in the file.

Reformat csv file using python?

I have this csv file with only two entries. Here it is:
Meat One,['Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers']
First one is title and second is a business headings.
Problem lies with entry two.
Here is my code:
import csv
with open('phonebookCOMPK-Directory.csv', "rt") as textfile:
reader = csv.reader(textfile)
for row in reader:
row5 = row[5].replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
listt = [(''.join(row5))]
print (listt[0])
it prints:
'Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers'
What i need to do is that i want to create a list containing these words and then print them like this using for loop to print every item separately:
Food Delivery
Butchers Retail
Meat Dealers-Retail
Meat Freezer
Meat Packers
Actually I am trying to reformat my current csv file and clean it so it can be more precise and understandable.
Complete 1st line of csv is this:
Meat One,+92-21-111163281,Al Shaheer Corporation,Retailers,2008,"['Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers']","[[' Outlets Address : Shop No. Z-10, Station Shopping Complex, MES Market, Malir-Cantt, Karachi. Landmarks : MES Market, Station Shopping Complex City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Shop 13, Ground Floor, Plot 14-D, Sky Garden, Main Tipu Sultan Road, KDA Scheme No.1, Karachi. Landmarks : Nadra Chowrangi, Sky Garden, Tipu Sultan Road City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], ["" Outlets Address : Near Jan's Broast, Boat Basin, Khayaban-e-Roomi, Block 5, Clifton, Karachi. Landmarks : Boat Basin, Jans Broast, Khayaban-e-Roomi City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 View Map ""], [' Outlets Address : Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi. Landmarks : Perfume Chowk City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Tee Emm Mart, Creek Vista Appartments, Khayaban-e-Shaheen, Phase VIII, DHA, Karachi. Landmarks : Creek Vista Appartments, Nueplex Cinema, Tee Emm Mart, The Place City : Karachi Mobile : 0302-8333666 '], [' Outlets Address : Y-Block, DHA, Lahore. Landmarks : Y-Block City : Lahore UAN : +92-42-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Adj. PSO, Main Bhittai Road, Jinnah Supermarket, F-7 Markaz, Islamabad. Landmarks : Bhittai Road, Jinnah Super Market, PSO Petrol Pump City : Islamabad UAN : +92-51-111163281 ']]","Agriculture, fishing & Forestry > Farming equipment & services > Abattoirs in Pakistan"
First column is Name
Second column is Number
Third column is Owner
Forth column is Business type
Fifth column is Y.O.E
Sixth column is Business Headings
Seventh column is Outlets (List of lists containing every branch address)
Eighth column is classification
There is no restriction of using csv.reader, I am open to any technique available to clean my file.
Think of it in terms of two separate tasks:
Collect some data items from a ‘dirty’ source (this CSV file)
Store that data somewhere so that it’s easy to access and manipulate programmatically (according to what you want to do with it)
Processing dirty CSV
One way to do this is to have a function deserialize_business() to distill structured business information from each incoming line in your CSV. This function can be complex because that’s the nature of the task, but still it’s advisable to split it into self-containing smaller functions (such as get_outlets(), get_headings(), and so on). This function can return a dictionary but depending on what you want it can be a [named] tuple, a custom object, etc.
This function would be an ‘adapter’ for this particular CSV data source.
Example of deserialization function:
def deserialize_business(csv_line):
Distills structured business information from given raw CSV line.
Returns a dictionary like {name, phone, owner,
btype, yoe, headings[], outlets[], category}.
pieces = [piece.strip("[[\"\']] ") for piece in line.strip().split(',')]
name = pieces[0]
phone = pieces[1]
owner = pieces[2]
btype = pieces[3]
yoe = pieces[4]
# after yoe headings begin, until substring Outlets Address
headings = pieces[4:pieces.index("Outlets Address")]
# outlets go from substring Outlets Address until category
outlet_pieces = pieces[pieces.index("Outlets Address"):-1]
# combine each individual outlet information into a string
# and let ``deserialize_outlet()`` deal with that
raw_outlets = ', '.join(outlet_pieces).split("Outlets Address")
outlets = [deserialize_outlet(outlet) for outlet in raw_outlets]
# category is the last piece
category = pieces[-1]
return {
'name': name,
'phone': phone,
'owner': owner,
'btype': btype,
'yoe': yoe,
'headings': headings,
'outlets': outlets,
'category': category,
Example of calling it:
with open("phonebookCOMPK-Directory.csv") as f:
lineno = 0
for line in f:
lineno += 1
business = deserialize_business(line)
# Bad line formatting?
log.exception(u"Failed to deserialize line #%s!", lineno)
# All is well
Storing the data
You’ll have the store_business() function take your data structure and write it somewhere. Maybe it’ll be another CSV that’s better structured, maybe multiple CSVs, a JSON file, or you can make use of SQLite relational database facilities since Python has it built-in.
It all depends on what you want to do later.
Relational example
In this case your data would be split across multiple tables. (I’m using the word “table” but it can be a CSV file, although you can as well make use of an SQLite DB since Python has that built-in.)
Table identifying all possible business headings:
business heading ID, name
1, Abattoirs
2, Exporters
3, Food Delivery
4, Butchers Retail
5, Meat Dealers-Retail
6, Meat Freezer
7, Meat Packers
Table identifying all possible categories:
category ID, parent category, name
1, NULL, "Agriculture, fishing & Forestry"
2, 1, "Farming equipment & services"
3, 2, "Abattoirs in Pakistan"
Table identifying businesses:
business ID, name, phone, owner, type, yoe, category
1, Meat One, +92-21-111163281, Al Shaheer Corporation, Retailers, 2008, 3
Table describing their outlets:
business ID, city, address, landmarks, phone
1, Karachi UAN, "Shop 13, Ground Floor, Plot 14-D, Sky Garden, Main Tipu Sultan Road, KDA Scheme No.1, Karachi", "Nadra Chowrangi, Sky Garden, Tipu Sultan Road", +92-21-111163281
1, Karachi UAN, "Near Jan's Broast, Boat Basin, Khayaban-e-Roomi, Block 5, Clifton, Karachi", "Boat Basin, Jans Broast, Khayaban-e-Roomi", +92-21-111163281
Table describing their headings:
business ID, business heading ID
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
Handling all this would require a complex store_business() function. It may be worth looking into SQLite and some ORM framework, if going with relational way of keeping the data.
You can just replace the line :
with :
print(*listt[0], sep='\n')
