PDFTron Trigger Editing of Annotation for annotations when added - pdftron

I have added a custom annotation and listened to annotationAdded event and select the annotation using below code.
function (a) {
How should I trigger the edit mode on the annotation?

What does your 'AnnotationCreateCustomStamp' tool look like? Does it trigger an 'annotationAdded' action and get to your callback function?
You can open the note panel and start editing with the 'focusNote' API
function (a) {
// assuming the code get here
For focusing on replies of selected annotations, you can use the getSelectedAnnotations method and do something like
Or you can use the annotationSelected event and do something like
// your configuration
}, document.getElementById('viewer'))
.then(function(instance) {
const { annotManager } = instance;
annotManager.on('annotationSelected', (annots) => {
if(annots && annots[0]) {


Svelte reactive statement with a variable fron onMount

I'm trying to style the currently active tab of my web project with the class "active". To target my tab elements I am using
onMount(() => {
const links = document.querySelectorAll(".topnav a");
I am then using a reactive statement to style the appropriate element like this
$: {
links.forEach((link) => {
if (link.getAttribute("id") === $page.url.pathname) {
} else {
However, I have no way of sharing the links variable to my reactive statement. I also tried putting document.querySelectorAll inside my reactive statement (not using onMount at all), which worked flawlessly until i reloaded the page. What is the conventional approach to this?
You need to declare the variable outside of onMount so it is in scope of the reactive statement. E.g.
let links = null;
onMount(() => {
links = ...;
$: if (links != null) {
links.forEach((link) => {
Using document.querySelectorAll is not idiomatic Svelte.
Changing class (or other attributes) use the template syntax:
<a class:active={link.id === $page.url.pathname}>
If you really need access to the DOM api's Svelte has bind:this or action to get access to specific elements.

Automatically parse query parameter to object when defined in NestJS

I am writing a NestJS application. Some of the endpoints support sorting e.g. Which means sort by id descending.
This parameter arrives as a #Query parameter and is passed to my service. This service transforms it into an object which is used by TypeORM:
id: 'DESC'
I don't want to call this conversion method manually every time I need sorting.
I've tried an intercepter but this one could not easily change the request parameters into the desired object.
A pipe worked but then I still need to add #Query(new SortPipe()) for every endpoint definition.
Another option is in the repository itself. The NestJS documentation is very well written, but misses guidance in where to put what.
Is there someone who had a similar issue with converting Query parameters before they are used in NestJS, and can explain what approach is the best within NestJS?
This question might look like an opinion based question, however I am looking for the way it is supposed to be done with the NestJS philosophy in mind.
Pipes are probably the easiest way to accomplish this. Instead of adding your pipe for every endpoint definition you can add a global pipe that will be called on every endpoint. In your main.ts:
async function bootstrap() {
app.useGlobalPipes(new SortPipe());
You can then create a pipe like this:
import { PipeTransform, Injectable, ArgumentMetadata } from '#nestjs/common';
export class SortPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
const { type } = metadata;
// Make sure to only run your logic on queries
if (type === 'query') return this.transformQuery(value);
return value;
transformQuery(query: any) {
if (typeof query !== 'object' || !value) return query;
const { sort } = query;
if (sort) query.sort = convertForTypeOrm(sort);
return query;
If you do not want sort value on ALL endpoints to be automatically converted, you can pass custom parameter to #Query(), for example #Query('sort'). And then:
transform(value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
const { type, data } = metadata;
// Make sure to only run your logic on queries when 'sort' is supplied
if (type === 'query' && data === 'sort') return this.transformQuery(value);
return value;

How to get entity from the argument and create if condition in Dialogflow Inline editor for fulfilment

I am completely new to Dialogflow and nodejs. I need to get the entity value from the argument to the function (agent) and apply if the condition on that. How can I achieve this?
I am trying below but every time I get else condition become true.
I have created an entity named about_member.
function about_member_handeller(agent)
agent.add('Yes Tarun');
agent.add("No tarun");
Please help.
In such cases, you may use console.log to help unleash your black box, like below:
function about_member_handeller(agent) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(agent, null, 2));
if(agent.about_member=="Tarun") {
agent.add('Yes Tarun');
else {
agent.add("No tarun");
JSON.stringfy() will serialize your json object into string and console.log will print the same on the stdOut. So once you run your code this will print the object structure for agent and after which you will know on how to access about_member. Because in the above code it's obvious that you are expecting about_member to be a string, but this code will let you know on the actual data in it and how to compare it.
To get the parameter you can use the following;
const valueOfParam = agent.parameters["parameterName"];

Black-hole error when route pointed to a class that extends plugin and uses extended class

In routes I have
Router::connect('/opauth-complete/*', array('controller' => 'app_users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete'));
If I change pointer to controller app_users with anything else and create controller everything works with no error. But I need it to work with AppUsersController.
AppUsersController looks like this
App::uses('UsersController', 'Users.Controller');
class AppUsersController extends UsersController {
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('AppUser');
// ...
// ...
public function opauth_complete() {
// ...
// ...
So, plugin is CakeDC Users and another plugin that goes to /example/callback after /example/auth/facebook is Opauth plugin.
Error message looks like this
The request has been black-holed
Error: The requested address '/example/opauth-complete' was not found on this server.
This is perfectly possible to make these two plugins work together; when browser points to /example/auth/facebook, it redirects to /example/auth/callback and somehow it needs opauth-complete route to link to specific method.
All works if not pointed to app_users that extends plugin, uses plugin. Does not work only with this case. How can users of these two plugins get around such situation.
I solved it by disabling Security component on Opauth action in my AppUsersController. Thing is that Opauth transfers data using POST and you should either change a method of it (ie: use Sessions, GET) or disable Security component.
For a method change use this in your bootstrap.php or core.php
Configure::write('Opauth.callback_transport', 'session'); // you can try 'get' too
To follow my approach add this to a controller where error occurs and where you place your opauth_complete method
public function beforeFilter() {
// ...
if (isset($this->Security) && $this->action == 'opauth_complete') {
$this->Security->validatePost = false;
$this->Security->csrfCheck = false;
// ...
P.S. Changing method to Sessions has its drawbacks, you can take a look at comments here at Github Opauth issue #16

Extending the YUI Panel

I have a requirement to extend the YUI Panel with some custom functionality that will be in a new file and shared across multiple views.
I am at a bit of a loss as to how best to go about this, can anyone give me any pointers please?
Let's say you want to extend a Panel to create one that has a list in its body. I usually use Y.Base.create for this. It's a more declarative way of extending YUI classes than using a constructor and Y.extend. But I'll stay closer to your example in the YUI forums.
There are a couple of tricks dealing with WidgetStdMod (one of the components of Y.Panel), but mostly it's just about using Y.extend and following the YUI inheritance patterns. I'll try to answer with an example:
function MyPanel() {
MyPanel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// hack: call it the same so you get the same css class names
// this is good for demos and tests. probably not for real life
MyPanel.NAME = 'panel';
MyPanel.ATTRS = {
listItems: {
// YUI now clones this array, so all's right with the world
value: []
bodyContent: {
// we want this so that WidgetStdMod creates the body node
// and we can insert our list inside it
value: ''
Y.extend(MyPanel, Y.Panel, {
// always a nice idea to keep templates in the prototype
LIST_TEMPLATE: '<ul class="yui3-panel-list"></ul>',
initializer: function (config) {
// you'll probably want to use progressive enhancement here
this._listContainer = Y.Node.create(this.LIST_TEMPLATE);
// initializer is also the place where you'll want to instantiate other
// objects that will live inside the panel
renderUI: function () {
// you're inheriting from Panel, so you'll want to keep its rendering logic
// renderUI/bindUI/syncUI don't call the superclass automatically like
// initializer and destructor
// Normally we would append stuff to the body in the renderUI method
// Unfortunately, as of 3.5.0 YUI still removes all content from the body
// during renderUI, so we either hack it or do everything in syncUI
// Hacking WidgetStdModNode is doable but I don't have the code around
// and I haven't memorized it
//var body = this.getStdModNode('body');
syncUI: function () {
// same here
// insert stuff in the body node
var listContainer = this._listContainer.appendTo(this.getStdModNode('body'));
Y.Array.each(this.get('listItems'), function (item) {
listContainer.append('<li>' + item + '</li>');
