This is the Azure B2C User Flow’s Application claims, where I can tick the Email Addresses and save it.
UserFlow Application Claims
How can I do this in custom policy? I am trying to add Multi-Tenant login to AAD B2C via custom policies and I need to select this ‘Email Addresses’ in the Application Claims from User Flow.
How can I select or activate this same ‘Email Addresses’ in custom policy XML files?
So far I tried adding -->> OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="signInNames.emailAddress" <<-- to the technical profiles, but still no luck.
The claim you want is "preferred_username".
Try to add <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="preferred_username" />.
My OIDC claims provider (Okta) provides the given_name and family_name values to my OIDC test harness app.
My Azure B2C claims provider uses the same scopes as my test app, but I can't get the given_name and family_name to be added to the B2C claim,
Scopes used when calling Okta CP:
<Item Key="scope">openid profile email</Item>
OutputClaims mapping in Okta CP:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="displayName" PartnerClaimType="name" />
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="email" DefaultValue="default value from input ClaimsProvider: email"/>
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="givenName" PartnerClaimType="given_name" DefaultValue="default value from input ClaimsProvider: givenName"/>
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="surname" PartnerClaimType="family_name" DefaultValue="default value from input ClaimsProvider: surname"/>
This configuration doesn't seem to get the values for these two claims. It does get the "name" and "email" values, so I feel confident the scopes are being honored. Using DefaultValues to debug, I see this in the Azure SAML test app.
SAML Login Success
Attribute Value Joe Blow default value from input ClaimsProvider: givenName default value from input ClaimsProvider: surname
Might be to late for the OP, but we just ran into this as well. It took us quite a while to find a solution.
Problem was not (in our case) the Azure AD B2C policy.
But instead the issue was with the Azure AD app registration (used for Ms + AAD accounts).
family_name+ given_name are optional claims
For those claims to be returned two things need to happen:
profile scope must be requested
configure the Azure AD app registration to return these 2 optional claims
This was the step we were missing
Here is the link to the doc explaining how to ensure an Azure AD app registration returns optional claims (its straight forward and only took 1min todo):
I am using the techniques described in AD B2C->Automation->Account Management to get an Access token for an application. This is working fine, but I want to add some custom claims to the returned token. Is there some way I can use Custom Policies to add custom claims when an application requests a token?
Note: I already have custom policies that I use for interactive signons, which add claims to the returned token. I would like to somehow use these in a non-interactive mode.
I already have custom policies... I would like to somehow use these in a non-interactive mode.
For non-interactive authentication/authorization w/ B2C that would the ROPC (Resource Owner Password Credentials) flow.
In the relying party file you can output custom claims:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="sub" />
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="objectId" />
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="myCustomClaim" DefaultValue="" />
Azure AD B2C Custom Policy is failing validation and there is no reference to what is causing the validation error.
I already had custom policies defined for my application to start with and everything works fine prior to my adding a simple companyName string to the signup process. I followed the steps detailed in this guide to add a field to collect at signup. I ran into issues uploading the singup_signing custom policy after successfully uploading the TrustFrameworkBase policy. It was telling me that
Validation failed: 1 validation error(s) found in policy "B2C_1A_SIGNUP_SIGNIN" of tenant "xxxxx".Output Claim 'companyName' is not supported in Azure Active Directory Provider technical profile 'AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId' of policy 'B2C_1A_signup_signin'. If it is a claim with default value, add AlwaysUseDefaultValue="true" to the output claim mapping.
So I did as suggested and added the AlwaysUseDefaultValue="true" and DefaultValue="" attributes to the OutputClaim in the 'AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId' technical profile. This allowed me to upload the policy file successfully.
However, when I test the signup_signin policy, I get a message stating
Unable to validate the information provided.
I have Application Insights setup for this tenant as well and see the equally vague error message
Error returned was 400/Request_BadRequest: One or more property values specified are invalid.
I added the claim type to the claims schema in FrameworkBase
<ClaimType Id="companyName">
<UserHelpText>Your company</UserHelpText>
I added the PersistedClaim to TechnicalProfile 'AAD-UserWriteUsingLogonEmail'
<PersistedClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="companyName" />
I added the OutputClaim to TechnicalProfiles 'AAD-UserReadUsingEmailAddress'
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="companyName" />
and 'AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId'
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="companyName" AlwaysUseDefaultValue="true" DefaultValue="" />
I added the OutputClaim to signup_signin.xml as well
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="companyName" />
I expect that the user is successfully signed up but get the validation error above instead
That example uses "city".
"Your Azure AD B2C directory comes with a built-in set of attributes. Examples are Given Name, Surname, City, Postal Code, and userPrincipalName."
So "city" is in the schema.
I assume from the error that "companyName" isn't.
To add that, you use a custom attribute.
So it would be "extension_companyName".
I have created custom policies for social and local accounts based on the example from the Active Directory B2C custom policy starter pack for social and local accounts. I have enabled the login with Microsoft and Google and tested that both work, I have also enabled logging in with a local account.
When I log in with google I get the following claims
When I log into a custom Azure AD tenant the set of claims is missing 'email', but the email is listed in the 'name' claim
exp,nbf,ver,iss,sub,aud,acr,nonce,iat,auth_time,given_name,family_name, name,idp,at_hash
When I log in as a local account the set of claims is missing 'email' and there is no email listed in any of the fields.
exp,nbf,ver,iss,sub,aud,acr,nonce,iat,auth_time,given_name, family_name,name,at_hash
Finally, when I look at the list of users in the B2C admin, these are all different user entries...even though the email address is the same. So I have 2 questions,
How do I get a consistent set of claims in the id_token
How do I link all these accounts together at registration time (Same UPN)
I believe these may be related, which is why I am asking them together.
You probably want to see the policies, but I assure you they are exactly the same as the policies in the starter pack, all I've done is change the tenant names and added google and azure in the trust framework extensions file.
For the Azure AD email claim, add the following <OutputClaim /> to the Azure AD OpenID Connect technical profile:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="unique_name" />
For the local account email claim, add the following <OutputClaim /> to the AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId technical profile:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="signInNames.emailAddress" />