nullif when zero or negative value - switch-statement

I frequently use the nullif when value equals to zero, and wondering if it's possible to also display null when it equals to negative number? My current formula is NULLIF({quantity}-{quantityshiprecv} ,0) but this displays negative numbers when {quantityshiprecv} is greater than {quantity}, and I'm hoping to display null.

You just need to modify the first argument to return 0 if {quantity}-{quantityshiprecv} is negative, but still give the correct answer if it's positve. Here's one way:
NULLIF(({quantity}-{quantityshiprecv} + ABS({quantity}-{quantityshiprecv}))/2,0)
This adds the absolute value of the difference to the unchanged difference. If the difference is positive, that gives you double what you want. If it's negative the absolute (ABS()) will negate that negative value leaving you with zero. You can then divide by 2; positive is now correct, negative remains zero. The rest of the NULLIF() remains the same.


How to evaluate a sum in excel to return 0 if the sum of two values is >0 (for my data I do not care about Positive values)

I am summing loads for member design and have the correct values for downforce. However, when I use my formulas for uplift (-) if there is no uplift it returns a positive value which is objectively correct however it is not needed for my purposes. I only need negative values for uplift.
I've tried
sumif(Range,SUM(Range)<0,Sum Range)
sumif(Range,"<0")... this just returns the only negative value which is not what I need
basically, i still need to sum the data but if it returns a positive it should return zero, and if it returns a negative keep the value
2+3 should = 0
3-9 should = -6
You can use MIN to not allow the value to become greater than 0
This will make any positive number 0 because 0 is lower than any positive number.
Something like this?

Scipy Median Filter Which Ignores Zero-Valued Datapoints?

I have been using the median_filter function from scipy.ndimage. I would like to use this in a way that discards any data that isn't positively valued.
That is, suppose one iteration of the filter acts over:
[40, 50, 0, 90]
If I simply run the median filter over this, I will get 45. I desire a function which ignores the zero, such that the median is 50.
Thanks for your suggestions!
In excel we do this by providing an if statement [then is implied.]
This would make any answer over 60 equal to 60.
=IF(E19A19=0,"", E19A19) ignores 0.
=IF(E19A19<=0,"", E19A19) returns nothing for 0 or any negative number. I hope this leads you in the right direction. It will depend on your platform but you are looking for eliminating all non positive inputs. something to the effect of
input [n]
If input [n] <= 0 zero, return null.
next input.

How to get first significant figure from a number in Excel?

I have a column of numbers in Excel 2016. The numbers span many orders of magnitude, but are all positive. Some are less than zero. How can I return the first significant figure of each cell in a new column?
For example, for the number 1.9 the result should be 1. For the number 0.9 the result should be 9.
Things I've tried:
Using LEFT() to get the first character. This works for values greater than 1, but for numbers between 0 - 1 it returns 0 (that is, LEFT(0.3, 1) returns 0). I've tried using this with scientific notation formatting and it returns the same result.
I've searched Google and SO for solutions to this problem. There are many posts about rounding to significant figures, but I'm looking to truncate, not round.
Reading through Office's online docs regarding scientific notation.
You could use scientific notation:
Note: You can only have 15 digits of precision in Excel so this should be OK.
you can multiply the number by a factor of 10 significant enough to deal with any 0 not wanted:
Read the cell value as text, replace dots and zeros (. / 0) with nothing, return the leftmost "character"; multiply it by 1 to coerce it back into a number:
You can also create a custom UDF (User Defined Function) that uses Regular Expressions to accomplish this task. This would require copy/paste VBA knowledge, as well as you setting a reference to:
Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
(which can be done by going to the VBE (Alt+F11), Tools > References. Then check the box of the reference listed above)
Paste the following UDF into a standard code module within the VBE:
Public Function SigNum(ByVal InputNumber As Double) As Long
Dim s As SubMatches
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\.0*([^0])|^([^0])"
If .test(InputNumber) Then
Set s = .Execute(InputNumber)(0).SubMatches
If s(0) > 0 Then ' This is before the period
SigNum = s(0)
SigNum = s(1)
End If
End If
End With
End Function
On your worksheet, you would be able to use your newly created formula as such:
You can see what it matches in the example on regex101. When viewing this site, green highlighted numbers are what would be returned if the value is < 0, and red would be what is returned if the value > 0). If the value = 0, this will return 0.
Breaking Down the Pattern
Here's how the pattern \.0*([^0])|^([^0]) works. First, you can see that there is a |, which essentially acts like an Or statement, so we will split these into two sections.
First Section \.0*([^0])
\. will match a literal period. This ensures that we are looking at a value that is less than 0.
0* matches all zeros, 0 to unlimited * times. We use * (zero to unlimited) instead of + (1 to unlimited) because a zero is not required to be in front of the significant number - but the zero itself isn't significant.
[^0] This is a negated character class [^...]. This means it will match anything that is not in this class. Since our significant number should be a value other than zero, we do not want to match a zero. And because it's surrounded by a capturing group (...), this is what is returned back to the function.
Second Section ^([^0])
We've established that since the first section didn't match, then the value must be greater than 0.
^ this is an anchor point that matches the beginning of the string. On the first section we didn't require it because we essentially used the period \. as our anchor. Since our value is greater than 0, we need to ensure we are starting from the absolute left of the input number.
(...) Capturing Group. Anything within this group will be returned as a submatch and ultimately back to the function as it's return value.
[^0] Negated Character class. It will match anything except a 0.

HEX2OCT formula in MS Excel returns incorrect result

While converting the hexadecimal value "FFFFFFFF00" into octal value using Hex2Oct of MS Excel, it should return "Error string" as per the rules mentioned here:
If number is negative, HEX2OCT ignores places and returns a 10-character octal number.
If number is negative, it cannot be less than FFE0000000, and if number is positive, it cannot be greater than 1FFFFFFF.
If number is not a valid hexadecimal number, HEX2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
If HEX2OCT requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
If places is nonnumeric, HEX2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
If places is negative, HEX2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
But it computes and returns as "7777777400" without considering the rules/remarks mentioned in the link.
For example:
While calculating HEX2OCT,
As per Excel rule, If number is positive, it cannot be greater than 1FFFFFFF(hex)<->3777777777(oct)<->536870911(decimal).
But while calculating the HEX2OCT for FFFFFFFF00(hex) <-> 7777777400(oct) <-> 1099511627520(decimal).
Here the hex value FFFFFFFF00 is greater than 1FFFFFFF, but MS Excel does not return the error string instead it returns the converted octal value.
Can anyone explain why?
FFFFFFFF00 is actually well within the range of hex2oct because it is a negative number.
According to that documentation the largest negative number it can handle is FFE0000000 which when converted to decimal is -536870912. Converting your "big" hex over to decimal yields -256.
The reason the value of FFFFFFFF00 looks so big is because it's a negative number. The first bit is set to 1 (when converted to binary) which signifies that the number is negative. Negatives are computed in binary using two's complement which is found by flipping each bit and then adding 1 to the number.
Undoing the two's complement:
For your big number, the binary representation is:
Subtracting 1:
Flipping all the bits:
Which is 256
So.. basically if the hex looks big, but the first bit is 1 then it's actually a small negative and well within your range of allowable values.
Lastly, when you hex2oct you don't get a negative sign for these because we are still not in decimal notation. The first bit of your octal is still a 1 (when converted to binary) since it's still the same number, just represented in a different counting system.
The clue lies earlier in the documentation page you quote:
The HEX2OCT function syntax has the following arguments:
Number Required. The hexadecimal number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more than 10 characters. The most significant
bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude
bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
The hex value FFFFFFFF00 corresponds the binary value
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000
and as the documentation says, "the most significant bit is the sign bit ... two's complement notation". So this value represents a negative number. By the rules of two's complement, it actually represents -256. And this is fine, because it is not "less than FFE0000000", as FFE0000000 is -2097152.
If you actually want to treat FFFFFFFF00 as an unsigned quantity, and get the octal representation of decimal 1099511627520, you'll need to use another method.

How to exclude zero entry from a dynamic formula (SUBTOTAL + SUMPRODUCT) in excel

I'm working on a formula to get the standard deviation. It has been working not until I encountered a zero value which makes the result into #DIV/0!.
This is the screenshot of the expected value.
However, when I used my formula, the Game Time SD returned 0.
How do I exclude it in the calculation if the value in F column is zero? I tried IF(F5:F9 <> 0) but it won't work.
This is the formula I used.
I know the problem is somewhere in F5:F9, since the divisor used is zero
The part you suspected in the code involves dividing by a denominator that happens to be a factor in the numerator. You can avoid a division by zero by simplifying that fraction.
can be reduced to
(H5:H9^2*(F5:F9-1) + (G5:G9^2*F5:F9))
Resulting in the formula (3rd line modified)
(H5:H9^2*(F5:F9-1) + (G5:G9^2*F5:F9))))-
(SUBTOTAL(9,F5:F9)-1)))^(1/2), 0)
In my tests without the enclosing IFERROR, I could set some rows to zero and get values. Only when the square rooted subtotal was negative (which logically should not happen) was the result #NUM.
Hope this helps.
