How to remove repeated elements from an iterator? - string

This a follow-up to my previous question.
How would you write a function to filter out adjacent duplicates from a given iterator?
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = ???
remove("aaabccbbad".iterator) // "abcbad"
P.S. The function should work when the whole input does not fit in the memory. That's why the function uses iterators.

You can use the following:
.map(ch => s"${ch}")
.reduce((s1, s2) => if(s1.takeRight(1) == s2) s1 else s1 + s2)
This results in
res0: String = abcbad
First for convenience I'm casting chars to strings. Then I'm comparing the last character of what I have already with consecutive characters and if they are different, I'm appending it.
More generally it could be like that: => ListBuffer.empty.addOne(el))
.reduce((lb1, lb2) => if(lb1.last == lb2.last) lb1 else lb1.addAll(lb2))

A bit too low level. But this ensures that it will be only consuming elements as they are needed.
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] =
new Iterator[A] {
private[this] var current: Option[A] = None
override def hasNext: Boolean =
it.hasNext || (current ne None)
override def next(): A = {
def loop(): A = (it.nextOption(), current) match {
case (Some(a), Some(c)) if (a == c) =>
case (sa # Some(a), Some(c)) =>
current = sa
case (sa # Some(a), None) =>
current = sa
case (None, Some(c)) =>
current = None
case (None, None) =>
More or less the same as above, but using unfold instead.
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = {
type State = (Option[A], Option[A]) // value -> current
def process(state: State): Option[State] = state match {
case (Some(a), sc # Some(c)) if (a == c) =>
Some(None -> sc)
case (sa # Some(a), sc # Some(c)) =>
Some(sc -> sa)
case (sa # Some(a), None) =>
Some(None -> sa)
case (None, sc # Some(c)) =>
Some(sc -> None)
case (None, None) =>
Iterator.unfold(it.nextOption() -> Option.empty[A]) { state =>
process(state).map {
case (value, current) =>
(value -> (it.nextOption() -> current))
} collect {
case Some(a) => a
(they could be made more efficient using null instead of Option, but it requires special handling of primitives)

I would transform the input iterator to an iterator of lists of duplicates and then just map every list to its head. In order to do it I would use two functions from my previous questions:
function splitDupes: Iterator[A] => (List[A], Iterator[A]) (suggested here) to split out a prefix of duplicates and return a pair of the prefix and the rest
function split: Iterator[A] => Iterator[List[A]] (suggested here) to transform a given iterator into an iterator of lists of duplicates using splitDupes.
Thanks a lot to Kolmar for these suggestions. Using them I can implement remove like that:
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = split(it).flatMap(_.headOption)
See below implementations of splitDupes and split just for the reference:
def splitDupes[A](it: Iterator[A]): (List[A], Iterator[A]) = {
if (it.isEmpty) {
(Nil, Iterator.empty)
} else {
val head =
val (dupes, rest) = it.span(_ == head)
(head +: dupes.toList, rest)
def split[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[List[A]] = {
Iterator.iterate(splitDupes(it))(x => splitDupes(x._2)).map(_._1).takeWhile(_.nonEmpty)

I think its easier with tail recursion:
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = {
def removeLoop(result: Iterator[A], remaining: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = {
if(remaining.isEmpty) {
} else {
val e =;
removeLoop(result ++ Iterator(e), remaining.dropWhile(a => a == e))
removeLoop(Iterator.empty[A], it)
remove("aaabccbbad".iterator) // "abcbad"
Edit: As per the comment, the above implementation is not lazy.
A possible lazy implementation will look something like this:
def remove[A](it: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = new AbstractIterator[A] {
var lastElement: A = _
def hasNext: Boolean = it.hasNext
def next(): A = {
def nextLoop(lastElement: A, it: Iterator[A]): A = {
val temp =
if(lastElement == temp)
nextLoop(lastElement, it)
lastElement = nextLoop(lastElement, it)
remove("aaabccbbad".iterator).take(2).foreach(print) // "ab"
remove("aaabccbbad".iterator).foreach(print) // "abcbad"


running Scala threads

I am an absolute beginner in Scala, but have this problem to solve.
So i have a list of parameters
itemList = List('abc', 'def', 'ghi','jkl','mno', 'pqr')
I have these 3 parameter queries
val q1 = "env='dev1'&id='123'&listitem='xyz'"
val q2 = "env='dev2'&id='1234'&listitem='xyz'"
val q3 = "env='dev3'&id='12345'&listitem='xyz'"
val report1 = getReport(q1)
val report2 = getReport(q2)
val report3 = getReport(q3)
So I am trying to loop through the list, replace the listitem parameter in q1, q2 and q3 with the listitem and then run the http request report for each item in the list.
Since each getReport request is asynchronous, i need to wait , and so i cannot go to the next item in the list, as it would be if i were to do a loop.
So i would like to start up 3 threads for each item in the list and then combine the 3 reports into 1 final one, or i could do it sequentially.
How would i go about doing it with 3 Threads for each item in the list?
This is my idea:
val reportToken = [ q1, q2,q3 ]
val listTasks = [ getReport(q1) , getReport(q2) , getReport(q3) ]
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
val thread = new Thread {
override def run {
listTasks (reportToken(i))
val concat += listTask(i)
You can wrap each of your tasks in a Future, apply map/recover to handle the successful/failed Futures, and use Future.sequence to transform the list of Futures into a Future of list. Here's a trivialized example:
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
def getReport(q: String) = q match {
case "q2" => throw new Exception()
case q => s"got $q"
val reportToken = Seq("q1", "q2", "q3")
val listTasks = q => Future{ getReport(q) } )
// listTasks: Seq[scala.concurrent.Future[String]] = ...
val f = Future.sequence({case _ => None})
// f: scala.concurrent.Future[Seq[Option[String]]] = ...
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
// res1: Seq[Option[String]] = List(Some(got q1), None, Some(got q3))
For more details about Futures, here's a relevant Scala doc.
Assuming def getReport(str: String): Future[HttpResponse]
Future.sequence( item => {
for {
report1 <- getReport(q1.replace("xyz", item))
report2 <- getReport(q2.replace("xyz", item))
report3 <- getReport(q3.replace("xyz", item))
} yield {
(report1, report2, report3)
})).onComplete {
case Success(res) => // do something
case Failure(err) => // handle error

Defining and reading a nullable date column in Slick 3.x

I have a table with a column type date. This column accepts null values, therefore, I declared it as an Option (see field perDate below). The issue is that apparently the implicit conversion from/to java.time.LocalDate/java.sql.Date is incorrect as reading from this table when perDate is null fails with the error:
slick.SlickException: Read NULL value (null) for ResultSet column <computed>
This is the Slick table definition, including the implicit function:
import java.sql.Date
import java.time.LocalDate
class FormulaDB(tag: Tag) extends Table[Formula](tag, "formulas") {
def sk = column[Int]("sk", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def name = column[String]("name")
def descrip = column[Option[String]]("descrip")
def formula = column[Option[String]]("formula")
def notes = column[Option[String]]("notes")
def periodicity = column[Int]("periodicity")
def perDate = column[Option[LocalDate]]("per_date")(localDateColumnType)
def * = (sk, name, descrip, formula, notes, periodicity, perDate) <>
((Formula.apply _).tupled, Formula.unapply)
implicit val localDateColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[Option[LocalDate], Date](
case Some(localDate) => Date.valueOf(localDate)
case None => null
sqlDate => if (sqlDate != null) Some(sqlDate.toLocalDate) else None
Actually your implicit conversion from/to java.time.LocalDate/java.sql.Date is not incorrect.
I have faced the same error, and doing some research I found that the Node created by the Slick SQL Compiler is actually of type MappedJdbcType[Scala.Option -> LocalDate], and not Option[LocalDate].
That is the reason why when the mapping compiler create the column converter for your def perDate it is creating a Base ResultConverterand not a Option ResultConverter
Here is the Slick code for the base converter:
def base[T](ti: JdbcType[T], name: String, idx: Int) = (ti.scalaType match {
case ScalaBaseType.byteType => new BaseResultConverter[Byte](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Byte]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.shortType => new BaseResultConverter[Short](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Short]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.intType => new BaseResultConverter[Int](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Int]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.longType => new BaseResultConverter[Long](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Long]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.charType => new BaseResultConverter[Char](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Char]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.floatType => new BaseResultConverter[Float](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Float]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.doubleType => new BaseResultConverter[Double](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Double]], name, idx)
case ScalaBaseType.booleanType => new BaseResultConverter[Boolean](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[Boolean]], name, idx)
case _ => new BaseResultConverter[T](ti.asInstanceOf[JdbcType[T]], name, idx) {
override def read(pr: ResultSet) = {
val v = ti.getValue(pr, idx)
if(v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq null) throw new SlickException("Read NULL value ("+v+") for ResultSet column "+name)
}).asInstanceOf[ResultConverter[JdbcResultConverterDomain, T]]
Unfortunately I have no solution for this problem, what I suggest as a workaround, is to map your perDate property as follows:
import java.sql.Date
import java.time.LocalDate
class FormulaDB(tag: Tag) extends Table[Formula](tag, "formulas") {
def sk = column[Int]("sk", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def name = column[String]("name")
def descrip = column[Option[String]]("descrip")
def formula = column[Option[String]]("formula")
def notes = column[Option[String]]("notes")
def periodicity = column[Int]("periodicity")
def perDate = column[Option[Date]]("per_date")
def toLocalDate(time : Option[Date]) : Option[LocalDate] = => t.toLocalDate))
def toSQLDate(localDate : Option[LocalDate]) : Option[Date] = => Date.valueOf(localDate)))
private type FormulaEntityTupleType = (Int, String, Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Int, Option[Date])
private val formulaShapedValue = (sk, name, descrip, formula, notes, periodicity, perDate).shaped[FormulaEntityTupleType]
private val toFormulaRow: (FormulaEntityTupleType => Formula) = { formulaTuple => {
Formula(formulaTuple._1, formulaTuple._2, formulaTuple._3, formulaTuple._4, formulaTuple._5, formulaTuple._6, toLocalDate(formulaTuple._7))
private val toFormulaTuple: (Formula => Option[FormulaEntityTupleType]) = { formulaRow =>
Some((,, formulaRow.descrip, formulaRow.formula, formulaRow.notes, formulaRow.periodicity, toSQLDate(formulaRow.perDate)))
def * = formulaShapedValue <> (toFormulaRow, toFormulaTuple)
Hopefully the answer comes not too late.
I'm pretty sure the problem is that your'e returning null from your mapping function instead of None.
Try rewriting your mapping function as a function from LocalDate to Date:
implicit val localDateColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[LocalDate, Date](
localDate => Date.valueOf(localDate)
sqlDate => sqlDate.toLocalDate
Alternately, mapping from Option[LocalDate] to Option[Date] should work:
implicit val localDateColumnType =
MappedColumnType.base[Option[LocalDate], Option[Date]](
localDateOption =>
sqlDateOption =>

repeat action several times and collect the result

I have an action which I need to do over an object several times and the collect the result of each action with that object.
Basically it looks like this
def one_action = { obj ->
def eval_object = process(obj)
eval_object.processed = true
return eval_object
def multiple_actions = { obj, n, action ->
def result = []
n.times {
result << action(obj)
return result
println multiple_actions(object, 10, one_action)
Is there a way to omit declaration of def result = [] and return the list directly from the closure?
You can collect the range, starting from zero:
def one_action = { obj ->
"a $obj"
def multiple_actions = { obj, n, action ->
(0..<n).collect { action obj }
assert multiple_actions("b", 3, one_action) == ["a b"] * 3

Call method multiple times with each member of a collection as parameter

Let's say that I have a collection of parameters
def params = ['a','b','c']
Is there a short way to run a method that accepts a single parameter once for every element of a collection to replace this:
params.each {
with something more declarative (like a "reverse" spread operator)?
You can use collect:
def params = ['a','b','c']
def foo(param) {
'foo-' + param
assert ['foo-a', 'foo-b', 'foo-c'] == params.collect { foo(it) }
Or just a closure
def foo = { a -> a + 2 }
def modified = list.collect foo
You can use method pointer:
def l = [1,2,3]
l.each(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
Or add a method that will do the task you need:
def l = [1,2,3]
List.metaClass.all = { c ->
l.all(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
return l+2

Assigning values dynamically from a groovy config file

As I am reading values from a file in my Groovy code, I want to assign these values to the equivalent properties in my object as i am iterating through the map values!
new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File(configManager.config.myFile.filepath)
.toURI().toURL()).each { k,v ->
if (k == 'something') {
v.each {
myObject.$it =v.$it
// so here i want this dynamic assignment to occur
You code there would already work like this, if you would use the form:
myObject."$it.key" = it.value
Here is a slightly more protective version:
class MyObject {
Long x,y
def obj = new MyObject()
def cfg = new ConfigSlurper().parse('''\
a {
x = 42
y = 666
b {
x = 93
y = 23
cfg.b.findAll{ obj.hasProperty(it.key) }.each{
assert obj.x==93 && obj.y==23
