Cassandra dynamic column family - cassandra

I am new to cassandra and I read some articles about static and dynamic column family.
It is mentioned ,From Cassandra 3 table and column family are same.
I created key space, some tables and inserted data into that table.
CREATE TABLE subscribers(
id uuid,
email text,
first_name text,
last_name text,
PRIMARY KEY(id,email)
INSERT INTO subscribers(id,email,first_name,last_name)
INSERT INTO subscribers(id,email,first_name,last_name)
INSERT INTO subscribers(id,email,first_name,last_name)
It all seems to work fine.
But what I need is to create a dynamic column family with only data types and no predefined columns.
With insert query I can have different arguments and the table should be inserted.
In articles, it is mentioned ,for dynamic column family, there is no need to create a schema(predefined columns).
I am not sure if this is possible in cassandra or my understanding is wrong.
Let me know if this is possible or not?
if possible Kindly provide with some examples.
Thanks in advance.

I think that articles that you're referring where written in the first years of Cassandra, when it was based on the Thrift protocols. Cassandra Query Language was introduced many years ago, and now it's the way to work with Cassandra - Thrift is deprecated in Cassandra 3.x, and fully removed in the 4.0 (not released yet).
If you really need to have fully dynamic stuff, then you can try to emulate this by using table with columns as maps from text to specific type, like this:
create table abc (
id int primary key,
imap map<text,int>,
tmap map<text,text>,
... more types
but you need to be careful - there are limitations and performance effects when using collections, especially if you want to store more then hundreds of elements.
another approach is to store data as individual rows:
create table xxxx (
id int,
col_name text,
ival int,
tval text,
... more types
primary key(id, col_name));
then you can insert individual values as separate columns:
insert into xxxx(id, col_name, ival) values (1, 'col1', 1);
insert into xxxx(id, col_name, tval) values (1, 'col2', 'text');
and select all columns as:
select * from xxxx where id = 1;


Cassandra select CQL: Cannot add column after wildcard

I need to output the write timestamp as part of a table export for lots of tables, though I quite cannot figure out a way which does not force me to explicitely select all columns in the statement.
Instead of being able to do just this:
SELECT *, writetime(data) AS timestamp FROM dls.licenses;
I have to do that:
SELECT column1, column2, ... , writetime(data) AS timestamp FROM dls.licenses;
This is pretty unconvenient since it means I'd have to change the export tool every time the schema of any of the tables changes.
Is there a better way?
Edit: To clarify, the actual error I get is the following. The way the syntax is presented in the error one could think that the SQL should be ok:
SELECT *, writetime(id) AS timestamp FROM dls.licenses;
SyntaxException: line 1:8 mismatched input ',' expecting K_FROM (SELECT *[,]...)
Edit 2: Here is the keyspace and create statement used for this table:
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS dls WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': ‚1‘ };
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dls.licenses (subscription_id text, id text, key text, data text, PRIMARY KEY (key));
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON dls.licenses (id);
BTW: I'm using the fresh Cassandra 4.0.0 (GA).
If you are exporting to CSV or JSON files, you may consider using DataStax's dsbulk.
The latest version of dsbulk 1.8.0 added support to export writetime and ttl.
dsbulk unload -url myData.csv -k ks1 -t table1 --timestamp
The WHERE clause specifies which rows must be queried. It is composed of relations on the columns that are part of the PRIMARY KEY and/or have a secondary index defined on them.
The column specification of the relation must be one of the following:
One or more members of the partition key of the table
A clustering column, only if the relation is preceded by other relations that specify all columns in the partition key
A column that is indexed using CREATE INDEX.
In Cassandra 3.6 and later, add ALLOW FILTERING to filter only on a non-indexed cluster column.
You may be able to solve your query problem by creating a secondary index on the column you want the writetime for. Keep in mind secondary indexes create overhead and which may result in unintended consequences.
The star (*) in SELECT * is the CQL syntax for "ALL columns" so by definition, it is not possible to include another column since ALL of them are selected even for native CQL functions. For this reason, you need to enumerate all column names + functions-on-columns.
+1 to Yuki's answer. I wanted to add that DSBulk adds a WRITETIME() column for every column in the table because it isn't possible to know in advance the write-time of each column in the partition until the full partition has been read.
Allow me to explain it using a couple of examples.
Consider this table:
CREATE TABLE users_by_email (
email text,
name text,
address text,
mobile text,
Example 1
If we add a new record with a value specified for all columns:
INSERT INTO users_by_email (email, name, address, mobile)
VALUES ('', 'Alice', '221B Baker St', '098-765-432-109');
then for this partition, all columns will have the same write-time.
Example 2
Consider a situation where a record is fragmented across multiple inserts over a period of time such as:
INSERT INTO users_by_email (email, name) VALUES ('', 'Bob');
INSERT INTO users_by_email (email, address) VALUES ('', '350 Fifth Ave');
INSERT INTO users_by_email (email, mobile) VALUES ('', '012-555-123-456');
Each of the columns name, address and mobile would all have different write-times.
From these 2 examples, you should see that there isn't always a single write-time that applies to all columns in the partition.
For your specific use case, you need to figure out from the DSBulk output which write-time to use for situations where the partition fragments are inserted/updated at different times. Cheers!

Cassandra how can I simulate a join statement

I am new to cassandra and am coming from Postgres. I was wondering if there is a way that I can get data from 2 different tables or column family and then return the results. I have this query
select p.fullname,p.picture,, s.comments, s.state, FROM profiles as p INNER JOIN Chats as s ON( WHERE s.latitudes>=28 AND 29>= s.latitudes AND s.longitudes
">=-21 AND -23>= s.longitudes
The query has 2 tables: Profiles and Chat and they both share a common field it boils down to this basically return all rows where Chat ID is equal to Profiles id. I would like to keep it that way because now updating profiles are simple and would only need to update 1 row per profile update instead of de-normalizing everything and updating thousands of records. Any help or suggestions would be great
You have to design tables in way you won't need joins. Best practice is if your table matches exactly the use case it is used for.
Cassadra has a feature called shared static columns; this allows you to bind values with partition part of primary key. Thus, you can create "joined" version of table without duplicates.
p_id uuid,
p_fullname text STATIC,
p_picture text STATIC,
s_id uuid,
s_post text,
s_comments text,
s_state text,
s_city text,
PRIMARY KEY (p_id, s_id)

Convert dynamic Cassandra column family to static one

Let's say I have a column family in Cassandra that was created using cassandra-cli like this:
create column family users with key_validation_class = UTF8Type and comparator = UTF8Type;
In terms of the thrift to CQL3 migration guide from Datastax this is a dynamic column family.
When viewed from CQL3 client using DESCRIBE TABLE users it looks like this:
key text,
column1 text,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)
That is the expected behavior. What I want is to add column metadata so that the column family is viewed as static.
So I tried this using cassandra-cli:
update column family users
with column_metadata = [{column_name: email, validation_class: UTF8Type}];
However the end result in CQL3 is not what I wanted:
key text,
column1 text,
value blob,
email text,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)
What I expected is the same result as when I create the column family with the metadata from the beginning:
create column family users2
with key_validation_class = UTF8Type
and comparator = UTF8Type
and column_metadata = [{column_name: email, validation_class: UTF8Type}];
In that case the CQL3 view of this is what I want:
key text PRIMARY KEY,
email text
Is there some way how I can add column metadata to a column family that was created without any - so that it would be viewed from CQL3 the same way as if the metadata was provided when the column family was created? Without re-creating the column family, of course.
It's not possible to create static column using the old Thrift API. In fact, a static column is just a trick, e.g. a column with clustering value = NULL so there is only 1 instance of it for each partition key.
See those 2 slides for the explanation (sorry text in French):
You should take this opportunity to migrate to CQL. Thrift is deprecated and even disable by default starting with Cassandra 3.x
Ok I see what you mean. Look at the system keyspace, table schema_columnfamilies.
I think the label of the partition keys and clustering columns are stored there.
It maybe possible to change them but I don't know if it's a good idea to hack into those meta tables directly.
If you have n nodes, you'll probably need to update the label on all those nodes since the system keyspace has a LocalStrategy.
Execute this query to see the actual labels:
SELECT key_aliases,key_validator,column_aliases,comparator
FROM system.schema_columnfamilies
WHERE keyspace_name='xxx'
AND columnfamily_name='users';

Why cassandra/cql restrict to use where clause on a column that not indexed?

I have a table as follows in Cassandra 2.0.8:
empid int,
deptid int,
first_name text,
last_name text,
PRIMARY KEY (empid, deptid)
when I try to search by: "select * from emp where first_name='John';"
cql shell says:
"Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator"
I searched for the issue and every places it says add a secondary index for the column 'first_name'.
But I need to know the exact reason for why that column need to be indexed?
Only thing I can figure out is performance.
Any other reasons?
Cassandra does not support for searching by arbitrary column. It is because it would involve scanning all the rows, which is not supported.
The data are internally organised into something which one can compare to HashMap[X, SortedMap[Y, Z]]. The key of the outer map is a partition key value and the key of the inner map is a kind of concatenation of all clustering columns values and a name of some regular column.
Unless you have an index on a column, you need to provide full (preferred) or partial path to the data you want to collect with the query. Therefore, you should design your schema so that queries contain primary key value and some range on clustering columns.
You may read about what is allowed and what is not here
Alternatively you can create an index in Cassandra, but that will hamper your write performance.

Does CQL3 require a schema for Cassandra now?

I've just had a crash course of Cassandra over the last week and went from Thrift API to CQL to grokking SuperColumns to learning I shouldn't use them and user Composite Keys instead.
I'm now trying out CQL3 and it would appear that I can no longer insert into columns that are not defined in the schema, or see those columns in a select *
Am I missing some option to enable this in CQL3 or does it expect me to define every column in the schema (defeating the purpose of wide, flexible rows, imho).
Yes, CQL3 does require columns to be declared before used.
But, you can do as many ALTERs as you want, no locking or performance hit is entailed.
That said, most of the places that you'd use "dynamic columns" in earlier C* versions are better served by a Map in C* 1.2.
I suggest you to explore composite columns with "WITH COMPACT STORAGE".
A "COMPACT STORAGE" column family allows you to practically only define key columns:
CREATE TABLE entities_cargo (
entity_id ascii,
item_id ascii,
qt ascii,
PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, item_id)
Actually, when you insert different values from itemid, you dont add a row with entity_id,item_id and qt, but you add a column with name (item_id content) and value (qt content).
insert into entities_cargo (entity_id,item_id,qt) values(100,'oggetto 1',3);
insert into entities_cargo (entity_id,item_id,qt) values(100,'oggetto 2',3);
Now, here is how you see this rows in CQL3:
cqlsh:goh_master> select * from entities_cargo where entity_id = 100;
entity_id | item_id | qt
100 | oggetto 1 | 3
100 | oggetto 2 | 3
And how they are if you check tnem from cli:
[default#goh_master] get entities_cargo[100];
=> (column=oggetto 1, value=3, timestamp=1349853780838000)
=> (column=oggetto 2, value=3, timestamp=1349853784172000)
Returned 2 results.
You can access a single column with
select * from entities_cargo where entity_id = 100 and item_id = 'oggetto 1';
Hope it helps
Cassandra still allows using wide rows. This answer references that DataStax blog entry, written after the question was asked, which details the links between CQL and the underlying architecture.
Legacy support
A dynamic column family defined through Thrift with the following command (notice there is no column-specific metadata):
create column family clicks
with key_validation_class = UTF8Type
and comparator = DateType
and default_validation_class = UTF8Type
Here is the exact equivalent in CQL:
key text,
column1 timestamp,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)
Both of these commands create a wide-row column family that stores records ordered by date.
CQL Extras
In addition, CQL provides the ability to assign labels to the row id, column and value elements to indicate what is being stored. The following, alternative way of defining this same structure in CQL, highlights this feature on DataStax's example - a column family used for storing users' clicks on a website, ordered by time:
user_id text,
time timestamp,
url text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, time)
a Table in CQL is always mapped to a Column Family in Thrift
the CQL driver uses the first element of the primary key definition as the row key
Composite Columns are used to implement the extra columns that one can define in CQL
using WITH COMPACT STORAGE is not recommended for new designs because it fixes the number of possible columns. In other words, ALTER TABLE ... ADD is not possible on such a table. Just leave it out unless it's absolutely necessary.
interesting, something I didn't know about CQL3. In PlayOrm, the idea is it is a "partial" schema you must define and in the WHERE clause of the select, you can only use stuff that is defined in the partial schema BUT it returns ALL the data of the rows EVEN the data it does not know about....I would expect that CQL should have been doing the same :( I need to look into this now.
