Here is a brief overview of a problem:
I want to call bean lifecycle methods without restarting an application.
I need to call interceptor methods (PostConstruct and PreDestroy) of superclasses during reloading of beans in Quarkus and CDI/Weld.
For example, I have end-point for that: /reload - it fires bean reload where I need to go through all beans annotated with my custom annotation and call(if such an annotation presents) posconstr and predestr annotations, BUT I want to preserve bean call order (if bean extends superclass that has such lifecycle callback, then I want to call it first).
What I did to fix it: I used a reflection to call them. But I think it is a kind of dirty fix and hope there should be a more wise solution. There is a solution using CDI:
CDI has getInjectionTargetFactory in beanManager, Quarkus does not support this method.
It works but I search solution using Quarkus methods.
Does Quarkus have a possibility to call postConstruct and preDestroy methods of all beans without restarting an application?
You can use the regular CDI annotations #PostConstruct and #PreDestroy on your beans. Quarkus will honor them.
For example:
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
public class MyBean {
void init() {
// do something
void destroy() {
// do something
Be careful that they will be called at bean initialization and destruction time not application initialization and destruction time, for this there is specific event that you can listen on :
My environment: Java 7/JSF 2.1/PrimeFaces 6.1.
My goal: to have a certain page of my application instantiated many times, one for each browser tab, each one with a different context.
My problem: everytime I open a second browser tab requesting from the same url, but with different object id, the previous one is destroyed, so only one backing bean instance is kept alive.
How do I know that: In my backing bean I have one method annotated with #PosConstruct and other with #PreDestroy, so I can track the life cicle of the instances.
My backing bean is annotated as follows:
public class MyBackingBeanMB extends AbstractBackingBeanMB {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// many fields and methods
The #ViewController annotation is provided by the application framework I have to use. Such an annotation is declared as:
#ViewScoped // For me, this should do the trick, but...
public #interface ViewController {
Update 1:
The #Controller annotation is also provided by the framework I use and is declared as:
#Target({ TYPE, METHOD })
public #interface Controller {
Any ideas of what could be wrong?
After some digging in the Internet I found Apache DeltaSpike, which provider a new kind of managed bean scope, WindowScoped.
Managed beans annotated with #WindowScoped` operate just like I wanted, providing me with the exact behaviour I needed and it is absolutely compatible with the framework I have to use.
I want to give on-the-go scope to a pojo bean in CDI during injection.
I created a plain bean and injected the same as #javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped in a #javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped Managed Bean like this:
Pojo pojo;
// POJO Class
Class Pojo {
private String var;
public Pojo() {
public String getVar() {
return var;
public void setVar(String var) {
this.var = var;
The Pojo bean's populated values could not be restored in a new view bean when I inject using the same syntax.
But it works when I use #ApplicationScoped in the class declaration instead, followed by non-scoped injection, like this:
Class Pojo {
private String var;
Pojo pojo;
The former case gets resolved when I make a producer and qualifier but I feel this would be an overhead I should do without. Being new to CDI, I want to ask what I am really missing here.
Scope and Context management are a very powerful feature in CDI. It is also part of the business logic of the components (an #ApplicationScoped bean won't be developed the same way than a #RequestScoped), that's why the scope is link to bean definition.
An injection point is only a place where you consume a bean and not a place where you define it, so there is no way to define the scope of a bean at the injection point at spec level.
Now if you really want to use this feature you could develop a portable extension to add this possibility. But you'll probably have to work on a qualifier system as well since scope is not used in bean resolving process (i.e. 2 beans with the same type in different scope will be in conflict for a given injection point if they don't have specific qualifier).
I instantiated a request bean from another request bean,
new LoginManager();
But the property which is annotated with #ManagedProperty doesn't get the value from the asked reference, only in case of instantiation through the above way. It just contains null, causing NPE later in code. Also #PostConstruct won't be invoked. Why is it so & how should I deal with this?
#ManagedBean(name = "loginManager")
public class LoginManager {
private String userid;
private String password;
private UserSessionManager userSession;
But userSession can't read from the session scoped bean when this bean was instantiated using: new LoginManager();
However I can read the value using FacesContext!
You should not manually instantiate (manage) beans using new operator. You should let JSF do the job of managing the beans and instead grab the JSF-managed (JSF-instantiated) instance.
Either by #ManagedProperty in the bean where you need it:
private LoginManager loginManager;
Or by invoking EL programmatically (which is pretty borderline in your particular case):
LoginManager loginManager = context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{loginManager}", LoginManager.class);
// ...
If you insist in instantiating and managing the bean yourself, you should do all dependency injections yourself, also invoking the #PostConstruct yourself, if any, and finally also putting the bean in the desired scope yourself. E.g.
LoginManager loginManager = new LoginManager();
// Now use reflection to find and invoke #PostConstruct method.
// Finally store in the map which conforms the bean's scope.
externalContext.getRequestMap().put("loginManager", loginManager);
This boilerplate is exactly what JSF is supposed to take away from your hands. Make use of it.
After I commit some data into the database I want my session beans to automatically refresh themselves to reflect the recently committed data. How do I achieve this when using managed session beans in JSF 2.0?
Currently I have to restart the web server in order for the sessions to clear and load anew again.
2 ways:
Put them in the view scope instead. Storing view-specific data sessionwide is a waste. If you have a performance concern, you should concentrate on implementing connection pooling, DB-level pagination and/or caching in the persistence layer (JPA2 for example supports second level caching).
public class FooBean {
// ...
Add a public load() method so that it can be invoked from the action method (if necessary, from another bean).
public class FooBean {
private List<Foo> foos;
private FooService fooService;
public void load() {
foos = fooService.list();
// ...
which can be invoked in action method inside the same bean (if you submit the form to the very same managed bean of course):
public void submit() {;
or from an action method in another bean (for the case that your managed bean design is a bit off from usual):
private FooBean fooBean;
public void submit() {;
This of course only affects the current session. If you'd like to affect other sessions as well, you should really consider putting them in the view scope instead, as suggested in the 1st way.
See also:
How to choose the right bean scope?
How do I simulate the #postConstruct behaviour in JSF 1.1 like as in JSF 1.2 and newer?
Actually, I want to call a bean method automatically during page loading?
I am using IceFaces 1.8 on JSF 1.1.
The point of #PostConstruct is to provide a hook to execute some code after all managed properties (as in <managed-property> or #ManagedProperty) are been set and all dependency injections (e.g. #EJB, #Resource, #Inject and so on) have taken place.
If you don't have any of them, just use the bean's constructor.
public class Bean {
public Bean() {
// Just do your job here. Don't do it the hard way.
// ...
Or if you actually want to execute it when a specific property has been set, then do the job in the setter while null-checking the current property value.
public class Bean {
private SomeObject someManagedProperty;
public void setSomeManagedProperty(someManagedProperty) {
if (this.someManagedProperty == null && someManagedProperty != null) {
// First-time set, now you can do your job here.
this.someManagedProperty = someManagedProperty;
// ...
Update as per the comments:
I meant to execute the method every time the page is loaded
The #PostConstruct doesn't do that. However, if the bean is request scoped, then you will see the same effect. You seem to be using a session or application scoped managed bean to manage request scoped data. This is in essence wrong. You should convert it to a request scoped bean. Any real session scoped data can be split into a session scoped bean which you then inject by <managed-property>.