Are modern browsers capable of blocking all DNS spoofing attacks as they use HSTS or is it still possible to spoof?
When we talk about information security, we usually think that the more the system rely on secure hardware, the saver the system is than that rely secured software for the same security function. Why? Won't a secure hardware have a bug within it?
It depends upon your system. What type of system are you talking about.
Stand alone system, server, application system etc. Suppose if you talk about server, developing firewall using s/w is not enough. We have to use different h/w devices as well as securing the server from different hazards.
When we talk about the stand alone application there can be firewall, password security and also user lock devices. So every system has its own type of security requirements.
I have 100mbps Broadband Internet Line. So my question is high speed internet can get some advantage browsing Ddos attacked high traffic website.
From wikipedia: In computing, a denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users.
Since you are a client who's trying to browse the server that is under attack, my simple logic says no. And this question is not programming related, so not proper for here.
Ok, been hosting a few games servers on my home computer, and am now also setting up a personal ftp server.
I am sharing my ip-adress with some friends and family with intetions of using this server, but when one of my friends threatened "hacking" my computer (I know he doesn't possess any such skills). It got me thinking.
If I do not reveal my ip address to strangers (or even if I do), are there any security threats.
Also at what scale are these threats. Will an every day programmer be able to cause damage while I host this server?
P.S. I am using xlight ftp software to host this server.
Your friends are not the ones you have to concern about.
Your ip , like everyone else, will be scanned in several ports several times per minute.
Internet is full of bots, launching petitions, looking for holes to exploit and systems to
dig in.
Just be sure to be behind a firewall, nat only desired services ports, and try not to use a conventional one. Install an additional software firewall if possible.
I would also recommend you to use a SFTP server. (Based on SSH and encryped). Standard FTP traffic is raw and can be easily sniffed.
I am very new to networking, I am working on an old codebase from 2003 with a friend and we are having problems where we had some issues with packet spoofing and packet replay attacks. We have a client and server infrastructure using winsock 2 and overlapped I/O from what I can understand, what would be a relatively quick and easy way to add security without completly rewriting that part of the codebase?
I have a client server environment and would like to secure the network traffic using IPsec. What is involved to get this implemented? The application is working fine, I just need to secure the traffic between computers.
What do I need - certificates on each computer for example? Do I need to make changes to the socket read/write code?
Since IPSec is implemented at the IP level, your application does not need to be changed for IPSec (and it will not notice anything about it).
What exactly is needed for IPSec depends - but you'd be better off asking this question on serverfault.