I've just upgraded from Windows 7 to windows 10. I used to use Paradox 5 with BDE administrator and things worked fine. However Paradox 5 didn't work with windows 10, so I upgraded it to Paradox 11. That's the context for what I'm going to ask next:
I'm trying to get Paradox to connect correctly to my BDE directory. I set a native configuration driver for paradox to a network folder through the BDE administrator, but when I open paradox and look in Settings>Preferences>BDE, the network control file directory is set to a generic folder C:\PROGRA~3\BORLAND\NETDIR\ instead of the network drive I defined in BDE administrator.
Is there some way to get this to work correctly, or force the network control file directory directly in Paradox? There's no options to edit it from the Preferences menu in the BDE subtab. I'm unable to use my queries unless this gets set correctly.
The best way is to load the odapi/Idapi/bde configuration file from the icon you use to start paradox. This allows you to save a configuration which has the network path stored for the net directory
The command line option to add is E.g.
-o x:\yourpath\bde.cfg
Which points to the file you saved from the bde administrator.
I’m guessing your on 64 bit windows which causes a few issues for paradox. Basically the registry entries for bde are not in the expected place in 64 bit windows. There is also a slight problem in the it gets installed into program files x86. This can be fixed by a few Mklink commands to symbolic link to x86 folders to the program files folders.
Edit: forgot to add that paradox 5 is a 16 bit app which is why it does not work in 64 bit windows.
I am loosing my mind trying to get my way around why my setup behaves differently on the target device
Nsis version: 3.04
My machine: Win 10 64bit Build 17763
Client machine: Win 10 32bit Build 10586
We have no control the client machine because they are for schools and we have to make the app work exactly on them devices like on our laptops no matter what.
InstallDir "$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\OurApp
on our machine this makes the setup install to
but on the client machine it installs to
C:\Program Files (x86)\OurApp
I certainly can't understand why this keeps happening. The instructions to us that the data should not be accessible easily to the user except through the app we are building using .net. Then when the app is uninstalled it should clear the data it created. This only works when the app is installed in appdata location.
Any hints on why this is happening?
The initial investigation should be; is $Instdir set to the correct path inside the installer?
If you could write $Instdir to a log file on the client's machine that should help to narrow it down.
A common source of incorrect $Instdir is using InstallDirRegKey in combination with a existing older (possibly partial) install in a undesired directory.
If $Instdir is still c:\users... in your Section then you need to look at Windows, not NSIS. Tell them to look at the file properties of the installer .exe. Does it have any compatibility options applied? Do they have other compatibility shims applied through group policy?
It might also be helpful if they could run Process Monitor and send you a pml log file. That should reveal if a install dir is read from the registry and the actual paths passed to the kernel when it creates files and directories.
Finally, make sure you have RequestExecutionLevel user in your script to avoid UAC interference.
No matter which of the three tizen studio 2.0 installers I try they all don't work as they won't accept any path. The CLI installer gives the most detailed description:
** The directory you specify is not allowed to install the Tizen Studio. Some tools of the Tizen Studio will not properly work in the directory with administrator privilege or read-only access rights for your account.=> path
I have tried starting the installer with admin rights and owning the destination folders. Additionally, I switched from JDK 9 to 8.
Still, there seems no way to get the installer running. Any ideas what the reason could be? Thanks!
I managed to install tizen studio and the SDK using the %appdata% path.
If anyone else has the problem, try e.g.
This is definitely a flaw Samsung should take care of!
I've successfully installed the IDE version with the following method:
Download Tizen Studio Web IDE installer
Open installer with 7-zip archive manager
You should find tizen-sdk.zip archive
Open it and extract it into the C:\tizen-studio folder
Create C:\tizen-studio-data folder
Create sdk.info file inside C:\tizen-studio folder
Put following lines into this file
You can download packages with C:\tizen-studio\package-manager\package-manager.exe
You can start IDE from C:\tizen-studio\ide\TizenStudio.exe
This worked for me, hope this helps...
#Henry was almost correct and his scenario works on CLI/IDE installers.
And here are actual restrictions on Win10x64 tizen-studio 2.0 installation I've found:
pointed SDK location needs to be in your user directory. For example:
Data location could be anywhere, but in case of CLI installation, it will be near SDK folder.
CLI installation actually does unzip only and all further system configuration needs to be done manually. So, if you need only CLI, you could unzip "web-cli_Tizen_Studio_2.0_windows-64.exe" with 7zip or any other proper archiver where you want and do further manual configuration. (See here https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/web-tools/cli)
Probably, if you login under Administrator you will be able to install SDK anywhere. Just "Run as administrator" doesn't work, at least for me.
My system params:
Win10 Pro x64
Oracle JDK 1.8.0_152
Have a fan ;)
I solved this problem that way:
create folder (eg Tizen_Studio)
inside created folder create new (tizen_studio and tizen_studio_data)
add all permissions for that folders for your windows account user
select folders in installation proccess
The regular way which Samsung provides is working for me:
Make sure you have enough disk space (Tizen Studio needs about 700 MB
on Win10)
Create an empty folder with 2 empty subfolders (e.g. Tizen_IDE->studio (subfolder #1) -> data (subfolder #2)
The important part on Windows 10 is to navigate to YOUR users directory:
For example your user name is Bob. Go to C:\ -> Users -> Bob.
Then create there the empty folder "Tizen_Studio" with the 2 mentioned subfolders.
Check with right-clicking on the Tizen_Studio folder -> Properties -> Security if your Username (here Bob) is listed in groups and users. Click on your profile there in the security tab and look if the folder has full access rights inside the checkboxes (btw this should be automatically set if you choose the right described environment).
Now in the installer dialog you can choose the studio folder for the ide/sdk and the data folder for the installing data request path.
Thats it! Just important to install it inside your username folder!
I had this problem as well (on my Windows 8.1 machine), and ended up using the previous version of Tizen Studio Installer (version 1.3)
It even does not work for me in %APP_DATA% and also not running the installer with Administrative privileges.
But I finally found a solution which worked for me:
Create a new and folder somewhere
disable all inherit privileges on this folder
grant explicit all privileges for your users to this folder
remove all other privileges, especially these for Administrator
Use this folder for Installation
Write useful sofware for tizen ;-)
How bout removing 32 bit Java client and installing 64 bit on win 10?
Worked for me, no one seemed to notice that Installer opened in 7zip has an installer.jar which needs to be run with java client.
Thanks for the advises on opening installer with 7zip.
We have a webserver hosted in Microsoft Azure. It's a Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter edition, 64 bit.
For a website hosted on this machine, I need to make changes to the applicationhost.config file. However, changes I made to IIS recently are not shown in the config. I've added a new application pool and added this specific website to that application pool. I restarted the website, the 'Date Modified' of the file is updated, but the application pool is not present.
Right now I'm editing the file in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config, but there's also one in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config, but the latter hasn't updated for months.
Am I looking at the wrong file? Are changes not saved right away? Do I need to restart IIS completely and not just the relevant website?
The real issue is that there are two inetsvr directories, one for 32 bits and another for 64 bits. The 32 bits 'version', probably dormant and not updated, is under SysWOW64 !!!
When you open a file on %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\inetsrv using a 32bits application, Windows will redirect you, with no warning, to %SystemDrive%\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv possible a very obsolete file. Interesting no?
Using a 64bits editor like Notepad++ will open the 'right' active configuration file.
The following hack will make the (active) 64 bits location, accessible from 32 bits apps (for example, some Visual Studio versions).
cd /d "%SystemDrive%\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv"
move Config Config.OLD
mklink /d Config "%SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config"
The solution was to restart IIS as #RickStrahl mentioned, but even though it seems you can properly open and edit the applicationHost.config with Notepad++ or the Visual Studio installed on the server and configured to open .config files, it's not actually showing you the correct content!.
I installed Notepad2 x64 and then I could see the application pool I was looking for.
Bloody brilliant Microsoft... :[
Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. • To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need. • To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to.
I am getting this error while opening an excel sheet in my application
Application is running fine on IIS5 and IIS7 but when I shifted it to Windows server 2012 R2 with IIS8.5 it didn't worked
I googled and found some solution but they also didn't worked.
Here is what I have tried
For both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, the folder “C:\Windows\System32\config
\systemprofile\desktop” must exist and you need Full Control permissions to the
“systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For 64-bit versions of Windows 7 or Server 2008 and higher, the “C:\Windows\SysWOW64
\config\systemprofile\desktop” folder must also exist and you need Full Control
permissions to the “systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, the “C:\Windows\SysWOW \config\systemprofile
\desktop” folder must also exist and you need Full Control permissions to the
“systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For Windows 8.1, in addition to the above, the Windows Registry Key
[HKEY_Current_User\Softwware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell
Folders\Cache] must be set to C:\Windows\Temp
Finally found answer
On 64 bit system with 32 bit Office try this:
mmc -32
Add Remove Snap-in
Component Services
Console Root
Component Services
My Computer
DCOM Config
Microsoft Excel Application
after finding excel application give it appropriate security clearance and you are good to go
Without using any third party program to do this (i.e. without VMware ThinApp, U3 or MojoPac etc.) How to move MSVC++ 6.0 from from its install on C: over to a USB drive? So that it can be used on different PCs with no admin rights and without installing anything on the host PC? Even if it's only usable as a console application would be fine, although to have the GUI including Visual Assist etc. would be even better.
Move the two folders that install created under c:\program files\ to the USB drive (e.g. to e:\progs\msvc\msvc6 and e:\progs\msvc\vc98), and append to the file e:\progs\msvc\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat to suit e.g.
prompt $g
set path=e:\progs\uedit;e:\progs\utl;%PATH%
cd e:\work
start e:\progs\uedit\uedit32.exe /i=e:\progs\uedit\uedit32.ini
cmd /k
Using a shortcut to vcvars32.bat then works fine for doing any simple console programming, which is all I’m using it for so far. I don’t know how well any of the GUI type programs in the tools folder will function.
I am not sure exactly how one would do that.
Here are a few ideas.
The installation procedure creates at least two sets of directories, so you could direct both of them onto the usb drive.
The installation procedure creates a bat file, that sets up the environment variables correctly for command line execution. Modifying it to point to the correct drive letter when your memory stick loads on the other machine may be important.
There are also registry entries for vc 6. Extracting them, and having a script of some sort to load them onto your target machine when needed, might be useful.
Is there a specific reason why vc 6 is required? Would another compiler do?
I haven't done this, but it should "just" be a matter of:
Copying all the application files to a USB drive. Remember there will be shared files and stuff that may need to go into the Windows directory.
Identifying and copying all of the registry entries, although you may need to be admin to create some of these on the target machine.
That's a heck of a lot of work, for little gain in my opinion. I think there may be a command line only version of the Visual C++ tool chain that may better suit your requirements. IIRC it was released to help people create build bots for open source projects, like the Mozilla Tinderbox, and includes the VC++ 7.0 compiler.