NDK issues with Studio 3.5.2 on Ubuntu - android-studio

I am new to NDK. Just upgraded to Android Studio 3.5.2, installed LLDB 3.1.4508709, NDK (Side by side) 21.0.6113669, CMake 3.6.4111459 (BTW, the interface is terrible) on Ubuntu 16.04.
Created a new Native C++ project from template.
Every time I open cpp file, there is a pink message on the top of the window:
Unable to execute Clang-Tidy: Cannot create property=Diagnostics for JavaBean=com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.daemon.clang.tidy.ClangTidyYamlLoader...
The message is too long to fit the window. It happens on Ubuntu only, on Mac the same IDE version works fine.
Everything else seems working ok - building, running/debugging on emulator. Just the message is quite annoying. Any ideas?


Flutter projects made on Windows doesn't not work on linux partition

I recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (dual boot) on my laptop with Windows 10. I had setup Flutter and Android Studio on Ubuntu, when I create a new flutter project it works fine, but when I run my existing flutter projects, which were made on Windows, VS Code crashes along with emulator. I tried Android Studio but it also crashes. Is there any way to fix it, or I have to create new projects?
I tried flutter clean but still facing the same issue

Android Studio ArticFox compiling fine but showing red errors everywhere

I have a multi module Android Compose project. One module is an android app, others are android libraries or kotlin libraries. I'm running AS Artic Fox 2020.3.1 Beta 5 on MacOS 11.4 Big Sur.
After a library upgrade (probably AGP to use compose, I don't remember when exactly) Android Studio started to show syntax errors everywhere, both in .kts and .kt files.
Compilation and execution are working fine, only those weird JDK errors are displayed.
Here are some examples :
in a .kt file from a kotlin library module, in a .kts file from the buildSrc module
It seems that there is an error with the JDK somewhere, but I don't understand how to fix it.
I Googled/StackOverflowed before posting here and I already tried :
to check the JDK used Project Structure > SDK Location > Gradle. It is using the Embedded JDK 11.0.10
to reinstall AS using Jetbrains Toolbox
to invalidate cache and restart
to clone my project again
to delete ~/.gradle
But none of those actions helped...
Thanks in advance !
Update 22/07
I tried to create a new empty Compose project with .kts support, but no luck, everything is in red
Because of a bug preventing to update, I updated manually to RC_1. Here is my current setup.
I tried to change from Embedded JDK to a separately installed OpenJDK 11 and reimport but not luck (#alexey-belkov suggestion)
I checked the logs but found nothing obvious (#andy suggestion)
ℹ️ Finally I tried to create a new empty Android project with only .gradle support, and no errors ! Could it be a kotlin script plugin problem ?

adb.exe has stopped working with Android Studio 4.3.1 and Android 9.+

With the latest clean installation of Android Studio with all the recommended settings I have this continuous error when I try to start an emulated device. The device starts up correctly and works properly but the "adb.exe has stopped working" popups continue to appear if they are closed, furthermore it is not possible to link the device with Android Studio because it is not recognized. Even if I download a previous image of Android (Android 9.0) I have the same problem.
The only plugins installed are Dart and Flutter.
The question could be repeated but I did not find solutions for this problem, or rather, the solutions found did not allow me to close this problem.
Before this update everything was working properly.
In this case we speak of a clean installation.
When I try to start the "main.dart" application to install it on the device the only error that appears is "Error retrieving device properties for ro.product.cpu.abi:"
Android Studio 3.4.1 Build #AI-183.6156.11.34.5522156, built on May 1, 2019 JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01 amd64 JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o Windows 10 10.0
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 29.0.0-5611747
There is a temporary fix for now (if you're using Windows)!
1st Close Android Studio
2nd Open CMD and write: taskkill /f /im adb.exe
3rd Download this file: http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r28.0.2-windows.zip
4th Go to
and replace the "platform-tools" folder with the new one that you just downloaded.
ps: (a) don't forget to keep the backup (b) the AppData is a hidden folder

Aldebaran's Pepper sdk for android/Robot sdk 0.9 "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."

When trying to install the android sdk for Aldebaran's pepper robot on my computer following this official tutorial:
Step 1: android.aldebaran.com/doc/installation.html
Step 2: android.aldebaran.com/doc/create_project.html#create-project
When trying to launch the Virtual Robot Environment of Pepper's tablet on my computer this message is printed: "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."
So far I have tried the following on my Ubuntu 16.04 64bit computer:
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the Robot sdk over the robot sdk manager provided by the android sdk for Pepper
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the android sdk for Pepper
Deleting, recreating and creating the android studio application turning it into a robot application
Removing other non essential android sdks
Moreover I also tried the following on another computer running windows 8.1 64bit:
Repeating the tutorial installation
Downloading and installing older version such as 2.22 and 2.11 of the android studio and repeating the tutorial installation.
Each time after I have completed Steps 1 & 2 when I want to start building or launching the application it fails on step B from this tutorial: android.aldebaran.com/doc/run_debug.html#run-debug and prints the Error mentioned above.
The project structure is identical to the one in the tutorial and I am able to sync the project via maven. But as I cannot actually launch the virtual robot environment or run the application I cannot make use of this sdk.
I have also found a similar question being asked on stackoverflow but there hasn't been a response yet. Also I don't understand the comments.
I tried using another computer with windows 10 64bit freshly formatted so I installed Java jdk & jre 1.8.0_121 and android studio 2.3.1 as I couldn't find 2.3.3:
Repeated the tutorial installation
But still the same error message.
I got mine to work doing the following:
go to your current android SDK folder
rename the tools folder to tools-old
create a new Folder named tools
download this: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/android-emulator/+archive/android-7.1.1_r1/windows.tar.gz
unpacke it into your new tools folder
Make sure you have your AVD Options set to arm and not x86
and that "Use Host GPU" is enabled
After that the emulator worked.(note that it takes quite long to launche)
The suspected cause is that the Pepper emulator tries to use the emulator-arm.exe wich is not availible in the standart installation of Android Studio
You should try installing Android Studio 2.3.3 on Windows 10, 64-bit. I know that works at least.
I got this working finally thanks to theGary's hint above. No need to wipe out your whole tools directory though -- I was able to get the x86 Pepper emulator running (on Mac in my case) by copying these files and directories from the Android sdk/emulator directory into the sdk/tools directory:
Then edit your run/debug configurations and change the “robot app” AVD options from armeabi-v7 to x86.

Can't get qwt_designer_plugin to load in Qt Creator

My setup is:
Visual Studio 2012
Qt 5.2.0 from
Unzip Qwt from http://sourceforge.net/projects/qwt/files/qwt/6.1.0/qwt-6.1.0.zip/download to C:\qwt-6.1.0
Opened Qt 5.2.0 64-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012) and ran "qmake qwt.pro"
Opened VS2012 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and ran "nmake" and "nmake install"
Set QWT_ROOT = C:\qwt-6.1.0
Added C:\qwt-6.1.0\lib to PATH
Copied C:\qwt-6.1.0\plugins\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.dll to C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\plugins\designer
When I open Qt Creator and edit the UI then go to Tools->Form Editor->About Qt Designer Plugins I see "Cannot load library qwt_designer_plugin.dll:" but no error or reason.
I used Dependency Walker to check the Dll, and QtCreator.exe and all its dependencies are 32-bit whereas my build of qwt_designer_plugin.dll is 64-bit. I wondered if this was causing the problem so I:
Downloaded Qt5.2.0 from http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.0/qt-windows-opensource-5.2.0-msvc2012-x86-offline.exe and install into C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0-32
Unzipped Qwt into C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit to create a fresh copy.
Opened Qt 5.2.0 32-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012), cd into C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit and "qmake qwt.pro"
Opened VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and ran "nmake" and "nmake install"
Copied C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit\designer\plugins\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.dll to C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\plugins\designer
This works fine and I can now see the plugin loaded correctly and add Qwt widgets in the UI designer.
This worked for me:
Step 1
I check what MSVC version the QtCreator in my Qt framework version was built with. E.g. QtCreator that comes with Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2015 (qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015-5.6.2.exe) was built with MSVC 2013 (qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.6.2.exe).
Step 2
I install qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.6.2.exe and build Qwt(plugin) with that Qt version.
For comparison here is what happens when Qwt is built with Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2013 and Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2015:
Also here:
